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Đối tượng áp dụng: Thí sinh đã tốt nghiệp THPT dự tính du học nước ngoài

Đối với thí sinh tốt nghiệp chương trình THPT Việt Nam
Thí sinh đáp ứng được tất cả các điều kiện sau:
 Điểm trung bình cả năm của lớp 10, 11, 12 ≥ 7,0; và
 Tổng điểm trung bình cả năm lớp 10, 11, 12 của các môn thuộc tổ hợp
môn xét tuyển ≥ 63,0, trong đó không có điểm thành phần nào < 7,0; và
 Tổng điểm thi Tốt nghiệp THPT của các môn thuộc tổ hợp môn xét
tuyển ≥ trung bình cộng của điểm chuẩn trúng tuyển thấp nhất vào
chương trình Chất lượng cao, Tiên tiến trong 3 năm gần nhất (tính từ
năm 2020)
1) Tiền thân của chương trình Chuyển tiếp Quốc tế (Transfer Program) là
chương trình Liên kết Quốc tế (Articulation Program) của Trường Đại học
Bách khoa, do Văn phòng Đào tạo Quốc tế vận hành từ 2006-2020

Chương trình mục tiêu phát triển ngành công nghiệp công nghệ thông tin (CNTT)
đến 2020, tầm nhìn đến 2025 do Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành vào 2015 nêu
rõ: phải đưa ngành công nghiệp CNTT VN trở thành ngành kinh tế có tốc độ phát
triển nhanh, bền vững, doanh thu thu cao, có giá trị xuất khẩu lớn, đáp ứng tốt
nhu cầu thị trường trong nước và quốc tế, tạo nền tảng để phát triển kinh tế tri
thức, góp phần làm chủ các hệ thống thông tin, bảo đảm an toàn thông tin và
chủ quyền số quốc gia.

Dear Recruitment of Faculty of Computer Science

My full name is Nguyen Minh Tien, my date of birth is December 30,2003 and I am the second child
in warm and happy family that is working and living in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh city. Especially, I have
already experienced the National high school exam with good scores. Playing games and watching well-
known programs about technology, fun facts in the life, or even an action film are my favorite hobbies.
Although my character is fairly introverted and I also find it difficult to communicate and have a
relationship with somebody else, at least, the people I am close are treated very well. In the future, I
have a dream of being a talented programmer with stable salary in a famous big company, or even
create a thing that is completely different from every in the world and I am on the toilsome way to
achieve it.

Nowadays, not only developed but also developing countries are making large efforts to integrate with
an aim to improve and support each other perfectly in many different field, especially technology and
the tool that can help them to connect and communicate with each other is English, which is not only
included in the national curriculum but also used extremely widely all over the world. Vietnam is also
not an exception when the government who always appreciates these extremely valuable aspects
encourages population to learn and use it expertly, I find myself greatly profitable because of being
learned and access this language when I am so young. However, it can be admitted that Vietnam have
been making a lot of efforts in contributing and advancing these ones but it is greatly regretted because
the distance between Vietnam and another modern country such as Australia is still too far, that's why
the government legally allows a large number of both universities and colleges to organize transnational
education with an aim to discover and attract talented students who are able to decide the nation's
future. Recognizing my vital advantages, I find myself pretty lucky when introduced about this program
early, which can give me an extremely necessary choice to become a potential student who can send
completely strange invention, knowledge, etc to my nation and develop it very well. To be honest, the
first time I have accessed to simple technique devices such as smartphones was when I was in grade two
and almost my leisure time is spent learning and understanding them because of their stunning
attraction. Day by day, I gradually realized that I have an interest in this greatly hard field in a short time,
and the older am I, the more passion I have. With the ground-breaking growth of technology, it cannot
be deny that people cannot work and study without technological devices, especially in Industry 4.0.
Moreover, the growth of Computer Science is certainly unlimited, and quiet a bit successful founder,
inventor, chairman, etc strongly appreciate this field, for instance, Steve Jobs, being an American
inventor, designer, chairman of Apple Computer,etc had a famous and influential statement:

" Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to

This one is also a big motivation that gives me durable confidence to have a dream of being a main
programmer. Even though it is widely known that the development of technology is too quickly and
everyone is still trying hard to research and make it become more and more improved, there is also an
some aspect that people cannot solve and replace thoroughly. If I have a choice in participating in this
major, I can confidently commit that those limitations of technology will be found and improved

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