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5S Smart Guidelines – Warehouse, Workshop & Office Area

1. Structurise 常組織

1.1 Necessary belongings should be minimized to the extent not affecting the work

1.1.1 Each person can have one cup in his/her desk.


1.1.2 Each person can have one set of stationeries. (e.g. one pencil, one ball pen, one marker,
one calculator, one stapler, one puncher, the numbers and types of stationeries should
depend on job natures.)
每人可因工作需要擁用一套文具 (例如鉛筆﹑原子筆﹑螢光筆各一支, 計算機﹑釘書機﹑打
孔器各一部, 文具種類及數量因應工作需要而有所增減)

1.1.3 Storage of A4 size paper, toner should be minimized to the extent not affecting the work.
A4 紙、碳粉盒的儲存量減至最少而不影響工作

1.2 Only necessary items should be placed on workplace and workplace should be kept clean and
請勿擺放不必要的物品, 工作環境應保持簡潔

1.2.1 No personal stuff should be attached or placed on the desk, working bench, monitor,
CPU case and public phone set. (e.g. sticker, toys and any kinds of decoration.)

1.3 Unnecessary and necessary items should be managed probably


1.3.1 Identify unnecessary and necessary items. Unnecessary item is defined as non-work
related item.
分辨不必要的及必要的物品, 不必要的物品定義為在工作環境內而與工作沒有關的任何物

1.3.2 Discard unnecessary items immediately to avoid stocking.

不必要的物品應立刻拋棄, 以免囤積影響工作

1.3.3 Store necessities according to their usage frequency: High (within a month), Medium (1-6
months) and Low (more than 6 months).
必要的物品要按照其用量分別存放, 例如低用量的(6 個月以上沒有使用)應存放在貨倉, 中
用量的(1-6 個月內曾經使用)應存放在儲物櫃或儲物房內, 高用量的(1 個月內曾經使用)應存

1.3.4 Setup schedule to check the store room and locker regularly. Unnecessary or expired
item should be discarded immediately.
定立檢查時間表, 定期檢查貨倉﹑儲物櫃或儲物房, 不必要的或過期的物品應立刻拋棄

1.4 Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce (3-R)

環保回收, 循環再用,和減少廢物 (3-R)

1.4.1 Categorize recyclable materials (e.g. aluminum cans, plastic bottle and paper) and
placed them into the corresponding recycle bin.
把可回收的廢物(例如鋁罐﹑膠樽﹑廢紙)經分類後, 放進相應的回收箱或回收袋內
5S Smart Guidelines – Warehouse, Workshop & Office Area
1.4.2 Empty the plastic/ metal container, rinse it before putting it into the recycle bin.
倒去塑膠/金屬容器內的剩餘物, 清洗後才放進回收箱

1.4.3 Bring your own dining utensils and minimize the use of disposable ones.
自備可循環再用餐盒餐具, 減少使用即棄餐盒餐具而造成浪費

1.4.4 Turn off the monitor before lunch and off work. Turn off both the monitor and the
computer in order to save energy.
出外午膳及離開公司前關掉電腦顯示屏, 而關掉電腦時,也要完全關掉電腦顯示屏, 減少浪

1.4.5 Turn off the light, air-conditioner and other office appliances when leaving the room.
每當離開房間前或使用完畢, 請關燈, 關冷氣及其它使用過之辦公室儀器

1.4.6 Proofread before printing to avoid the need of reprinting.

在列印文件前先作校對, 以減少需要重新列印的機會

1.4.7 Use refillable and recyclable items (e.g. refillable ball pen, mechanical pencil, recyclable
使用可回收或可再用的用品 (例如可更換筆芯的原子筆﹑鉛芯筆﹑可回收碳粉盒)

1.5 Necessary items should be grouped together


1.5.1 File same type of document in one folder.


1.5.2 Centralize the storage of stationeries in an easily assessable location.


1.6 Broken equipments should be repaired as soon as possible (e.g. photocopier, lighting system,
air-conditioner and wall)
及早修理已損壞的辦公室,工作間及倉庫設施 (例如影印機、燈、冷氣、牆)

