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A solution to problems presented by residual magnetism in

electron beam welding
A Ducrot
Framatome Centre Technique ,
Published online: 05 Jan 2010.

To cite this article: A Ducrot (1991) A solution to problems presented by residual magnetism in electron beam welding, Welding
International, 5:9, 707-719, DOI: 10.1080/09507119109454441

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WeldingInternational 1991 5 ( 9 ) 707-719
Selected from Soudage et Techniques Connexes 1990 44 (9110) 19-32: Reference SCl9Ol9-1Ol19; Translation 1026

A solution to problems presented by residual magnetism in

electron beam welding

Framatome Centre Technique

Introduction Choice of the method of measurement

Welding problems linked to the effect of a magnetic field We quickly chose the Hall effect for its location and accu-
on an electron beam are not new; but it was necessary for racy features, although the equipment is expensive and
the process to be used in heavy boilerwork for their solu- fragile. Part of the workshop was chosen as a ‘magnetism
tion to become an absolute necessity. laboratory’; over time, this place showed no stronger mag-
After several years of production and of research and netic field values than those of the earth’s field. On this
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development, with different grades of steel and thicknesses, question, we decided that the latter was a necessary evil
we believe that we are mastering the problem. and that we ought to be able to demagnetise ignoring its
Demagnetising is an absolute necessity before welding and effect.
the demagnetiser must be part of the workshop equipment, Figure 1 shows the method of measurement. As shown in
in the same way as a machining facility. Fig. la, at point 0, we can measure three components of the
Another magnetism problem, happily less frequent, leakage field:
occurs in electron beam welding; the thermoelectric effect - Bx: deflects the beam in the cross hatched plane;
produced by contact between certain materials. It requires - By: deflects the beam perpendicuIarly to this plane;
studies and solutions different from those recommended to - Bz: co-linear with the beam axis, thus with no effect.
overcome the residual ambient magnetism. It will be cov- In what follows, we shall continue to define Bx and By
ered in another paper. in this way.
To complete this introduction, we should point out the Figure l b shows that the Hall probe must always be
excellent co-operation which has developed between elec- placed in the same position in relation to components Bx
tron beam welding machine manufacturers, users and labo- and By, as this makes it possible to measure not only the
ratories, to exchange the studies and the solutions adopted value but also the sign.
for the demagnetising of ferromagnetic production items:
Studies carried out on ferromagnetic test-bars
We conducted the tests on the materials described in Table
Progress of reseach
2, in which we have added the corresponding thickness
We began our studies in 1984 by gathering together the ranges.
results available in literature. For a proper understanding of The purpose of these tests was to study the trace left on a
the phenomenon, we followed the stages described in Table
We made a distinction between residual magnetism (in
the parts to be welded) and ambient magnetism (around the
parts and principally between the gun and the surface of the
This Table shows that it was necessary to study mag-
netism before demagnetising, since the original objective, l a Representation of the local magnetism at point 0.
initially imprecise then gradually becoming clearer with
experience, was to understand what was represented by the
measurements made on the parts compared with the real t
magnetic state existing inside the materials.

Residual magnetism
After discussing the choice of the method of measurement
and of the measurement conditions, this section will deal
with the magnetising of steel test-bars (by permanent mag-
net or by a magnetic field created inside a solenoid), and l b Position of the probe‘s active surface in relation to the
with observing the effect on the beam. three components Bx, By, Bz.
708 Diicrot

Table I Stages in research on magnetism

Results o f the literature and theory of magnetism Experimentation

with damped cycle

Influence o f the vacuum

measurement chamber and g u n

With TIG power With special

source generator
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Representativeness HV dun/workpie!e Gun:

of the measurements LV distance external
1 internal Effects o f the demagnetising
cycle parameters

to joints

The four demagnetising

Demagnetising guides

Results t o be obtained

Storage Sign

1- Industrial applications

Values adopted for the M i n i m u m magnetic field

magnetic characteristics - necessary for magnetising
o f the steels 'to saturation'

I ,
Workshop simplification
Classification o f the steels
I 'universal cycle'
Residual magnetism 709

