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E006406 September 2020

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Ty Mawr Farm, Newport


Newport City Council


A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20


Site Name: Ty Mawr, Newport

Site Code: BS/TMF/20

PRN: E006406

NPRN : -

SAM: -

Other Ref No: -

NGR: 330226 182728

Site Type: Post Med/Agricultural

Project Type: Photographic Building Recording Survey

Project Officer: Dr N Phillips

Project Dates: September 2020

Location of Original Archive: APAC Ltd

Location of duplicate Archive, (Digital): RCAHMW

Copyright: APAC Ltd

Restrictions to access: NA

A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20


This document results from of a programme of archaeological work, undertaken to

record the character of structural evidence on site.

APAC Ltd produced a project design for the work, which was approved, and the
survey was undertaken.

The survey was able to produce a photographic and brief documentary record, prior
to alterations.

Mae’r adroddiad yma yn manylu canlyniadau gwaith archeolegol a argymerwyd i

ddadansoddi cymeriad adeileddol y safle.

Fe gyflwynodd APAC Ltd gynllun gwaith a chafodd hyn ei dderbyn cyn y gwaith

Mae’r arolwg yn cynnwys cofysgrif dogfennol a ffotograffaidd o’r adeiladau cyn y

gwaith adnewyddu.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains otherwise
with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph IMG_0596 - Main two storey barn, western elevation, and southern single storey barn (2) western elevation. Southern single
storey barn, (2) built against the southern gable of the main two storey threshing barn.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Contents........................................................................................................................................... 3
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Site location ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 6
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 6
Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 7
Data Presentation............................................................................................................................. 7
Archive ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Copyright ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Bibliography and References: ......................................................................................................... 9


01 Location map
02 Historic Asset Map
03 Map progressions, (a-e).
04 Block plan.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20

Survey Photo cards 1-16

1. General, central courtyard, eastern modern metal shed, and southern elevation of northern single storey
barn (1). Elevation has been rendered and features a large accesses hole for cows to move freely between
barn and sheds.
2. Main two storey barn, western elevation. Barn constructed of random coursed stone with quoined corners.
Elevation features two central timber threshing doors, a timber framed Dutch door in the northernmost
corner and two splayed slit vent windows placed either side of the central doors. The modern roof is fitted
with slate with a skylight placed to the north.
3. General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Elevation features an extended central porch with two
timber framed threshing doors, that are symmetrical with threshing doors found in the western elevation.
4. General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Elevation features an extended central porch with two
timber framed threshing doors. Structural evidence would suggest the porch to be a later addition, placed
where the earlier threshing doors once where. This is marked by the partial rebuilding of the upper wall in
5. Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. Eastern elevation. Further evidence to the later extension porch.
Upper level above doorway has been rebuilt in brick.
6. Northern gable of main two storey threshing barn. construct of random coursed stone with quoined corners.
Ground floor features single split vent. First floor features central dovecot aperture under apex of roof.
7. General, southern single storey barn (2) western elevation and southern gable. Main threshing barn,
southern gable. Placement of single storey barn (2) against gable of main threshing barns southern gable.
8. Southern gable of main threshing barn. Upper storey has been fitted with decorative timber framed
window. Upper gable also features central dovecot aperture in apex under roof.
9. Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. eastern elevation. Internal walls all limewash plastered. Internal
space currently used to house livestock.
10. Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. Roof structure consists of machine cut timbers that make up the
trusses, purlins, and rafters. Under slate.
11. Northern single storey barn, (1) built at a right angle against main, two storey barn’s, northern gable corner.
12. Northern single storey barn (1) western gable. Construct of random coursed stone and quoins. Left hand
timber framed door with a surround of wire cut bricks. Modification to centre of wall would suggest earlier
central entrance was bricked up, either being moved to a new position to the right or making what was once
a larger space smaller. Roof is a modern construct of slate tiles.
13. Internal space of single storey barn (1) currently houses cows. Roof structure of simple machine cut timber
trusses, rafters, and purlins.
14. Southern single storey barn (2). Construct of random coursed stone with intermittent wire cut brick.
External roof structure of slate.
15. General, southern single storey barn (2), southern gable and eastern elevation. Elevation fitted with single
entrance with a surround of wire cut bricks.
16. Southern single storey barn (2). Southern gable. Gable construct is an open spaced entrance fitted against
eastern and western elevations, with the upper half fitted with timber planks that extend from roof
structure. Internal space consists of living space for cattle, with a fitted timber manger running the length of
the western elevation.
17. General, southern single storey barn (2), internal. Open walkway between timber manger and western
18. General, southern single storey barn (2), internal. Roof structure consists of machine cut timbers that make
up the trusses, purlins, and rafters. Under slate


