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Based on my experience in my former school, we had a study about RA 1425 as part of our subject in
our school in 2017 to 2019. The purpose of this subject is to teach the students about the importance of
studying Rizal's life as knowledge as well, to young people like me.

2. It becomes effective by teaching in a proper way to convey the true message of studying Rizal law.
Because many other secondary school students are not familiar with Rizal's life, this results in a lack of
knowledge so that the students do not have interest in studying it. By teaching the Rizal law, the
students gain new knowledges so that the importance of the Rizal law can be maintained in future

3. For me, studying about Jose Rizal is very important. Many people have forgotten him and his
accomplishments, which is why many Filipinos struggle to answer the question of who is Jose Rizal?
With so much that Rizal has done in the Philippines, I can say that it should be studied especially by the
youth so that it can be shared more with the new generations in the years to come. It's not just about
telling the story of Rizal's life but it's also a story of appreciation for history and what he wrote that
Filipinos can use as inspiration.

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