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Endocrine gland/ Hormone Target organ or tissue Major function is control of:-

source of hormone

Hypothalamus Numerous releasing factors Pituitary gland Hormones release by pituitary

Anterior pituitary ACTH Adrenal cortex Cortisol secretion

(adenohypophysis) (adrenocorticotrophic

FSH Ovaries / testes (tubules) Ovarian follicle growth,

oestrogen secretion /
(follicle stimulating spermatogenesis

LH Ovaries / testes (Leydig Ovulation, luteinization of

cells) follicle / testosterone secretion
(luteinizing hormone)

GH All tissues Growth; carbohydrate, protein

and fat metabolism
(growth hormone)

TSH Thyroid gland Thyroxine secretion

(thyroid stimulating

Prolactin Mammary gland Milk secretion (stimulates)

Posterior pituitary ADH Kidney tubules Water excretion

(neurohypophysis) (antidiuretic hormone) Smooth muscle in Blood pressure


Oxytocin Uterine smooth muscle Uterine contractions

Mammary gland Milk ‘let-down’

Pineal gland Melatonin Various tissues Circadian rhythm;


Thyroid Thyroxine (T4) Most tissues Metabolic rate;

Triiodothyronine (T3) growth and development

Calcitonin Bone Plasma calcium and phosphate


Parathyroids PTH Bone, kidneys, intestine Plasma calcium and phosphate

(parathyroid hormone)

Thymus Thymopoetin T-lymphocyte cells in Immune responses

(regresses in

Pancreas Insulin Most tissues, notably Glucose utilization;

muscle and liver
(islet cells) (from beta cells) blood glucose (lowers)

Glucagon Primarily liver Blood glucose (elevates)

(from alpha cells)

Intestinal mucosa Gastrin Stomach Acid secretion

Secretin Pancreas Digestive secretions

Cholecystokinin Gallbladder Release of bile

Somatostatin Intestine Acid and intestinal secretions


Adrenal medulla Adrenaline All tissues Metabolism; heart rate and

output; response to stress and
Noradrenaline exercise

Adrenal cortex Cortisol All tissues Metabolism; response to stress

and exercise

Aldosterone Primarily kidneys Sodium, potassium and pH


Kidneys Renin (converted to Blood vessel smooth Blood pressure

Angiotensin-II) muscle
Aldosterone secretion
Adrenal cortex

Ovaries Oestrogens Reproductive organs Reproductive development;

also has effects on oestrus

Progesterone Uterus Uterine condition

(from corpus luteum)

Uterus Prostaglandin Corpus luteum Breakdown of corpus luteum

(PGF2?) (luteolysis)

Placenta Progesterone and Corpus luteum Maintenance of pregnancy

(in pregnant mare)
eCG (Equine chorionic Ovaries Maintenance of pregnancy
gonadotrophin, PMSG)

Relaxin Uterus Uterine contraction (inhibits)

Cervix, pelvic ligaments Increase in distensibility

Testes Testosterone Reproductive organs Reproductive development;

also has effects on behaviour

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