I. Complete photograph list with contact sheet

A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20


This photographic building survey report has been prepared by Mr Adam Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in response to a
proposed programme of works for: Re: Conversion Of Redundant Stone Barn To Agricultural Workers Dwelling:
Barn at Ty Mawr Farm, Lighthouse Road, Newport. Pl.App.No.: 15/10275.

Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT), advisors to Newport City Council, (NCC) planning stated that –
‘The barns are good examples of 19th century agricultural architecture. The proposed work will alter the appearance
and the internal layout of the structures’, - NEW1333/JB

The current barn is also situated within the Wentloog level, part of the Gwent Levels Registered Historic Landscape
(HLW (GT)2), specifically, part of the Eastern St Brides, Character Area (015). GGAT, therefore, advised NCC
planning that the proposed work will require archaeological mitigation in the form of two conditions: a photographic
building recording, Condition 8 -.

Development shall not begin until an appropriate photographic survey of the existing
buildings on the site has been carried out in accordance with details to be submitted to,
and approved by, the Local Planning Authority. The resulting photographs shall be
deposited with the County Sites and Monuments Record, operated by the Glamorgan-
Gwent Archaeological Trust (Heathfield House, Heathfield Swansea SA1 6EL. Tel:
01792 655208)

Reason. To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during
the works.

And a watching brief, Condition 9

The developer shall ensure that a suitably qualified archaeologist is present during the
undertaking of any ground disturbing works in the development area, so that an
archaeological watching brief can be conducted. The archaeological watching brief
shall be undertaken to the standards of the Institute for Archaeologists. The Local
Planning Authority shall be informed, in writing, at least two weeks prior to the
commencement of the development of the name of the said archaeologist and no work
shall begin until the Local Planning Authority has confirmed, in writing, that the
proposed archaeologist is suitable. A copy of the watching brief report shall be submitted
to the Local Planning Authority within two months of the fieldwork being completed by
the archaeologist.

Reason: To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during
the works, in order to mitigate the impact of the works on the archaeological resource.

NCC Decision No: 15/1275

A.P.A.C. Ltd, was contacted to perform the photographic building recording survey on the structures prior to the
commencement of works, and to conduct the subsequent watching brief during all ground disturbance as detailed in
the conditions noted above. In accordance with Chartered Institute of Archaeologists (CIFA) Guidance, A.P.A.C.
LTD drew up a Written Scheme of Investigation, for the proposed works, WSI:BSWB/TMF/20. The written scheme
of investigation was approved by “Newport City Council” as ‘fit for purpose’ allowing the survey work to proceed.

This report documents the Photographic building recording Survey prior to the proposed alterations. BS/TMF/20.

The Watching Brief report will follow during commencement of the groundworks. WB/TMF/20.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20

Site location

The location of the site can be gained from the B4237, south of Newport city. At the Tredegar Park roundabout, take
the exit onto the B4239, then the first exit at the next roundabout, and continuing along the B4239, Lighthouse Rd,
south, for approximately 2 miles. The site will be on the left at Ty Mawr Farm, Lighthouse Road, Newport, NP10
8SF, NGR: 330226 182728 (fig 01)

Brief archaeological and historical background

As mentioned above, the GGAT statement; NEW1333/JB, states that the site lies within the Historic Landscape
Characterisation of the Gwent levels, (HLW (GT)2), specifically that of Eastern St Brides Gwent levels, (15).

