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Name: Yuli Anggriani Desky

Nim: 0304193148
Class: TBI-4/ V
Lessons: English Learning Assesment


School Name: SMPN 7 MEDAN

Subjects: English
Class : VII
Material: Intro to self
 Aspect / Skill: Speak
 Time: 2 x 40 minutes (1 meeting)

Core Competencies and Basic Competencies

A. Core Compentece
1. Appreciate and live the teachings of the religion they hold. Grateful for the opportunity to
learn English as the language of instruction in international communication.

2. Respect and appreciate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual
cooperation,), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment
in the term of association and existence.
2.1 Appreciate polite and caring behavior in carrying out interpersonal communication with
teachers and friends.
2.2 Appreciating honest, disciplined, confident, and responsible behavior in carrying out
transactional communication with teachers and friends.
2.3 Respect the behavior of responsibility, care, cooperation, and peace in carrying out functional
3. Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural)
3.1. Understanding social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements in expressions based
on curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and events visible to the
eye. self-introduction, and the response, according to the context of its use.

4. Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of concrete (using, decomposing, assembling,
modifying, and making) and abstract domains (writing, reading, calculating, drawing, and
composing) in accordance with what is learned in schools and other similar sources in point of
view / theory.
4.1. Compile simple oral and written texts to express, ask questions, and respond to self-
introductions, with very short and simple terms, taking into account social functions.

A. Learning Objectives

1. Students can arrange self-introduction texts verbally.

2. Students can use appropriate and related vocabulary in compiling self-introductory oral texts.
3. Students can use correct and correct pronunciation in composing oral texts of self-

1. Mampu Menyusun kalimat perkenalan diri secara tertulis
2. Mampu menggunakan kosakata yang susuai dengan perkenalan
B. Learning Materials

 Hello, My name is ..
 I am ... years old
 I am from ...
 I live in ...
 I like ... (Hobby)

Vocabulary Related To The Material


Reading Membaca
Writing Menulis
Drawing Menggambar
Swimming Berenang
painting menulis


Football Sepak bola
Tennis Tenis
badminton Bulu tangkis


Carrot Wortel
Egg Telur
Apple Apel
coffee kopi

Red Merah
White Putih
Blue Biru
yellow kuning


Cat Kucing
Rabbit Kelinci
Duck Bebek
fish ikan

C. Media

1. Slide Powerpoint
2. Picture
3. Video
D. ……
D. Learning Steps

1. Pre Teaching (5 minutes) a. The teacher greets the students and starts the learning activities by
praying b. The teacher asks the state of students c. The teacher conducts student attendance d.
The teacher prepares texts related to the material to be studied
2. Observing (10 minutes) a. Students observe the text (video) related to the use of expressions in
introducing themselves to others displayed by the teacher. b. Students observe things or
information used to express their identity simply (Hobbies, Disliked Foods, Liked Sports,
Favorite Colors, and Pets) c. Students are asked to understand the purpose of the text (video).

 3. Questioning (10 minutes) a. The teacher gives the opportunity for students to ask about what
information they want to know related to the act of giving and asking for information related to
identity (self-introduction). b. The teacher asks students what information they can relate to the
act of giving and requests information related to identity (self-introduction).

4. Experimenting (10 minutes) a. The teacher gives an example related to giving information
about identity verbally in front of the class. b. Students are asked to simulate what has been
exemplified by the teacher. c. Students are asked to provide information related to identity with a
peer, and carried out alternately.

 5. Associating (10 minutes) a. The teacher gives feedback or corrections to students. b. The
teacher and students conclude the lesson is related to information that is used to provide identity
information simply.

6. Communicating (20 minutes) a. Students are asked to provide information related to identity
verbally in front of the class. b. Students take turns advancing in front of the class one by one
giving information related to identity verbally. c. The teacher gives follow up or correction.

7. Post Teaching (5 minutes)

   a. The teacher concludes the material that has been learned that day.
   b. The teacher asks students difficulties.
   c. The teacher provides motivation to students.
   d. The teacher ends the lesson by praying.
E. Learning Resources

 . English Curriculum

F. Assesment

 Speaking Skill

• Pronunciation:

5 = Almost Perfect
4 = There is an error but it does not interfere with meaning
3 = There are some errors and disturbing meanings
2 = Many mistakes and disturbing meaning
 1 = Too many mistakes that are difficult to understand

• Intonation:

5 = Almost Perfect
 4 = There is an error but it does not interfere with meaning
 3 = There are some errors and disturbing meanings
2 = Many mistakes and disturbing meaning
1 = Too many mistakes that are difficult to understand

• (fluency)

5 = Very smooth
 4 = current
3 = Pretty smooth
 2 = substandard
1 = Not smooth

• (Accuracy)

 5 = Very precise
 4 = Exactly
3 = Quite right
 2 = Not quite right
 1 = Not right

How to Assess Speaking Ability



( Diah Safithri Armin, M. Pd ) ( Yuli Anggriani Desky )

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