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i—= = a) aes Tue EcoLoGy oF THE Secs OF DreaAp The JourNAL oF LArtss& VANDERBOREN a4 Today Theave the sazeryog the colony san the village o¢Tanaroa.We ve been here gar several months on the Isle of Temute, establishing he Fanshore colon and attempting relations with the local Onan | villages. While these proceedings are Amportant for dur parnelys- wand, wdeod, all of Sasserine’sdesiqns on these parcplong shores, » d thom rather tiresome. This, Pve convérced my husbard Verik, | ‘wha leads the expedition, of the value ox exploring and documenting | he marrland of this, the Isle o¢ Dread. While obvdoush, concerned for my sapedy, he Knows that my magic and experience as an adventurer Wathin the Fangs RO underground water exists, as poisonous. Zotzilana a SAVAGE TIDE GAM] gs belches From deep vents and fis 6th of Wealsun, 593 cv Farissa Vanderboren’s journalijf sures. I's no wonder the natives fear this I have returned fom a journey with appears in the Vanderboren vault place—they live under constant threat the Tanaroan natives to the voleano [in the fist adventure ofthe Savage! ofan explosive eruption . Nextepeua, one of the twin voleanoes folMide Adverture Pat, "The is Nol, The Tanaroans explained that we Known a8 the Fangs of Zola, The fiom Dunccon #139. This | must wait until nightfill, when the Tanaroans make annual pilgrimages [work contains her research notes on volcanoes’ sacred baboon guardians te offer appeasements to their batgod Fs the isle of Dread’ eosjste, along retreat to theit caves, The baboons — ‘Camapovz. Thad agreed tothe trip toclis- |_with maps and sketches ofthe crea ommivorous and dangerously raver: ply ou good intentions to our Okman ous—live out a pitiful existence, sur= neighbors hoping toelpVerk’s goal of [are slected ervies and sketches viving off sparse vegetation and hud: ¢stablshing mutual trade with them fiom that research, translated dling together around the few pools of The Fangs are an imposing sight, |” Syvan. The players map ofthe lel] stagnant rainwater : rising up to dizzying heights and cad, included withthe issue When twilight Gl, hordes of great dwarfing the scenery around them. f° can also be employed a5 part offi bats swept out from the lava tubes, — From their heights billow pillars of "F>Lanssa's observations, and fissures, blacking ou ie ids coil ke Sete ta ll i Closed sys artes Be rrdlbspolTi cing ae eso Mea ist turk pfeil tae, cone ere ‘debris Mufted rumbles growl from deep beneath the peaks, _ spans up to1s fet Inspte oftheir mass, they exhibited sur- suggesting the incredible activity of the world’s bowels The prising maneuverabilily, both in the air and’on the gona fields surrounding the Fangs steam with slag and knee-deep ‘The sight of so many of them, a colony several thous adh While te rin cee to Ge peaht ae middle wiht. Asghe eed « Grmnalecei whinge ANG ge lava tubes. Some evidence of flowing magma colliding with drove the baboons hooting back to thetr eaves, the bals Fecored us copanlettyses bling is “approach unchallenged an event that, {othe Tanazoans, vas a sign Camazotz Ithad granted safe passage. “nk, inside Nexiepeua, the shaman pilgrimage began sepeat- al, shythmie. chant. What taiion he worked upon us ficient, for we withstood the ting fiom the walls and the occasional blsis of scorching ai. The xing volcanic fumes made breathing tlt even with the loth masks we RTA he Medias ead tse were deafening this lose to the " Yoleanie core. The smoke and heat waves See erate eat Twould: have surely been lost within i Felish depts forever had not the ans been o familiar with the way. ly capable of making the tek it the need for sight. x what seemed an ctemity, we amived at the Shrine of Camazot We hurriedly placed our offerings at aisbot-covered carving ofa bat in the “far wall. Within the shrine 1 placed a “méinento my daughter Lavinia had ioe when'she walla child peer eee a ar the Tinaroans suggested. am hope- fal that through my obeisance { have carat east marginal respect from the Olman natives » —— Eoolags ag. the Phanaton 24th of Wealsun593 cv While wandering the centel jungle, stulbocaly chssiffing the islands endless varieties of flora, 1 caught Falters strange diminutive primate Carfying a spear ithadasatche slung 2eroabis shoulders and appeared to ‘be rummaging for mushrooms on the spongy ground, It hadn't noticed me