Table 2 Steels studied and corresponding thicknesses where the values found for Bx and By did not exceed 8 G
and 6 G (Fig.2). Behind this plate, we placed a 316L stain-
Steels Thicknesses (mm) less steel plate to observe the movement of the spbt of light
C-Mn steel 40 + 200
due to the transmitted beam.
A533GrBCIl 110 + 250 From the start of fusion of the low alloy steel plate, the
2 '1, Cr Mo 150 + 300 point.of beam impact on the 316L plate moved upwards or
9% Cr 20 + 120 downwards (effect of By) and spectacularly to the left or to
9%Ni 40
20 CND 14 190 the right, stopping then suddenly restarting (effect of Bx).
35 CD 4 80+ 100 Conclusion: the values recorded could not have had such
HLE steel 20 + 120 an effect on the beam (movements of several hundred mm)
and therefore do not represent the real values of the mag-
Table 3 Effect of heat treatment on residual magnetism (A533 Gr B C1.l netism within the low alloy steel plate.
Effects of different factors on residual magnetism
Temperature Bx BY The difficulty of studying the phenomenon lies in the fact
20 "C -15; +10; -12 +25; -20; -15 that any intervention, even apparently insignificant,
100 "C -13; + I I ; -15 +20; -16; -16 changes the distribution of the magnetism in value and/or
300°C . -10; +12; -12 +15; -12; -13 in sign, hence the importance of the conditions of measure-
500 OC +3; 4; 4 +5; -2; +2
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600 OC +2; 0; -2 +l; 0; 0 '

700 OC 0; 0; +1 0; 0; 1:.
Heat treatment
Table 4 Effect of hammering on residual magnetism (A533 Gr B C1 1 The Curie point is defined as the transition from ferromag-
steel) netism to paramagnetism. Ideal in theory for a demagnetis-
ing process, it is however little used industrially for the fol-
State of test-bar Bx ( G ) ( I to 8) BY (G) (1 to 8) lowing reasons:
- Few steels can accept heat treatment at such high tem-
Magnetised -12; +15; +6 -20; +13; +6
-10; +19; -10 -9; +15; -15 peratures;
+5; -16 +7; -20 - This heat treatment nullifies the advantages of the elec-
After hammering -10; -8;-5 -12; -10; -8
tron beam, since it requires further operations down-
+7; +lo; +8 +6; +7;+7 stream: pickling, dimensional corrections because of
4;-10 -9; -10 deformations, etc.
We camed out various tests, and one example on A 533

Gr B steel is shown in Table 3: before testing, the values
Movement due to By
and the signs are scattered and the effect of temperature
Movement due to Bx does not become evident until after 300 "C, in agreement
with results in Ref.1. With the rise in temperature, the scat-
I 1 ter of the values decreases, then the signs change at around
500 "C while the absolute values continue to decrease. At
around 700 "C, at a few tens of degrees from the Curie
point, the values are very low.

1 000 Haniniering
Table 4 shows that hammering (with a needle hammer) has
2 Movements of the beam's point.of impact on the 316 L two effects:
plate, during a melt run on HLE steel.
- A lowering of the absolute values at the edges of the
stainless steel plate by a beam passing close to the side of a parts;
previously magnetised block. The Bx and By values - A reduction of the scatter of the values and signs.
recorded and the deflection of the beam's trace from the
theoretical line allow the following conclusions to be Vibration
drawn: We performed various tests on a fixed frequency vibration
- It is not possible to isolate the actions of the different machine. The effects on the Bx and By values and on the
magnetic areas; signs are similar to those observed for hammering. By con-
- Edge effects are dominant; trast, the effect of vibration at a certain depth is similar to
- Magnetic doublets (changes of sign locally) have no that of heat treatment. while that of hammering is only
effect on the direction of beam deflection, or have a superficial and is similar to that of demagnetising at a fre-
delayed effect which is not systematic. quency of 50 Hz.
Verification of the effects of Bx and By
The acceptable values given by Ref.7 for Bx and By in a The Bx and By values recorded on magnetised parts
joint are respectively 50 G and a few G (2 to 3). We wished showed that a rearrangement of both value and sign
to verify their effect on a steel plate of high yield strength, occurred spontaneously during storage.
710 Ducrot

