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At the end of the one-hour period (60-minute period), the students should be able to:
Knowledge 1. define probability;
Skills 2. find the probability of simple events;
Skills 3. solve practical problems involving probability of simple events; and
Attitude 4. express appreciation on the importance of probability in real-life situations


A. Topic: Probability of Simple Events
B. References: Mathematics 8 Module 7
C. Learning Competencies: Finds the probability of a simple event. M8GE-IVh-1
D. Materials: Cartolina, chalk, eraser, laptop, chalkboard and die.
E. Strategies/Methods Used: Collaborative learning and lecture method
F. Values Integration: Activeness and cooperation

A. Preparation (5 minutes)


May I request everyone to stand up and let’s start

our day with a prayer.
(Regine will lead the prayer)

Good morning class.

Good morning, Ma’am Camille!
Before you take your seat, please arrange your
chair, and pick up all the pieces of paper under
your chairs. (Students arrange the chairs.)

Let me remind you our classroom rules.

1. Raise your hand if you want to answer.

2. No using of cellphones.
3. Respect each other.

What are you going to do with these rules?

Obey and follow ma’am.
You must obey and follow.

(Checking of attendance)
I will check your attendance based on your seat
plan. Are you in your proper seat right now?
ALL: Yes ma’am.

Angelo and Carissa are absent today.


For our review, anyone who could answer this one?

Directions: List the elements of the sample space or

events of each in the given statement. All: Me ma’am (raising their hands)
For number 1, what is the answer in this statement?
Flipping a coin
James: {Head, Tail}
Thank you and very good, James.
How about rolling a die? Yes, Carino.

Carino: {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Thank you and very good, Carino.
How about selecting a vowel in the alphabet? Yes,
Jack: {A,E,I,O,U}
Thank you and very good, Jack.
Very good, students. Now are we ready to move to
another lesson?
All: Yes, Ma’am.
B. Presentation (40 minutes)

a. Motivation (5 minutes)

Before we proceed to our proper discussion, let’s

have first an activity. Who wants to have a game,
Some: yes ma’am
That’s great!
Are you familiar with the game rock-paper, scissors
class? Or the so-called jack en poy? Some: Yes ma’am

(The students find their partner)

Find a partner and let’s play rock-paper scissors.
You have three rounds to play and record your
result on the paper I will provide you. Write W
if you win and L if you lose.
Trial 1st round 2nd round 3rd round
Student A

Student B

Are you now ready class? Do you have a partner

All: Yes, Ma’am
1, 2, 3 go “bato2x pick!
(The students perform the activity and record
(After 3 rounds)
the result.)
Thank you, you may now go back to your seats.

b. Analysis (3 minutes)

How did you find the activity? Is it interesting? Student 1: It is fun and interesting ma’am.
Student 2: Exciting ma’am
How many times did you win or lose the game?
Student 1: I won 3 times ma’am
Student 2: I lost 2 times ma’am
Student 3: I won 2 times ma’am
Student 4: I lost 3 times ma’am

How do you feel about the activity? About winning

or losing?
We learned to accept losing and winning in a
game. (Answers my vary)

Okay very good!

In life, there are lots of chances or possibility of
winning and losing. Those possibilities are
related to our topic for today.

Are you ready to listen?

Yes, Ma’am.
We will discuss today the probability of simple
events. Please listen carefully because at the end of
our discussion, you are expected to
define probability, find the probability of
simple events and express appreciation on the
importance of probability in real-life.

c. Discussion Proper (20 minutes)

Before that, let me show this picture.

Are you ready for the rain? How possible it will rain
today? But before that, why do you think rains? Why
does it rain? Anyone is free to give an idea.

Alright, thank you stephanie for your good answer. Stephanie: Because of the water cycle.
Why does it rain? Did you know?
All rain starts with the sun. How it rains?
1. The sun heats up the air.
2. Warm air rises.
3. As the air rises, it cools.
4. The water vapour held in the air condenses back
into water. If the air rises far enough, the water
vapour might turn into ice crystals.
5. If enough condensation occurs, a cloud will
form, which is made up of billions and billions of
little drops of water.
Eventually the water held in the air becomes too heavy
to be held up by rising currents of air and it falls to the
ground as rain, or snow, if it is really cold.
Will it rain or will the sun shine today?

