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TikTok has developed into a great educational resource for everything, including

practical lifehacks, interesting science experiments, critical math lessons, quick and

simple DIY projects, and motivational messages and advice. The creators have

discovered the app to be a convenient way to share knowledge and skills with a large

audience because it is so simple to use. This platform has given teachers a means to

liven up their classes and make them more exciting, efficient, and simple to

understand. At the same time, micro-learning has become more interesting to users of

all ages because to TikTok's short-form video format (brandroom, 2021)

Al-Rahmi and Zeki (2017) assert that students' motivation and academic

resourcefulness develop if they aren't limited by the traditional method of learning.

Social media platforms have undoubtedly played a significant role in students' life.

TikTok is generally known for having light-hearted content, such as videos of singing,

dancing, and other creative editing; moreover, it has recently become a trend for

individuals and/or entities to utilize the playful nature of TikTok videos to promote

educational or teaching content, such as photography tips, painting ideas, and cooking

tutorials (Anderson, 2020). This type of information exchange is commonly known as

skill-sharing, in which persons with a specific skill set generate media material with

the purpose of spreading their understanding of the topic. Since the majority of

TikTok's users is between the ages of 13 and 30, the application has a bright potential

as an educational tool. Furthermore, #LearnOnTikTok has received almost 282.8

billion views. The popularity of TikTok's educational content can be seen in a broader

context as part of a micro-learning trend.

Hayes et al. (2020) conducted a study to examine how undergraduate students can use

TikTok as an educational tool to learn about Chemistry by surveying viewers of a

TikTok account, it was found that 4 out of 5 individuals learned something new from

the video, and 86% of the sample showed an increasing interest in chemistry. This

shows that tiktok application can be beneficial to the students and can be a from of an

educational platform.

BrandRoom, INQUIRER. net. “Here’s What Makes TikTok a Powerful Learning

Tool.”, 18 Mar. 2021,


Al-Rahmi, W. M., & Zeki, A. M. (2017). A model of using social media for

collaborative learning to enhance learners’ performance on learning. Journal of King

Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 29(4), 526-535.

Anderson, K. (2020). Getting acquainted with social networks and apps: it is time to

talk about TikTok. Library Hi Tech News, 37(4), 7-12.


Hayes, C., Stott, K., Lamb, K., & Hurst, G. (2020). “Making Every Second

Count”:Utilizing TikTok and Systems Thinking to Facilitate Scientific Public

Engagement and Contextualization of Chemistry at Home. Journal Of Chemical

Education, 97(10), 3858-3866.

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