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Dosen Pengampu : Rizky Amanullah

Nama Mahasiswa : Susila Ruhayati
NIM : P07124322019
Kelas : Alih Jenjang A



Bessie : Hallo Ms. Mira, I’m Bessie

I’m Your nurse for today. How are you ?
Ms. Mira : Ok, thanks
Bessie : That’s good. I’m going to take your obs now.
Ms. Mira : What’s that ?
Bessie : It’s your temperature, pulse and respiration.
That’s how many breaths per minute and your weight.
I need to check your blood presure and your oxygen sats too.
Ms. Mira : Ok
Bessie : Right, I’ll just take your temperature with the special thermometer in your
ear and wait for the beep.
Ms. Mira : What’s my temperature ?
Bessie : Your temperatur is 37°, that’s good
Ms. Mira : Now what ?
Bessie : I’ll get the rest of the information for this machine lift up your arm for me,
please. That’s it I’ll wrap the cuff around your arm.
Ms. Mira : Is that ok ?
Bessie : Yes that’s fine.
Now I’ll just click this lead on your finger
Ms. Mira : What that’s for ?
Bessie : It measures the amount of oxygen in your blood.
Ms. Mira : Ok
Bessie : I’ll turn on the machine now.
Ms. Mira : What does it say ?
Bessie : Your blood pressure is 100/68. That’s fine
Your pulse is 64. That’s ok too
Your oxygen sats are 98%. That’s the percentage of oxygen in your blood.
Ms. Mira : Is that good ?
Bessie : Yes, it’s fine
That’s all from this machine. I counted your respiration while your were
watching the machine. Your resps are 18 breaths in a minute.
Ms. Mira : I didn’t even know you were doing it.
Bessie : I know ,Ok, I’ll weight you now Ms. Mira, can you stand on there scales for
me, please ?
Ms. Mira : Okay
Bessie : That’s good girl
Ms. Mira : How much do I weight ?
Bessie : Let’s see. You are weight 45 kilos
Ms. Mira : Am I finished now?
Bessie : Yes, that’s it

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