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Filipino Values Personal Relevance

1. Close Family Ties Being close to my family makes me feel safe and
connected to them. It gives me the comfort of knowing
they are by my side at difficult moments, assisting me in
managing my stress. And Despite my flaws, my family
makes me feel safe, protected, accepted, and loved.

2. Religious For me religion helps me to shape my values and

principles. Religion helps me to build values like love,
empathy, respect, and harmony.

3. Respect for elders Respecting elders is important because they have more
experience than us younger people and are also able to
share their wisdom with us. Respect for elders is
important in Filipino culture that why it is important to use
the very basic and common words for showing respect like
po and opo.

4. Matiyaga It important to be “matiyaga” because it help us to be

successful in life. We have to work hard to be able to
achieve our goals in life.

5. Hospitality We Filipinos, being hospitable, makes the culture of our

country outstandingly distinct. It is never taught to an
individual; it just naturally comes from within, the instinct
to make the guests get the most out of one. It important
to be hospitable because in that way we show what is the
values that many Filipino has.

6. Remedyo Attitude Remedyo attitude is very common to us Filipino because

most of us always try to fix the things that we think we can
still be used and in that way we are able to saved money.
By doing it we become wise and thrifty.

7. Damayan Damayan is very important because it is one way to

extend or express my sympathy to others. Damayan is like
giving my kaibigans (friends) and kababayans (fellow
Filipinos) the guidance and aid they need.

8. Flexibility Flexibility is very important because I’m able to adjust and

to adapt to circumstances and the surrounding
environment, both physical and social. Unplanned and
anticipated events are never overly disturbing or
disorienting as the flexible Filipino adjust to whatever

9. Optimism Being optimistic is good for me. It improves my emotional

well-being, fosters better relationships and provides
protection against adverse events. It can, in many
circumstances, lead to better health.

10. Regionalism Regionalism is essential to me since it has been shown to

increase the efficiency and effectiveness of governments.
More efficient and successful governments reduce taxes
and fees while providing a higher quality of life for me and
my family.

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