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The decision 'bt.schoots. to reopensdurinq the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the concern of a

part of the population and is the cause of many problems. To solve this problem, people can

use several solutlons.jfbe reason for this action by schools is to ensure the quality of student

learning. Especially for students in grades 5, 9, 12, who are also at the level of preparation

for the transfer exam, it is extremely important to ensure their academic performance and

ability to absorb. necessary to ensure that students can get into the school of their chOice.]

Since then, when the epidemic has subsided, it is necessary for students to return to school

so that teachers and schools can closely monitor and improve their learning in a timely
j "...(,la,.. vJ.r
manner. Supposedly, if the Education Ministry continues to let students learn online, it will

make it difficult for teachers to make sure students understand the lesson or not. This will

reduce the quality of students' learning, so the school cannot follow closely in their learning.

prt7bLe..1'I'\ j 1\ volve..e4

However, the ~onsequence..Qf going back to school in the middle of the epidemic is a
. , rnle.. hfih
resurgence of COVID-19. The ability of the corona virus to spread is extremely fast, so when

going to school, the cramped environment of the classroom can become a breeding ground

for the proliferation and spread of disease.

~ H.e.... ~ea 'f-M-Ufran ~.f.,....L.b -h ~~ &-.; ikf..L.. .A!.s.s~ r'":

- 1-

These days, school reopening during COVID-19 pandemic is a controversial issue for both

parents and students. In this essay, I would detail two solutions about how to prevent

COVID-19 and how to avoid PSYChOIOgiCa~'tudYing)diseases/~(fCA."lM...$

fin 1-~J.. k~~) .. r
f On theflrsf hand,
accines'for COVID-19 and somelsolutions to preyentlthe pandemic are
.,.~ all
important. First and foremost,(without medicine allergy~tudents and teachers should be
~U "!:,,,-A.c.J/t0Y) ~~
vaccinated ~ Thi J is able 0 avoid severe cases that infect. at school. Second, ~9r instance,)

in Vietnamese, people must follow SK rules to prevent cross infection. Disinfecting regularly

and keeping distance in each classroom are priorities. Also, a mask for everyone is extremely


M..o,.....ov-er-) I
IOn the other hand, preparing children psychologically when going back to school is also a

solution. This is firstly because offline learning is by far different from online learning. . .. 11. {
. {cfMAf- ~"-~'C> rc&'::f:2.;
Students are often not used to studying in a disciplined environment solmarks<fre seen to
Xi ~~tl-I •
decrease. Due to that, their parents must ask them to study more seriously and teachers

should remind children to take notes.~he ~~e is thatJow scores often impact

students badly. To prevent diseases such as depression, stress or disappointment, each

student has to consciously study online as offline.

To summarize, although returning school in COVID-19 pandemic is the cause for concern and

poses quite a few issues, there are still a large number of solutions for parents, students and
I ~vri ,f w.-bsr'rcb II. fwtCt.rn.f'/
teachers to/prevent worries. ~ ~~ q~ltc:v, C&..I'V?- rib -10 de: f~nlt.Cru-. ~ ~u

..J2.s.s~ r' -k,rll.

-2 -

As many schools are starting to reopen, many people are expressing apprehension about this

because of the widespread of COVID-19, but children's knowledge is also important so there

are things that should be done to keep the students safe from the virus when coming back to


There are some of the practical measures that schools can take ~SUCh as moving

classes to temporary spaces or outdoors, holding school in shifts, reduce class size,

temperature check before letting students or teachers go into classes, ... Water and hygiene

facilities will be a crucial part of schools reopening safely. Administrators

opportunities to improve hygiene meaiUre~j including handWaShing,~tOry



physical distancing measures, cleaning procedures for facilities and safe food preparation


Moreove~ th~dents should also be taught about social distancing, they should always

keep in ~mind that they should keep distance from other people even with their friends to

stay the safest. Also, they should always wear ma~ cleaning and disinfecting frequently

touched surfaces and stay home if they have any signs of catching COVID-19.

