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Fieldwork work report

PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari

Compiled as a condition to complete the final task

Fieldwork practice(Pkl)


Prasetia Adi Putra


PRogram of Computer and Information Technique Expertise

Competence of Computer and Network Techniques
SMK Negeri 1 Simpang Four
The ground of the spice
Fieldwork work report
PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari

Compiled as a condition to complete the final task

Fieldwork practice(Pkl)


Prasetia Adi Putra


PRogram of Computer and Information Technique Expertise

Competence of Computer and Network Techniques
SMK Negeri 1 Simpang Four
The ground of the spice

Page of Crushing

Report of the Field Practice Activity (PKL) compiledby:

Name :Prasetia Adi Putra
NIS :20-07-045
Study Program : Computer and Information Technique
Expertise competencies : Computer and Network Techniqu
With the title : Install Windows Server 2012 R2

Has been authorizedon:

The day
: ........................ ..
Date of: ........................ ..

Company guidance / agency, School advisor,

Fredy MatulySy Muhammad Jamaluddin, S. Kom

Nip. 19940605202012 1 013


'S. Head Head program

Wakasek Humas / HI / FIK, Computer and informatics

Muhammad Ali, S. Kom

Nip. 19851230 200908 1 001 Muhammad Jamaluddin, S. Kom
Nip. 19940605202012 1 013


The authorSay the precisely or favors to God the Most Ever for His
abundant grace, for the completion of pregnancykitchen workforce inPT Adisurya
Cipta Lestari.
This report is made to meet the final project requirements of the fieldwork
at SMK Negeri 1 Simpang Four. The purpose of creating this field work report is
to report everything that has been related to the world of work onPT Adisurya
Cipta Lestari
The compilence realizes that without the instructions, guidance, and
support and assistance of various parties, of course this report can not be well
resolved. Therefore on this occupational apparatus want to express gekap to:
1. Mr. Drs. Amra Ali, MM as the principal of SMK Negeri 1 simparang.
2. Mr. Muhammad Jamaluddin, S.KOM as head of computer and informatics
3. Mr. Jhonris Dabukke as Ganeral Manager of PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari
4. Mr. Ferdy MatulySyAs the pudl of counsel.
5. Mr. Muhammad Jamaluddin, S.Kom as a guidance teacher.
6. All employees of PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari.
7. Parents who have been continuously delivering do'a and support

Simpang four,23May 2022

The author
Table of contents

Fieldwork work report...........................................................................................I

Page of Crushing.....................................................................................................I

Table of contents.....................................................................................the fourth
List of images..........................................................................................................v
Table of the
CHAPTER I INTRODU........................................................................................1
A. Background..............................................................................................1
B. Intentions..................................................................................................1
C. Benefits.....................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II IMP.................................................................................................5
A. Company Overview.................................................................................5
1. History of PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari...................................................5
2. Vision and mission...................................................................................5
3. Organizational Structure PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari.........................5
B. Job description.........................................................................................6
C. Schedule of activity................................................................................12
D. Data collection method..........................................................................12
CHAPTER III RESULTS AND..........................................................................14
A. Review theory........................................................................................14
1. UNTERNATION TP-LINK ACCESS POINT...................................14
2. Understanding the mikrotik of the routerboard................................15
3. Understanding Windows Server..........................................................17
B. Findings of the Study............................................................................19
Chapter IV cover..................................................................................................28
A. Conclusion..............................................................................................28
B. Suggestion...............................................................................................28

List of images

Figure 3. 1TP-Link Aceess Point............................................................................14

Figure 3. 2 ImagesMikrotik Routerboard..............................................................15
Figure 3. 3 LogoWindows Server...........................................................................16

