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Criteria Highly Skilled Skilled Moderately Unskilled No attempt

(5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Use of Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Never selects, No attempt to
tools, selection, selection, selection, prepares and use
equipment preparation, preparation, preparation, uses materials tools/equipmen
and and use of and use of and use of and t
materials materials and materials and materials and tools/equipmen
tools/equipmen tools/equipmen tools/equipmen t
t all the time t most of the t sometimes
Application Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follows No attempt to
of application of application of application of systematic apply
procedures procedures all procedures all procedures application of procedures to
the time the time with sometimes procedures activity
without minimum with constant without
supervision supervision supervision supervision
Safety/ Highly self- Highly self- Highly self- Needs to be No motivation
Work motivated and motivated and motivated and motivated and and totally
Habits observes all observes most observes does not disregards
safety safety sometimes observe all precautions
precautions at precautions some safety safety
all times most of the precautions precautions
Speed/ Work finished Work finished, Work finished, Work finished, No concept of
Time ahead of time meets deadline close to way beyond time
deadline deadline

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