The Landscape is characterised as having:

‘formed over a long period of time. The higher coastal areas were probably recolonized
in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries. Lower-lying areas inland were subsequently
enclosed and drained, probably in the thirteenth/fourteenth centuries’ ,

A reasonable presumption would be that at such a location, there is a potential for earlier prehistoric to Roman
settlement evidence, which may have continued to the known medieval occupation of the area.

A historic asset map: fig 02, was produced with a 500m search radius centred on the given NGR: 330226 182728.
The search concluded that, other than the above-mentioned Historic Landscape area, no other points of archaeological
merit are recorded within the vicinity.

Map progressions where also researched in a hope to glean further insight into the historical development of the

On the 1842 Tithe map; fig 03a, the Ty Mawr Homestead, (at this point the Great house Homestead) is plainly visible
just to the north of the site; incidentally, the barn structures are not. At this point in time, the land: now occupied by
the current barns, held the apportionment “210” and is noted as a pasture and orchard owned and occupied by a
Burfield Margret. Also of note the Homestead and majority of surrounding land is also owned or occupied, (or both)
by the same Burfield Margaret.

The 1887 Ordnance Survey map, fig 03b, is the first instance of the barns being recorded. The western-most building
is built in a T-shape, with a further building to the north, abutting the north eastern corner of the western structure.
The cartographic evidence between the first two maps would firmly suggest the barn’s construction falls somewhere
between 1842 and 1875, (When the second map was surveyed).

By the 1902 map, a building had been constructed to the south east, though it did little to impact the earlier barns. A
change to the western barn is also visible with the removal of the porch on its eastern elevation; however, this is back
by the 1922 map, fig03d, NB. it is plausible it was an error in drawing on the earlier 1902 map.

There are little changes from the point forward and it is not until very late in the 20th Century (at least) when the
meatal sheds to the east and south were added.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the photographic building recording survey is to preserve, by photographic and written record, the
structure, prior to the commencement of the proposed works, and in doing so provide a facility for understanding the
structures historic development. The record produced can then be used as a permanent archive, detailing the standing
structure as it once was.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20


The building recording survey followed the methodology defined in 5.1, Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide
to Good Recording Practice (English Heritage 2016). The methodology employed was also guided by the Standard
and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures (CIFA 2014,).

Photographs were taken using a tripod mounted, digital camera: Cannon EOS 6D Mark II. These were backed up with
hi- resolution smart phone cameras.

Images were recorded in both high-resolution Jpeg & RAW formats.

The photographic record of the site includes general views of the exterior, the overall appearance of principle structure
and circulation areas, external and internal detail relevant to the property’s design and development.

All photographs include a scale rod where possible or practical.

Photographs illustrative of the survey are produced as annotated ‘photo cards’ in the report.

All photographs from the survey are included as a list with contact sheets in appendix I.

This report comprises a “brief” written element as defined in 4.5.1 Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to
Good Recording Practice (English Heritage 2016).

Lockdown restrictions due to Corona Virus restricted access to sources such as libraries, and records offices; therefore,
the work utilised online sources, agents’ supplied detail and APAC Ltd archives.

Data Presentation

A scaled, annotated block plan was adapted from plans devised by ‘Hoole & Walmsley architects’ for use in this
report. This was then used to produce a document showing the location of where the photographs were taken, fig 04.
(see plates- PLXX).

The survey consists of photographic evidence of the current buildings, and a brief documentary report, to highlight
the historical fabric of the structures.

The survey was undertaken on Friday 4th of September, in favourable conditions.


