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 a cab  a filing system  a flight

un taxi un système de classement un vol

The assistant is going to You will need to get The assistant has booked
call a cab for the director rapidly acquainted with the flights and hotel for the
to go to his next meeting in our filing system. director's business trip.

 a form  a meeting request  a memo

un formulaire une demande de réunion, un mémo
The assistant has a copy of de rendez-vous The assistant will circulate
all the forms at her desk. The assistant is in charge the new memo to all
of fielding the meeting company employees.
requests that the director
receives as he does not
have enough time to see

 a phone line  a point of contact  a recipient

une ligne téléphonique un point de contact un destinataire
You are not allowed to use An assistant often serves All the recipients of the
the director's direct phone as a point of contact for a email need to
line but need to go director. acknowledge receipt.
through their assistant.

 a reminder  a scheduling conflict  a sender

un rappel un conflit d'emploi du un expéditeur
The assistant will send a temps The letter was returned to
reminder thirty minutes The director has a the sender.
before the meeting. scheduling conflict so the
assistant will reschedule
one of the meetings.

 a software program  a spreadsheet

un logiciel une feuille de calcul
All bookings are done The assistant will complete
through the company the spreadsheet and share
software program. it with the team members.

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