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Structural engineering is one of the sub-disciplines under civil engineering.

It's been associated with

working throughout structures with thorough analysis in different aspects but specifically on the
capability of the structure to stand against pressurising circumstances. Bear in mind the 3C to
emphasise the work of a structural engineer. The first C for creation of infractrural drawings, second C
for calculations for particular things such as materials, tools and equipments needed, and the last C for
construction where the plan is being acted actually. Why should I choose structural engineering? It is
because this kind of job is cool and challenging. You could apply your knowledge and skills in problem
identification and solving since this job resolve issues such as load, stress, strength, durability and how
you'll make the building functional for a long period. You'll be able to model a building, skyscraper,
bridge or home not just with aesthetic values but also with practical values and these models you have
formulated are constructed into reality which makes it cool. Structural engineering is the pavement for
the development and improvement of our domain. What structural engineers constructed could be a
masterpiece in our surroundings plus this masterpiece value with every aspect because structural
engineers equate aesthetic and realistic feature, that's how challenging it is. They also ensure the
convenience, safety and protection of the occupant. These don't only focus on new structures for the
fact that old buildings renovated could be part of their projects, so they enhance them for the
potentiality for a structure to still be useful.

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