magnetism, beam deflection should not occur or should be
Another notion accepted by all is the dominance of the
ambient-magnetism compared with the internal magnetism
of the parts?
We therefore performed melt runs on different grades of
steel with thicknesses always in excess of 100 mm; their
Marking the points of measurement surface magnetism showed no values higher than 3 Gauss.
Table 5 Variation of residual magnetism during storage (9%Cr steel) Figure 3 is an example of what we get on a 300 mm thick
2'/, Cr Mo steel welded with a high voltage of 160 kV.
Storage time Bx (G) (1 to 9) By (G) ( 1 to 9)
This macrograph shows that the beam has entered the
part perpendicularly to the surface, and therefore there has
+lo; -3; -5 -16-12 +6 been no effect of ambient magnetism.
0 -7; +6;+12 -7; -9;-14
4;-2-13 +6; -3;-10 An explanation of the phenomenon is given by the
Institut National de Physique of Grenoble (Fig.4). The cap-
+7; -2; -7 . -10;-15; +9 illary created by the beam can be likened to a tube the sides
lh -5; +4;+13 , -9; -10; -10
-6; -9;-10 +7; -4; -7 of which are lined with liquid metal; the latter is at a tem-
~ ~ ~ ~

perature above that of the Curie point and it is paramagnet-

+5; +4; -9 -3-14; +6 ic, Its magnetic permeability value is around 1. The solid
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24h 6, +3; +7 -10; -5; -3 --

4;-5;-15 +9; -3; 4 material surrounding the capillary is, however, ferromag-
netic and the sum of the magnetic moments can be other
-6, +2; -1 +3;-15; -3 than zero. The magnetic flux thus created will be able to act
48h +3; -2; +9 -15; -8; +2
d; + 3 ; - 8 +lo; +2; 0 on the electrons passing into the capillary, playing the role
of an air-gap.

3 Melt run on 300 rnrn thickness 2 1/4 Cr-Mo steel.

The many tests performed show that it is possible to

obtain variable or apparently zero deflections on the same
steel in the same state of surface magnetism. By contrast,
we assume that certain compactness and/or shape defects of
the fusion zone, attributable to incorrect values of the weld-
ing parameters, principally rate of travel and focusing, are
the result of a magnetic effect on the beam inside the part,
causing defocusing because of the variability of the internal
4 Beam deflection within the material.
magnetic flux.
In conclusion, we can say that the surface measurements
Table 5 shows the recordings over48 hours on a.bIock of of BX and.By represent neither the real magnetic state of
steel with 9% Cr, magnetised before storage: the material nor the size of the deflection obtained.
The storage area in the workshop was chosen in such a
way that the magnetic field readings over several weeks Ambient magnetism
showed no values higher than those of the earth's field.
This same area was used for the production parts. m e second problem facing the user is ambient magnetism,
i.e. the random induction flows occumng in a workshop
Validity of the notion of residual value between the gun and the surface of the part.
We made a special study of the latter, since it affects the
All authors agree in saying that the residual vaIue accept-
entry of the beam into the joint. As far as the calculations
able for By is from 2 to 3 Gauss; for this level of
Residual magnetism 711

of the deflection and of the means of protection of the beam Study of demagnetising
are concerned, the relevant information can be found in the
The previous sections dealt with magnetic phenomena and
data according to Ref.7,9, 11, 12, 17, 19,20,23-28.
the$ instability. We are now going to tackle the heart of the
For a proper understanding of this problem, we broke it
problem: demagnetising.
down into three parts, as shown in Table 6:
Before beginning this study, we examined the biblio-
- The vacuum chamber: i.e. its volume which will be graphical references and found that the values given for the
representative of the gun to workpiece distance;
magnetic parameters of steels and for the magnetising
- Thegun; fields were rare or non-existent.
- The penetration. We therefore went through the stages set out below.
We gave values to these three factors, relating to our
machines and our production. The reader can modify the Placing of the steels into ranges of hysteresis
values according to his own criteria.
The broken line in Fig.5 represents the envelope of the hys-
Table 6 makes it possible to predict the risk of beam
teresis loops of the extreme types of steels liable to be
deflection between the emergence of the beam from the gun
welded, i.e. soft ferromagnetic and magnets or hard ferro-
and the surface of the part, if no protection is provided.
Experience has shown that the problem due to ambient
The envelope can be deduced, as a first approximation,
magnetism is largely a function of the method and of the
by a rotation about point 0 of the soft ferromagnetic steels
effectiveness of demagnetising of the parts, and of the pre-
cycle with, simultaneously, an extension of the range in the
cautions taken in relation to the tools and the environment..
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x-axis. Therefore, pr will decrease and Hc will increase.

