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“Immunizing children is one of public health’s ‘best buys’.

Vaccines are relatively easy to deliver

and, in most cases, provide lifelong protection. They boost development both through direct

medical savings and indirect economic benefits such as cognitive development, educational

attainment, labour productivity, income, savings and investment” (Gavi – The Vaccine Alliance,


“Immunization is one of the most cost-effective ways to save lives and promote good health

and well-being. Every year, vaccines save 2-3 million lives, and millions more are protected

from disease and disability. It routinely reaches more households than any other health service

and brings communities into regular contact with the health system. This provides an effective

platform to deliver other primary health care services and upon which to build universal health

coverage”. (Gavi – The Vaccine Alliance, 2019)

One of the most economical ways to save lives and advance health is through immunization. 1-2 million
people are saved from death each year by vaccines, and millions more are shielded from illness and
incapacity. Vaccines offer lifetime protection and are generally simple to administer.

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