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Life Before Pandamic

One year ago we were in the days before the state shutdown and our lives were about to change.Think
back. What was life like for you before coronavirus changed everything?“Well life for me before the
pandemic was pretty much just like everyone, every person I know would just get up, go to school or
offices , do your thing every day" Every once in a while, either coming out of the grocery store or going
into it, someone would ask if you would like their cart, and you would say sure and not think twice.

Life After Pandamic

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which originated in the Wuhan province of China, was declared as a
global pandemic by the World Health Organization (W.H.O) on March 11, 2020 [1]. Since then it has
spread beyond borders and affected the lifestyle behaviour of people . The COVID-19 pandemic has had
a devastating impact on human life and the economy over the past year. But that impact has been
uneven and inequitable, as the disease ravaged some communities more than others . Our friends,
family, colleagues, and communities have been changed in critical ways that promise to have long-
lasting effects.

Looking back on the email announcement of office opening is like looking at a time capsule. There was a
strong focus on cleaning and sanitization, which we now know isn’t a good use of time and resources in
fighting the battle against COVID-19. Business travel was canceled. Training sessions on working from
home were offered . But most notable is that initially the office shutdown was scheduled for just one
week: “We will reevaluate the need to extend this temporary policy next week and will communicate
updates accordingly.”

The past year has transformed nearly every aspect of our world. Seemingly overnight, the quirky
(wearing leggings during a Zoom call with clients!) became mundane. Meanwhile, our friends, family,
colleagues, and communities have had their lives changed in critical ways that promise to have much
longer-lasting effects. Living through a global pandemic has driven dramatic shifts in our jobs, eating
habits, childcare, and even our collective sense of time.

Here are my thoughts:-

Keep the big picture in view and remain flexible

Switch from hard work to smart work

Remote work

From semi-digital to complete digital

More health conscious

Life before and after COVID-19 has been very different. As a result of the Coronavirus, I was forced to
change everything that happens in my life. That`s a fact. But, I chose to surely change my attitude and
adjust my approach, which ultimately made me more productive. During the pandemic, I chose to
transform myself and to be a better me instead of falling into the hands of depression.

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