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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: 03/03/2023

CASE STORY TITLE: Natural Reserve Institute of Barangay Bayalse

Conflict Identification
The effects of climate change and/or global warming have been observed in Barangay Bayalse.
The locals regarded this as a divine gift and accepted it as a normal occurrence. The community's
top priority should still be to keep the citizens safe, even if there were no serious injuries or
fatalities because of the heavy rain. The amount of rain has risen over time, and its intensity has
fluctuated. Numerous negative effects of this unpredictability have occurred, including flooding,
landslides, disruption of daily activities, fear, confusion, and so forth. If proper mitigation and
preparation are not put in place, it could have drastic effects and changes that most citizens are
unaware of. Without sufficient preparation and mitigation, it might have drastic effects and
changes that most people might not notice, particularly if they don't value what science has to

Plan of Action
The first and most important step is to properly inform and educate the entire Barangay Bayalse.
We don't want to undermine their faith in God, but we do need to educate them on the realities
of climate change and global warming. The dramatic variation in rainfall is one of the
consequences of climate change and global warming. Everyone in the community is at risk,
including both living and nonliving things, as well as individual citizens.

We can develop comprehensive mitigation and readiness plans for the entire community in
collaboration with barangay leaders. For the general public to know what to do and how to get
ready in the event of a disaster, this information would then be provided to them. It is possible to
create both an evacuation plan and plans for after a disaster. A supply of materials and other
necessities must be on hand in case something unforeseen occurs in order to keep everyone safe.

The main goals of these initiatives are to maintain community safety and have a suitable action
plan in the event of the worst-case scenario. We'll start right away since we can't wait around
while the rain gets progressively worse. The desired result is for people to place a high priority on
community safety and science education.
Document No.:
Effective Date:


Climate change and global warming are two of the most severe consequences of irresponsible
human behavior. We've always been greedy and wanted complete control over all resources.
Regardless of rising pollution levels and capitalist efforts to further enslave the populace, small
communities will bear the brunt of the consequences. Our communities, on the other hand, must
engage in ongoing discussions and real-time updates about whether their neighborhood is still
safe or if they should relocate. To understand what needs to be filled, we, as CWTS students,
must take the initiative in our community and hone our problem-solving skills.

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