The barn configuration is three adjoined buildings around a central courtyard; left open to the south for access. Fig
04.A forth enclosing building to the east is a large metal shed of a late 20th century date, PL01 and not part of the

The main building presents as a two-storey, former threshing barn adapted to a T-shape configuration with a porch to
the east. The barn is built of random coursed stone, with quoined corners, and centrally placed timber threshing
openings. The western elevation, (PL02), retains its threshing doors, which are open almost to the eaves at a low
masonry, segmental arch with keystone. It also features a timber framed, timber Dutch door addition at its northern
corner, PL02; set under a poorly fitted flat arch off brick springers. By contrast the eastern elevation has a porch
extension, PL03, butt jointed, PL04, to the main barn with a lowered doorway under a segmental timber arch, PL03.
Structural infill in brick above the former door and up to the eaves is visible internally, PL05, suggesting the eastern
elevation extension was likely added at a later date; possibly denoting a change of farming practice from crop to

The building also features two low level splayed slit vents on either elevation; PL02, though partially obscured from
view on the eastern elevation by a large metal silo, PL03. The main barn also features a ground level splayed slit vent
and owl hole in its northern gable, PL06, whereas, the lower level of the southern gable is partially obscured by the
southern single storey barn addition (2); PL07, The upper level features a later addition decorative timber window and

A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20

a owl hole under the roof apex, PL08. Internally the building was inaccessible due its current use to house livestock;
however, photographs were taken where possible from the entrances. Internally the building is limestone whitewashed
coursed rubble; PL09, with the roof consisting of machine-cut timber trusses, purlins, and rafters under modern slate
tile, PL10.

The single storey barn to the north, (1) is built against the north eastern corner of the main two storey threshing barn,
PL11 and is constructed of random coursed stone, under a slate roof. The western gable features two timber framed,
timber doors with wire cut brick surrounds; the southernmost doorway topped with a two coursed segmental brick
lintel, PL12 and the northernmost with a timber lintel. The southernmost entrance is a possible later addition as it has
no southern pillar; its frame attached directly to the northern gable of the main barn. There is evidence remaining of
an earlier doorway between the current ones, where a vertical edge supporting a single course brick arch remains.

The northern elevation of the barn is obscured by vegetation, and the southern elevation and eastern gable walls are
rendered with a large accessway in the eastern side of the southern elevation for cows to move freely, PL01. Internally
access was blocked due to livestock: however, photographs were taken from the western gable doorway to show the
machine cut timber trusses, rafters, and purlins, PL13.

The single storey barn to the south, (2) is a random coursed stone construct, with quoined corner stones and some wire
cut brick replacements, PL14. The single storey barn is built against the southern gable of the main threshing barn,
PL07 and features a single brick surround entrance way in the eastern elevation, PL15.

The southern gable has been left open for access for livestock and is currently lined with a metal gate at its lower
level; the apex of the roof partially extended downwards in timber, PL16. There is a large timber post to the west of
the entrance, from ground to roof, framing a timber manger which extends the full length of the western elevation,
with a partial void/passageway between the elevation and manager, PL17. The roof is constructed of machine cut
timber trusses, purlins, and rafters, under slate, PL18.


The archive will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, MoRPHE
V1.2 (2015) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed. The project archives will consist of all original records,
and all documentation that relates to the watching brief; copies of the WSI and any relevant correspondence will be

The original archive for the impact assessment will be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A copy of the data archive will be deposited with RCAHMW within keeping with their published guidelines:

A further digital copy of relevant information and the report will be deposited with GGAT HER in keeping with their
published guidelines:

The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the watching brief and with the agreement
of the landowner.

Copies of the report will be submitted to the client, Cadw and Gwent Archives.

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Wales.


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the
project as described in this Project Design.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Ty Mawr Farm, Newport BS/TMF/20

Bibliography and References:

APAC.LTD Written Scheme of Investigation, WSI: BSWB/TMF/20

Chartered Institute of
Archaeologists. Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2014.

Standards and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and

research of archaeological materials. 2014.

Standards and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of

Standing Buildings or Structures. 2014.

Re: Conversion Of Redundant Stone Barn To Agricultural Workers Dwelling: Barn at Ty
Mawr Farm, Lighthouse Road, Newport. Pl.App.No: 15/1275.

English Heritage 2015. Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment. V1.2
(Historic England)
Understanding Historic Buildings, A guide to good Recording Practice. 2016

2014. Standards and Guidance: For the archaeological investigation and recording of
standing buildings and structures, 2014

Hoole & Walmsley

Architects Exiting site plan, Drawing No: P102-A.