-3 -

It is clearly seen that schools have been forced to clos« down in the/recent day/due to the
outburst of the Covid-19 pandemic, but many of them are intended to reopen ~ and
tl).eJ:efor lea~ to some worrisome problems. Although going to school and meeting face to

face with people might increase the chance of getting infected by the virus, there are ways to

somewhat reduce it. In this essay, I will analyze the possible solutions to tackle this problem.

There are several things people can do to make a safe return to school for students in order

to safely reopen schools and reduce the spread of disease but the most effective is that the

government will need to address a number of important health issues. C 2..1- ~j' )


School reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic is the cause for concern and poses quite a

few problems. Education is an extremely important industry because it trains people to

develop comprehensively.That's why we need to make sure everyone is safe return to school.

First of all,~ thinkleveryone needs to have a sense of health check before going to school.

We should take a quick look at the temperature of our body at home.Whether we cough or
I 11\.~ ..c.,.~"'i I
have a sore throat and stay away from crowds to prevent(spreading COVID-19.fThe school

l+vt /i,sL- «: vi"",", I

system should start installing hand sanitizers in the hallways and classrooms to help

/ quarantine COVID-19.

Besides, students need to have a good sense when going to school. Students must always

wear a mask that is guaranteed by the health department to be safe. The school%eneeds

to take measures to reprimand even severely punish students it/S~ts~o not comply with

the 5K rule. Schools must be equipped with enough masks to give out if needed and can also

live stream information if they have the tech-savvy capabilities in order to keep parents

informed on what is going on.

Schools need to have a plan in place that can combat this pandemic, since it has caused so

