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School Clinic Operations

Treatment for Fainting

Causes of Fainting

 Emotional Shock
 Pain
 Lack of Food
 Over Exertion
 Dehydration
 Exhaustion
 Sight of Blood or Injuries
 Standing Up Suddenly
 Hot Humid Conditions
 Heart Conditions
Symptoms of Fainting

 Person may complain of dizziness or lightheadedness

 A person becomes pale
 Lips may turn blue
 Person becomes weak
 Skin is cool to touch
 Sweating on forehead
 Pulse becomes weak
 Fast Shallow Breathing
 Confusion or Agitation
 Nausea and Vomiting
Treatment for Fainting
1. Prevent from falling, protect head, ask the person to lie down

2. Clear out a space for the patient for adequate ventilation, bring to shaded
area as necessary. Loosen Clothing.

3. Check for pulse. If pulse is rapid and weak. Elevate extremities.
4. If patient wants or starts to vomit, turn to the side.

5. Reassure Patient ask them to sit up slowly first then may stand if no
longer dizzy, if they start to feel faint again ask them to lie down.

If the patient remains unconscious but breathing. Place Patient in the

Recovery Position and get help.
How to Place Someone into the Recovery Position

Follow these steps to place an unconscious, but breathing, patient into the
recovery position:

 Check for and carefully remove any bulky objects in the pockets nearest
to you 
 Place the nearest arm palm up in an outward position. If it will not bend
into a right angle just let it relax away from the body 
 Bring further arm across the body towards you, place the back of their
hand against their face and hold it there with the palm of your hand, you
do not need to interlock fingers or to grasp the thumb. 
 Reach across the furthest leg and grasp the outer thigh near the knee to
raise the knee. The foot must remain on the ground and does not need to
be placed under the nearest thigh. It is more respectful if you able to
reach across the body rather than placing your hand between the legs to
raise the thigh 
 Pulling on the thigh near the knee carefully pull the patient towards you.
This must not be a quick “flick” but a careful controlled movement 
 Once on their side, bring the top knee up at right angles to support the
 Carefully lower the head to the floor 
 Open the airway and re-check for normal breathing 
 Check – jaw forward, mouth low and chest clear of the ground 
 Call for emergency medical help if not already done 
 Monitor the patient, checking pulse, respirations and level of
 Perform a secondary survey (a head-to-toe check for any injuries)
How to Place Someone into the Recovery Position

Step 1 Place nearest arm at a right angle

Step 2 Place the other arm across the chest with the hand ubder the head
and against the cheek

Step 3 Lift the leg furthest away until foot is flat on the ground

Step 4 Use the bent leg to roll the casualty towards you

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