1.6.1 All broken equipment in office, workshop & warehouse should be repaired as soon as
任何辦公室, 工作間及倉庫設施如有損壞, 應及早安排合適人員作維修

1.6.2 All obsolete equipment should be discarded probably or replaced if necessary.

任何已作廢的設施, 應立刻適當地棄置或更換

1.6.3 All equipment should be well located to avoid danger (e.g. photocopier should not block
the passageway.)
任何設施應放置在堅固安全的地方上(例如影印機不可放置在路中心), 以免發生危險
5S Smart Guidelines – Warehouse, Workshop & Office Area

2. Systematise 常整頓

2.1 Samples, reports, documents are placed at appropriate areas neatly (with suitable containers, if
測試樣品、測試報告及文件應整齊地放置在一個適當的區域 (及合適的容器內,如適用)

2.2 Common shelves, racks, baskets and cabinets are correctly labeled

2.3 Files for taking actions should be identified properly with labels to reflect their urgencies or

2.4 Tools should be kept in place after use (e.g. Scissors in appropriate container)
工具使用後應放回指定的地方 (例如: 剪刀應放在適當的容器內)

2.5 Phone extension no. should be marked on all telephone sets


2.6 Chairs should be clearly labeled (e.g. BU name, room name or staff name)
椅子應有明確標示 (例如: 部門名稱、房間名稱或工作人員的姓名)

2.7 Sockets and cables of electrical appliances should both be labeled clearly for easier connection

2.8 Contact person for each defined area should be clearly identified

2.9 All matched locks and keys of doors and cabinets should have the same labels with location

2.10 Workshop, warehouse & office supplies and tools should be stored properly after work

2.11 Storage of material/equipment from top of cabinets/racks should be kept at least 50 cm below
any sprinkler heads of fire sprinkler system
儲存櫃或層架的頂部所放置物料或設備應與消防灑水系統的噴水頭保持至少 50 厘米距離

2.12 Areas for keeping A4 papers, distilled water bottles, operating machine & testing machine in
restricted safety zones of non-shielded operating machines should be clearly marked with
identification lines on the floor
擺放 A3 紙、蒸餾水樽, 操作機械及測試機器的安全區等區域,應清楚地在地板上標明警告地線

2.13 Temporary sample storage or processing area should be marked with line on the floor to identify
the designated zone. Proper signage (e.g. hanging identification card with particular information
about the sample) should be made for identification if samples are overflowed or have to be
placed out of the zone.
5S Smart Guidelines – Warehouse, Workshop & Office Area
2.14 Notice boards are well organized & tidy with stated responsibility. Outdated notices and posters
have to be removed.

2.15 Cabinets and drawers should clearly indicate the contents


2.16 All relevant documents of the same nature should be placed in the same area.

2.17 Files and folders in the common shared drive should be grouped within the same category or

2.18 In the warehouse area, the product identification mechanism shall be well established for some
product & component with the need of first come first serve.
識別方法, 使作業人員以目視方法區別不同的批號

2.19 For material handling facilities in warehouse & workshop such as height platform and lift fork, the
specified storage zone shall be established.
在倉庫及車間內,一些物料處理設備,例如: 高空工作台, 鏟車,.., 應劃出一指定擺放區域作使用後储存

2.20 For energy reduction, the power source of seasonal and non-seasonal appliances shall be
separately installed in order to avoid the unnecessary electricity consumption.
節能減省, 可將一些有季節性及沒季節使用的電器設備分開電源安裝,避免沒必要的同步開啟, 例如
5S Smart Guidelines – Warehouse, Workshop & Office Area

3. Sanitise 常清潔

3.1 Desk surface should be neat & clean


3.2 Areas under working desks should be tidy, clean and allow enough leg room. (Paper Box is not
allowed. Slippers and any kinds of shoes must be placed in non noticeable area.)
工作桌下的空間應該整齊潔淨和留出足夠地方伸展雙腿 (不允許放置紙盒。拖鞋或其他的鞋必須放

3.3 Shelves, racks, cabinets, corridors should be tidy & clean


3.4 Common areas, facilities and equipment (like pantry, copy machine, etc…) should keep clean
and tidy

3.5 Working areas and corridors should be free from samples, plastic bags, trash, etc… Don’t wait for
the cleaning worker to clear it, if it is in your responsible area or you see it, throw it immediately.