I sln-e-f(, f-ollz>w
follow the SK rule.
much chaos prior and during its occurrence.To ensure safety, schools and students need to
.(-.-&...~ ~c.U~+''''''J

~~~CM !

N.~~JL- tI cn.v- Jt'l?"4-

lNiiA "- 8 qn( cuYt~~

-5 -

Schools hurriedly made their comeback not long after the spread of COVID-19 seemed to
~ h(U~/nuL
have-reduced- This was a questionably r~ decision - they could have waited until the
pandemic was completely over - but for the sake of students' academic performance, the
education ministry was left with no other choice. To ensure the welfare of-people involved,

there are several measures that can be taken.

I s,..f-fj ~.....tQ-~~,f
Firstly, a safe return to school requireslthe basic necessities, rhich are followed by everyone

during the outbreak: you have to wear a mask, frequently sanitize your hands, and avoid in-
q...l-hrA,.,f<... t
person contact as much as possible. To ensure this, schools can apply different shifts

between the grades and reduce the number of students per classroom. Pupils have their part

to play too. It is highly recommended that upon return, students bring their own water
, I~~
bottles, so as not to share the same drinking container, thus reducing thelchance ~f COVID-
19 infection. If possible, the provision of their own lunchbox is even better: students won't
have to be cramped in the small space of the cafeteria - an ideal place for the virulent disease

to spread - together.

Secondly, the best way to prevent the virus is to boost strength and the immune system. The

school can fit the curriculum with more exercise periods, which not only help students to

relax between highly stressful lessons but also increase resistance against the virus. Students

can work out a detailed and balanced diet to follow. In case the school is the provider of

food, the menu should be diverse and contain healthy, organic food. Food that is rich in

vitamin, such as fruits, is encouraged. As the old saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the

doctor away."

All in all, there are two ways in which a safe return to school can be ensured. The first one is

prevention: students are to follow 5K rules. The second one is resistance: they are to eat

healthy food and exercise on a regular basis. (JJ6 tvo~)

Otro-d ~ of-(~~L
/<JLva'U.. JLsseccJ rt:'.:f'~

~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~'~ki-

Recently, since the influences of the pandemic on our lives have reduced, more and more

schools and educational institutions have been reopened. Students can now go to school

directly without resorting to online classes. However, there are still some issues that need
tackling, and several solutions have been brought up.

if-f6 ~clofr ~
First and foremost/students' safety. Schools need tO/e~e(flard(measures to meet minimum

clinical requirements so COVID-19 is still being prevented from spreading. Some of these are
I It.rni - b()~:~
face mask provision, thermometers and so on. Especially for smaller/pupils who might need
~"-*s/t '11$
to have n<eli~nd sleep at school, Ae may have to accept being risky. Second, it is important

to note that parents may be concerned about how students are taught in offline classes. As

many of them could have had a terrible time studying in front of a computer all the time, they
are possibly lacking some{unlts pf knowledge taught online, which can be ~ard to make up

for in only a few months left of offline learning. Although teaching directly in a classroom is

believed to be more effective, we should not ignore the fact that stricter supervision is vital

for the learning progress.

In conclusion, despite a number of arising problems, it is imperative to manage them so live

learning is carried out as smoothly as possible. Though not all of them are easy to deal with,

we should try to do so, for a better, higher-quality educational system.

f6...v'\'u. Jl.S~acJ .s Iw..c..~ (~K- S~l k- N- ~sJ- L

p~hs Z~ ,~-' in Jfu..- .e.s~ ~o~)

Ru-tA ~ ~~r~ ~~ ~ c.a-.t.-~ Iv kttrf't\A.~

&A- StZ."'$,<b~ .JLS~ ~.

-7 -

As the COVID-19 pandemic's negative impact is now being mitigated, everyone is starting to

get back to normal life. As a result, schools are reopening during this pandemic.

Nevertheless, it¥remains the cause for concern and poses some problems. Here are the

two solutions to~C;;-~return to school for all.

(J~ / ;n;>~"'f~~
Firstly, students/have tolbe required to wear masks andlY!fill safety preventative measures.
Coronavirus is an extremely contagious disease. One's infection can culminate in a

widespread outbreak of this disease.Therefore, obeying all precautionary procedures is vital,

J.oSA- ~f...J-/

especially in a school where student surround each othe( all the time. For example, students

have to sanitize their hands when they enter the school to ascertain that everybody is safe;
( ftur ~,.Jtve- ~ C; Vfd/
or even requiring them to/have a negative Covid test(to attend ~school.

I ,..tfU'-",-+o- ~f.,I ~ ~J,.ills. J

Secondly, the schools should /separate classes' studying time. In order to minimize students'

interaction, having them take classes at different time is the best option. The principals can