Figure 3. 4 Selection of Time and TimeLyout Keyboard......................................19
Figure 3. 5 DisplaySetup Windows Server.............................................................19
Figure 3. 6 Election of EditionWindows Server.....................................................20
Figure 3. 7 License Statement................................................................................20
Figure 3. 8 CostumInverphant of Windows Server................................................21
Figure 3. 9 Partition selectionHard driveWhich will be inInstallWindows Server21
Figure 3. 10 Partition Division ProcessHard drive................................................22
Figure 3. 11Dialogbox...........................................................................................22
Figure 3. 12 Display Short PartitionsHard drive...................................................23
Figure 3. 13 Display Installation ProcessWindows Server....................................23
Figure 3. 14 DisplayWindows Server restart.........................................................24
Figure 3. 15 View CreateUsernameAndA password.............................................24
Figure 3. 16 ViewsLock Screen Device Windows Deck........................................25
Figure 3. 17 viewsLogin Windows Server password.............................................25
Figure 3. 18 DisplayLogin Windows Server..........................................................26
Figure 3. 19 DisplayServer Manager.....................................................................26
Figure 3. 20 ViewsDevice, from Windows Server.................................................27

Table of the Table

Table 2. 1 Oranization Structure of PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari...............................6

Table 2. 2 daily activities.......................................................................................11
Table 2. 3 JAdwal activities at PT.Adisurya Cipta Lestari....................................12


Chapter I

A. Background
Vocational High School (SMK) is a school aimed at preparing for
learners to be readyIn the face of challenges in the world of work both the
business world or industrial world (DU / DI), so the studentsSMKin the
premises with more science and science science at other comparison.
By deploying students directly on the world of work is expected to
increase student skills and knowledge in every practice and apply theories the
author who has been to o on oTeaching directly.
The implementation of the fieldwork of the workplace practitioner
(PKL) is conducted by the school by considering the willingness of the
institution or workforce to be able to accept students who will carry out field
work practices. The structure of the curriculum program, the education
calendar in the school year will be adjusted to the situation and conditions of
the local state.
With the field of work field practices is now very good and useful for
each student to get a real picture in exploring the world of work and applying
what has been obtained from the academies of the work to be faced so that if
the student plunge into the work world does not get difficulties to adjust to
the work environment can apply expertise owned, the PKL is usually done in
place (du / di) engaged in the corresponding student program expertise.

B. Intent andPurpose
Practice work field (PKL) is one learning system undertaken outside
the teaching and learning process and is done on the company / industry or
relevant agencies.

In general, the implementation of the fieldwork practice program is

shown to improve the knowledge and skills of students in technology,
adjusting the actual situation, collect information and write experiences
reports that include a review of the company, and practices activities directly
associated with technology. And prepare the students / students to learn to
work independently, work in a team and develop potential and expertisewith
interest and talent of eachrespectively.The implementation of field work
practices (PKL) on SMK aims to beHere:
1. General purpose
a. Related work, namely labor that has the level of knowledge, skills,
work ethic appropriate jobs demands.
b. StrengthenLink and Matchbetween SMK and the work of the work.
c. Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of
education and the workforce.
d. Giving recognition and award for work experience as part of the
educational process.
2. Special purpose
a. Prepare students to learn independent work, work together in the
form of the team and develop potential and creativity according to
their interests and talents.
b. Increase the status and personality of students so as to be oriented
and communicate and have a sense of responsibility as well as high
c. Provide opportunities for students who have the potential to be
skilled and productive power based on recognitionthe

C. Benefits

1. Benefits for learners

Seen fromthe purpose of Prakerin, then this precerin hasmany benefits
for learners, is asnext:
a. Produce human resources that have professional expertise, with
skills, knowledge, and work ethics that correspond to the time of
b. HoneSkills granted vocational high school (SMK).
c. Adding skills, knowledge, ideas around professional and reliable
d. Forming the mindset of learners to be well-whichest and provide
experience in the world of agencies and work world.
e. Establish good cooperation between schools and related agencies.
both in the business world and the industrial world.
f. Introducing learners to field work in the world of agency so that at
times they plunge into the job is actually able to adapt quickly.
g. Improve time efficiency and energy in educating and training quality
h. As for recognition and appreciation that work experience as part of
the educational process.
i. Preparing quality human resources that suits the needs in the latest
efficacy of information and communications technology.
j. Provide benefits for learners, because expertise not in teaching in the
world is working in the world of work.

