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magine wanting a robot and just buying the whole company so you can make as many robots as you



Lionel Lynch

Lionel Lynch

2 months ago

The man is a Stable Genius and doesn't need a Special Master...


David jensen

David jensen

9 months ago

I remember when Amazon was just a online book store. Now you can buy anything on amazon.

loong lim

loong lim

3 months ago

Excellent coverage, Thank you so much!


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Mary Ebert

Mary Ebert

2 months ago

I worked at Amazon as a picker, as my husband I need health care. I am retired but have to go back to
work for health care. Our health care insurance premiums are $1600 a month with a $8,000 deductible.
My cousin, same age as me, worked as a flagman for the navy for 3 years in the 1980s. He has free
health care, free prescription medicine, free nursing home, free everything for a military job he did for 3
years. I worked in the private sector for 40 years and no free health care for me. I take an Amazon job
at the Shakopee Fulfillment Center in 2016. I am the first picker for this new center. I am also an ex lean
manufacturing engineer. The picker is tasked with picking product and pulling the product through the
center. It is the best lean manufacturing plant I have seen or worked for. They listen to their employees
and implement changes immediately. They look at metrics. The issue is that they also have algorithms
on their computers as I pick the product. As my metrics gets better they send me larger and heavier
product. It becomes harder to make my goals. The harder I work the heavier and larger the product
becomes. My hands become painful and I develop carpal tunnel syndrome. I start popping aspirin and
Tylenol. I wake up in the middle of the night with severe pain. It is getting worse. I am also competing
with other employees as I pick. If you are slow your metrics look good. But if I am next to a young
Hispanic woman who can pick product faster then me, my metrics look bad. With the algorithms and
the horrific carpal tunnel I was going to ask for another job. The day I was going to file a work comp
claim, the young supervisor, just out of college, attacks another female picker, complaining of carpal
tunnel. She belittles and attacks this woman. I don’t report my carpal tunnel and look for another job. I
leave 3 weeks later. Most of the employees at Amazon are like me! They need health care. For every
twenty jobs I apply for, 19 jobs do not offer benefits.

I hate what the US has become! Large corrupt monopolies in the private sector and two political parties
catering to entitled and lazy government employees. Republicans pandering to the Military sector and
Democrats pandering to the social welfare sector but neither party gives a rats ass about those working
in the private sector!


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6 months ago

Overall, they got everything right. A few small details are exaggerated. But overall, spot on.


R.M Mr M

R.M Mr M

5 months ago
The journalist was on point♥️🙌🏾


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Herman Hyde

Herman Hyde

2 years ago

Props to the interviewer - James Jacoby for asking real questions.



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