Protection of the beam between gun and part involves
various problems:
Demagnetising field
- Need for precise tooling;
- Difficulty of aiming, therefore a need to adjust the tube Before being aware of this demagnetising field concept, we
before welding; carried out tests which were destined to fail from the outset.
- Risk of obstruction by metal particles; In fact Fig.6, the application of a magnetising field Ha to a
- Internal metallisation leading to deterioration of the ferromagnetic part creates in the part a field AH said to be
tube’s magnetic protection properties. ‘demagnetising’, since its direction is opposite that of the
It is therefore necessary to concentrate efforts on the total ‘true field’ H. The latter will therefore not be an image of
or quasi-total removal of effects of the tooling. We have Ha but will depend on the size of AH; the shorter the part
adopted this approach by taking the following precautions: the larger this will be, and one can speak of a ‘shape fac-
- Demagnetising the parts; tor’, defined as the 1engtWdiameteror 1engWthicknessratio
- Demagnetising the tools; of a steel bar.
- Demagnetising the flame-guards; This shape factor idea has been studied by Bozorth.
- Shielding the drive motors. Figure 7 represents the effect of the shape factor m on the
At present, if a part requires welding with magnetic relative permeability. In fact, everything happens as if the
shielding for reasons which are primarily additional precau- induction Bo = po pHa became B = po p (Ha - AH) = po p’
tions, we use a tube of soft iron (Ur4OOO to 6OOO) which is Ha, p’being smaller than p and therefore B<Bo.
more than sufficient for ambient magnetic induction levels Consequently, the smaller m, the greater will be the dif-
of the order of 1 Gauss. ference AH between the true permeability p and the

Table 6 Ambient magnetism

1 l - 7 3 4

5 6
a I Penetration

External Internal Low HV High HV High

volume volume
(10 rn3) > 10m3 S 15 rnm

Examples: 1 t 3 t 5 (or 6) +7: no beam protection between gun and part;

2+ (3 or 4)+ 6 t 8 need for a beam protection; ’Dt: beam path measured
between end of gun and surface of part
712 Ditcrot

Envelope of the hysteresis apparent permeability p' and, with Ha constant, the greater
loops of the steels will be AH. This phenomenon accounts for the difficulty
found by users in properly demagnetising testpieces with
Soft ferromagnetic shape factor values around 2 to 3.
It is evident that the increase in the magnetising field Ha
will be favourable, since it will increase the true field H in
the part. The following section deals with the definition of
Note: for testpieces whose m is low, and if one is limited
in the value of Ha, one possible method is to increase the
length of the testpiece by adding pointed metal bars to the
'ends; m is increased and AH therefore reduced. A solution
only to be used for desperate cases!
Value of the magnetising field Ha
The values of m, in general, do not exceed 10, save for
exceptions (joining of long tubes and of small diameters,
5 Hysteresis loop of the steels studied.
for example). Thus, if we return to Fig.7, it would be neces-
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sary to have very high values of Ha to create a field H

-- capable of ensuring saturation of the material despite the
demagnetising field AH.
This magnetic saturation of the material is necessary for
the subsequent demagnetising to be effective. In fact, the
magnetic saturation leads to the orientation of the elemen-
Demagnetising tary magnetic fields in the direction of the field H. The
True field, H field, AH demagnetising which will follow will cause the disorienta-
tion of these fields so that, statistically,their sum is nil.
- It was therefore difficult for us to determine the values of
Applied field, Ha Ha except by numerous tests; we thus turned to two labora-
tories fitted out for studying the magnetic properties of the
6 Demagnetising field (after Bozorth). steels.

