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Submitted by: AFAQ ZADA


Q1: Identify different parts of the Executive summary?

Ans: there are basically 5 part of the executive summary which are given below:

The aim of this report was to find out the strategies which teachers should use that are helpful in
increasing middle school students’ interest in reluctant reading in the classroom and to increase students’
reading level.

A survey was conducted and 200 low level reader in urban public was surveyed to find that which type of
reading material student like to read or which type of reading material can capture students’ interest to
read it.

The results of the survey concluded that finding material l that has a greater connection with, and impact
on, readers’ lives is the best strategy which teachers can have for encouraging reluctant readers in the

The conclusion is the books or reading material that has a greater connection with, and impact on,
students’ daily lives can attract students to read them.

It is recommended that student should provide such literature and books which include reading material
about different aspects of students’ daily life.

Q2: Put all the parts in the correct order (in which they should appear in the

The aim of this report was to find out the strategies which teachers should use that are helpful in
increasing middle school students’ interest in reluctant reading in the classroom and to increase students’
reading level. A survey was conducted and 200 low level reader in urban public was surveyed to find that
which type of reading material student like to read or which type of reading material can capture students’
interest to read it. The results of the survey concluded that finding material l that has a greater connection
with, and impact on, readers’ lives is the best strategy which teachers can have for encouraging reluctant
readers in the classroom. The conclusion is the books or reading material that has a greater connection
with, and impact on, students’ daily lives can attract students to read them. It is recommended that student
should provide such literature and books which include reading material about different aspects of
students’ daily life.

Identify and rectify the errors (grammatical and technical writing

We then provide strategies for middle school teachers in finding reading material that has a greater
connection with, and impact on, students’ daily lives. The results of the survey concluded that finding
material that had connects with readers’ lives is the best strategy teachers can have for encouraging
reluctant readers in the classroom. Therefore, to ascertain strategies for encourage reluctant readers to
read more, thereby increasing their reading levels, Studies have been conducted on strategies for teaching
low-level readers and improving their reading and literacy skills (Smith, 2009; Miller, 2007). However,
these studies conclude additional reading time is the best way to increase a student’s reading level. In
additional studies focusing on the middle school reading and Language Arts classroom (Harim, 2000;
Lossen, 2001), teachers note that encouraging reluctant readers to read more—both in the classroom and
outside of the classroom----is a common challenge faced by educators. we surveyed 200 low-level readers
in an urban public- school district to determine what strategies would provide impetus for them to read
more and for longer periods.

We then provide strategies for middle school teacher in finding reading material that has a greater
connection with, and impact on, students’ daily lives. The results of the survey concluded that finding
material that had connects with readers’ lives is the best strategy teachers can have for encouraging
reluctant readers in the classroom. Therefore, to ascertain strategies for encourage reluctant readers to
read more, thereby increasing their reading levels, Studies have been conducted on strategies for teaching
low-level readers and improving their reading and literacy skills (Smith, 2009; Miller, 2007). However,
these studies conclude additional reading time is the best way to increase a student’s reading level. In
additional studies focusing on the middle school reading and Language Arts classroom (Harim, 2000;
Lossen, 2001), teachers note that encouraging reluctant readers to read more, both in the classroom and
outside of the classroom, is a common challenge faced by educators. we surveyed 200 low-level readers
in an urban public- school district to determine what strategies would provide impetus for them to read
more and for longer periods.

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