3.6 Outdated document should be returned, thrown out or recycled.

過時文件應被退回, 抛丟或循環再造。

3.7 Regular clean the place even it is not noticeable. (e.g. top or back side of shelve)

3.8 Establish cleaning inspection and correct minor problems.


3.9 Schedule a cleaning period.


3.10 Labels should be maintained and checked its accuracy and condition monthly.

3.11 Keep floor clean and shine.


3.12 Always sweep and remove dirt and free of debris too, maintain a tidy and good working

3.13 For some product identification measure of first come first serve, the used label or relevant
means should be appropriately disposed after use.
針對一些有先入先出的產品識別措施, 使用後的標籤及相關項目應適當處理當使用之後.
5S Smart Guidelines – Warehouse, Workshop & Office Area

4. Standardise 常規範

4.1 All door locks should be tightened up after non-office hours. The staff who is the last one to leave
the office should check the locking of his/her floor before leaving.

4.2 All employees should switch off the lightings and air-conditioners of their department if they are
the last ones to leave the warehouse, workshop & office.
任何最後離開倉庫,工作間, 辦公室的僱員,應關掉其部門的燈源和空調。

4.3 Air conditioning label and lighting plan should be available and follow in use.

4.4 Signage and instruction should be correctly posted, maintained and in standardized format, e.g.
fire extinguishers, department location, toilet and restricted area / room.

4.5 Each floor and all warehouse, workshop, office & conference rooms (particularly for rooms/areas
meeting with outsiders) should post with "Fire Evacuation Plan” that should be visible and
各樓層, 倉庫, 工作間及所有會議室(特別是與外訪者會面的房間/地方)應於當眼處貼上有效的”走火

4.6 No storage in exit corridors.


4.7 “Exit” signs and "Fire Exit Light Box" should be visible and properly functioned.
“出口” 和 “火警照明燈箱” 指示能清晰可見及有效運作。

4.8 Doors should stick with “Pull/Push” sign for safe operations.

4.9 "First-aid Box" should keep necessary medical tools in good condition & easily accessible
according to Labor department guideline.

4.10 Responsibility labels, e.g. name of responsible staff, for equipments and machines should be
available and visible.

4.11 Document, samples, files and trays are not allowed to stack over eyes level at a sitting position.

4.12 For some visual control of first come first serve, it shall be defined in the official document in
order to align all of the awareness within the workgroup.

4.13 In order to enhance the conformity of rule among the operating staff, it shall be established the
audit mechanism
提高對作業人員遵從守則的符合性, 建立一個定期稽核基制,
4.14 For operating facilities with some regulatory requirement& safety risk, it shall be established the
daily check mechanism and failure reporting mechanism
5S Smart Guidelines – Warehouse, Workshop & Office Area
對一些有法例及安全隱患的作業設備, 應建立日常點檢制度, 并對有問題的設備形成修理維護機制
4.15 For some seasonal electrical appliances, the criteria of “Switch on/ off” shall be defined with
appointed responsible person.
對一些有季節使用特性的電器設備, 定立一些使用守則及設備責任者,例如:風扇
5S Smart Guidelines – Warehouse, Workshop & Office Area

5. Self-discipline 常自律

5.1 Entry doors of all floors should keep closed all the times.

5.2 Electrical appliances should be power-off if it is not in use, e.g. material handling facilities,
production facilities, computers and monitors.
將不需要運作的電子儀器的電源關上,例如:物料處理設備, 生產設備, 電腦和顯示器。

5.3 All chairs should be parked properly after work.


5.4 Toners for printer(s) / copier machine(s) are carefully handled.


5.5 Inform responsible staff (please refer to work responsibility label; or contact to relevant
departmental administrator in case the label is not available) for arranging repair to damaged
instruments, equipments, or facilities as early as possible.

5.6 Detail of visual control method of first come first serve shall be affixed in the notice board in order
to enhance the awareness of operating staff
將先入先出的目視方法在公司公告板上張貼, 成為各員工遵守規範的標準,提高員工的素養

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