2. ManfAAT PKL for school

In addition to the benefits for learners, Prakerin is also beneficial to
schoolof which:
a. Run the Liability of the Law.
b. Increase the image of the school.
c. Improve school relationships with the community.
d. Increase the school's popularity in the eyes of the community.

e. Contribute and work for the agency.

f. Can customize educational programs with employment needs.
g. Helps schools to develop due to increased or progress to learners and
education at the school.

3. Benefits of PKL for the company

The company itself gets considerable benefits,That is:
a. Supports government education program.
b. Increase the company's image
c. Get a temporary workforce

Chapter II
Implementation of the activitiesN

A. General OverviewThe company

1. HistoryA briefPT Adisurya Cipta Lestari
Pt.adisuryaCopya Lestari (PT.ACL)is a palm oil and plantation
oil processing / palm oil processing /CPOand kernel. The company
started fromTake Over/purchasefrom previous companies
namedPT.AGRO Hill South Kalimantan (University.ABSK) on the KnAl
25 November 2016 and up toThis is under the shade of PT.EAS Group/
JHONLIN GROUP with oil palm oil production /CPOA total of 60 m / t
of a bunch.

2. Vision and mission

University.AdisuryaCopya LestarihaveVThe contents
are:Prominent forestrated plantation companies and generate added value
for stakeholdersInterests Sustainable.While the mission
ofUniversity.Adisurya Cipta Lestari, among others:
a. Increase the productivity of the plantation thoroughly.
b. MenRun the Bisni process based on the good corporate governance
c. MeniJakanakan good practice plantation practice (Good Agriculture
d. MenMake the stakeholders and communities as mutual benefit
business partners.

3. Organization StructureUniversity.AdisuryaCopya Lestari

The arrangement of organizational
structureItUniversity.AdisuryaCopya Lestari, led by the head of the
fieldItwhich is mUnderum 3 (three) Section, that is:
a. It coordinator
b. It is staff
c. Admin it
Here's the organizational structureIt PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari

IT kordinator
Johannes Frangklin

IT Staf
Fredy Matulessy

Admin IT
Gabriel Varanath Misaros

Table 2.1Oranization Structure of PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari

4. Job description
There are some types of activities we do at the field of field work
practices, as for the description of work practices atPT Adisurya Cipta
LestariThat is:

No Day / Date of Activity Type of Activity

1. Monday, 14February2022 1).IntroductionToolsIt

1).ReplaceHardisk Server
2. Tuesday, 15February2022
1).RollCableLANTo be in the change
3. Lung, 16February2022

4. 1).MenamabahUserInto theWinbox

5. Friday, 18February2022 1).StudyFill from the appWinbox

Monday, February 21, 1).Connecting fromclienttoAccess

2022 Point
7. Tuesday, February 22, 1).Connecting fromclienttoAccess

2022 Point
Wednesday, February 23,
8. 1).Learn explanationOsi Layer
Thursday, February 24,
9. Software
10. Friday, February 25, 2022 1).Configuremicrotics metal
Saturday, 26February 1).ReplaceAccess Tool Point TP-
2022 LinkPharosin the residential staff
12. Tuesday, 1March 2022 1).Repair VPN ACLFor SAP System
1).Make the cableLANtypestraight
13. Lung, 2March 2022

14. Monday, 7March 2022 1).Fixtrobleshootcomputeradmin

1).Learn configurationVLANusing
15. Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Wednesday, March 9, 1).Learn configurationVLAN
2022 2).Lift Items of Item Supplies It
Thursday, March 10, 1).FixTrobleshoot Printer
2022 2).Fixtrobleshootcomputeradmin
1).Replace the cableLAN
18. Friday, March 11, 2022
CCTVtypestraightinloading ramp
1).Install the apps that need a
20. Saturday,12 March 2022
2).FixTrobleshoot LANnotconnect
3).FixTrobleshoot CCTVdead
21. Monday, March 14, 2022 1).FixTrobleshoot CCTVdead
22. Tuesday, 15March 2022 1).FixCCTVdead

