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CLASS-VII (2019-20)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30
I. Answer the following in one word only: (1X5=5)
(a) Opening between two guard cells.
(b) Slimy green patches found in ponds.
(c) Large cream-coloured gland located just below the stomach.
(d) Carbohydrate that humans cannot digest.
(e) Piercing and tearing teeth.

II. Complete the following table: (1X5=5)

(a) Mucous
(b) Secreted by liver and helps in digestion of fats
(c) Saliva
(d) Intestinal juice
(e) Makes the stomach medium acidic

III. Differentiate between: (2X2=4)

(a) Small Intestine and Large Intestine
(b) Cuscuta and Pitcher plant

IV. Give Reasons: (1X4=4)

(a) Red and brown coloured leaves also carry out photosynthesis.
(b) Fungi spoil many things during rainy season.
(c) Grass-eating animals chew continuously.
(d) Villi are present in the inner walls of the small intestine.

V. Answer the following questions: (3X4=12)

(a) What functions does a tongue performs? (List any 3)
(b) What is a Symbiotic relationship? Give two examples.
(c) Represent the process of photosynthesis with an equation.
(d) Draw a well-labelled diagram of amoeba showing the processes of ingestion and
CLASS-VII (2018-19)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30
I. Answer the following in one or two word/s: (1X5=5)
(a) An important nutrient required by plants.
(b) Cells that surround the stomata.
(c) Form of food stored by plants in their different parts.
(d) Parasitic plant with yellow slender and tubular stem.
(e) Organism that spoils things during rainy season.

II. Complete the following table: (1X5=5)

(a) Algae
(b) Cuscuta
(c) Pitcher plant
(d) Mushroom
(e) Rhizobium

III. Differentiate between: (2X2=4)

(a) Saprotrophs and Parasites
(b) Heterotrophs and Autotrophs

IV. Define: (1X3=3)

(a) Nutrition
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) Symbiotic relationship

V. Answer the following questions: (3X3=9)

(a) How do farmers replenish the soil with nutrients? (Any 2 ways)
(b) Explain Symbiotic relationship in lichens?
(c) How and why does a pitcher plant traps insects?
VI. Draw a well-labelled diagram of the process of photosynthesis. Represent with an
equation. (2+2=4)
CLASS-VII (2017-18)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30

I. Answer the following in one or two word/s: (0.5X5=2.5)

(a) Organisms that form slimy green patches in stagnant water bodies.
(b) Largest gland in human body.
(c) Carbohydrate that humans cannot digest but grass-eating animals can.
(d) Part of alimentary canal that is involved in killing of bacteria.
(e) Number of pre-molars in the lower jaw of an adult.

II. Define: (1X3=3)

(a) Parasite
(b) Digestion
(c) Symbiotic relationship

III. Differentiate between: (2X2=4)

(a) Saprotrophs and Insectivorous plants
(b) Small Intestine and Large Intestine

IV. Give reasons: (1.5)

Things get spoiled during rainy season.

V. Answer the following questions:

(a) What are the different ways in which plants obtain nitrogen? (Any 2) (1+1=2)
(b) Write a short note on lichens. (2)
(c) Where is bile produced? Where is it stored? Which component of food
does it help to digest? (1+1+1=3)
(d) Explain the location and function of villi. (2)
(e) Explain the basic process of digestion of food and release of energy in amoeba with the
help of a diagram. (1+1+1=3)
(f) List the simplest forms of the following nutrients when they are broken down after
digestion is completed in small intestine: (1+1+1=3)
(1) Carbohydrates
(2) Fats
(3) Proteins
VI. Draw a well-labelled diagram of the process of photosynthesis. Represent with an
equation. (2+2=4)


CLASS-VII (2016-17)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30

I. Answer the following in one or two word/s: (0.5X10=5)

(a) The ultimate source of energy for all living beings.
(b) The breakdown of complex food into simpler substances.
(c) The pores through which exchange of gases takes place in plants.
(d) The green pigment present in leaves.
(e) The plants from which parasites derive their nutrition.
(f) The finger like outgrowth present on the inner walls of the small intestine.
(g) The bacteria that converts atmospheric nitrogen into a soluble form.
(h) The largest gland in the human body.
(i) The gas that is released in the process of photosynthesis.
(j) The carbohydrate that is digestible for ruminants but not for humans.

II. Define: (1X4=4)

(a) Symbiosis (b) Assimilation (c) Autotrophs (d) Rumination

III. Differentiate between: (2X3=6)

(a) Algae and Fungus
(b) Small Intestine and Large Intestine
(c) Ingestion and Egestion

IV. Give reasons: (1X3=3)

(a) Digestion starts in buccal cavity.
(b) Hydrochloric Acid is released in stomach.
(c) Pitcher plant is green and can perform photosynthesis but still traps insects.

V. Answer the following questions:

(a) What are the different ways in which plants get their supply of nitrogen? (Any 2 ways)
(b) Explain the process of ingestion and digestion in amoeba. (1+1=2)
(c) What will happen if green plants do not perform photosynthesis? (Any 2 ways)
(d) Explain the saprophytic mode of nutrition. Give suitable examples. (1+1=2)
VI. Draw a well-labelled diagram of the process of photosynthesis. Write an equation to
summarize the process. (2+2=4)


CLASS-VII (2015-16)
Duration: 50 Mins. M.M: 30

I. Correct and rewrite the following statements: (1X10=10)

(a) The reactants of photosynthesis are Carbon Dioxide & Oxygen.
(b) Boiled rice will give violet colour in iodine test.
(c) Mushroom is an example of Symbiont.
(d) Algae are Saprotrophs.
(e) Water energy is an essential requirement for photosynthesis.
(f) The finger like outgrowth present on the inner walls of the small intestine.
(g) Roots are the kitchen of green plants.
(h) Leaves exchange gases through pores called chloroplasts.
(i) Leguminous plants have leaves that can fix nitrogen for usage.
(j) Red-, brown- or violet-coloured leaves cannot perform photosynthesis.

II. Differentiate between: (2X3=6)

(a) Algae and Fungus
(b) Autotrophic Nutrition and Heterotrophic Nutrition
(c) Parasite and Host

III. Give reasons: (1X4=4)

(a) All living organisms depend on plants directly or indirectly.
(b) Lichens exhibit symbiosis.
(c) Fungus grows faster in rainy season.
(d) Nitrogen fertilizers are not added to the soil in which leguminous plants grow.

IV. Answer the following questions:

(a) Why do farmers grow many fruits and vegetable crops inside large green houses? What
are the advantages to the farmers? (2)
(b) Explain the two modes of nutrition. (2)
(c) Explain how insectivorous plants are called partial heterotrophs? (2)
(d) Explain the process of photosynthesis. Write an equation to summarize the process.

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