arrange this class to take place in the morning and the other to take place in the morning. By
~. -
doing that, students will not be talking to each other as much as usua~ breaktime or

when they are eating lunch.

~""~Uw\S ~
In conclusion, every student should comply with the safety'instructions regarding COVID-19

and schools can also implement new effective measures.

~ ~fld U,rr/rDve..r.s;y/J..,J,~ )
There has been some controversial pr.o.Q.lernS~hether
reopening school after the

COVID-19 pandemic has i~d threats to the students' safety. While some strongly

approve of it, others maJ:rbw~r concerns abouJ ~i~;;';-tance. ~hiS essay aims to

seek out the perfect solution for this particular problem.

First and foremost, the risk of being infected with COVID-19 is among thefC=e?r;';ng

r~bl*students do not follow safety precaution carefully, the virus will eventually

spread to many other parts of the school. As a result, the school may have to close again due
~ I'\~~ c:r i"f,.cfa.J. ~
to dramatical rise in people who are infected.(Another important matter of public's concern is

how learners are going to study as normal. The long time when they have to study online will

make it harder for them to adjust and adapt quickly to the school environment. Returning to
in #Ift"/
school, the children may not study as effectively as they do {during online classar .

To tackle this problem, the first option for improving this situation is to raise the children's

awarenesslag!utJhe pandemic. When they are equipp.ed with enough knowledge about the
riR:.. of 11\.h.Ja~ tp-f'q bsL. u-uI /fL~ y,w
disease it wiil reduce the chance of getting COVID-19, (flence there will be lesser and lesser
1Sf-{1\. eM

cases. Moreover, special education programmes can be designed so that students can

gradually get used to learning face-to-face. Right now, edcuation is the top priority for both

students and schools.

It goes without saying that school reopening has defintely ~e people worried;especially in

the highly infected areas. It is essential that individuals take their own responsibility into their
I s~ .IlfAJ.'V~
own hands so that students can/be successful without unexpected obstacles.
~ $()..1c.fJ I
A w.ei{ _ dY3~'..tuI JL$$crJ-

G,;od. u..SIL o-.f- {OVV) tAA..j JL.

-9 -

ha.s .t«it/M~std
The early 2000s of our history saw the most remarkable yet fri~htenin event ever: the
- /lw-gwl..t
coronavirus pandemic. It has impacted our lives on a{significant cale, and one of the many

differences is the temporary closing of schools and other public institutions. However, with
cases on the downfall, many governments around the world have scheduled school
reopenin~ although not without concern from parents.f!h~ remaining length ~hiS essay

will discuss the precautions made and should be made for our children to make a safe return

to school.

I Wu;>.r1' ~ ~sks is a: ~I- / (S. ~st>tJ

For one,imasks h~ve been made mandatory for the entire time a student spends at school.
d..v.n.~~cA.n.' ~ I
Face masks could be compared to a gun of a soldier in a battle nowadays. They prevent the

contact of droplets containing germs or bacteria from entering your mouth or nose. Wearing

one can protect students from getting infected even when in close contact with an iII/iIt-lac1w4

classmate and help prevent students from spreading their illness tob;~e else. I
fVihJ~~~ ,
Anothe( precautionary method~ensure that all students are vaccinated with at least one

shot with eligible certificate of vaccination. Vaccines developed by prestigious companies have

been tested have proven to be effective in terms of stopping one from getting infected with a

disease or at least reduce the symptoms of the virus. This is a key element in ensuring
schools can be safely open for education.

In conclusion, although it is concerning rt';o::r~~=----~p:::-:u-:;:t:-:their
children at risk of getting a

dangerous disease, but

with all precautionary methods and vaccination, it is safe to say that
school reopening\ ~ feasible.

~c{ i~~ ~ t.v,)O... o.f-l~~L

~viS--L JZ..'.J~ f:>e;...+h.......u ~

- 11 -


In this day and age, there has been a ~t of (concern about whether schools should be

reopened during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a norm that a safe return to school for all might
J tl.\;(J'fdc~ fw..1Jt. ~ ~ oftt..- k~.s
have to be done with a view tojpreventlht; from posing a few problems his essay will

discuss solutions to make a safe school reopening for all.

First and foremost, detailed guidance is required to help school reopening become much

safer. Specifically, there might be little concern about school reopening when pupils

comprehend the danger of the Covid-19 pandemic. Knowing the long-term effects of the

Covid-19, the children would avoid being susceptible to this lethal disease. For example,

students with enough knowledge about the severe consequences of the Covid-19 might have

a tendency to protect themselves against the Covid virus. Fewer problems might be posed

when students follow guidance to have a healthy journey to school.

Secondly, it is need A¥--':--.---:-

for Covid-19. To be more specific, when controlling the number of students who are infected