HSE. Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974.

HSE. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. 2015

Newport City Council 15/1275. Notice of Decision .

RCAHMW. National Standard and Guidance to Best Practice for Collecting and Depositing
Archaeological Archives in Wales, 2017.

Online sources:

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.
Tel: 01600 891584. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 05041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons). Cert Ed/FE. MCIfA

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMP/20


Fig 01: Location

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport


NGR: 330226 182728

Conservation area,

Fig 02: Heritage asset map A.P.A.C. Ltd. BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 03a: Tithe Map - 1842 Fig 03b: Monmouthshire XXXIII.

Surveyed 1875 - 1882, Published 1887


Fig 03c: Monmouthshire XXXIII.SE Fig 03d: Monmouthshire XXXIII.SE.

Revised 1899 - 1900, Published 1902 Revised 1916 - 1920. Published 1922

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Fig 03e: Modern mapping

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: 125540

General, central courtyard, eastern modern

metal shed, and southern elevation of northern
single storey barn (1). Elevation has been
rendered and features a large accesses hole for
cows to move freely between barn and sheds.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0595

Main two storey barn, western elevation. Barn

constructed of random coursed stone with
quoined corners. Elevation features two central
timber threshing doors, a timber framed Dutch
door in the northernmost corner and two
splayed slit vent windows placed either side of
the central doors. The modern roof is fitted with
slate with a skylight placed to the north.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0609

General, eastern elevation of main threshing

barn. Elevation features an extended central
porch with two timber framed threshing doors,
that are symmetrical with threshing doors
found in the western elevation.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0617

General, eastern elevation of main threshing

barn. Elevation features an extended central
porch with two timber framed threshing doors.
Structural evidence would suggest the porch to
be a later addition, placed where the earlier
threshing doors once where. This is marked by
the partial rebuilding of the upper wall in brick.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0628

Internal, Main two storey threshing barn.

Eastern elevation. Further evidence to the later
extension porch. Upper level above doorway
has been rebuilt in brick. .

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0592

Northern gable of main two storey threshing

barn. Construct of random coursed stone with
quoined corners. Ground floor features single
split vent. First floor features central dovecot
aperture under apex of roof.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0599

General, southern single storey barn (2) western

elevation and southern gable. Main threshing
barn, southern gable. Placement of single storey
barn (2) against southern gable of main
threshing barn.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0600

Southern gable of main threshing barn. Upper

storey has been fitted with decorative timber
framed window. Upper gable also features
central dovecot aperture in apex under roof.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0624

Internal, Main two storey threshing barn.

eastern elevation. Internal walls all limewash
plastered. Internal space currently used to
house livestock.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0625

Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. Roof

structure consists of machine cut timbers that
make up the trusses, purlins, and rafters. Under

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0591

Northern single storey barn (1) western gable.

Construct of random coursed stone and quoins.
Left hand timber framed door with a surround
of wire cut bricks. Modification to centre of wall
would suggest earlier central entrance was
bricked up, either being moved to a new
position to the right or making what was once a
larger space smaller. Roof is a modern construct
of slate tiles.
Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0594

Internal space of single storey barn (1) currently

houses cows. Roof structure of simple machine
cut timber trusses, rafters, and purlins.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0598

Southern single storey barn (2). Construct of

random coursed stone with intermittent wire
cut brick. External roof structure of slate.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0604

General, southern single storey barn (2),

southern gable and eastern elevation.
Elevation fitted with single entrance with a
surround of wire cut bricks.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0602

Southern single storey barn (2). Southern gable.

Gable construct is an open spaced entrance
fitted against eastern and western elevations,
with the upper half fitted with timber planks
that extend from roof structure. Internal space
consists of living space for cattle, with a fitted
timber manger running the length of the
western elevation.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0622

General, southern single storey barn (2),

internal. Open walkway between timber
manger and western elevation.