7 Apparent permeability in a rnagnetised bar.

Residual niagnetisnt 713

The Grenoble laboratory showed that the magnetising simplify this research, we chose the classification of Ref. 4,
field Ha had to be roughly ten times the coercive field Hc and the relative permeabilities of Ref. 6 for Ha = 100
of the steel studied and at least a value of 100 Oersted Oersted.
whatever the grade. The second laboratory worked on the ’Fable 7a gives details of the three classes of steel whose
magnetic properties of modem high yield strength steels,I0 magnetic behaviour was defined as ‘soft’, ‘semi-hard’ and
with values of Hc of the order of 11 to 15 Oersted. ‘hard’. Each of the classes has corresponding values of the
The results obtained on bars, for values of m from 2 to 5, four magnetic paramters:
show that values of Ha of 50 Oersted, i.e. about 5 x Hc, are - Coercive field: Hc
enough to obtain proper demagnetisation. - Relative permeability: pr
From these data, we used the first magnetising curves of - Induction at saturation: Bs
Ref.6 (Fig.8), traced to define the magnetic particle testing - Electrical conductivity p.
criteria of steels, which show uthe grade. The second labo- Note that class 2 contains 95% of the steels which we
ratory worked on the magnetic-properties of modem high . weld. .
yield strength steels,lO with values of Hc of the order of 11 To calculate the demagnetising frequency necessary for a
to 15 Oersted. given class of steel and thickness, we use the following
The results obtained on bars, for values of m from 2 to 5. formula:
show that values of Ha of 50 Oersted, i.e. about 5 x Hc, are
enough to obtain proper demagnetisation. f = T po pr e2
From these data, we used the first magnetising curves of
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Ref.6 (Fig.@, traced to define the magnetic particle testing

criteria of steels, which show us that the value Ha = 100 where e is the thickness of the part, in metres.
Oersted allows us to obtain magnetic saturation, whatever The values of pr must therefore be determined for the
the grade. values of the magnetising field, i.e. between 50 and 100
Oersted (4000 to 8000 A h ) .
Choice of the magnetic paramter values
Table 7b, after Ref.6, shows that in practice the values of
To solve the problem completely, it was necessary to give pr are between 200 and 400, according to the class of steel
values to the magnetic parameters of the different steels. To and the value of Ha.

A XC 25
A6 B XC20
20000 G
E Z 17C 13 A 7
F ZllCD13
G Z 6 CND 17.5
H XC45
I cast-irons
- 15000G
1.5 T

10000 G

208 320 512 800 1280 2080 3200 5120 8000 12800Am-1
8 First magnetking curves (the vertical line indiates the field of the demagnetiser).
714 Ducrot

Table 7u Classification of steels according to their magnetic characteristics

Classification Magnetic Examples
behaviour Hc
- P‘ Bs

Class 1 ‘Soft’ C-Mnsteels 55 17WM) 1.5 1W

with C<0.2% to 1.8

Steels with M . 2 %
Class 2 ‘Semi-hard’ Low-alloy steels (such as 8 6Oof100 1 .o 25fi
A533 Gr B CI 1). 9% Cr, 9%Ni. to 15 to 1.5

Class 3 10 3oof100 0.5 55fi

‘Hard’ 13%Cr steels to 12 to 1.0 r’