approached fora closer Took. “Lil more than» fest tal the crea Saeed ikea raccoon, with dark far “sou ees and ringed stipes on ttle also had primat-dstinguish- fng features, sich a opposable thumbs anda prehensile tail, but displayed thin brane of skin stretched betneen its fontand back eg later would observe miata) ne & Its eyes suddenly met ‘mine, and fora brief moment, [thought the creature Tooked inguist tive, but then it started shrieking ina sil, warbling cry, Aliost instantly, more of the creatures came rushing through the bushes and dropping ftom the fuees—too many to counl. Befare I could at, 2 primitive net made from vines ensnared me, and the creatures bgan pummeling me with their cubs and the butt-ends oftheir spears until lost consciousness. Tavoke with my hands ted behind my back, ying on a wooden platform sup- ported by the boughs ofan ancient deklo tree. I could sens that I was high up in Ahiejungleeanopy/and Inoticed my pro- ‘sions and research notes dumped out nest to me, As I Tooked around, I ould se more platforms in the surounding ‘ees, connected by tueacherousloak- ing bridges made of knotted vines and strewn ith simple wooden huts. These creatures had built an entire village among theres, Scores ofthe small rea- tues walched ffom nearby plifrns, ‘hough tiny hut windows and fom the foliage of bratiches abo, spying on me curiously as I came fo my senses As 1 composed mysel, one of the Segitigs are A ey ao: Took of his. unique, brightly feath- ered adornments, approached me and ntied my hands. He shocked me by reskingls Cx Ou er Bae rere tingwishable phrases interspersed vrith soft hoots and odi'clicks of the tongue. He apologized forthe incon- venience and explained that 1 had surprised a group of his people while they gathered medicinal herbs ftom the forest floor below. He had looked caoceeeees eee druidie bef, and. was very apoloe fest ibe efor iancin invited me to a village feast and the lige epersiageata ieee rings a token oftheir good wll 1 stayed with the crsturés—who 1 came ti low as phanatonsfr thee days thereafter, Iaring of thei society and etre, When Tlf the one that had spied on the jungle floor, named Hato, offered to join mea a guide—a sort of peace offering from these crea tures AP fs Hato was shy, but with Cece uniiiy Tee gee en tee feof cy these paca the ian lant i oa he wll no seaport can in dens aoe The Epgecks op doco Weed rihot hebten spy Co ec PH oE pO Ee le eet it rapes Came ane ge Mette sche of else ni tie ih oa eas oe er bees austere chat avon Hiatt aah tana tog ian meerienaealed his consumption of a toxic weed that {grows in patches along the lake's east embanks, Several minutes after eating the weed, the ankylosaur begins taking short, shallow breaths, and seems a Dit unsteady on his fet, Once the ‘drug fully takes hold, he exhibits an increased blood flow--evidenced by his overall pinkish hue—and, begins to drool. Other effects of the plant are rapid eye movement, loss of bal- ance, occasional vomiting, and highly aggressive behavior. ‘Theamount of weed consumed has a proportional effect on the ankylosaue’s ‘belligerence. On a normal day, he eats only a, small quantity—enough to wale flea? become easly agitated, The rest of the hherd has learned to avoid him during these episodes, as he swings his tail at anything that approaches. Even when docile and not under the influence of the plant, the herd and other local her- Divores give him plenty of space, not wishing to incur his wrath, A bruised _ shin is apparently enough to make even the largest diplodocus wary of him. Lafger meals of the plant have a more powerfal effect on the giant rep- tile, using him to become extremely aggressive and atlack anything he sees is depth perception seems altered during these episodes, as yesterday 1 ‘observed him charging into the jungle cay ea eae Hebecame so encagedtbathesmashed down nesnly thinly tees before ds ‘pearing into the jungle. timselffter the plant the couse. Once hei fst thrd resumes lf daly guatig “The anllosairshowstig ical addition to the plant re Tet any members of his herd hear atch When fe cat find sourees of the weed, fe goes through stage aa cece rejection might account toed behavior as he isan outcat a 4 the group. When 1 asked the Pantube about the weed, they smiled and a & tothemselis asi pry o ome pate joke; take to mean that hepage indeed famine with 1 ovetbeard one Of them