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport

N Photo ID: IMG_0620

General, southern single storey barn (2),

internal. Roof structure consists of machine cut
timbers that make up the trusses, purlins, and
rafters. Under slate

Adapted From:

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Ty Mawr Farm, Newport


Adapted From:

Fig 04: Block plan A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/TMF/20

Site name: Ty Mawr Farm, Newport. Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.504.............Project code..BS/TMF/20......

Photo ID View Description Phographer Date of Compiled by Date

facing photograph compiled
IMG_0589 SE Northern single storey barn, (1) built at a right angle against main, two storey barn’s, northern gable corner. Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020

IMG_0590 SE Northern single storey barn, (1) built at a right angle against main, two storey barn’s, northern gable corner. Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL11
Northern single storey barn (1) western gable. Construct of random coursed stone and quoins. Left hand timber
framed door with a surround of wire cut bricks. Modification to centre of wall would suggest earlier central
IMG_0591 E Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL12
entrance was bricked up, either being moved to a new position to the right or making what was once a larger
space smaller. Roof is a modern construct of slate tiles.
Northern gable of main two storey threshing barn. construct of random coursed stone with quoined corners.
IMG_0592 S Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL06
Ground floor features single split vent. First floor features central dovecot aperture under apex of roof.
Northern single storey barn (1) western gable, southern corner entrance. Entrance way built directly into corner of
IMG_0593 SE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
wall, with a half surround and domed lintel of wire cut bricks.
Internal space of single storey barn (1) currently houses cows. Roof structure of simple machine cut timber
IMG_0594 E Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL13
trusses, rafters, and purlins.
Main two storey barn, western elevation. Barn constructed of random coursed stone with quoined corners.
Elevation features two central timber threshing doors, a timber framed Dutch door in the northernmost corner and
IMG_0595 E Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL02
two splayed slit vent windows placed either side of the central doors. The modern roof is fitted with slate with a
skylight placed to the north.
Main two storey barn, western elevation, and southern single storey barn (2) western elevation. Southern single
IMG_0596 SE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
storey barn built against the southern gable of the main two storey threshing barn.
Main two storey barn, western elevation, and southern single storey barn (2) western elevation. Placement of
IMG_0597 E Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
buildings, in relation to one another.
Southern single storey barn (2). Construct of random coursed stone with intermittent wire cut brick. External roof
IMG_0598 E Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL14
structure of slate.
General, southern single storey barn (2) western elevation and southern gable. Main threshing barn, southern
IMG_0599 NE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL07
gable. Placement of single storey barn (2) against gable of main threshing barns southern gable.
Southern gable of main threshing barn. Upper storey has been fitted with decorative timber framed window.
IMG_0600 N Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL08
Upper gable also features central dovecot aperture in apex under roof.
Southern gable of main threshing barn. Upper storey has been fitted with decorative timber framed window.
IMG_0601 N Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
Upper gable also features central dovecot aperture in apex, under roof.

Southern single storey barn (2). Southern gable. Gable construct is an open spaced entrance fitted against eastern
IMG_0602 N and western elevations, with the upper half fitted with timber planks that extend from roof structure. Internal Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL16
space consists of living space for cattle, with a fitted timber manger running the length of the western elevation.
IMG_0603 N/NW General, southern single storey barn (2), southern gable and eastern elevation. Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
General, southern single storey barn (2), southern gable and eastern elevation. Elevation fitted with single
IMG_0604 NW Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL15
entrance with a surround of wire cut bricks.
General, eastern elevation of both single storey barn (2) and main threshing barn, and their relation to one
IMG_0605 W another. Southern extent of main barn features a splayed slit vent window, however, is obscured by large metal Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
General, eastern elevation of both single storey barn (2) and main threshing barn, and their relation to one
IMG_0606 W Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020

