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Hong 1

Jianyu Hong

English 101

March 15, 2019

Prof. Hofmann

Mindset Ch. 6 Summary.

The duration that people last in relationships extensively depends on the kind of

mentality allowed to influence the relationships. Research shows that mindsets significantly

affect the atmosphere of relationship status as illustrated by Carol Dweck in chapter six of her

book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Growth and fixed mindsets majorly influence

behavior when it comes to love affairs. Oftenly, people face rejection and sadness in

relationships but the way its handled matters a lot. Dweck notes that people with a fixed mindset

refuse to accept the reality and correct the mistakes; thus they feel unloved and judged resulting

in the urge of revenge. Conversely, the growth mindset people face the same scenarios but

choose to accept them and move on with life. As a result, they emerge stronger with less pain

because they decided to handle rejection positively. According to Dweck, people with a fixed

mindset see relationships as battles and try to exploit their partner's shortcomings to satisfy their

ego. In this chapter, the mentality in love has been explained in depth and particularly, it

connects with the real-life scenarios. Therefore, growth mindset outdoes the fixed mindset in

terms of love affairs because it immensely influences both parties’ behaviours positively.

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