cll t“caloco zal” whieh tought ranstates om Olcian to angny ass! The few ntves ho open Di ae Terran Bends roth of Reaping 593 6¢ Concerning the lock of teror birds that {have been studying neath" {sle's eastern peninsula, today Pat | nesseda pack of males forceadime | trodon aay ffom is il The erea ture had wandered into the high grases of the flock’ tersitory and brought down a giant scorpion, am i ens catch. ith te signs of strug: | sle-This was soon to change, though, for the terror bird scavengers can Be very persistent when i comes 10> bing meals The tall bitds slowly a predator, assessing the slut fit, the dimetrodon seemed fbzen other presence, continuing te cathile only occasionally snapping 2 binds that got too cose As the light less avians gained confidence, Soe 4 | : i "eight and fluffing their head plumes. eps Dek and ath, Low ee pa eacting fron PPeinn thet chests. When thie Tlplys led intimate te fede a iat Siiciot Gen bers Fes Sc ekindgialcrs Covert Hand licking det nto its face, This fanrcdiately garnered the reptiles full attention. Unwilling to give up its kill, the fimetrodon flushed the sail on its ‘back, bared its tecth, and began bel- Beiog atts atathers THs show of Fee coasts ots teagtostc bids Hae latest into oan ‘The flanking tertor birds nipped at its Jailfhitting and running, much to their faiBets frustration. While doing little TE) fase il Accor pte arp i srap ot them. Taking idvan- fee G mom cary dntacion fiaietber rds rte nF gud age batngand gulcky bing with their powerfull beaks. At one point, the don aah sagas cep Ga batance. ial having hd nou Bipot ead thandoned is meal Ud at wadding pat The birds ely atiey ae he creature from their territory. Once Pact the eestor wis gone They erased the haleateneeopion fot pling ccs at ales odes Bia other paris of the Fnac, these Fighless bins aeitop predators of their habitats, but here they are clearly bottom-feeding scavengers. IP it were not for their strength of numbers, they would certainly be ill equipped at defencling their nests and might have long ago disappeared from the island. ‘They have adapted quite well to their situation and exhibit % remarkable ability to drive off most predators that threaten their nesting grounds. Tyramuosaurus hex! 2nd of Reaping, 593 cr In gathering data for my documentation ofthe isan’ fod chains, Hato\ an rinessedayrannosairconsumesleser theropod i the nonhciste grasslands he prey 00 small 0 sate the giant beasts hunger and once it eaught out Salma ite es ening ft for» eta of such Hz “ernie and again al instinct Tel i cata rae eee na certainly bemy stack * Lallempted t'speal toi to try to htm the massive beast, but itjgnored tne slowing its advance only light. My hear pounding, I redoubled my efforts and the rex came to a teug tant hal 1 have heard tales of druids tho consort with these beasts, ut that at ieee ie ould rely scald meithe mew Thad ven terpted it “Thetitanloneredits hea o siffme withonegretnostl ts sebitar sized teeth sant inehes aya, Fascinated, 1 After reached out a trembling hand to touch it, and just then, Hlatoi jumped fom — hrs tree and landed squarely on the top of the tyrants skull yelled at him to stop, but it yas too late The fyranno- saur raised its mighty head and let out a deafening roar. It began thrashing. and spinning its body to shake off the small nuisance, shapping its great jaws in anticipation of the morsel As Hatoi raised his spear Icried out to prevent what was to occur, but too late. He plunged his spear deep into one of the {yrannosaur’s eyes, blinding the giant and sending it into an-uncontrollable rage. Between roars, it swung its tail wildly while clawing impotently at its face, unable to remove the tiny spear. ‘The last I saw of the rex, it was bullying its way into the jungle to the west, splintering the innocent trees as it ran. The sound ofits ight turned to sounds of intense struggle, the trees began shaking violently and a shocked reptilian roar reverberated. through the jungle. Reappearing from the undergrowth, Hatoi began franti- cally waving his hands as if warding off some perceived evil. When the tyrannosaur abruptly became quiet, choked off in mid-roar, and the tops of the trees stopped moving, wide- eyed Hatoi started making loud, agi- tated ticking sounds, He wanted very desperately to leave the area, pulling ‘my band to lead me away from the- mysterious and disturbing