1).MenggnATICCTV Switch
23. RAbu,16March 2022 2).MengcrimpingLAN
cabletypestraighttoCCTV Switch
24. Thursday, 17March 2022 cabletypestraightfor the
1).Replaceswitchin the btda
25. AUKAT, 18March 2022
2).FixTrobleshoot Printerdon't want
26. Saturday, 19March 2022
27. Monday, 21March 2022 1).CheckCCTV LoadIng Ramp
1).FixTrobleshoot Printerdon't want
28. Tuesday, 22March 2022
2).Replace the cableLAN Type
Starightin cctvloading ramp
29. Lung, 23March 2022 1).Menggatiswitchin the officeCWS
1).MovePort Ethernet Switch CCTV
30. Thursday, 24March 2022
Loading Ramp
1).ActivateMicrosoft Office 2010to
31. Friday, 25March 2022
the computeradmin
1).SettingTP-Link Pharos Access
Pointin the btde warehouse
32. Saturday, 26March 2022 2).Lift the item's items
3).MoveCCTV Switch Port Point
loadingthe one is dead
33. Monday, 28March 2022 1).Take the stuffIt from the logistics

2).FixTrobleshoot PCdead
1).ReplaceCCTV Loading Rampwith
the new one
34. Tuesday, 29March2022 2).Mencrimping CableLAN
CCTVtypeStraight Outdoor Loading
1).TrobleshootComputer Admin
35. Lung, 30March2022 2).Anstle Internet guests on the ACL
36. Thursday, 31March2022 ghttoCCTVfactory
2).Install CCTV in the factory
37. Friday, 1April 2022 ghtfor the needCCTV
2).InstallingCCTVinBoiler Station
1).User Trobleshooting
2).Cleaning the computer
38. Saturday, 2April 2022
3).Trobleshoot Printerdon't want
1).InstallationCCTV in Boiler
39. Monday, 4April 2022 Station
2).Connecting the cableLAN
40. Tuesday, 5April 2022 1).Trobleshootingcomputeradmin
1).InstallingCCTV in MainProcing
41. Lung, 6April 2022 Building
2).Connecting the cableLANtoCCTV
42. Thursday, 7April 2022 1).Trobleshootingcomputer

1).InstallingrouterInternet network
in Mill factory office
43. Friday, 8April 2022 2).MemasngrouterInternet network
in officewockshop
3).Connecting the cableLANtorouter

44. Saturday, 9April 2022 2).CableLAN Ethernetnot connected
to the computer
1).Trobleshoot Printerdon't want
45. Monday, April 11, 2022 toegertr

46. Tuesday, April 12, 2022 1).Registeruserinwinbox

Wednesday, 13 April
47. 1).TP-link link routingtent
1).Trobleshooting LAN
48. Thursday, 14 April 2022
MasenggerCan't be opened
2).Incorporate license codeMicrosoft
49. Monday, April 18, 2022
50. Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Wednesday, 20 April
51. 1).Trobleshootingcomputer
1).Trobleshooting LAN
52. Thursday, 21 April 2022
MasenggerCan't be opened

53. Friday, April 22, 2022 1).RegisterWiFiGuests usewinbox


54. Saturday, 23 April 2022 2).Trobleshooting Printerdon't want

1).Install Microsoft Office2010 to the

55. Monday, April 25, 2022
2).Incorporate license codeMicrosoft

56. Tuesday, April 26, 2022 1).Trobleshootingcomputer

Wednesday, 27 April
57. 1).Cleaningscoreboardscales

58. Thursday, 28 April 2022 1).Trobleshootingcomputer

1).Re-reallWindows10 on the
company's laptop
59. Friday, 29 April 2022
2).Install Microsoft Office2010 on
the company's laptop

