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on your observation of your work unit, evaluate the maturity of your group as a mature team.
1.  How are goals established in your work unit?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
The group leader sets the  We discuss goals, but finally  We all work together to arrive 
goals for us. the leader sets the goals. at our goals.
2. How committed are the people in your unit so working hard to achieve the goals?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
People demonstrate surface‐ People work at achieving the  Everyone is deeply committed 
level commitment to the  goals with which they agree. to all of the goals.
3. How are decisions made in your unit?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
The boss tells is what the  We discuss issues, but the  We all make appropriate 
decisions are. boss makes all final decisions. decisions by consensus

4. How well do people collaborate with others?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
Each person works  There is some collaboration  People easily work with 
independently of others. when people are pushed to it. others as needed.

5. How much do people trust each other to carry out assignments, to keep confidences to their share, to help when need?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
There is almost no trust at all. Some trust exists, but it is not  There is high trust among all
6. How would you describe the unit leader's management style?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
She/he is authoritarian ‐ runs  She/He is consultative ‐  She/He is participative ‐ is 
things his/her way. consults with us, but has final  part of the team
7. How open and free are communications in unit meetings?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
Communication is very  People will talk about matters  Everyone feels free to say 
closed, guarded and careful. that are safe. what they want.
8. When people have differences or conflicts, how are they handled?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
Conflicts are ignored or  Conflicts are sometimes  Conflicts are discussed openly 
people are told not to worry looked at but are usually left and resolved.
9.What is the level of people feeling they are part of your team?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
People really don’t feel like  Occasionally , there is a sense  There is deep feeling of team 
they are part of a team of team spirit. pride and spirit.
10. To what extent do people in your work unit understand what people need from each other in order to achieve 
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
People really don’t  There is some understanding  Each person truly understand 
understand what others need  between some people. what others need from 
from them. him/her
11. To what extent do people really understand, accept and implement decisions and assignments with commitment?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
People just do what they are  At times there are some  There is full commitment by 
told. There is little personal  commitment to decisions and  everyone to all decisions and 
commitment. assignments; at other times  assignments.
there is not.
12. How supportive and helpful are the unit leaders and members toward one another?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
There is little support among  There is some support and  There is high support and 
leaders and members. help sense of the time. help most of the time.
13. Does your work unit ever stop and critique how well they are working together?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
We never stop to critique  We occasionally take time to  We regularly take time to 
how well we are doing. critique how well we are  critique how well we are 
doing. doing.
14. Generally, how satisfied are you with the way your work unit functions as a team?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
I am not satisfied at all. Sometimes I'm satisfied  Able to work independently 
sometimes not. as needed.
15. To what extent is the work unit dependent on the unit leader to move ahead and get work done?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
Completely dependent on the  Somewhat dependent. Able to work independently 
leader as needed.
16. Is your unit leader capable of building your group into an effective team?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
Not capable at all. Somewhat capable. Completely capable.
17. Do group members in your work unit have the knowledge and skills necessary to build and effective team?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
Skills and knowledge are not  Some people have skills and  Members have adequate 
there. knowledge. skills and knowledge.
18. Are people willing to take risk and try out new actions to make the team better?
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
No one  is willing to risk. Some willingness to risk. High willingness to risk.
19. Group members are willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of the team.
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
Almost never. Sometimes. Almost always.
20. People feel they know how their work contributes to the goals of the total group.
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
No real understanding. Some understanding. Complete understanding.
21. Team members know how to get work done and maintain good relationship at the same time.
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
Don’t do this well. Have some ability Completely able to do this.
22. Team members are sensitive to the needs of other members of the team.
1                                              2                                              3                                              4                                              5 
No sensitivity. Some sensitivity. Complete sensitivity.

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