sounds. Not questioning my native guide's obvious urgency, wequicklyjourneyed backto the village. Later, when I asked, Hato refused to speak of his actions, becoming frightened and emotional For the first time, I've come to real- ize the phanaton is keeping certain truths pertaining to the isle a secret from me. ap the Mashén sth of Gaodenonth, 593 e¥ My interactions withthe natives are Beginning to bear fut, a they have begun trading with Fasbore, eager to exchange peatlsharesied fom oys- ters that live around the coral reef Of the island. Following. rumoos of eS es HT wae la th tale bo hhuge pearls, we've bartered two canoes Approaching the reef in outriggers, with the fishermen of Burovao, the we maneuvered into the shallow water easternmost peninsula village, in over the reef—less than 2 feet deep— exchange for guides to lead a Far and disembarked, Walking on the reef" shore expedition to a reef where they proved dillicult—if you weren't careful, claim giant oysters make their homes, you could easily break an ankle. Qut 1 went along with the explorers to mission was to attract the attentionof. investigate the reports of such giant the mashers by dislodging chunks of mollusks and learn more about the _thexeef with ong poles, hoping to pro- isle's aquatic inhabitants. voke a feeding frenzy, giving our divers We anchored ata reef off the north: "the necessary distraction to gather the eastern shores of the island, Our _pearl%bearing oysters {guides spoke of monstrous, territorial” Within moments of breaking off eels that fed on the coral there—a the first coral chunks the mashers trait that has since earned them the responded. Several sets of the eels’ name “mashers" With the help of the _ wicked black spines broke from the fishermen, we devised a strategy for water, serpentine in theiz movements stealing the pearls from their homes. 25. they approached. Some: looked ‘to be in excess of 30 feet long, mak- © ing them more than a mate for the aquatic reptiles lurking in these foggy f As the monstrous eels gained | [realized their intentions and yelling for my comrades to gThe mashers' skulls bear thick ths of bone, with which they relentlessly ramming the reef sending jarring, shockwaves through © itpknocking us from our feet. A great schism opened in the coral we stood ‘omjand the solid surface beneath us mas suddenly gone, sunk into the fet underwater mazes, leaving us ig water that was now deep for the mashers to navigate, Two of our men who chose to swim to the canoe are no longer with us. ‘One moment they were there and the Boone nothing king theit presence other than a gud of turbulent bubbles of blood. ‘ye emerged onto the standing, ‘noticed one of the native’ arms. hanging limp at his side, quickly turn- ing black—he had brushed against one ‘of the poisonous spines on the mash= | ers’ bats. Cursing myself for lacking ‘the vital spell, tried to treat the poison | Bat was unsuecessfitl—the black dis- oration quickly spread to the test of Troy, coursing across his skin. He jvering and babbling incoher- ‘dementia, Finally going into fits of voriting and convulsions ‘over: When his eyes bulged, Tew | it as too lite, for inflammation of the #s ital, The poison had killed him. Jn moments de had suffered three fatalities and yur divers managed to bring up only four normal pearls ftom the depths. Appalled, Verik has decided that farther cisk outweighs the value of the still-ramored giant pearls and has for pide all future diving expeditions. Creeniz sth of Goodmonth, 593 cv ‘Today I came upon a clearing where it seemed a herd of dinosaurs had recently stampeded. The footprints were massive and the devastation to the area immense—likely caused by a herd of diplodocuses or other large herbivores, There were no signs of an attacker’ footprints, leading me to believe thatthe panic’ source mad ‘come from the sky. ‘As Tas studying the ruined land- scape, I discovered a large plant, 2 be bh plate. Uh ale care prove deadly ay greenvise once nearly 15 feet tall fatally trampled into the ground. Its stil huge, flytraplike moyths twitched violently—seemingly hungry even in death—and spasms ran down the length of its main stalk, causing the plant's tendrils to flutter and make a sound like someone shaking a tree. About halfiray down the stalk that served as the greenvise’s throata puls- ing bulge appeared to be the source of the plants post-death