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English 101

Lecture Notes 2

Spring 2022

24 Jan

Lecture 2

1. Writing as a process

A. Strong essays are usually the result of a writing


B. A “process” approach to writing is different from

what we’ll call a “linear” (line-like) approach to


1. Linear: Line-like – start with the first word

of the essay, then write straight through to the


A. No idea generation or organization phase

B. No revision

2. Process: More flexible.

A. Includes idea generation or organization


B. Much revision
C. Writing processes will vary from writer to writer

and essay to essay, but there are some helpful patterns

to keep in mind. For example:

1. Idea generation (e.g. brainstorm, web, or


2. Idea organization (e.g. outline)

3. First draft

4. Revised draft(s)

5. Proofread

6. Final draft

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