Table 76 Magnetic permeability curves of the principal steels

A XC 25
pl B XC20
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- 2000 C 25CND12
D 20 CDV4
E Z 17C 13
F ZllCD13
G Z6CND17.5
H XC45
I cast-irons

pr = f(H) curves

2.6 4 6.4 10 16 26 40 64 loo 160Cz

208 320 512 800 1280 2080 3200 5120 8000 12800Am

Experimental study CND 14 steel, demagnetised at 50 HZ then stored (under

the same conditions as those described above under ‘stor-
Having fixed the parameter values, we started the ’demag- age’), with recording of the values and signs of Bx and of
netising tests and began with a frequency of 50 Hz, despite
By for 20 hours.
the well-known skin effect. It was important to check dur- As previously, the values and signs varied randomly; we
ing demagnetisation the phenomenon which we had already can explain this phenomenon as shown in Fig.10.
studied, namely the instability of the values and signs as a The surface zone is demagnetised while the inside of the
function of time. part is in its original magnetic state. There will therefore be
a rearrangement of the magnetism by the action of the
Demgnetising with a frequency of 50 H z internal magnetic zones on the demagnetised zones, occur-
Figure 9 shows an example of a 190 mm thick piece of 20 ring more quickly or more S~OWlyaccording to the grade:
Residual magnetism 715

9 Evolution of the values of Bx and of By (20 CND 14 demagnetised at 50 Hz).

chemistry, presence of cavities and dislocations, physical Dernagnetised zone

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properties, thermomechanicalhistory, etc.

This demagnetising at 50 Hz can be useful and suffi-
- For parts of small thickness;
- To attenuate an edge effect close to which the beam
must pass.

Demagnetising with damped cycle

hmagnetising means that by the application of a so-called 10 Explanation o f the instability of the values after
saturation field Ha, we are going to make the B and H Val- demagnetising at 50 HI.
ues of the material vary so as to describe smaller and small-
er hysteresis cycles until passage through B = 0 for H = 0.
As we do not know these curves, which would allow us to
interrupt the cycle when B passes through zero, we must
continue it to its conclusion, i.e. to H = 0.
The first tests were conducted with a 400 A TIG welding
generator and an experimental coil arrangement allowing -- -_,
the parts to be plunged into a 200 Oersted magnetising field
in air. We soon found that the demagnetising was incom-
plete, the residual values of Bx and By being around 5 to 8
Gauss according to the grade of steel.
After changing certain parameters, including principally
the frequency, without managing to lower the residual val-
ues, we found that the generator’s residual value was of 10
A, which left a far from negligible magnetic residual.
We therefore-decided to order a special programmable
generator and to build an industrial demagnetiser.
The generator can deliver a current of 800 A in perfectly
rectified form; the residual is lower than 1 A.
The frequency variation is obtained by combining the
following values in a half-cycle:
- Rise: 0.1 to 32 seconds,
- Plateau: 0.1 to 999 seconds,
- Fall: 0.1 to 32 seconds.
This gives a period T of between 0.6 seconds and 2126
seconds, i.e. a frequency f = of 1.7 to 4.7 x lo4 Hz.
The demagnetising assembly is shown in Fig.11: the
demagnetiser consists of a frame of true amagnetic
austenitic steel, on which are wound 3500 metres of 95
mm2 cable. It has a diameter of 5000 mm and a height of
4500 mm. The field in air is 120 Oersted (142 Oersted cal-
culated). 11 Demagnetising assembly.
716 Diicrot

I (A)

’ P -*

12 Parameters to be taken into account for defining a damped cycle.

than 1 A. Thus, the current between polarities must be as
low as possible and with no overcurrent peak at the break.

1A. We have an electromechanical inverter which gives a level

section before the change from one polarity to the other.
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This level section, which we adjusted to 2 seconds, has no

a) b) C) dl el r
effect on the quality of the demagnetisation and prevents
13 Possible cycle forms. any risk of current peaking.

d - The decay factor value

This is the reduction in current (therefore in field) pro-
grammed between each period. This value can only be
defined by experience and depends on the values given to
the other parameters; our tests showed that, with constant
parameters, a decay factor of 25 to 30% did not affect the
quality of the demagnetisation. In the workshop, we had
considered that 20% guaranteed a cycle outside the critical
14 Demagnetising axes. range.