contractions. Whatever was inside the carnivorous ‘weed was still alive, struggling to ‘escape, When I sliced open the stalk to try to free whatever wassrapped within, T encountered same resistance—the sgreenvise’s thick stem proving tougher to carve than a ripe melon. Viscous ffoth spewed from the incision and ae © Racii ear ‘me ofthe saliva of a fleshy cretire— ‘except that this eeked of sap. ining the inside of the stalk ran rows of dense thoms protruding down ‘oward the plant’ gut, arrayed in such a fashion as to prevent captured prey from escaping back up to the maw. T ould see a sizable fog peering up at sme through the thorns, desperately frying to push past the bacbs to reach fhe opening I had created. I spoke to ‘it in an attempt to calm it, but the ‘traumatized thing was fally intent (on eseape. Fhe frog must have kicked cone of the rooty organs: that once guided the greenvise’s Jocototion, for one of the plant's tendrils con- vvulsed, knocking me off my feet and pinning me to the ground. Struggling to free myself; 1 heard the flap of powerfil wings and stlled myself at the sight ofa pair of wyveens scouring the carnage. These creatures ‘were likely the culprits behind the stampede, returning to pick over the devastation, Instinetvely, 1. shifted iyself into a small snake and slowiy slithered asiay from the remains of the man-eat}ng bush, seeking. a hiding place where I could wait for the preda- tors to depart Uchind me, | heard the "lesser dragons tearing into the greens vise, not discriminating between fog and plant. At least the poor creature did pot suffer long. Anata Habitat 43th of Harvester, 393 6 T cannot put t0 words the sense of grief and guilt that consumes me. By ‘now, Hato’ is surely dead, a vietim of an unspeakable fte I unvittingly bad a hand in weaving. Ifonly [had heeded his warnings, he would still he here with me as T write this. For the thou sandth time ask why 1 ignored hi foolishly venturing into a. darkened hollow in the eastern jungle where 1 noticed even the thunder lizards feared to tread. There, my cutiosity cost me and my fiend dearly ‘As we entered the vale, made eté- cally dazk by the dense jungle eanopy, 1 immediately fet something. was watching us At fist 1 shrugged t off ping around him like wet 28 nerves, butt became increasingly sounds of him calling ou om difficult to keep Hatoi calm, When he was hefted into the silken nigh SacI MMiec indeed wane gett Ne oe cea ee staring intenly into the datkiess, Limp own svete 1 thoght 1 be halted in deference ois keenersenses, chitering aachnid laughter th Iwas then that became amare that we everfotare my nightmares. tad been walking beneath a floating « ; ‘maze of spider webs strungthrough the Comclasdon 5 trees above. Disgusting corpse husks ast of Sunsebb, 593 cr dangled fiom the rope-thick strands . Some time has passed since L left Far likemacabre Midvinte omaments Yet, shore and-—in light ofthe rent tage even more tering something had edy—this likely to be may ls ape ily poetic ie eatessees) «Wha war ets Sie ine fecming rotung Shells is ckeningst—depost the bull: ofthis work BABE 11 Eero Tice Wet ones ody steocn __ end when I caught a glimpse of move- “tment, Praying for my eyes to adjust to tie’ datkness,L could bazely see them: giant, horrifying spiders slowly descending fiom their webs seemingly lot their ives in tat unforii hovering in mid-airand gesturing with [hope then sacrifices tight se thelr font appéndages—dspustingy warning ofthe stage nature and p elongated arms with mulknucKled ferocity that epitomize theapty hands. Although Thad never seen one, Isle of Dread. A wenluchy Vi i pee Spee Hic a mie toa “1 didn't have the look closer oF attempt to spes creatures as the surround! “suddenly came alive with i inister shadows and the ‘linking things, Despite the a could sense nothing other than Hf the spider things, and mys snow, 1 don't know if some! actualy there, oF if those images deve us to some deadlier trap, Regardless, an overwhelming to flee consumed me, and 1 what came over poor Hatoi, th because he bolted, heading deep the hollow as ifcharging one of ders-a terrified but determined: his face. I can't help but wor was trying to defend me. [had ‘a moment to call out before I si strands of webbing, ghostly family vault for salekeeping wntil such — Dread he savage tide is rising and the waters are fir ftom calm, In ‘order to keep you