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ABSENT / NIM : 15 (1941320205)


2.2.1 Jobsheet II
a. Job Title : Highway Rigid Pavement
b. Location : Raya Trisula street. Sumberejo village,
Kademangan District, Blitar Regency
c. Project Cost : Rp 800 million
d. Date : Tuesday, 22th November 2020
e. Name : Mohammad Zulfan Dwi Saputra
f. Class : 2MRK4
g. NIM/ Number :1941320205/15
2.2.2 Theories
Rigid pavement is a road pavement consisting of a cement concrete slab as a
foundation layer and a sub-base layer above the subgrade. Because it uses
concrete as its raw material, this type of pavement is also commonly referred
to as a concrete road.

2.2.3 Tools and Materials

1. Screeder / concrete paver machine, used for leveling concrete
2. Concrete vibrator, one of the equipment used when casting where its
function is to compact the concrete that is poured into the formwork

3. Aluminium Jidar, used when checking the flatness of concrete

4.Trowel machine , a machine that is used to level and smooth the surface of the
concrete when the concrete is in the hardening period

5.Theodolite or waterpass, A tool used to measure the height of reinforcement so

that later it does not exceed the height of the plan in the manufacture of
structures, for this tool is always used before the start of ground leveling and
laying the foundation
6.Concrete cutter machine, used to cut the concrete

7. Generator , used for illuminate the contruction site

8.So that the hardening process is not disturbed, tarpaulins are usually used to
2.2.4 Occupational Health and Safety (K3)
Safety helmets, masks, gloves, safety vests, and safety boots are
indispensable in construction work because these tools can protect ourselves
when working on projects
use signs to tell people to stay away from the construction zone :

Rambu peringatan bahwa

sedang ada proses proyek
pekerjaan jalan.
2.2.5 Description of Implementation Process
1. Dimension
 Because it has different segments, the dimensions are also different
2. Materials
 Fine aggregate
 Coarse aggregate
 Cement
 Water
3. Method
a. The first stage, the measurement uses a theodolite to see the elevation
after it is leveled
b. After leveling, make a foundation for the concrete to be cast
c. After that, make a concrete frame and install a concrete frame on the
foundation that has been made
d. After installation, mix fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, cement and
water. after mixed, pour the mixture onto the concrete base
e. Last step is leveling the concrete with a jidar or trowel machine, after
leveling the cover with a tarpaulin so that the concrete drying process is not

2.2.6 Documentation

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