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Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. These are helping verbs that denote intention or feeling of the speaker. They indicate likelihood, permission, ability, possibility,
suggestions, prohibition, advice, order or request.
A. Figures of Speech B. Modals C. Punctuation Marks D. Communicative Styles.
2. It is an act of restraining or stopping an action by an authority.
A. permission B. obligation C. ability D. prohibition
3-5. Use the appropriate modal to complete the sentences below.
A. can B. should C. may D. could
3. You _____ (advice) visit your dentist at least two times a year.
4. Extreme rain _____ (possibility) cause the river to flood the village.
5. (permission) _____ we go home now?
6-9: Read and analyze each question or statement, then answer the following questions.
6. What is the difference between permission and obligation?
A. Permission is a consent or agreement given to a request while Obligation is a sense of duty demanded by conscience,
custom or gratitude.
B. Permission is an act of restraining or stopping an action by an authority while obligation is a consent or agreement given
to a request.
C.. Permission is a sense of duty demanded by conscience, custom or gratitude while obligation is an act of restraining or
stopping an action by an authority
D. None of the above
7. In which of the following sentences show the modal of ability?
A I have a friend who has the ability to read minds
B. I believe that my teacher has the capacity to teach us online
C. Students must study well.
D. May I go to the restroom, please?
8. What modal noun is being used in this sentence? You cannot smoke in any public place.
A. permission B. obligation C. prohibition D. request
9. Which of the following examples show the modal of obligation?
A. Children may join activities outside the school premises, provided their parents know about it
B. Students need to be diligent in studying and participating in class.
C. Students cannot choose which rules to obey.
D. You should consult your doctor.
10-13. Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s/speaker’s intention a hinted at by each underlined expression.
A. ability B. obligation C. possibility D. prohibition
_____10. People must be mindful of their words and actions. It affects others on many levels.
_____11. Catherine can speak three languages.
_____12. It’s true that sorrows in life may bring despair.
_____13. You should not throw your thrash in any public place.
14-18: Identify what conditional is being asked or described in each number. Choose the letter of your answer inside the box.
A. Conditionals B. Zero C. First D. Second E. Third
_____14. This conditional is used to talk about future events that are likely to happen.
_____15. It is used to talk about things that are always, or generally, true. It is also used to talk about scientific facts.
_____16. It is used to talk about impossible or unreal situations. Contrary to known facts.
_____17. This type of conditional is used to talk about impossible conditions. Impossible because they are in the past
and we cannot change what has happened.
_____18. This is also called the “IF Clause”.

19-26: Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate form of the verb.
19. When you ________, God listens.
A. pray B. prays C. prayed D. will pray
20. Catherine will get a scholarship if she _______the interview.
A. pass B. will pass C. passes D. passed
21. If she had gone to art school, she _____________an artist.
A. become B. will become C. would become D. would have become
22. If we have time next month, we __________ for a vacation in Paris.
A. go B. will go C. would go D. would have gone
23. If he studied hard, she ___________ the exam.
A. pass B. passes C. will pass D. would pass
24. If I ________a billion pesos, I would buy my own house and lot.
A. win B. won C. will win D. will won
25. Rizia would have been a doctor if she __________her studies.
A. finished B. had finished C. finishes D. finish
26. If she only _____________ the test, she would celebrate and party.
A. passed B. passes C. pass D. will pass
27-33: Determine what type of conditionals is being used in each sentence. Write only the letter of your answer on the space
provided. A. Zero Conditional B. First Conditional C. Second Conditional D. Third Conditional
_______27. If it’s sunny at weekend, we will go to the park.
_______28. If you add some sugar, tea tastes sweet.
_______29. . If I were you, I would get a new job.
_______30. If I get sick, I will go to the doctor.
_______31. If we had looked at the weather report, we would have stayed home.
_______32. If you boil water, it evaporates.
_______33. If I heard a good joke, I would laugh.
34. What is the difference between Type 0 and 1?
A. Type 1 talks about a particular situation, whereas Type 0 talks about general.
B. Type 0 talks about a particular situation, while the Type 1 talks about general.
C. Type 1 is possible and could really happen, but Type 0 is either impossible or unlikely to happen.
D. None of the above.
35. The IF CLAUSE introduces a condition, how about the MAIN CLAUSE?
A. It is the result of that condition C. uses the present continuous or present simple tense
B. uses the simple past and past perfect D. All of the choices
36.-38: Find the correct MAIN CLAUSE of the following IF CLAUSE
36. If I had been sick, _________________.
A. I will go to the doctor C. I would go to the doctor
B. I would have gone to the doctor D. I go to the doctor
37. If I loved someone, ______________
A. I try to understand him C. I would try to understand him
B. I will try to understand him. D. I would have tried to understand him
38. If I had heard a good joke, ________.
A. I laugh B. I will laugh C. I would laugh D. I would have laughed
39. Mr. Marcellones and his wife are attending a business meeting together. Which of the following should they NOT do?
A. Avoid the use of jargons and slang.
B Use proper sentence structure and grammar when speaking.
C. Use more formal words when speaking with others
D. Use the intimate communicative style when talking to each other.
40. Who among the following will likely make use of the intimate communicative style?
A. doctor and patient C. husband and wife
B. teacher and student D. lawyer and client
41. Which of the following terms of address is NOT USED when speaking in the consultative communicative style?
A. Honey B. Sir C. Ma’am D. Mr.
42. Which of the following may be used when the speaker is using the formal communicative style?
A. “Hey, guys! I have here some…” C. “Brothers and sisters, I’m happy to introduce to you…”
B. “Hello everyone. Let’s all welcome…” D. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you…”
43 In which of the following situations would the casual communicative style be used?
A. during a business meeting C. while conversing with husband or wife
B. while chatting with a classmate D. while speaking with a person in authority
44. Belinda is doing a survey about the effects of earthquake in her community. Which of the following communication situations would
require her to use the consultative style?
A. Asking her friends for their opinions C. Interviewing the evacuees regarding their experiences
B. Researching on information to include in her study D Telling her best friend regarding what her study is about
45. In which of the following situations will a speaker use the formal speech style?
A. When consulting with a doctor C. When speaking with a chance acquaintance
B. When speaking with a close friend D. When delivering a speech during a graduation ceremony
46. If delivering a valedictory speech is an example of formal communicative style, how about reciting the Pledge of Allegiance?
A. Casual B. Frozen C. Consultative D. Intimate
47. Donna is going to attend the wedding ceremony of her best friend. Which of the following is true?
A. The priest will speak using the casual speech style.
B The priest will make use of only the formal style during the wedding ceremony.
C The priest will make use of only the frozen communicative style during the wedding ceremony.
D The priest will make use of both the formal and frozen communicative styles during the wedding ceremony.
48. How do listeners participate in the consultative communicative style?
A. by giving feedback C. by leading the conversation
B. by asking a lot of questions D. by taking charge of the situation
49-50:. Arrange the given sentences based on the situation below.
49. Situation: You are not feeling well and are trying to seek for a help from your mother.
Relationship with the person: son/daughter
A. 1, 2, 3
1. My throat is really aching B. 2, 3, 1
2. Could you please help me out, Mom? C. 3, 2, 1
3. Mom, it seems that I’m not feeling well today. D. 3, 1, 2

50.Situation: A student won first place in the News Writing Contest during the Schools Press Conference.
Relationship with the person: Friend
A. 1, 3, 2
1. Hey, dude! I am very happy that you made it. B. 3, 2, 1
2. I wish you good luck with what’s to come. C. 1, 2, 3
3. Congratulations on your well-deserved success! D. 2, 3, 1

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