.B1Covid-19 by setting proactive plans, schools might gain the initiative in protecting healthy

students. For example, proactive plans such as providing quarantine areas would decrease
/vir" .s {
the risks of spreading the/Covid.

In conclusion, school reopening during the Covid-19 pandemic would cause lots of concern as
it would po31a' few problems. I would recommend that both detailed guidance and proactive

plans might have a great influence on the return of students to school.

~ w.e. 'fr {~~ Q... I i'·C!Jf~.s

R.A. vt'st- .e. s$c::5 feJ ..,fJ-A-t'V'l-" ..

- 12 -

At the present time, the reo ening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic is a cause of
CA'l'c£r"#1,-// pot.ts . -
I worry ~ncl/raise a number of issues. This essay will outline several ways to ensure that

everyone returns to school safely.

IS inro~,J- 10 ~
tt.UC.- ,

First and foremost, i should be made sure hat people infected with Covid-19 or suspected of
being infected with C?:Vid- must stay at home. This canVaccomplished by not allowing the
Ccrvn( -,{.1 r!"c.~1J
I patients with Covid-l or those have symptoms of fever, cough, or difficult:y.Jbreathing to

attend school. Families, schools and individuals should also keep an eye on their surroundings

to check if anyoneM~~tl,;:~:-~. Withthose who are suspected of being infected

with Covid-19, they should be tested before getting back to school.

Secondly, schools, teachers, parents and students rnustl properly~ollowthe regulations to

prevent the spread of Covid-19 in schools. Students should be asked to wear mask when
/MP1' ~ ~choDI'h.tcV
a.f-A/{ "'~
~rro1,g to school,[use han=~er be/~
entering th classroom. With those who show
- - ~~~ •• lh~1 r
signs of fever, cough, O)diffiCUlty breathing should be isolated in a separate room. Parents

also need to remind their children of the rules before returning to schools. Before going to

school, families need to check their children's temperature. If their children show signs of

fever, they should be made sure to stay at home. Teachers and schools have to make certain

that all classrooms and other\ are~must be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

To recap, I strongly believe that if all aforementioned measures are taken seriously, ensuring

that everyone is safe at school will no longer be such a big problem.

~A tw... 01- (~v.-e.:JJL I 8~ I~

~vi.u :eSS''''eJ rhr"V'

- 13 -
~ «: CNflL tl.9 t»-rt~~ 11. e,ff!u.AV-!!II/uu"fA-'tI ~l(,.p{

I Due to the less seriousness of the COVID-1? pandemic, a great number of schools have been

reopened.JA~e time,/some have raised concerns about the risk of both students and

teachers being infected with the virus. In that sense, several steps should be taken so as to

avoid problems that it may pose ~s fOllows)

Firstof all, schoolshadbetter complywith SKrUleJr.::;;e~ Ministryof Health.To

be more specific, these rules include face masks, distancing, disinfection, no gathering\ and

health declaratiOn\ For example, during the lockdown period, that the government apply SK

rules and nobody was allowed to go out resulted in a decrease in the number of new cases. If

schools want to ensure the safe return to school for all, the headmaster should take these

rules into account and order people to adhere to them.

Secondly, schools should make more of an effort to raise people's awarenesja:tut the
potential danger of the virus. To elucidate, even when people are vaccinated against COVID-

19 or they are already infected, they still run the risk of coming down with the disease again.

For that reason, all students and teachers should not be subjective but to abide by the rules
sfya'of-b r -/e.A-
/ carefully/so that-return to school is safe for everyone.

In conclusion, raising students and teachers' awareness and following SK rules are/necessary
~~r 1 ,h~
actions that schools should takefin order to make sure that it is safe for everyone to ;:rm€,.to

school. COVID-19 is hard to/disappearftorever so people are advised to co-exist with it.
~ LA-Jt.- of- 1~~L 1~vvJ. i~'>

~vi LrL f2..SS"~ ft>-~...s

- 14 -
- ~
In two years recent, people have become familiar with Covid-19 - a disease which ~pread

all over the world a quick speed.

.,.""f"<f-!!4 ~
owever, many residents who have never suffered from

this illness are still afraid it. Because of the pandemic, students have to study at home
"'" vita- Ik.~
t~ a computerYAnd reopening school at this moment is the biggest concern for all
parents. Some people want their children to go to school, but the remain do not. This essay
(M~vi!'1 ~~':'- "'~ol> r
will focus on the problems/clan be'df the school restartin~ and the measures-should be taken
assure a safe return to school for all.

First and foremost, the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic is undeniable and going to
school at this time can make the virus/easily spread out.torexample, in VietNam, there are
wI;. in eL.Jf.- i~
about 50 students in one class, if a student ~ positive with Covid, those who/have talked with
~ . fj....-
him will have to stay in a quarantine. They must study online again and this can cause the

interruption of their study. Many classess in Hanoi have had to stop reopening school after a

