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Anatomy & Physiology - Laboratory


Session # 44


Pen and notebook

Upon completion of this lesson, you can:

1. Describe the organs of the male reproductive system and their
principal functions; Reference:
2. Locate male reproductive organs in charts and models;
3. Identify major features in a microscopic specimen of testis; and, VanPutte, C., Regan, J., & Russo, A. (2019). Seeley’s
4. Identify features of mature sperm in figures and in a prepared essentials of anatomy & physiology (10th ed.).
sperm smear. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.


Answer the following items by matching them with their descriptions from Column B. The answers must be written in the space

Column A
1. D connective stalk
2. B amniotic cavity
3. E yolk sac
4. G embryonic disc
5. C mesoderm
6. A placenta
7. F umbilical cord

Column B
a. is an organ that develops in your uterus during pregnancy. This structure provides oxygen and nutrients to your growing
baby and removes waste products from your baby's blood.
b. the fluid-filled cavity that surrounds the developing embryo.
c. is one of three germ layers found in triploblastic organisms; it is found between the ectoderm and endoderm.
d. is a yolk sac diverticulum. It is derived from extraembryonic mesoderm.
e. is a membranous sac attached to an embryo, formed by cells of the hypoblast adjacent to the embryonic disk.
f. (also called the navel string, birth cord or funiculus umbilicalis) is a conduit between the developing embryo or fetus
and the placenta.
g. forms the floor of the amniotic cavity. It is composed of a layer of prismatic cells – the embryonic ectoderm, derived
from the inner cell mass and lying in apposition with the endoderm.

You will study and read their book, if available, about this lesson.

Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system, like that of the female, consists of those organs whose function is to produce a new individual, i.e., to
accomplish reproduction. This system consists of a pair of testes and a network of excretory ducts (epididymis, ductus deferens (vas
deferens), and ejaculatory ducts), seminal vesicles, the prostate, the bulbourethral glands, and the penis.

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The male gonads, testes or testicles, begin their development high in the abdominal cavity, near the kidneys. During the last two
months before birth, or shortly after birth, they descend through the inguinal canal into the scrotum, a pouch that extends below the
abdomen, posterior to the penis. Although this location of the testes, outside the abdominal cavity, may seem to make them vulnerable
to injury, it provides a temperature about 3° C below normal body temperature. This lower temperature is necessary for the production
of viable sperm.

Duct System
Sperm cells pass through a series of ducts to reach the outside of the body. After they leave the testes, the sperm passes through the
epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra.

Accessory Glands
The accessory glands of the male reproductive system are the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands. These
glands secrete fluids that enter the urethra.

The penis, the male copulatory organ, is a cylindrical pendant organ located anterior to the scrotum and functions to transfer sperm to
the vagina. The penis consists of three columns of erectile tissue that are wrapped in connective tissue and covered with skin. The
two dorsal columns are the corpora cavernosa. The single, midline ventral column surrounds the urethra and is called the corpus

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You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to the correct answer
and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in your answer/ratio is not allowed.

To answer the rationale, provide the structural and functional significance of your chosen answer for each question.

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1. Which number is pointing to the urethra?
a. 3 c. 7
b. 5 d. 8
RATIO: The urethra is the tube that connects your bladder to the outside of your body. When you attain orgasm, it also has the function
of discharging (ejaculating) semen in males.

2. What is number 6 pointing to?

a. the testis c. the bladder
b. the prostate d. anus
RATIO: the gallbladder is a tiny, pear-shaped organ located directly under your liver on the right side of your belly. Bile is a digestive
fluid that is stored in the gallbladder and discharged into the small intestine.

3. Which number is pointing to the seminal vesicles?

a. 2 c. 3
b. 6 d. 8
RATIO: The seminal vesicles are positioned anterior to the rectum, inferior to the bladder fundus, and posterior to the prostate in the
pelvis. Denonvillier's fascia separates them from the rectum, much as it does the prostate.

4. Number 2 is pointing to the ...

a. Prostate c. bladder
b. Testis d. urethra
RATIO: The prostate is positioned in front of the rectum, slightly below the bladder. It surrounds the urethra and is roughly the size of a
walnut. It generates a fluid that is a component of sperm.

5. What is number 5 pointing to?

a. the ureter c. the seminal vesicles
b. the urethra d. prostate
RATIO: The ureter is a tube that connects the kidney to the urinary bladder and transports urine. Each kidney has two ureters, one for
each kidney. The ureter's upper half is found in the belly, while the bottom half is found in the pelvic region.

The instructor will now provide you the rationalization to these questions. You can now ask questions and debate among yourselves.
Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.





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You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you track how
much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.


This technique will help you engage in reading & stimulate learning. You will answer the following questions per column, as fast as
you can, without looking in their notes.


1. What type of division do primary spermatocytes go through?

a. mitosis b. meiosis
Answer: B

2. What organelles are abundant in sperm cells to provide energy for flagellar movement?
a. ribosomes c. lysosomes
b. enzymes d. mitochondria
Answer: D

3. Once a sperm matures, it travels through this tube

a. Vas deferens c. Fallopian tube
b. Ovaries d. Epididymis
Answer: A
LARGER QUESTIONS: (These can only be answered if the FIND-OUT QUESTIONS are completed.)

1. About how many sperm are ejaculated under normal circumstances

Answer: 39-928 million sperms

2.The two male reproductive organs that produce most of the fluids that make up semen are called
Answer: seminal vesicle and prostate gland


What are the accessory glands of the male reproductive system?

The accessory glands of the male reproductive system are the seminal vesicles,
prostate gland and the bulbourethral gland.

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