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My EUMIND Journey

For someone who came back once again to experience the thrills of EUMIND, I have to
say that it was quite different from what had happened last year. It might have been
because of the change in my role and the change in my team members, but it was no less
exciting. My topic, this time, was much broader in what it implied and it left so many
things to be explored, which, no matter how much I could have tried this year, I would
not have been able to cover. Therefore, I tried to go for the bigger picture and research
on the medical aspect of youth, their sports activities, and the places that they feel
comfortable in for leisure and while I am not the best at geography, I do pride myself in
my creativity. So, I do believe that I was able to present this information in the best way I
could- through maps. It was different from my usual way of doing things but it was
strangely fun- trying something new, that is.
This journey started off slow with the team members getting to know each other. Then,
we proceeded to cooperate in the making of our Weebly page- gathering everyone’s
pictures, asking for short descriptions and with some correspondence with our team
leader, our introduction page on our website was good to go. It was honestly gratifying
to see it beginning to come together and I, for one, could not wait to see the final
When all our padlets had finally been completed, they were presented through our
leader’s padlet in one clean and neat manner to not clutter the page. And as the saying
goes, it is only when the King leads that the subordinates can follow. Our leader showed
amazing tenacity and devotion towards this project as she led us through it with a
detailed and reasonable schedule which led to us getting our work done in time. She also
aided us with quite a bit of our work and I really appreciate all her and my teammate’s
hard work in this project as well as our teacher’s guidance throughout it.
Though it is unfortunate that we were not able to conduct the VC meetings this time
around, I was still able to learn a lot through my research and the research done by my
teammates. Things that I had begun to take granted in life as a youth started to look like
things that I would have to work for to keep unless I wanted it snatched away in a
second’s time.
If the last year’s EUMIND session taught me to not make presumptions, then I suppose
that this year, it taught me that I am indeed privileged in a way, but if I do not earn m
keep, it would disappear just as easily as it had come.

Editor of Rebelution

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