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Opportunities for higher education

If I were to go into higher education, I would choose an artistically inclined

course, as it would align with the course I am currently undertaking at BPC, and
also with my own personal hobbies of digital drawing and computer design.
In the future I would love to work and study animation in Tokyo, and I feel that
my odds would be greatly improved with a strong background in education
and art / design.
The two courses I could see myself on most, are Graphic Design, and
Illustration, due to the relevance to my own hobbies and pre-developed skills.

Advantages & Disadvantages of higher education

-Learn new skills and hone existing ones
-Experience University life and all that comes with it
-Gain qualifications that will be beneficial for the rest of my life

-Financial burden
-Potential for failure

Weighing up the potential advantages and disadvantages, I believe that the

positives far outweigh the negatives, and feel unchanged in my desire to
pursue further education

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