A ## i
Site name: Ty Mawr Farm, Newport. Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.504.............Project code..BS/TMF/20......
General, eastern elevation of both single storey barn (2) and main threshing barn, and their relation to one
IMG_0607 W Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Southern extent of main barn features a splayed slit vent
IMG_0608 NW Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
window, however, is obscured by large metal silo.
General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Elevation features an extended central porch with two timber
IMG_0609 W Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL03
framed threshing doors, that are symmetrical with threshing doors found in the western elevation.
General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Elevation features an extended central porch with two timber
framed threshing doors. Internal and external structural evidence would suggest the porch to be a later addition.
IMG_0610 W/SW Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
The area where the extension meets the eastern elevation of the main build has been partially rebuilt in brick,
possibly where the threshing doors where once placed.
General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Elevation features an extended central porch with two timber
IMG_0611 W/V framed threshing doors. Roof structure within porch is a construct of machine cut timber trusses, purlins and Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
rafters under slate.
IMG_0612 W General, main threshing barn. From eastern elevation porch to internal western elevation of barn. Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Elevation features an extended central porch with two timber
IMG_0613 V/S framed threshing doors. Roof structure within porch is a construct of machine cut timber trusses, purlins and Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
rafters under slate, built directly onto the stone wall plate of the walls.
General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Elevation features an extended central porch with two timber
IMG_0614 V/NW framed threshing doors. Structural evidence would suggest the porch to be a later addition, placed where the Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
earlier threshing doors once where. This is marked by the partial rebuilding of the upper wall in brick.
Main threshing barn, eastern elevation, to the north of the extended porch. Stone wall features splayed slit vent
IMG_0615 SW Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
Main threshing barn, eastern elevation, to the north of the extended porch. Stone wall features splayed slit vent
IMG_0616 W/SW Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
General, eastern elevation of main threshing barn. Elevation features an extended central porch with two timber
IMG_0617 SW framed threshing doors. Structural evidence would suggest the porch to be a later addition, placed where the Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL04
earlier threshing doors once where. This is marked by the partial rebuilding of the upper wall in brick.
General, southern single storey barn (2), internal. Roof structure consists of machine cut timbers that make up the
IMG_0618 N Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
trusses, purlins, and rafters. Under slate.
General, southern single storey barn (2), internal. Roof structure consists of machine cut timbers that make up the
IMG_0619 N Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
trusses, purlins, and rafters. Under slate
General, southern single storey barn (2), internal. Roof structure consists of machine cut timbers that make up the
IMG_0620 N Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL18
trusses, purlins, and rafters. Under slate
General, southern single storey barn (2), internal. Roof structure consists of machine cut timbers that make up the
IMG_0621 N Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
trusses, purlins, and rafters. Under slate
IMG_0622 N General, southern single storey barn (2), internal. Open walkway between timber manger and western elevation. Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL17
Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. eastern elevation. Internal walls all limewash plastered. Internal space
IMG_0623 E Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
currently used to house livestock.
Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. eastern elevation. Internal walls all limewash plastered. Internal space
IMG_0624 SE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL09
currently used to house livestock.
Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. Roof structure consists of machine cut timbers that make up the trusses,
IMG_0625 V/SE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL10
purlins, and rafters. Under slate.
Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. Roof structure consists of machine cut timbers that make up the trusses,
IMG_0626 V/SE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
purlins, and rafters. Under slate.

A ## i
Site name: Ty Mawr Farm, Newport. Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.504.............Project code..BS/TMF/20......
Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. Eastern elevation, and southern gable. Internal walls all limewash
IMG_0627 SE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
plastered. Internal space currently used to house livestock.
Internal, Main two storey threshing barn. Eastern elevation. Further evidence to the later extension porch. Upper
IMG_0628 SE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL05
level above doorway has been rebuilt in brick.
General, eastern elevation of both single storey barn (2) and main threshing barn, and their relation to one
IMG_0629 W Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
General, eastern elevation of both single storey barn (2) and main threshing barn, and their relation to one
IMG_0630 W Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
General, central courtyard, eastern modern metal shed, and southern elevation of northern single storey barn (1).
125540 NE Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020 PL01
Elevation has been rendered and features a large accesses hole for cows to move freely between barn and sheds.
General, eastern elevation of both single storey barn (2) and main threshing barn, and their relation to one
130012 W Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020
General, eastern elevation of both single storey barn (2) and main threshing barn, and their relation to one
130025 W Adam Phillips 04/09/2020 Adam Phillips 07/09/2020

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