afloat, this article series presents you, the player, ‘sith the tips, need to keep cks, and tools you ad above water 1 present monster needed to run the Tide Adventure Path, Dracow 0 to help you fight back, ‘This month’ in and options tallment gives you a host of rumors about the legendary Isle of Dread, new options fr characters with animal companions and, a hg Tht ———— on by Jason Bulmahn, Steve Greer, and Gary Holian «illustrated by Ben Wootten and Steve Ellis This installment of Tidings inks| episode of the Adv “Here There be Mo presented in Dunctow 4 the Isle or = familiars, as well as ideas for new characters who might be found in the isle’s dangerous jungles. othe Druids and the Isle of Drea creatures. nativ unlike those found anywhere else Naturally some of these creatures might make for great animal companions, Wizards and sorcerers in search 1s traveling across find that the the island aze of new familiars might discover some of these crea- tures fit the role perfectly as Well. Even those without ee | 4 special bond to a’éfeature might find a numberof the inbabitants of the Isle of Dread useful as mounts. You should consult with your DM. before selecting any of these rea tures to determine which he allows, as well as any other options not presented here Animal Companions ‘The lists in the Players Handbook provide a wide variety, of options ‘when choosing an animal compan- fon. While many of these treatures ‘ean be found on the Isle of Dread, some cannot, and others‘native to the isle make for fine choices. The fallawing list of animals can be used by druids or rangers seeking new companions on the island. While most are from the Monster Manual, some of these: creatures can be found in Monster Manual 11 (MMID, Monster Manual Ii(MMI, Monster Manual IV (MIMIV), or the: Fiend Folio (EB, Other dinosaurs, found in Deacow #518, might also ‘make fora perfeat animal eompan- son (or familar ast Level or Higher Dire rat Eagle (animal) Hawk (animal) Owl (enim Sake, Medium vigr (animal) Snake, Small viper (animal) Swindlespiter (dinosaur, MMII) ‘th Level or Higher (Level) ‘Ape (animal) Boar (énimal) Crocodile (animal) Dire bat Dire hawk (MMI) Dire weasel leshraker (dinosaur, Ml) Lizard, monitor (anima) Sallsnake (MIN) Shark, large (anieal) Sake, constrictor (animal Sake, large viper (animal) Jivege Vibogt 7th Level or Higher (Level -6) Crocodile, giant (animal) Crfptoclidus (dinosaur, MMI) Deinonychus (dinosaur) Dire ape Dire boar Dire toad (MMI) Elasmosaurus (dinosaur) Snake, Huge vines (animal) Terror bird (FF) soth Level or Higher (Level -s) Bloodstriker (dinosaur, MMi) Dire srake (MMI) Legendary eagle (MMI ‘Megaraptor (dinosaur) Sea tiger (Mia) Shark, Huge (animal) Snake, giant constrictor (animal) asth Level or Higher (Level 12) Allosaurus (dinosaur, MMI) ‘Ankylosaurus (dinosaur, MMi) Legendary ape (MMI) ‘Octopus, giant (animal) 26th Level or Higher (Level is) Dire shaek Legendary snake (mnt) ‘Quetzalcoatlus (MMI) Suid, plant (animal) “Triceratops (dinosaur) Tyrannosaurus (dinosaur) Familiars Sorceress and wizards are rarely found without some sort of small creature soaring above them or perching on their shoulders. Those visiting the Isle of Dread might find they have 2 number of additional ‘options when choosing familiars While the bat, hawk, lizard, ow, rat snake, and toad familiars ean all be found on the island, the other standard choices cannot, In addi- tion, the following creatures can be falled to serve, Note than none of these choices require the Improved Familiar fea Monkey: Tiny monkeys can be found all across the Tsle of Dread, hiding in the trees and voiding largee predators As familiar, mon: keys tend to be curious and easily agiated, spending much of their time climbing about their masters or grooming them, Use the statistics far 3 monkey found on page 276 of the Monster Manuel. A monkey can be taken a8 a familiar by a ast-level spelleaser A character with a mon ey familiar gains a + bonus on limb checks. ‘Needletooth This Tiny dinosaur 4s known for traveling i packs and far its bloodthirsty nature. Alone as mills, they can be quit territo- rial about their masters, spipping at anyone who dzaws too close. Use the statistics for the Heard found on page 275 of the Monser Manual. In addition, anyone bit by a need- Jetooth bleeds for 1 round, losing 1 hit point the following round. This bleeding can be stopped by a DC 