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Panaligan, Angelina

Get to know yourself by listing down your personality`s strength and weaknesses.
Examine the characteristics which you included in your list and draw a conclusion
about yourself and the kind of personality that you have. Do you have characteristics
that will enable you to lead in the future. Explain your answer.


Self- criticism, shy,
PANALIGAN, ANGELINA player ,disciplined,open overthinking, lack of
confidence, sensitive
minded,problem solving,
ability to work under

Lack of confidence, insecure,

VICENTE, ROSE Hardworking,problem- shyness,overthinking,sensitive
determined, disciplined

Creative ,honest, open Perfectionist,easily

PEJEDA, SANETH overwhelmed, impatient,
minded, accuracy,

Manager of JCUBE

1.Tell me/us about the time you demonstrated leadership skills at work?

Answer: Usually, if there is ever a tendency early in the morning or before we open. I
usually orient them every day at my people's workplace, I orient or I record, connect
or correct them most of the time. You can see either on the CCTV if I'm not here or
you can see what's really going on, usually it's only ours. Once you work or even if
there's no one or no customers you really need to work or arrange something, even if
it's just us our routine. If you have a tendency then be open minded once you are a
leader or a manager, you need to be open or listen to the suggestions of your people,
not everything can be correct or yours to follow, that's it.

2.What is your leadership style?

Answer: For me work is work , out of work I can be a sister/brother or I can joke
with them. But for me first when we are at work there is really a gap that you can see
what is the need that you can suggest to them regarding if you are here at work, but
outside of work we are just friends.

3.Which supporting skills do you think are more important for a leader?

Answer: For me it's really open minded only once you are a leader to them because
not everyone is called a leader. Everyone has experienced that for sure but for me it's
better that you know what you are suggesting or what you are giving instruction to
them. If we are leaders we should know what they are doing no matter how difficult
they have experienced. You are not sure to be as they call leader or manager whatever
they call ,if you haven't experienced that job that is the most important of all.

4. How do you manage a conflict situation?

Answer:Like always between manager and customer? When you fix them two.
Costumer is always right but no but that's not true, right ? Listen to them on both
sides. Just ask but it is better to go slowly. If the customer is angry, don't just answer.
Let's humble because we are the ones who entertained them. But to the end it even if
we know they are the guilty. For me that's the only thing I’ll be humble, because not
everything the customer is always right.
5. How do you motivate a team?

Answer: Always think positive, that's all, even if during your work there is something
negative or not, but that's the way it is, there's a win, there's a lose. But if there's
something negative that comes from home, don't bring it to work.

6. How do you respond to ideas/suggestions from team members?

Answer: I encourage my employees to collaborate on suggestions,because not all my

suggestions are correct. Every idea I made I ask them first. If you think what should
we do?
If it's OK? Actually I always ask them ,they probably know that.

7.How do you set priorities as a leader?

Answer: My priority number one is the concern or my people before myself, whatever
they need even if they are just my people, personally I will really help what I can
help, because they are my people, maybe they know if I lead them well, if they don't
leave and if they become regular, I can't judge myself, maybe only the people around
me can judge.

8. What are the most important skills for a leader to have?

Answer: When it comes to physical things, let's not be judgmental. For me, no
judging at all and that's all there is to it, physically, spiritually or emotionally.
Because I'm physically, you've seen that I'm also a member of the LGBTQ, but I'm
open to everyone, I'll listen, I can make friends. But as a leader, always put yourself at
the top, raise yourself higher but don't forget that you still come from the bottom and
we should always listen, that's all.

9. How do you set an example to those for your team members?

Answer: If i give advice to my people,even if i am called a leader or manager to them.

I also want them to grow up not just only the sale. If there is an opportunity grab it,
because not all the time they will just stay as a sales lady/man. But what does your
profession care if you are always at the lowest. Right? Not everyone who graduate is
able to achieve a better life.

10. How do you build a team that works well?

Answer: If this is the only example that workplace simple. Because we are only
minor but if you have a lot of obligations usually have an open forum with your
people. What’s the problem? I ask, because I don't know about my people that they
have already gaps, so that I can know the exact happen between them. I ask their both
sides, even if they are not be friends anymore , possibly I have to do everything
personally because someone else doesn't know why they are just quiet. But as long as
i bring it to my people they are all open. That's the only advice i usually do. I ask
them how they are as always.
Just say hello to them no matter what problem they have, even about something
family problem or their needs. As long as we can take that really personally. Let's not
think that they're just my people, but without them i have nothing. One more thing
having mutual respect, common and aligned goals, open communication, and patience
can all help make for a successful team.

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