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Alcantara, Joemry R.



Mobile Games Addiction

Gaming has always been a popular pastime, enjoyed by people of all ages. However,
in recent years, there has been a rise in what is known as mobile gaming addiction.
This addiction occurs when people become so wrapped up in their mobile gaming
that it takes over their lives, to the point it affects their daily activities and
relationships. There are a number of signs that may indicate that a person is
addicted to mobile gaming, including the following: 1) becoming irritable when
unable to play their games; 2) playing games for long periods of time without taking
a break; 3) neglecting other responsibilities in order to play their game; and 4)
spending large amounts of money on purchasing games or subscriptions to game
services. For example, while many teens play games like Mobile Legends and Call Of
Duty with friends after school, they can develop an unhealthy obsession that
interferes with school and other activities. In some cases, teenagers may avoid
spending time with family and friends in favor of playing their games. In addition,
some individuals have been known to spend all day playing video games without any
breaks. This can lead to sleep deprivation and other health problems.

There are some signs of a mobile game addiction that can be easily identified. These
include preoccupation with the game and a desire to play the game at all times.
People who are addicted to mobile games will often spend hours playing the games
without stopping. They may even play the game throughout the night and not get
any sleep. As a result, they may feel tired during the day and not be able to
concentrate as well at school or work. They may also lose interest in activities that
they once enjoyed and become irritable or depressed. They might also develop
health symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, vomiting, weight loss, and loss of
energy. Another sign of a mobile gaming addiction is increased time spent playing
the game and less time doing other activities. Many people who become addicted to
gaming will not exercise or socialize with friends and instead will spend all their time
glued to their mobile devices. This can lead to isolation and depression. It can also
affect a person’s relationship with his or her family. Some people spend a lot of time
on their games and neglect their family as a result. This can make family members
feel that they are being ignored and may cause them to distance themselves from
the person playing the games. Mobile gaming addictions can be harmful to people’s
health and well-being and should not be taken lightly. It is important to recognize
the signs that a person is addicted to their mobile device and then take steps to help
him or her break the habit. The first step should be for the individual to admit to
their problem and seek professional help.

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