Studies of the demagnetising cycle parameters e - The end of the demagnetising cycle
The six parameters of a demagnetising cycle are defined in It is clear that the two remarks made for the polarity rever-
Fig. 12: sal (parameter c) are valid for the end of the cycle and even
a - the magnetising field, more critical. It is essential that the cycle be completely fin-
b - the cycle form, ished before the part is taken out of the demagnetiser.
c - the polarity reversal,
d - the damping value (decay factor), T - Period
e - the end of the demagnetising cycle, We have already defined the values of the magnetic param-
T - the period. eters, including the period.

a - The magnetising field Studies on joints

The value was determined above and we shall not return to All the previous tests were carried out on simple blocks; it
it. remains for us to fit up two of these blocks to form a joint,
Tests on A533,9% Cr and 9% Ni with values between 5 which is the final stage before production.
and 10 x Hc showed no significant difference in the record- We refer the reader to the literature (Ref.7-9, 11, 13, 14,
ings of Bx and By after demagnetising. 16, 17, 23) describing the magnetic recordings in the air-
gap created by two test-bars brought together, the effects of
b - The form of the first cycle the values and signs of the magnetic inductions on the
At constant frequency value and on the same thickness of faces, etc.
the same grade of steel, the cycle form as.illustrated in The results are homogeneous and we looked more close-
Fig.13 has no effect on.the quality of the demagnetisation. ly at the demagnetising aspect and the results obtained after
These different forms are obtained by varying the respec- welding. The demagnetising was carried out with the cycle
tive rise, plateau and fall times. described above, the frequency depending on the class of
material and on its thickness.
c - The polarity reversal We drew the following COnClUSiOnS, some of which are
We have already referred to our demagnetising problems re-stated; we called them ‘the four guides’ characterising
with a welding generator with a residual value of 10 A; we what we define as a good demagnetising.
also mentioned that our demagnetiser had a residual of less 1 The values and signs of Bx and By measured along a
Residual ntagnetisni 717

0-0 Ex { -9%Ni
- BY - 22 points of measurement

15 Evolution of magnetism with the number of demagnetising cycles.

Table 8 Values taken by Kp as a function of the material’s parameters It was necessary to assign values to these four factors so
that the definition of correct demagnetising could be
Hc (W II‘ e (mm) KP extended to industrial parts. The results of the tests led us to
Downloaded by [University of Sydney] at 02:20 03 May 2015

Value Ki Value Ki Value Ki

consider the following values as representative:
- After dernagnetising, the values measured for Bx and
55 1 1700 2 150 1 4 By are all <1 G, whatever the position of measure-
15 1 *300 2 >50 2 5
ment; no higher value will be allowed;
- After demagnetising, all the values are of the same
600 150 1 4
8-15 2 fl00 1 >50 2 5 sign and therefore there is no longer any magnetic dou-
300 150 1 5
*loo 1 >50 2 6 - During two hours storage, no value increases by more
than 0.5 G;
- During two hours storage, the initial sign remains
Table 9 Values taken by the shape factor Ks
factor m = U0 or We Shape of the part Ks Parts of complicated shape
The previous demagnetising applied to joints of simple
Part Ki Part Ki shape; when we applied our four guides to complicated
shapes such as parts machined for keying, parts with holes
drilled, etc, we found that we have ‘magnetism traps’, par-
4 ticularly in keying, although the rest of the part satisfield
h , 4 3 ’
3 the criteria mentioned above.
In order to bring down these local values to the required
+7 level, we carried out tests changing the magnetising axis, as
$?) shown in Fig. 14. It is essential for magnetising axis No.1
to be the axis of easy magnetisation; the other two can be
5 put into the second or third position as wished. Without
or U0 or Ue 15 2 4
Ue15 3 3 prior consultation, we arrived at the conclusions of Ref.29
I for parts of low thickness but having numerous drilled
5<U0110 2 holes and variously shaped by machining.
u 0 > 10 I 5 It is often enough to carry out two cycles to find the
4 required values; sometimes, three are necessary. We there-
fore performed tests on rough-cut items whose complicated
joint are not representative of the internal magnetic shapes and sharp edges were representative of engineering
state of the joint. workpieces. Figure 15 shows the result obtained on a 9%
The values of 2 to 3 Gauss generally accepted as repre- Ni steel plate of triangular shape; the measurements were
sentative of good demagnetising are not sufficient and made before demagnetising, then after each cycle. It will be
are sometimes the cause of beam deflection. seen that three cycles are necessary to bring the values and
The storage of a dernagnetised part is an important signs to the required level.
parameter for ensuring the demagnetising quality; val-
ues and signs which are unstable over a period of time
Industrial applications
indicate that the demagnetising cycle is incorrect.
The values of Bx and By recorded at the comers of the It is now necessary to take the final step and be able to
parts must be of the same size as those recorded along weld linear or circular joints on parts consisting of several
the joint or on the part. sub-assemblies, using tooling. tack-welds, fixtures, etc.
718 Ducrot