Another example, We are experiencing a global health

problem. We are all at risk of catching diseases, hence,
health professionals issued protocols. But it is always
upon us if we are going to follow those protocols. Are
you following with the protocols?

During any casual or special day, did you plan in

advance about the possible outfit that you are going to
wear? Do you think that there will be a Math involved in
doing so?

When you flip a coin, have you ever wondered about

the possibility of the head or the tail to appear?

Probability answers it all. Probability took a big part in

those areas. Will it rain or will the sun shines? Also It is
upon us to follow and be 100% safe or 100% expose to
germs and viruses.

Every day we always encounter events that are equally

to occur.
Probability is used in a number of industries, including
healthcare, scientific research and weather forecasting.
You may not realize it, but most of the decisions you
make every day are based on probability! No one can
predict the future (yet). But probability helps us make
reasonable assumptions about future events based on
their likelihood. 

Let us first define probability and simple events.

What comes into your mind when you hear the word

Thank for sharing your idea Shayne. Shayne: Possibility

Probability – is the measure of how likely an event is

to occur. The more likely an event is to
occur, the higher its probability. The less likely an
event is to occur, the lower its probability.

Simple event – it is an event which has a single


The probability of simple events is finding the

probability of a single event occurring. When finding
the probability of an event occurring, we will use the

number of favorable outcomes

P( E)=
number of possible outcomes

When you see P(  ) this means to find the probability

of whatever is indicated inside of the parenthesis.

Give example ( Candies)

Is that clear?

All: Yes Maam

Based on the example, how are you going to compute
for the probability of simple events?

Again, the probability of getting snowbear is 1/3 ,

where 1 is the favorable outcome and 3 is the
number of all possible outcomes.

Let me show you the probability line

(show the probability line)

Have you heard those words?

All: Yes, maam.

All right, In English, you can describe the probability of

an event with the following terms:

When we say certain, any guess?

Shane: Ma’am, it will happen.

Very good, shane. Certain means the event is definitely

going to happen. 100% Sure the event will happen.

How about Likely? Joey: Probably will happen but there is

percentage that it may not happen.

Very good, Joey. It means the event will probably

happen, but not definitely.

Another is an even chance. That is 50 50 chance that an

event will happen.

How about unlikely?

Sam: it will not happen but also possible to

Yes, great Sam. This means that the event will probably
not happen, but it might.

Lastly, how about impossible?

Lani: Very sure that the event will not

Brilliant idea, Lani! It is the event that is definitely not

going to happen.

Probability of an event can be written in the following

Decimal, fractions, and percent.

There are 4 probability rules

1. The probability of a simple event is a

number from 0 to 1.

2. If an event will never happen, then its

probability is 0.

When a single die is rolled, find the
probability of getting an 8.

Since the sample space consists of 1, 2,3,4,5

and 6. It is impossible to get an 8.

Hence, P(8) =0

When you sneezed, what is the probability

that you will not close your eyes?

A dog flying? In real life can you see dogs


Living underwater? Tell me someone who

live underwater and never ever comes up to

proceed to the 3rd rule? Yes, Maxine.

From the probability formula Ma’am how did it happen that it is

P(Event)= P(8) = = 0. Where did you get that


P(8) =

Did I answer now your question Maxine?

Yes, Ma’am. Thank you.

2. If an event is sure to happen, then the
probability is 1.
Example: When a single die is rolled, what is
the probability of getting a number less than 7.

Solve for the probability getting a number less

than 7.

How many possible outcomes?

Good, there are 6 possible outcomes. Student: There are 6 ma’am.

What are those outcomes?

Correct! Student: 1,2,3,4,5,6

Now, what is the number of favorable


Are you sure it’s 1? Student: 1 ma’am

Student: Yes ma’am

All the outcomes are 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 right?

What is the event?

