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Light energy is Form of energy that help us to see

Source of light energy on the earth is Sun

Light energy can also be used…………….

a. Traffic light
b. Camera
c. to communicate ex Lighted messages
2. Heat energy is Heat energy is a form of energy that makes things warm or hot

Source of heat energy on the earth is The Sun is the main source

Heat energy can also be used:

a. For drying clothes
b. For cooking to kill germs in food
c. For ironing to iron our clothes
d. For melting metals
e. For warmth whenever object are rubbed together or when they hit against one another
3. Sound energy is Sound energy is a form of energy that can hear

Source of Sound energy on the earth is When we whistle a tune tap our feet on the ground or clap our hands

Sound energy can also be used:

a. For informing sound energy helps inform of something our phones ring and produce sound energy
b. For entertainment sound can be used to make music that entertains
c. For communicating
d. For warnings
4. Electrical energy is……………………………..

Source of Electrical energy on the earth is………………………

Electrical energy can also be used:





5. Potensial energy is……………………………..

Some form of Potential energy on the earth is………………………

Gravitational potential energy is…………………………………………….

Examples of potential energy……………………………………..

Chemical potential energy is…………………………….

Another form of potential energy




elastic potential energy……………………………………….

Examples of elastic potential energy………………………………………………….

6 Water is boiling in the kettle as shown in the diagram below.

a. What form of energy is produced as the water starts to boil? [1]


b. Write another example that produces the same energy as shown above? [1]
7 The diagram below shows a boy flying a kite.

a. Write the type of energy that makes the kite fly?


b. Mention 2 other activities that need kinetic energy! [2]

Which of the following needs heat energy to carry out the activity? Mention which boxes of your
answer. [2]

1 2 3 4
9 The object shown below produces energy.

a. What form of energy does the object produce? _____________________ [1]

b. Give one example of an object or an activity that produces the same form of energy in (a).

_______________________________________________________________ [1]

10 The diagram below shows a doorbell.

a. What form of energy will cause the doorbell to ring when the button is
pressed? [1]

b. What is the energy that produces when the doorbell is ringing? [1]

11 Mention each examples of sound energy can carry out these activities! [2]
a. Sound energy for communicating
b. Sound energy for warning

12 Give each example of the object that uses or produces these energies! [2]
a. elastic potential energy
b. light energy

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