few weeks due to the quick spread of this disease.

However, going to offline-classes is still the most efficient way for students, tjr~t~:ew..
knowledge. Face-to-face studying can help teacher observe pupils whether they are paying

attention to the lessons or not easily. Therefore, each teache~should be aware of the way to

protect the students and how 0 remain social distancing. Every SChooIYmus~~
J dc.s.s I'\f'fto't 1\
sanitize'fin each/class in order that students can use them eaSiIY/CcrK\.CI\A'~

ReOpenij school is undeniably ood for the young. However, schools and teachers should
s~ t4~'~
carry ou 5K rules 0 protect themselves as well aS~heir children.

- 15 -

~~---- ----

In today's society, COVID-19 pandemic has become a normalized phenomenon. With the help
of vaccines, students' learning activities at school have returne at caused numerous
...... ~s
controversy. ~9(l sr/A.fR..n.sLtt/- r
In the first place, the reopening of schools could lead to a huge wave of infection,X among

students.Schoolsare a crowde4e~nmenfi=1students learnand playtogether.

When playing and studying together, students may not know how to keep(theiQdistance,

thereby increasing the risk of cross-infection. Morevoer, some children may not be vaccinated
and being infected with covid will make them weak and have pet"resistance.

b~ /
I i/-;5 kIt,-v~J
In terms of solutions, I believe that the responsibility of the schooll ~ilJand
teachers to

prevent COVID from attacking student by propagating their students to wear masks and keep

a distance is essential. Many students are not conscious about wearing masks or even

subjective and hate wearing them. In addition to the call of the teachers, each student should

have a sense of self-protection from Covid.

~/~ ~/res.J.l-~
In a nutshell, it is undeniable that the reopening of schools can~arious issues. Yet if

SChOOI~=il/and students are aware of the severity of covid then it may well become

possible to offer some solutions. (2..tY1 ~.s)

A- W-t. (l -- 'tJ~ ~ .(.~~

,~~ ~ C8\~t;"'"
~vis.e.. ~ ~(~ ~~ ~ .,

~ ~ .-tbA.> 70 ~6 1.NfJt. ~ ~Ift


- 16 -

The reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic is ofwtontern to many people.

Although great problems have arisen, there are solutions.

The greatest issue regarding schools' reopening is probably public health. COVID-19 is still

being researched as a virus and while scientists have a good understanding of how the virus
t/A t'-Or

operates and infects humans, they don't have all the answers. The idea of sending children

back to school without knowing how vulnerable they are to contracting the virus is alarming

to most people. Furthermore, returning children to school exposes not only the children and

employees !e the risk of illness, but also all adults with whom the children interact. This
Ji~ "., 4... 1t;./
I encourages(community sprea~which makes the pandemic even more severe. Reopening

schools can~xpose elderly grandparents and caregivers to the virus through the children

who attend school, as children are known to be carriers even while asymptomatic. This is a

secondary transmission concern, but it must be taken into account.

- 17 -

The reopening of schools amid the COVID -19 pandemic has entailed considerable problems

and has caused a growing concern among parents. This has prompted school administrations

worldwide to seek out solutions to the threats and several schools have been successful in

implementing effective policies. There are a multitude of changes schools can make to assure
the safety of their students, which will be elaborated below.

obi,' u( I
Mt~ J l
Since live learning means students are obli~ted/to
study in a confined classroom, the

I likelihood pf a hig~ly, contagious virus such as COVID-19 spreading from one student to
/hIJkb- I
another will belenhanced.{A suggested method of curbing the spread of COVID-19 among

students is to revamp the school's infrastructure. Classrooms should be enlarged and acrylic

sheets should be boarded up on each individual desks. Students should be separated and sit

as far away from each other as the size of the classroom allows.

Another effectivJpr;::;;~ShOUld be implemented in school is to Obligatestudents to wear

masks and those who fail to comply should receive punishments. Mask wearing is no longer

an uncommon practice and is now synonymous with human decency since it represents the
fact that you are responsi~enough to care for your and others' well-being in these times

of a dangerous COVID-pandemic. It must become compulsory for students to wear mask in

schools, since mask wearing is of great service in preventing the spread of the covid
~r- f'-C>I-

and hence should be punished.

pandemic. Those who don't means that they don't have the compassion to care for others

To encapsulate, schools should considering modifying their infrastructure and enforce a rule

that c~~ students to wear masks. These will be of great contribution

problems caused by the reopening of schools in the pandemic.

in solving the

v~ r ~ of leAtj~c..--

~b vilA & ~It, Nf.w-·n~

~"UL .Jl.UO:ti r":»

- 18 -

In this day and age, the question of whether to reopen the schools during the pandemic ~
