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The first amendment to the united states constitution provides that congress shall make no law …

abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. This language restricts government’s ability to

constrain the speech of citizens. The prohibition on abridgment of the freedom of speech is not

absolute. Certain types of speech may be prohibited outright. Some types of speech may be more

easily constrained than others. But, speech may be more easily regulated depending on the

location at which it takes place. In general, the government may not prohibit the citizens from

engaging in speech. However, that doesn’t mean that speech may not be subjected to regulation,

We need some restrictions to this first amendment because words can cause problems that

could’ve been easily resolved to develop into something that shouldn’t have been to begin with.

Speech on radio and t.v. is treated differently depending on the method of delivery of the

content. Radio and T.V. content may be regulated more extensively than cable, satellite or online

radio or television content.

I am exceptionally concerned about immigration from the middle east, due to the terrorist attacks

in our country. I feel slightly threatened because it’s difficult to decipher which immigrants are

innocent and which immigrants are out to kill us all. As a U.S citizen, I feel we shouldn’t feel

like we are in peril where we live… Considering this is our home and we should feel safe, at

home. All I’m asking is that we should stop immigration from countries, especially from the

middle east just until we can work something out and scrutinize a solution. Perhaps

supplementary background checks. Now, I’m not suggesting we just prohibit people from the

middle east, entirely. I do feel as though we should protect ourselves momentarily until we can

find a solution to terminate terrorist attacks once and for all. I kindly thank you for taking the

time to read this and I anticipate a change for the good of our country

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