0 Heal check or the application of 4 cure spell or some other healing ‘magic. Aneedletooth can be taken 23 aufamiliae by a ast-levelspellaster. A character with 2 needletooth fanil jar gains a +3 bonus on Hide checks {in forest or jungle environments Parrot: These colorfil birds are found all over the Isle of Dread. Use the sime statistics for the aven found on page 278 of the Monster Manual. A parrot can speak one language of its master’s choosing a5 a supernatural ability. A charac. ter witha parrot familiar gxins a 4 ‘bonus on Appraise checks. A parrot can be taken as a familiar by a st level spelleaster. ‘Mounts While few creatures on the Isle of Dread make for natural mounts, some could be trained to serve 2s such with a significant amount of time and patience. A paladin might find 4 number of dinosaurs and other creatures suitable to Serve a his mount. Note that your DM January 2007 DRAGON 351 69) cnn, Siege Tilige ——— WHAT DO YOU KNOW: THE ISLE OF DREAD ‘Rumors In addition to the jougnal, there are many tales and stories concerning the Isle of Dread and is inhabitants, the Olman. While most of them are assur edly false, some mighthofd a grain of truth + The Olman observe form oFtotemic ancestor worship and animate some oftheir dead, They consider this a natural ting +4 great plateau sits atthe island’ center, where ancient terrible gods slum: ber. Those who defile that sacred place risk waking them. + Natives found on the islands east ofthe seven Olman villages are feral can- ribals who attack and tually consume strangers. They are known fr their ‘war drums and often form raiding parties on outrigger cances: + Spider demons dwell in the jungle They seekto enslaveand experiment on anyone who comes into their grasp + The Isle of Dread is filled with dinosaurs and other horrible monsters. The natives only go beyond the safety oftheir Great Wallin lange numbers. “+ Avoid the mysterious fogs on the main island at any cost They herald the arrival of more dite creatures to our world, Never step into the heart ofthe fog or you wor'treturn to this world ever again! + As dangerous as the islane’s surface i, the world below the island's far worse, Great cavernous spaces beneath the jungle hold titanic water demons, performing foul ites and bloody sacrifices. has the nd! say over what mounts use analldsauru (nf) orankylo= are avalible and you should check aus (MMI). aé mounk Abaih before taking one ofthese danger /tevel)a fad night gzina mast cng creature. See page 204 of the odow (MMII quetzalcoatlus(dinod Dngaon Maser Guile foraddtional saur, MMM} fceratops (inosan, Beer sl aca 9 a ee cea ‘paladin of 6th level or highéh While these represent jortsome of CHRD deinonychus (inesale Meher yoor DM right remove GPs cua iard or Large atigt Np oad erst hs i eee Tevel adie boas, gant cage, shi: Replacement PCs eel ar ere iene guatiarae pope (Gi) berome avaiable, At Sth Jeep iy of every adventurers, For 5 paladin might Gad a guffones a__fanately, evevon the Isle of Dread moun At oth level, a blondstiker new characters canbe found among Ainceaer (MMII) ogfmefarptor — the mative population. Here age jst (Ginosaut become viable choices A afew ofthe options from the Rerce Paladin ef eth level or higher can Olman othe monstrous aranes, JO DRAGON 351 January 2007 Aranea Asizeabletribe ofthese shapeshifting spiders lives on the Isle of Dread. From time to time, outeasts find themsehies in search of companion- ship and adventure. With their abil- ity to take on humanoid form, they might even keep their true nature a secret until companions have earned their trust, instead posing as lost explorers or travelers until the time is right. Aranca haves monstrous Hit Dice and a level adjustment of +4, making the sample creature on page 15 of the Monster Manual a perfect choice for a replacement 7th-level playercharacter. Aranea have the following racial ability modifiers: Desterity +4, Constitution +4, Intell gence +4, Wisdom +2, and Charisma ‘+4, Use these modifiers if generating lunique ability scores for an aranea player character Lizardfolk ‘Adventurers and Olman are not the only explorers to be found on the Isle of Dread, Warriors from a large tribe oflizardfolk are often encoun- tered hunting the vastjungles. These reptilian humanoids know a great deal about the jungle and respect its fierce predators, but they are not above roasting an Olman fora tribal