S 1~(J..~$~~f. ~~
remain~ a hotly-debated topic in the community. In this essay, I will grant~ wide range of

methods to ensure all go back to school safely.

One of the key approaches to making a secure return is making sure that students wear
masks and wash their hands all the time. To be/detailed, evearing masks does decline the rate

of new infections since it may reduce the spread of the virus through the atmosphere.
, I rtSok.{
Additionally, washing hands regularly with soap and hand sanitiser also lessens the {chanc of

f~ of r(d" ~ L
getting the virus when students touch the same Items frequently. h~~ I' doing this,

schools may minimize the day-to-day infections to the lowest rate.

Another measure that can be taken into account is distancing. Specifically, keeping the right
distance when making contact with others is~xtremely)essential as this can protect students

from getting the virus from their friendJ:~rater~ though this may cost a lot of

money since there is not enough space for everybody, it is still really crucial to keep the

appropriate distance.

In a nutshell, there are various w~ with this problem such as making students wear

face masks, washing their hands/all the tim~and staying far away from each other.

Personally, I cling to the fact that these approaches should be carried out as soon as possible

for the student's safety.

~ (,VX. ~ [~L I r I~S

~Vf.U- L'S"'t} r=::

- 19 -
i~ tI'r -10 (). $Ct"eU1 J
Learning IS I
no longer confined in walls and a screen (sChOOls are finally reopening. Following
t:lre- t\.O~

problems, ~·cA ~
this long-awaited announcement is~bundant joy and relief, but also numerous concerns and

.fw- +;~ ~~ A'''l...


The first - and perhaps most common concern - is the safety of students and teachers. As

COVID-19 is still largely prevalent, returning to school means a greater risk of infection, and
in large schools, possibly another outbreak. While the virus isn't as severe as it used to be,

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knowledge However, solutions are at hand - schools can strike a balance between online and

offline learning, or shorten the school day to half instead of a day. Additionally, schools can

reapply stringent COVID-19 rules and position more nurses - such as distancing classes, daily

temperature checks and weekly tests to ensure everyone's health and deal with matters

swiftly should any arise.

Another controversial matter is the disruption in students' education caused by prolonged

online learning. This is the most pressing issue yet, especially for ninth graders and twelfth

graders, who are about to face their respective tests. There are sizable gaps in knowledge, a

feeling of estrangement due to unfamiliarity with offline learning, and a lot of students feel

confounded and unready for the upcoming exams. To resolve this, schools should urgently

open after-school classes to fill up aforesaid gaps and simultaneousIJs~~e{ other

students' skill and knowledge. Subjects that are irrelevant to the test should be marginalized

to make room for Mat'J)Literature, English, and specialized subjects for students aiming for

specialized schools.

Reopening schools during the pandemic poses a handful of issues and concerns, but there
are measurements at hand. ( 2~f ~)

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- 20 -

,-to re-~ -to schnl { ~I

The urge for traditional classroom haS~UbSeqUentIY)led to~ reopening after waves of

COVID-19 pandemic. Since then it has begged the question of safety regulations in and out of

students' learning environments, as to whether or not it is a right decision for parents to let
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children gather with their peers. In this essay I will be stating two solutions that medically

secure a return to school.

First and foremost, strictly following COVID-19 safety regulations will lessen the potential of

the virus spreading among students. By washing their handsfoc'7.;t~/refrain from

touching their faces and always wearing mask( etc)willv'make the physical classroom oot Onf.y

safe but also maintain the traits of interactive learning. This, fortunately, has been

successfully applied in many institutions and until now, students have been having a great

time at school.

Secondly, integrating more\€"xercises into timetables will add the fun and dynamic aspects
intofleamlnq environments as well a~afely)secure students' health. After a long period of

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virtual classrooms it seems that their physical conditions have been, to put it blunt, woefully
ignored.t'&ercises will then bring back the sense of working out, that sense of experiencing

both hardiness and satisfaction from sweating. It also keeps children in shape as well as

prevents them from being infected with not only this but many other diseases.

In conclusion, I believe classroom dynamics is essential in a student's life, and while this

school return does not ensure complete medical safety, it is perfecting with the two

aforementioned and many other solutions.

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