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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
Sabuanan, Santa Lucia

Mechanics and Guidelines of the Performance Task

(Awareness Vlog Making) in Disaster Readiness and Risk

Awareness vlog making is an activity that aims to test the understanding of the learners and
to showcase their talent and ability in promoting awareness on the different hazards that an
earthquake and/or volcanic eruption can affect the life and properties of a community through

1. In making the vlog, the learners should take into consideration the promotion of awareness
on various hazards that an earthquake and/or volcanic eruption can affect the life and
properties of a community.
a) Group 1 & 3 – Earthquake
b) Group 2 & 4 – Volcanic eruption
2. Create a video of the vlog that would run for 3-5 minute.
3. The vlog should be original. Music can be used with the citation of the singer/writer/music
4. The first part of the vlog must contain the name of the group leader, group members with their
respective role (e.g. John Dela Cross – videographer, Peter Pan de Coco – scriptwriter) and the
title of the vlog.
5. In the technical aspect, any computer or smartphone applications can be used to edit the vlog,
to put animated pictures, and to enhance the quality of the video, BUT, the voice of the
vloggers must not be changed.
6. The vlog should be in .mp4 format.
7. The softcopy should be saved in a flash drive and to be submitted on October 25, 2022 at 8:30
8. A special award will be given to the best vlogger/s, best editor/s, best scriptwriter/s, and best
9. Criteria:
Content 40%
Creativity 30%
Technicality 20%
Overall Impact 10%
Total: 100%

Prepare by:

Subject Teacher/Special Science Teacher I

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