60. Monday, May 9, 2022 1).Trobleshooting Printer

1).Install Windows 10on the laptop

61. Tuesday, May 10, 2022
2).CheckCCTV MainProcs die
Wednesday, May 11,
62. Trobleshootingcomputer
63. Thursday, May 12, 2022
't want toBooting Windows

64. Friday, 13 May 2022 1).Trobleshootingcomputeradmin

65. Saturday, May 14, 2022 1).Trobleshootingkomputeradmin

Table2.2Daily Activity

5. Schedule of activity
Work Practice Activity LaThis food is implemented at PT Adisurya
Cipta Lestari which is located in MalanglaiPi Village Kec.Tekuk Wayangang
Kab Bambu.
The activities of this field work practice last for 3 (three) months.
Started on February 14, 2022 and ended up on May 14, 2022.
The following is the clock table of the implementation of Lapagan
work practices (PKL) inPT Adisurya CiptaLestari:

Schedule and Certificate of PKL Activities at PT Adisurya Cipta Lestari

No The day Hours of entry Hour break Hours of home

1 Monday 7.00 12.00-14.00 17.00

2 Tuesday 7.00 12.00-14.00 17.00

3 Lung 7.00 12.00-14.00 17.00

4 Thursday 7.00 12.00-14.00 17.00

5 Friday 7.00 11.30-13.30 17.00

6 Saturday 7.00 - 13.00

Table 2.3AAdwal activities at PT.Adisurya Cipta Lestari

6. Data collection method

The method of the author used to collect data aDamly by
askingSupervisors, as well as references from the force for the previous.Ask
is a most effective way to get information. The author asks questions related
to the ongoing activities. The purpose of the author asked is to be more
obvious in obtaining information.
If the author feels the information delivered by the apparent is clear,
the authors do the search for the information on the Internet. For related
informationwith the agency where the author does practice the LAPANgan,

inPt.adisuryaCopya Lestari, the author gets ease because of the partyIT

company provides an open opportunity for authors to ask and direction, in
every learning material in learn, and practice in.

Chapter III
ResultsAnd discussion

A. Review theory
1) UnderstandingWithout intermediary linkAccess Point

Picture3.1Without intermediary-Link AceessPoint

a. UnderstandingWithout intermediary linkAccess Point
UnderstandingAccess Pointis a computer network hardware
connecting the devicewireless(Without wires) with local networks
using such technologyWiFi, Bluetooth, Wireless,and so on.
b. The function ofAccess Point
From the explanation above the main functionAccess Pointisas a
spreaderor an internet signal transmitter.
c. Types ofAccess Point
As for the typesAccess Pointis as follows:
1) Access Indoor Point,that isAccess PointUsually used in a room and
the range of areas was not too far, just limited in the room it was
2) Access Pointoutdoor,that isAccess Pointwho are outdoors,Access
Outside Pointhas a wide scope of space.

3) Access Point Router, Access Pointthis type can be used likeAccess

Indoor Pointand alsooutdoorbutAccess Pointthis is mostly used to
d. How it worksAccess Point
AccesspointWorking when there is a device that attempts to
access the network. Usually on the screensmartphoneThere will
appear that contains a password charging request. NextAccess
Pointwill arrange the device to be able to connect with how to match
whether the password is entered toAccess PointIt's right or not yet. If
the inserted password is exactly it will provide an IP addressto the
deviceIn order to connect to the network.

