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Program design and computer languages Computer essentials

The programming language is a way of interacting To accomplish a task using a computer, you need a
between humans and machines, by using different combination of hardware, software, and input. Hardware
algorithms, which were written by developers and is the electronic and mechanical parts of the computing
programmers. device. Of course, this is the motherboard, processor,
and RAM. Software is the collection of all programs on
your computer. When you type a command, you tell the
Every programming language is made of syntax, computer what to do. That is called an input.
which contains special rules, libraries, where
programmer can find functions, structures and Software and hardware are closely related. When you
constructs, which will help him to create readable turn on your computer, you provide the input. Then the
and functioning code. system software tells the CPU to start up certain
programs and turn on some hardware devices.
Obviously, programming languages are different
from natural languages. On the one hand, they Once upon a time computers were very large and take up
require a greater degree of precision and entire rooms, today computers can fit on your desktop.
completeness. In other words, they don't make Konrad Zuse is famous for creating the first freely
programmable mechanical computing device in 1936. Z1
mistakes. On the other hand, only with the help of
from Zuse considered the need to have enough memory
them the user can interact with the computer. to save the results of each stage and perform
Computer programs can be executed in a batch calculations.
process without human interaction, or by user input.
Supercomputer is a general-purpose machine that use
Programming languages differ from each other, much of processing power. Supercomputers use parallel
but they have one common development trend. This processing instead of the serial processing. In addition, it
is an extension of the ability to solve problems is capable of crunching complex problems, for example,
using a higher level of abstraction. in medicine or science.
In conclusion, programming languages
In the end, I would like to say that computers are really
have become an important part of the modern
complicated and interesting devices. Thanks to the
world. computers our life has become what it is.

Operating systems Living a digital age

To start, an operating system is a software on the hard To start, the Information Age is a period of human
drive that enables the computer hardware to history characterized by a global shift from traditional to
communicate and operate with the computer software. digitized industry. This happened with the advent of
personal computers.
Consider the types of operating systems. Firstly, Some things had influenced progress in the
Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating system, which Information Age. Firstly, the subsequent adoption of
contain graphics and icons. Secondly, multiprocessing personal computer had a profound impact on the Digital
and multitasking operating system, which support and Revolution. Secondly, the later development of fiber
use more than one computer processor. Lastly, optic cables made near-instant exchange of information
multithreading operating system allows different parts of real. Lastly, the digitization of information changed
a software program to run concurrently. traditional media businesses.
I’m sure, an operating system is the most important All in all, the result of the Digital Age is the ability to
part of a computer. It controls the computer’s recourses describe everything in digital form.
and has the adaptability for different uses. Smart machines are devices with a cognitive
For correct work and running efficiently operating computing system. These machines are fantastic because
systems must accomplish some tasks. Resource they can function without human intervention.
allocation is an important task, which prevents deadlocks The advent of smart machines causing some
and process starvation. disagreements. On the one hand, they automate some
The most popular operating systems are Windows and human tasks. On the other hand, smart machines can lead
MacOS. Windows is more comfortable for gamers to a high rate of unemployment in the nearest future.
because every application and game is compatible with In my opinion, there are more positive aspects of using
Windows. At the same time MacOS is safer because smart machines. For example, they collect and analyze
there are no viruses for MacOS. an unprecedented volume of data.
I think, the developers of operating systems are Smart gadgets have entered in our lives completely.
geniuses, because they created a complicated and useful Thanks to smartphones we always have internet
product, which allow people to use computers in connectivity. Some people wear smart watches and use
different ways. smart TV.
In the end, operating systems have become an integral So, the digital age is a very important period, when
part of our everyday life. Thanks to them, we make full people create a new world that is full of technology.
use of our computers

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