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Park Place Homeowners’ Association

Board of Directors Meeting

January 4, 2023

Meeting called to order by Laurel Wilson at 6:30


Laurel Wilson-President

Faith Gay-Vice President

Karla Newberry-Treasurer

Kristy Dunbar-Secretary

Rider Barnum-ARC

Archie Newberry for help on ARC

Financial Update:

All HOA dues were paid in 2022.

Community Topics:

1. The new build on Oliver Approach was voted on and approved. Rider will let Ben

Berry (The builder) know.

2. The playground has been sealed and we are waiting on stripes for the basketball court.

Karla will contact them and get a date on that. The playground was also stained.

3. The sun deck should be stained this spring. Karla will get with Barry on that.

4. Plans for a social party this fall is back on the table. We will look for some dates and

options during the annual meeting.

5. The date was set for annual meeting. January 31, 2023 at 6:00 pm.

Faith will call and schedule the room at winged deer.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00

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