Student: Yes ma’am

Student: Getting a number less

than 7.
Then all outcomes are less than 7?
Student: Yes ma’am
Again, what is the number of the favorable

Student: There are 6 favorable


P(number less than 7) =
Very good!
You can now solve the probability of
getting a number less than 7 because you
have already identified the number of
favorable outcomes and all possible

Exampls: The earth still exists tomorrow.

Independence day, the celebration of
this event will surely happen on June 12
because it is a National Holiday and it already
familiar to us that this will happen once a year.

At this very moment, tell me if your heart is


All: yes ma’am.

Its true if that is not beating you may be dead now.

Do you have any question about the probability

rules class?

None ma’am

One and only reminder class, your answer should

be on the simplified form. Okay?

Yes ma’am.
For example, ,what is the
simplified form of this?
Student: It’s ma’am.
(More examples to be presented)

d. Application (5 minutes)

(Group activity)

Now let’s apply your understanding about the

probability of simple events.

You will be divided into four groups. Each group

have assigned problem to solve. You need to find
the probability of different subject areas that is
given. Each group is required to make a yell in
connection with the Independence Day and after
you finish the task, each group will present their
yell and that is the sign that you are done.

Then I will provide the materials needed and you

will write your answer here in the manila paper.

I’ll give you 3 minutes and after that choose a

representative to present your work.

Go now to your groups. Move silently. Don’t make

any noise.

You may now start.

(The students move silently to their groups.)

Group 1: Twisters
The longest known Filipino word in a
dictionary is “Pinakanakapagpapabagabag-
damdamin” which means the most emotionally
disturbing (or upsetting) thing. What is the
probability of this word on having vowels?
Group 2: Nutrition Month
Next month, there will be a Nutrition month in
SAIS. Many students participated in the event.
There are Vegetable cooking contest, Dessert
Making, Healthy Baking, and Fruits Curving and
designing? What is the probability that each
student joined in Vegetable Cooking Contest?
Group 3: Historians
The Philippines had sixteen presidents. From
the first who become a president was General
Emilio Aguinaldo and up to our current President
Rodrigo Duterte. We had 2 female presidents.
What is the probability that we had female
Group 4: Talking about Sports
Type of Sport Swimming Badminton
Number of 250 350
Find the probability that the students like

This is the rubric for your activity.

Okay time’s up. Please arrange now your chairs.

In presenting your work no need to come here in

front just stand in your place and show your
work to your classmates.

Group 1 start.
(The student start

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Give yourselves 10 claps for answering it all

correctly. Very good class. Continue doing great.

Now I have here a video to present to all of you.

Listen and watch attentively.

( the video is playing)

From the video you watched, how is probability in
real life-situations?

It can be used in weather broadcast.

Insurance, board games, sports,

Very well said, Joy!

In this life, what do we need to do to increase the

probability of achieving success in every endeavor?

Jane: Take positive action.

Very good, Jane.

Lito: Know your desire outcome.

e. Generalization (5 minutes)

A while ago we discuss about probability of

simple events and probability rules.

As a recap, what is probability?

Probability is the measure of how likely an event is to occu

How will you able to solve the probability of

simple events? By using the formula,

Quote ponder:

The probability of success is difficult to estimate,

but if we never search, the chance of success is

That’s true, right? If we will not do something for

the things we want to achieve in life, our chances
to get that success is zero. We often doubt because
of so many hindrances. Take note that even the
probability of 0,01. There is still a chance, so if
you are in the middle chaos and looking for
chances, just take note that until it is not zero there
is always a chance. So don’t ever give up.

Are you going to give up? ALL: No ma’am.

Is it clear? ALL: Yes ma’am.

Okay, get ½ sheet of paper. We will have a quiz.

IV. Evaluation (5 minutes)

(The teacher gives the instruction and

administers the exam.)

Instruction: Answer directly in a 1/2sheet of


Directions: Answer the following:

Find the probability of the following: (2pts each)
1. If a letter is chosen at the random from the word
MILLENIALS, what is the probability that the letter
chosen is L?
2. Earl Darenz is asked to choose a day from a week.
What is the probability of choosing a day which starts
with S?
V. Assignment (2 minutes)
Write your own real-life problem
(situation) involving the concept of
probability. Solution must be provided.

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