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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan, 3000
Third Trimester A.Y. 2021 - 2022

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in the Subject

PED 230 – Teaching of Sports

Masters in Physical Education
Bulacan State University – Main Campus

One of the most challenging parts of being a physical education teacher is how to teach

the students sports with different or varieties of techniques so that the students will learn, and at

the same time, they will enjoy while learning. That is why I am so happy and thankful that this

subject is offered in graduate studies because I am sure that this subject will equip me with more

strategies that I can use in teaching sports to my students.

Here are some of my insights during the 2nd meeting of teaching of sports. During the

second session, I have learned a lot of techniques from my classmates on how to teach specific

sports like the basketball, handball, Arnis, taekwondo, karate-do and so on. They taught me

something new that will help me and my learners. My classmates shared their knowledge on how

to teach sports that we can use when teaching our students. And I think one of the most

important insight that I learned is that, aside from the skills, you need to make students realize

that sports is not just a competition, it is not just the skill that is only important but also the

experiences in playing sports that can develop them holistically.

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