2) UnderstandingMikrotikRouterboard

Figure 3.2Image of MikrotikRouterboard

a. UnderstandingMikrotik Routerboard
Mikrotik Routerboardis the devicerouterwhich is
produced by the companyMikrotikOrigin of Latvia. DeviceIt's
been designed in such a way that it can runNetwork routerand has
been equipped with a special operating system namedRouteros.
Seen from the component in itMikrotik Routerboardhas a way of
working with PC where onMain boardhas been equipped
withprocessor,Ram,ROMandMemory Flash, onlyOperating
Systemwhich supports onlyRouteroswhich is also developed

b. The function ofMikrotik

a) Can be used as a bilinghotspotso it makes it easy to configure

and divisionbandwitchon the network.
b) Internet network configuration can be done centrally
onmikrotikSo it makes it easy to network admin to manage the
c) Can be used to block the site-situsforbiddenwithusing
theproxySo created a use of positive internet.
d) Can be usedAn for makingPPPoE Server
c. Types ofMikrotik
a) MikrotikRouterboard
Routerboardis a network hardware that is onitinstalledOperating
SystemMikrotik Routeros.
b) MikrotikRouteros
Mikrotik RouterosThis is an operating system basedUnixand able
to make a regular computer orPCSo have such featuresBridge,
Hotspot, Router, Firewall, Proxy Serverand so on

3) UnderstandingWindows Server

Picture3.3Windows Server logo

a. PengertianWindows Server
Windows Serveris the operating system brandserverdeveloped
byMicrosoft Corporationwhich supports the management level of

management, data storage, apps and communications.Windows ServerIt

acts asserveror data center that plays a role in managingServer network
b. The function ofWindows Server
Windows Serveris an operating systemserverused to manage and
set up configurationserverfrom devices - the device connected to the
computerserverin a computer network.Windows Serverable to support the
performance / performance of a computerserverwhich has been connected
ona networksehingGA system goes well.
In general,Windows Serverproviding services thatserver-
oriented(Focus on server), such asHosting the website, resource
management of all users and applications, user
management,messaging(Messages), security & other authorization and
other services related tothe server.Operating Systemservercan be used
forWeb server, database server, serverApplications, gamesserver,And the
c. Types ofWindows Server
a) Windows Server 2000
b) Windows Server 2003
c) Windows Server 2008
d) Windows Server 2012
e) Windows Server 2016
f) Windows Small Business Server
g) Windows Essential Business Server
h) Windows Server Home Server
i) Windows Server 2019
j) Winows Server 2022 (Update)
d. How it worksWindows Server
Server Bwork when there is a request from the partyclientwhich is
connected in onejaringan.misalnya, ComputerclientdorequestData or
services from the partyserver. Afterrequestaccepted byserver,then

theserverwill start processing it and the results will be sent back to the
computerthe client.

B. Findings of the Study

1. Work process
a. Preparation
The materials are peRLU was prepared
beforemengisnstallWindowsserverisas follows:
1) CDwhich containsWindows Server Installer
2) The server will be installed Windows Server
3) InputCD Windows Server Installerinto theserver
4) Then go insideBIOS Serverby pressingdeleteWhen the server is
booting and select MenubootandselectParta Boot Option 1toCD
Windows Server Installerand pressenter

1) First step afterSetup BIOS, we will be directed to the first

pageInstalling Windows Server2012 R2. ClickNextto proceed to
the next step.

Picture3.4ElectionLanguageTime and lyout keyboard

2) ClickInstall NowTo start the installation.

Picture3.5Windows Server Setup View


3) The next step is to choose the editionWindows Server2012 R2

will be oninstallon computer devicesserver. Then clickNextTo
go to the next step.

Picture3.6ElectionWindows Server Edition

4) In the next step there is a license statement, read the

statementlisensiwithwellandClickIacceptthelicensetermsthe can
continuethe next step


5) Next is the selecting type

installation,UpgradeorCustom.Toinstallnew windows server
selectCustom:Install Windows OnlyTo go to the next step.

Picture3.8Windows Server Installation Costum

6) Then tocreate a partitionnew, the wayclickThe "new"to create a

new partition

Picture3.9The selection of hard drives will be installed

Windows Server

7) Specify the partitionhard driveas we need and clickapplyto

make it

Picture3.10Division processPartition of hardisk

8) Will appeardialogboxLike this, Windows will create a partition

for the system of clicksOKto continue.


