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Hd oaonuneþf `o tl`d nhdso `o dntls `o nlgornel, pu`eof`l nlgprdr, vof`or, egplrtdr y

oxplrtdr tl`d nhdso `o drtçnuhls, dhegoftls y gorndfnçds rohdnelfd`ds
rohdnelfd`ds nlf su lbaotl slnedh.

Hd nlgornedhezdneþf,
nlgornedhezdneþf, `estrebuneþf o eftorgo`edneþf `o tl`l tepl `o gdtoredh pdrd ogpdnd`l
y ogpdquotd`l `o prl`untls, tdhos nlgl ndads, blhsds, otequotds, oftro ltrls y hd
prostdneþf `oh sorvenel `o ogpdnd`l, otequotd`l y ogpdquotd`l `o prl`untls.

Hd trdfsplrtdneþf plr vçd torrostro, gdrçtegd y dårod, `oh oquepl y gdtoredhos rohdnelfd`ls
nlf oh lbaotl slnedh y nlf tl`ds hds ärods `o hd Ef`ustred.

Glftdao `o ostrunturd, ohovdneþf `o oquepls, gdfelbrds ef`ustredhos, ndrid y `osndrid `o

tl`d nhdso `o drtçnuhls, dhegoftls, gorndfnçds y tl`d nhdso `o gdquefdred.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, nlgornedhezdneþf

nlgornedhezdneþf o eftorgo`edneþf `o gdtoreds pregds `o
lreiof dfegdh, voiotdh, gefordh l quçgenl pdrd hd ohdblrdneþf `o prl`untls dhegoftenels

Hd nlgornedhezdneþf, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf,

egplrtdneþf, oxplrtdneþf `o prl`untls o efsugls
dirçnlhds y ponudrels, jorrdgeoftds, gdquefdred, sogehhds, y `ogäs prl`untls rohdnelfd`ls
nlf oh sontlr dirçnlhd, dsç nlgl hd egplrtdneþf l oxplrtdneþf, ofsdgbho, cdbrendneþf, voftd
y `estrebuneþf `o oquepls, dnnoslrels,
dnnoslrels, gdquefdred, ropuostls y drtçnuhls nlgphogoftdrels,
pdrd hls sontlros dirçnlhd, ponudrel y `o sogehhds.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, prlnosdgeoftl,

prlnosdgeoftl, trdfsclrgdneþf, prl`unneþf, sugefestrl, `estrebuneþf,
dhgdnofdgeoftl, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf, `o tl`l tepl `o crutds, vor`urds, hoiugbros,
drblhos, phdftds go`enefdhos l `o lrfdtl, dhegoftls, sogehhds, dbdrrltos, prl`untls
nlgostebhos, nlfsorvds, puhpds, auils y tl`d nhdso `o gdtoreds pregds y gorndfnçds,
rohdnelfd`ds nlf hd direnuhturd, sehvenuhturd, idfd`orçd y sus `orevd`ls.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o porono`orls,

ndrfos, dvos, posnd`ls y gdresnls.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf, oxplrtdneþf `o dbdrrltos, ogbute`ls y


Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`d nhdso `o bobe`ds,

rocrosnls, vefls, henlros y norvozds.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, ohdblrdneþf, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o

dhegoftls, plstros, blnd`ehhls y nlgostebhos

Hd nlgprd, voftd `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o prl`untls y

gdtoreds pregds `o hd ef`ustred dhegoftdred
Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o hhdftds pdrd dutlgþveh,
trdntlros y gdquefdred, dsç nlgl hds rocdnnelfos pdrd oh rubrl, tdhos nlgl dnoetos,
rocdnnelfos dutlgltrenos, tdpotos pdrd dutl, oftro ltrds.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o drtçnuhls pdrd oh nue`d`l

porslfdh, tdhos nlgl nrogds, sjdgplls, `osl`lrdftos, nlsgåtenls, crdidfneds y tl`l hl
rohdnelfd`l d `enjl rubrl.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o phästenls y sus `orevd`ls,

tdfquos, bltohhlfos phästenls, oftro ltrds.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o jehls, t ohds, y gdtoredhos quo so

ogphoof of hd ef`ustred `o hd nlfconneþf `o prof`ds `o voster.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o prof`ds `o voster

y ndhzdr pdrd hd cdgehed, dsç nlgl prof`ds `o voster quo servdf nlgl ufeclrgos l gdtoredh `o

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o drtçnuhls `o alyorçd y besutorçd.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o gdtoredh ohåntrenl,

nlfoxelfos ohåntrends, hägpdrds, y `ogäs drtçnuhls rohdnelfd`ls.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o oquepl y gdtoredh cltliräcenl,

nohuhdros y sus dnnoslrels, oquepl `o du`el y nlfslhds `o ve`ol auoil.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o drtçnuhls y

jorrdgeoftds `o brenlhdao.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o drtçnuhls `o ohontrþfend y hçfod


Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o drtçnuhls `o hegpeozd, nubotds,

gdnotds, osnlbds y tl`l dquoh gdtoredh fonosdrel pdrd oh gdftofegeoftl y hegpeozd `o
eftorelros y oxtorelros.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o drtçnuhls `o


Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o drtçnuhls `o lcenefd.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o hebrls, poreþ`enls,

rovestds y gdtoredh `e`äntenl.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o guobhos pdrd oh jlidr y lcenefd.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf, oxplrtdneþf `o prl`untls o efsugls dirçnlhds y

ponudrels, jorrdgeoftds, gdquefdred, y `ogäs prl`untls rohdnelfd`ls nlf oh sontlr dirçnlhd.

Hd nlgprd, voftd, `estrebuneþf, egplrtdneþf y oxplrtdneþf `o tl`l tepl `o cortehezdftos,

postene`ds l efsontene`ds pdrd oh usl `oh ndgpl.
ofufnedtevd y fl hegetdtevd, hd `o jepltond, ce`oenlgesl, prof`d, cedfzds, voftd, noseþf,
drrof`dgeoftl, `o hls beofos prlpeo`d` `o hd ogprosd.

Nlftrdtdr dh porslfdh `erontevl, tånfenl, d`gefestrdtevl, prlcoselfdh o efvosteid`lr, porslfdh

osponedhezd`l, porslfdh `o lcenefd y tl`l oh `ogäs porslfdh quo so roqueord pdrd
prlplrnelfdr d tornorls hls sorvenels quo nlfstetuyof oh lbaotl slnedh.

Hds dnteve`d`os eftoirdftos `oh lbaotl slnedh pl`räf sor tdgbeåf `osdrrlhhd`ds plr hd
slneo`d`, beof `o clrgd `erontd l ef`erontd d trdvås `o ef`ustreds prlpeds l go`edfto hd
pdrtenepdneþf of slneo`d`os nlf lbaotl e`åftenl l dfählil.

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