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The Amazing Story of Uwais Ibn ʿĀmir Al-Qaranī from

Praise of him for his Good )‫ (ﷺ‬Yemen and the Prophet’s

.Treatment of his Mother

Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid March 2023 26

The Amazing Story of Uwais Ibn ʿĀmir Al-Qaranī from Yemen and
Praise of him for his Good Treatment of his )‫ (ﷺ‬the Prophet’s
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Uwais Al-Qarani (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) was alive during the lifetime of the
but he was not able to meet him because he lived in Yemen and remained )‫ (ﷺ‬Prophet
there caring for his mother, and did not leave her side. He is considered to be from the
Tābiʿeen, a worshipper, unconcerned with the world (zāhid), a beloved waliyy of Allah – he
concerning him. He )‫ (ﷺ‬was honoured by the Sahābah due to the saying of the Prophet
.)died in 37 AH at the Battle of Siffeen on the side of ʿAlī Ibn Abī Tālib (radiyallāhu ʿanhu

The Hadeeth
Usayr Ibn Jābir narrated that when the delegation of support from Yemen arrived ʿUmar
Ibn al-Khattāb (may Allah be pleased with him) asked them: “Is Uwais Ibn ʿĀmir among
.you?” He continued asking until he came upon Uwais

So, he said: “Are you Uwais Ibn ʿĀmir?” He said: “Yes.” He said: “Are you from the
people of Murād, and then Qaran?” He said: “Yes.” ʿUmar asked him: “Did you suffer
from leprosy and then you were cured from it except for the size of a dirham?” He
”.said: “Yes

”.ʿUmar (may Allah be pleased with him) asked: “You have a mother?” He said: “Yes

:say )‫ (ﷺ‬ʿUmar said: “I heard Allah’s Messenger

There will come to you Uwais Ibn ʿĀmir with reinforcements from the people of‘
Yemen. He is from the people of Murād, and his branch is the Qaran tribe. He had
been suffering from leprosy from which he was cured except for the size of a
dirham. He was good and dutiful to his mother. If he were to take an oath in the
name of Allah, Allah would fulfil it. So if you are able to ask him to seek forgiveness
for you from Allah, then you should do so.’ ʿUmar (radiyallāhu ʿanhu) said to him: ‘So
.seek forgiveness for me.’ So Uwais supplicated for forgiveness for ʿUmar

ʿ mar (radiyallāhu ʿanhu) said to him: “Where do you intend to go?” Uwais said: “To
Kufah.” ʿUmar said: “Let me write a letter for you to the governor of Kufah.” Uwais
(may Allah be pleased with him) replied: “I prefer to live amongst the poorest of

The next year, a person from the nobles of Kufah performed Hajj and he met ʿUmar
(radiyallāhu ʿanhu). He asked him about Uwais (rahimahullāh). He said: “I saw that he
was living in a tattered old house with little means of sustenance.” Upon that, ʿUmar
saying: ‘There will come to you Uwais Ibn ʿĀmir with )‫ (ﷺ‬said: “I heard Allah’s Messenger
reinforcements from the people of Yemen. He is from the people of Murād, and his branch
is the Qaran tribe. He had been suffering from leprosy from which he was cured except
for the size of a dirham. He was good and dutiful to his mother. If he were to take an oath
in the name of Allah, Allah would fulfil it. So if you are able to ask him to seek forgiveness
”'.for you [from Allah], then you should certainly do so

So the nobleman came to Uwais in Kufah and said: “Seek forgiveness for me.” Uwais
(rahimahullāh) replied: “You have just come from a righteous journey (of Hajj), so
you should seek forgiveness for me.” The nobleman said: “Seek forgiveness [from
Allah] for me.” Uwais (may Allah show him mercy) repeated: “You have just come
”.from a righteous journey (of Hajj), so you should ask Allah to forgive me

Then Uwais said: “Did you meet ʿUmar?” He said: “Yes.” So, Uwais supplicated to Allah
for forgiveness for him. Then the people came to know about Uwais and his status – so
he left and went away from that town. Usayr (rahimahullāh) said: “His clothing consisted
“’?of a cloak, and whosoever saw him said: ‘From where did Uwais get this cloak

