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Reading exam tip 1 Why did Ashura wake his family?
In multiple choice reading activities for a long text, remember … A He wanted them to see the
Read the whole text first to understand the topic and general floods.
meaning. Then identify which section(s) of the text relate to

B He knew they needed to
each question. escape.
C He was scared and wanted
to be with them.
1 SPEAKING What are the different ways you think people
might escape from a flood? D He wanted them to get
2 Read the text. Then read the questions and choose the 2 Why do the family pack small
best answer. bags?

Sports in your
A because their dad wants
them to carry very li°le
Ashura looked with horror out of the small window as the river rose
B because they only have time
higher and higher. The rains had been going on for days and seemed even
worse today. Everyone was asleep but he shouted for them to get up.
His mum rushed out of the bedroom and shouted at his sisters. His dad
to take a few things
C because they think they country Exchange
5 ran out of the hut and down the path to the river. Ashura chased after him. might be leaving their home
‘It’s going so fast – look, it’s rushing over the banks,’ his dad said, forever
pointing to the other side where they could see neighbours waving. They D because their important 1 SPEAKING Starting point 3 Think about ...
ran back to the house and started to pack some small bags with their things take very li°le space What facts do you remember about the
most important possessions.
3 Why didn’t the family get on the origins of Pilates and basketball? Try Digital skills

10 ‘Quick, quick!’ his dad shouted at them all. ‘If we leave now we can walk
rescue boats? to remember at least two facts about Don’t only research information online. Look also for useful
down to the bridge and get to the town. We’ll be safe there. Our house is
A Because they were full. each sport and then check your ideas images or graphics that you can use to clarify or illustrate the
too low. If the water comes over this side, the house will be taken away by
by looking back at the texts on pages information in your project. For example, an image of a sport
the flood. Quickly!’ B Because they didn’t go to
76 and 77. unique to your country would help to make the sport clear to
They all packed their bags but there was a bang and the door fell the bridge.
15 in, followed by a gush of water. His sisters screamed but he took their C Because their friends were somebody from another country.
hands and pulled them up the tiny stairs. ‘Quick,’ he said, ‘Onto the roof.’ angry at them.
2 SPEAKING Project task
He helped his mum and they all went through a small hatch and climbed Students at an American school want
D Because the water was Academic skills
onto the roof with their belongings. to know about sports in your country.
running too fast.
They could now see the flood waters running beneath the hut as the Which sports are particularly popular? When you search the web for information, it’s important to look
20 river had completely come over the banks. Some of their neighbours 4 What gives Ashura an idea in
lines 27–29? Did any sports have their origins in critically at the information you find. Look at who wrote the
shouted to them as they went by in boats but nobody had any room to your country? Use your own knowledge information. What makes them ‘experts’ in the topic?
take them. A the fact he nearly falls off and experience to tell them all about
‘Don’t worry,’ they shouted. ‘We’ll tell the emergency services you’re the roof it. Use the Internet to look for any extra
here. They’ll come and get you!’ B the different objects information. Prepare one of these: Collaboration
25 Ashura and his family waited on the roof but they started to get cold floating in the water A poster C video message
and hungry. His sisters were crying and his mum had gone very quiet. When you work in a team, it’s essential to listen to everyone and let
C going back into their house B presentation D information everybody contribute. Sometimes one or two people can dominate
Ashura looked around the swilling waters and saw that all sorts of debris
was floating past – people’s abandoned possessions and parts of the huts D seeing how fast the water leaflet in a group, but the best teams have a balance between everybody,
they lived in. Suddenly he jumped up. was running even including the quieter members of the team.
Research areas
30 ‘Be careful,’ his dad shouted. ‘You’ll fall.’ 5 What does ‘saw his chance’ • sports that began in your country – Useful language
‘I’ve had an idea,’ Ashura called as he climbed back into the top room of mean in line 35? who invented them, when, That’s a good idea. But what do you think, (Sara)?, Let’s listen to
the hut. When he came back he had a length of old rope with him. A He realised he had li°le time. how, why (Oscar), Who hasn’t spoken?, It’s (Olga’s) turn to speak.
‘What are you doing?’ his mum asked. ‘We need to wait for someone B He found a place to jump. • sports that are unique to
to get us.’ your country – the rules, the
C He recognised someone in
35 Ashura looked around at the waters again and saw his chance. ‘Hold me,’
the water. equipment, etc. Intercultural awareness
he said and he leaned out off the roof and grabbed a wooden door as it •
D He noticed the floating door. international sports that are Do you think the sports that are popular in your country are as
went past. His dad helped him drag the door near to the walls and tie it to
popular in your country – when popular in the UK or US, for example? What could explain the
the hut. Then Ashura grabbed another one. They pulled both the doors up 6 What do we learn about Ashura people started playing them, when similarities or differences? What do you think makes some sports
and slowly Ashura started tying the doors together with the rope to make in the final paragraph? and why they became popular more popular in different countries?
40 a raft. Then he went down into the house and found a long wooden stick A He is willing to take risks.
he could use as an oar to guide the raft.
• famous teams and players from
B He feels confident about his your country and things that they
As he climbed back out on the roof, he was worried the raft might
not be strong enough for all of them. He didn’t tell his dad what he was
design. have won 4 SPEAKING Project time
thinking though. He climbed back on the roof where the family were C He is happy that his family • typical summer and winter sports in Do the project. Then present it to the class.
45 sitting shivering. He and his dad pushed the raft into the water, holding it trusts him. your country
with a rope. D He values his relationship
‘Come on,’ he said. ‘The waters are rising – we must leave!’ with his dad.
5 Evaluation
Give each project a mark from 1 to 5 (5 = very good) for these categories.
Exam success Content Design
Speaking, Listening and Writing page 146 Presentation Language
82 83

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