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What was your task and how did you contribute to the
group work( interviews,texts,communication,etc.)

I learned many things while in this group. I contributed

all my time to help each and every one of my peers. I
gave my ideas to Question all the new friends in a tricky
way. I got to know and learn many new things and the
way to communicate confidently. At first I was very
nervous and after that I got used to it and then all my
new friends welcomed me warmly.

What was your most memorable learning experience?

Which competencies did you develop further?

The most memorable learning experience was the first

video conference. It is because I got to know how a
formal meeting or a formal introduction is done.I was
very nervous at the first but then i got the confidence
with time slowly and steadily i got the confidence. I
personally think that I am confident and good at public
speaking with the help of all the conferences we had.

What went well?What would you have done differently?

Think about: methods,group,work,communication with
the partner school,etc.
I feel everything went smoothly and fluently. I would not
like to change anything.


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