feast if one crosses their path. Not all lizardfolk are so brutal, though, ‘and a lizardfolk player character ght make a noble warrior. Use the mules for lizardfolk ehar- acters presented on page 169 of the ‘Monster Manual. Lizardfolk from the Isleof Dread can learn Olman, Phan- ston, oF Sylvan as bonus languages instead of Goblin, Gnoll, or Ore Oiman ‘The Olman have lived on the Isle of Dread for countless ages in small villages separated from the body of the island by a gigantic walls While they ate dedicated to their tribes ‘numerous individuals have left over the years toexplore the worldbeyond. any have traveled to the interior of the Isle never to be seen again, but others have returned bringing back tales of harrowing adventure. While traversing the island, itis quite pos- sible to run into one of these natives whose interests in exploration and expert knowledge of geography could prove vital ‘The Olman are divided into four clans, each of which venerats fierce animal: the elk, hawk, tiger, and sea ttle, Fach can has is own proud traditions and rituals, ut each comes to the defense of the others in times of crisis While the leader ofeach clan is male, the leader of each village is female, ensuring a balance of power and opinions. Olman are not affaid of outsiders, instead finding them curious and almost foolish with their determination to explore the ead island ‘Olman are ordinary Humans, in all respects, All Olman learn their native tongue (Olman) instead of Common, but those who have fre- quent relations with outsiders guickly pick itp, Javege Tibege Phanaton Known to live all across the Isle of Dreallare a race of Small cfeatures that appear to be a cross between a raccoon and a monkey, with gray to brown fur, long prehensile tails, and thin membranes stretching between their arms and legs. These creatures, mown as phanatons, are not unintel- ligent animals, as many first assume. ‘They live in small villages high up in the canopy of the jungle, safe fom the predators that dvell below. Orga- nized into small clans, the phanatons have kings and war chief who make ‘most of the important decisions, ‘while the rest tend to the forest and the needs ofthe whole ‘While affaid ofothers at frst, phan- atons can become quit friendly once a creature has proven that it means. noharm to the clan orthe nearby for~ cst that sustain it, Some phanatons even agree to travel with other exer tures, acting as guides or scouts. AS such, phanaton adventurers are not ‘uncommon. Phanatons despise spi- dees and spiderlike creatures such a8 the aranea, attacking ther on sight so Tongas the odds are in their favor. Phanatons have large eyes hid- dden in a mask of darker fur. Their ‘monkeylike hands have opposable thumbs and can be used for variety of tasks. While their fect are flexible, ‘they cannot be used to earry anything ‘of weight or wield any weapons or shields, The tails of phanatons ate almost four-feet long, which they use to assist in jumping and climbing PhanatOns speak their own language ‘of hoots,chatters, and clicks. Phanatons possess the following racial traits — 2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, ~ Constitution: — Small size, + bonus to Armor lass, +1 bomus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, ~4 penalty fon grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 those of Medium characters. A phanaton’s base speed is 20 fet, = Low-light vision = Natural Weapon: Bite ad4) — Forest Awareness (Ex): Phana- tons have an empathic awareness in forests, which gives them a4. racial bonus on all saving throws in forest locations, = Gliding (Ex): A phanaton can use its wings to glide, negating dam- age from a fall of any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for ‘every 5 feet of descent. Phanatons lide at a speed of ao feet (average maneuverability). Even if'a phana- ton’ maneuverability improves, it can't hover while gliding. A phan- aton cant glide while carrying a medium or heavy load. Ifa phana- ton becomes unconscious or help- less while in midair it cannot keep itselfaloft and falls 4racial bonus n Movesilently checks (48 in forest areas)-+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen, and Spot checks. Automatic Languages: Phanae ton, Elven, Bonus Languages: Sy- van, Goblin. — Favared Class: Rogue. January 2007 DRAGON 351 n

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