9) After that then there will be two partitions, the first partition
made byWindows,and whose conquer is the partition made it
chose the second partition forInstall Windowsthe.

Picture3.12Display CHILDRESS HARDISK

10) 'Selanjutnya. Wait until the installation reaches 100%.

Picture3.13Windows Server Installation Process Display


11) 'SAuto Automatic Computerserverwill dorestart

Picture3.14Windows Server View Restart

12) 'SHeyteThat's it, makea passwordtoUser administrator. A

passwordIt should consist of small capital combination letters
and numbers.

Picture3.15Display creates username and password


13) AThere appears like this. ClickCtrl + Alt + Delfor the viewlog

Picture3.16Windows Lock Disk Desk Windows Server

14) Type thepasswordwhich has been made earlierClicksubmit

Picture3.17Windows Server login view serVer

15)and wait for peoses to go into the desktopWindows Server


Figure 3.18Windows Server login view

15) ViewsServer Windows Server Manager2012

Picture3.19Server Manager View

16) Here's the lookDesktopfromWindows Server2012 R2.


Picture3.20The desktop display of Windows Server

Chapter IV

A. Conclusion
The goal of hePractice work field (PKL) inUniversity.AdisuryaCopya
Lestari, Statistics and persugans are personalized formationsuperior and
professional that has a set of knowledge, skills, values, andEthics and patterns
of behavior are necessary for professions and utiliscriptions and appropriately
using in management implementation in schools and out of school especially
communication and informatic management.
So far, these objectives have been achieved. With the achievement of
these goals, producing students who are ready to voicy with self-knowledge,
knowledge, ethics, experience they get duringadelaksanaanPractice work
field. The set of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes and behavior of
behavior can be useful in schools, outside of a secret, or in the world of work.

B. Suggestion
1. For the work world
The author also wants to convey the advice of the agency's party
related to the activitiesField work activities, among others:
a. Employee relationship with students-the student is
practicalFieldwork is expected to always be awake to his harmonica
to create a good cooperation atmosphere
b. It is expected that to workA between schools with the companyMore
warned with many opportunities to SMK students. For field work
practices atUniversity.AdisuryaCopya Lestari

2. School


There are some suggestions that want the author to say for the
school. Here is the author's suggestion:
a. The school should recommend the PKL students according to his
expertise program. Do not let, science that has been obtained and
studied in school, can not be channeled in the PKL.
b. When students determine the place to implement the PKL, it would
be better if the school reserves the choice of the students' options.
Whether the place is in accordance with the program of expertise or
not. Whether the science studied in school can be applied or not in
place of PKL.
c. The school should be doingmonitoringat least twice a month. To
monitor the activities of students during the PKL as well as to
minimize the problematic PKL students at the PKL.
d. Things related to school,new informationWhat has been related to all
SMK Negeri students 1 Simpang Four, immediately notified to the
students who implement the PKL. Well done directly whenthe
mentor doesmonitoringnor contact through social media.

3. SMK Negeri Student 1 Simpang Four

Some of the advice to which the writer to convey to SMK Negeri
students 1 Simpang Four regarding the implementation of the PKL is as
a. Choose a place of PKL that corresponds to the skills of students'
students so that the science studied in school can be implemented in
placePkl ..
b. Be active and responsible students to make impressionIts good for
you and school.
c. The very important value in any case is how you are right, be said
and attitude.
d. For students who perform the most important field work activities of
the maintenance of the maintenance of the school where the agency /

company is conducted fieldwork and activities comply with the

regulations in the agency / company.
With this PKL report the author of the
conquestbedHeyrmanfaatFor readers, especially SMK Negeri students 1
Simpang Four.
No Moon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 February d
2 March d
3 April d
4 May d
The list of participants learners
Industrial Working Practice (Prakerin)
Year lesson 2022/2023

1. In / empty empty WORK
3.Lurvey Saturday
5.The red is red Fredy Matuluessy

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