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ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines


Day 2 Assignment: Video Watching and Venn Diagram

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Group #: _________

Region: ______ Division: _____________________ School: _____________________________________

A. Instructions:
1. Watch the video on Language Experience Approach found in the flash drive provided to you. You
can also click the link to the video posted in our Facebook Messenger group.
2. Complete the Venn Diagram in the assignment worksheet to highlight the similarities and
differences between Teacher Michelle and Teacher Erin (in the video).

B. Criteria: Your output is expected to have the following characteristics:

1 - did not 2 - met

meet expectations

Language: Ideas expressed are clear; no errors in grammar and spelling.

Content: All fields in the Venn diagram are filled out to show the similarities
and differences between what Teacher Michelle and Teacher Erin did
following the Language Experience Approach. The answers include an
explanation of why the strategies between the two teachers were different.

C. Submission: This is due at the end of today, Day 2. Please upload this worksheet in our Google Classroom
at a time designated by your Facilitator. Contact your Facilitator or ABC+ ICT support for assistance in
uploading your output.

Day 2 ABC+: Advancing Education in the Philippines

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