.The hadeeth was reported by Muslim, no. 2542

:Arabic text

، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا – َو الَّلْف ُظ‬، ‫ – َقاَل ِإْس َح اُق َأْخ َبَر َنا َو َقاَل اآلَخ َر اِن‬، ‫ َوُمَح َّم ُد ْبُن َبَّش اٍر‬،‫ َوُمَح َّم ُد ْبُن اْلُم َثَّنى‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا ِإْس َح اُق ْبُن ِإْبَر اِه يَم اْلَح ْنَظ ِلُّي‬
‫ْل َّط‬ ‫َق َل َك‬ ‫ُأ‬ ‫َأ َف‬ ‫ُز‬ ‫َق‬ ‫َث َأ‬ ‫َش‬ ‫ُذ‬ ‫َث‬ ‫ْل َث‬
‫ ا اَن ُع َم ُر ْبُن ا َخ اِب‬، ‫ َع ْن َس ْيِر ْبِن َج اِبٍر‬،‫ َع ْن َر اَر َة ْبِن ْو ى‬،‫ َع ْن َتاَد َة‬،‫ َح َّد ِني ِبي‬، ‫ِالْبِن ا ُم َّنى – َح َّد َنا ُمَع ا ْبُن ِه اٍم‬
‫ َقاَل ِم ْن ُمَر اٍد‬.‫ِإَذ ا َأَتى َع َلْيِه َأْم َداُد َأْه ِل اْلَيَم ِن َس َأَلُه ْم َأِفيُك ْم ُأَوْيُس ْبُن َع اِم ٍر َح َّتى َأَتى َع َلى ُأَوْيٍس َفَقاَل َأْنَت ُأَوْيُس ْبُن َع اِم ٍر َقاَل َنَع ْم ‏‏‬
‫ َقاَل َس ِمْع ُت َر ُس وَل اِهَّلل‬.‫ َقاَل َلَك َو اِلَد ٌة َقاَل َنَع ْم ‏‏‬.‫ َقاَل َفَك اَن ِبَك َبَر ٌص َفَبَر ْأَت ِم ْنُه ِإَّال َمْو ِض َع ِدْر َه ٍم َقاَل َنَع ْم ‏‏‬.‫ُثَّم ِم ْن َقَر ٍن َقاَل َنَع ْم ‏‏‬
‫صلى اهلل عليه وسلم َيُقوُل ‏ ‏” َيْأِتي َع َلْيُك ْم ُأَوْيُس ْبُن َع اِم ٍر َمَع َأْم َداِد َأْه ِل اْلَيَم ِم ْن ُمَر اٍد ُثَّم ِم ْن َقَر ٍن َك اَن ِه َبَر ٌص َفَبَر َأ ِم ْنُه َّال‬
‫ِإ‬ ‫ِب‬ ‫ِن‬
‫ َفَقاَل‬.‫ َفاْس َتْغ َفَر َلُه ‏‏‬.‫ َفاْس َتْغ ِفْر ِلي‏‏‬.‫َمْو ِض َع ِدْر َه َلُه َو اِلَد ٌة ُه َو َه ا َبٌّر َلْو َأْق َس َم َع َلى اِهَّلل َألَبَّر ُه َف اْس َتَط ْع َت َأْن َيْس َتْغ ِفَر َلَك َفاْف َع ْل ‏”‏‏‏‬
‫ِإِن‬ ‫ِب‬ ‫ٍم‬
‫ْق‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫َك‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َف‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َق‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫َغ‬ ‫ُن‬ ‫ُك‬‫َأ‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َق‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َلَك‬ ‫ُت‬ ‫ْك‬‫َأ‬ ‫َال‬‫َأ‬ ‫َل‬ ‫ ا‬.‫َلُه ُع َم ُر َأْيَن ِر ي ا ا و ‏‏‬
‫َق‬ ‫َفَة‬ ‫ْلُك‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َق‬ ‫ُد‬ ‫ُت‬
‫ ا َّم ا اَن ِم َن ا َع اِم ا ُم ِبِل‬.‫ِإ ى َع اِمِلَه ا ا و ِفي ْبَر اِء ال اِس َح ُّب ِإ َّى ‏‏‬ ‫ُب‬
‫َل ِهَّلل‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َل ْل‬ ‫َّث ْل‬ ‫ُت‬ ‫َل‬ ‫ُأ‬ ‫َأَل‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫ٌل‬
‫َح َّج َر ُج ٌل ِم ْن َأْش َر اِفِه ْم َفَو اَفَق ُع َمَر َفَس َأَلُه َع ْن ُأَوْيٍس َقاَل َتَر ْك ُتُه َر َّث اْلَبْيِت َقِليَل اْلَم َتاِع ‏‏‪َ .‬قاَل َس ِمْع ُت َر ُس وَل اِهَّلل صلى اهلل عليه‬
‫وسلم َيُقوُل ‏ ‏” َيْأِتي َع َلْيُك ْم ُأَوْيُس ْبُن َع اِم ٍر َمَع َأْم َداِد َأْه ِل اْلَيَم ِن ِم ْن ُمَر اٍد ُثَّم ِم ْن َقَر ٍن َك اَن ِبِه َبَر ٌص َفَبَر َأ ِم ْنُه ِإَّال َمْو ِض َع ِدْر َه ٍم َلُه‬
‫َو اِلَد ٌة ُه َو ِبَه ا َبٌّر َلْو َأْق َس َم َع َلى اِهَّلل َألَبَّر ُه َفِإِن اْس َتَط ْع َت َأْن َيْس َتْغ ِفَر َلَك َفاْف َع ْل ‏”‏‏‏‪َ .‬فَأَتى ُأَوْيًس ا َفَقاَل اْس َتْغ ِفْر ِلي‏‏‪َ .‬قاَل َأْنَت َأْح َد ُث َع ْه ًد ا‬
‫ِبَس َفٍر َص اِلٍح َفاْس َتْغ ِفْر ِلي‏‏‪َ .‬قاَل اْس َتْغ ِفْر ِلي‏‏‪َ .‬قاَل َأْنَت َأْح َد ُث َع ْه ًد ا ِبَس َفٍر َص اِلٍح َفاْس َتْغ ِفْر ِلي‏‏‪َ .‬قاَل َلِقيَت ُع َمَر َقاَل َنَع ْم ‏‏‪َ .‬فاْس َتْغ َفَر َلُه‬
‫‏‏‪َ .‬فَفِط َن َلُه الَّناُس َفاْنَط َلَق َع َلى َوْج ِه ِه ‏‏‪َ .‬قاَل ُأَس ْيٌر َو َك َس ْو ُتُه ُبْر َد ًة َفَك اَن ُكَّلَم ا َر آُه ِإْنَس اٌن َقاَل ِم ْن َأْيَن ُألَوْيٍس َه ِذِه اْلُبْر َد ُة‬


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