16 Demagnetising cycle used in workshop.

Demagnetising method - If 7cKm 110: two demagnetising axes,

- If Km>lO: three demagnetising axes.
In the light of the previous results described above, one
could consider that demagnetising of each of the sub- .Workshop simplification
Downloaded by [University of Sydney] at 02:20 03 May 2015

assemblies was possible and that it was sufficient to join

It is complicated and often a source of error to increase the
them in order to make up the joint or joints to be welded.
number of demagnetising cycle workstations, particularly
This possibility allows use of a demagnetising system less
if, during a two-shift working day, several grades of steel
rigorous than total demagnetisation, but increases certain
are liable to be welded. It was therefore necessary to look
for a ‘universal cycle’, suitable for all parts without com-
- Tack welding by the TIG process causes areas of mag-
promising the demagnetising quality. Tests were performed
netism (generally between the location of the arc and
on joints and on parts of complex shape, beginning with the
the earthing connections);
- The tools necessary for holding the sub-assemblies greatest thickness or the most complicated shape.
We finally decided on the following cycle (Fig.16):
together generally remain in position during welding; -
Frequency: 15 x lo-’Hz (i.e. a 64 second period);
they consist of C-Mn steel with little remanent mag-
- Decay factor: 20%.
netism, but also of welded and bolted U or I iron sec-
For the last three years this cycle has given satisfaction.
tions which introduce dangerous areas, particularly if
Total weight demagnetised: 1500 tonnes.
the beam passes close to them.
This demagnetising method is usable for small or medi-
um thicknesses, depending on the magnetic characteristcs Conclusions
of the materials. For our part, we chose to use total demag-
We hope that we have convinced readers that magnetism,
netisation, i.e. with no further intervention apart from hold-
residual or ambient, is no longer an obstacle to the develop-
ing before welding.
ment of electron beam welding; the demagnetiser should
now be an integral machine tool of the workshop.
Demagnetising difficulty coefficient We are aware, however, that we have put forward suc-
Throughout this paper we have been able to see that the cessive hypotheses rather than a rigorous demonstration.
problem of magnetism in electron beam welding depends This is due to the difficulty of the measurements and to
on numerous ‘factors. We have tried to simplify the answer lack of knowledge of the exact values of the magnetic prop-
to two questions: is this part difficult to demagnetise and erties of steels; it would be necessary to continue research
how many cycles are necessary to obtain the values set out in a laboratory for a better understanding of the problem,
in ‘the four guides’? for we believe that, because of this lack of knowledge, we
This demagnetising difficulty coefficient consists of the have adopted over-cautious safety factors for the parame-
sum of two factors: ters of the demagnetising cycle and for the number of
- Factor Kp taking account of the parameters of the demagnetising axes.
material (Table 8); At the present time, we consider that the values of the
- Factor Ks taking account of the shape factor m and of cycle parameters, particularly the frequency, are liable to
the form of the parts (Table 9). vary much more widely than those assumed at the begin-
The first factor Kp itself consists of: Hc, pr and e (thick- ning of the study.
ness). The second, Ks. consists of m and of the shape of the
parts. We shall assign a number from 1 to 3 to each of these
parameters; the higher the number, the more difficult the
parameter considered makes the demagnetisation. Adding
up the values of Hc, pr and e gives Kp. Adding up m and
the form number gives Ks. Finally, Km = Kp + Ks.
Out studies show that, as a first approximation:
- If Km 17:one demagnetising axis,
Residual magnetism 719

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Internorionol1988 2 (5). duced parts. Industrial application’.

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