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When it comes to giving a service to the people or serving your own country, your occupation will act as

a major role in both your future and your country’s future. Professionals such as doctors, engineers even
people who are in the army are mainly at the top first occupations needed by every country. Thinking of
these jobs leads us to this major question :”Should these people work in their own country in which they
did their training, or should they be free to work in another country?”

The answer of this question can be various according to different people. Some people do agree with
the fact that professionals should work in the country that they have done their trainings because first,
the professionals are fully informed about different conditions such as the country’s health condition,
it’s climate in order to build facilities, even their people’s culture. This can help them to help the people
in need as quickly as possible. When a professional for instance a doctor keeps moving from a country to
another country, it can take some time for him to adapt to the new environment and new culture, in
other words, this may delay the real service that a professional can offer to it’s people.

On the other hand, some people believe that we should let the professionals decide for themselves as
some doctors or engineers actually love to travel around the world and help other people. Surprisingly,
some of these people don’t even feel annoyed adapting to a new living condition and they may see this
as an enjoyable challenge in their work. Aside this attitude, a lot of people believe that the main duty of
a professional is “giving services”, so not only they should be free to work in another place, but also they
have to put it as their first priority. For example, it is known by a lot of people that there are lots of
countries that don’t have sufficient medical facilities or don’t have a safe place to call it as their homes.
At some points, it is an engineer’s duty to help these people provide a convenient living condition as
well as for a doctor to guarantee those people’s health conditions.

I personally agree with both parties because no matter which country you are or under what condition
are you living, you still need the professional’s services. It is pretty logical to think that a professional can
give much faster and better help when they are working in their homeland, yet we can’t skip the
morality that everyone need help, especially those who can’t maintain a good health or a safe roof to
live under. In order to meet everyone’s need, it is beneficial to have doctors, engineers, soldiers etc.
work and stay for another country for some years and after that let them decide whether they want to
go back to their country or stay in the same country and provide services.

Overall, it is important for all professionals to be present when their people need help, either it’s their
homeland or another place. What actually matters is the quality of the service they are providing not the
place that they are staying for giving services.

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The chart available provides information about the average weekly spending by families in one country.
The chart mainly focuses on the years of 1968 and 2018 and includes food, housing, fuel etc.

According to the chart, most of the families income was spent on food in 1968 which is 35 percent.
However, in 2018 the percentage dropped at about only 17 percent which is remarkable. The same
amount of income was spent on housing and buying clothes in 1968 (both 10 percent). In 2018 the total
amount of income decreased sharply to 5percent. On the contrary, in the housing expenses we can see
a dramatical increase which makes housing as the second highest spending amount in 2018 after leisure
(about 19 percent). Even though the differences between the percentages are obvious, the least amount
of income was spent on fuel in both 1968 and 2018 (7 percent and 4 percent respectively). The expenses
for household goods didn’t have a significant change in both years (about 8 percent). 14 percent of the
income belonged to transport expenses in 2018 and less than 10 percent in 1986 and only 9 percent was
spent on leisure in 1968.

Overall, it is clear that most of the spendings belonged to providing food, housing expenses and clothes
in 1968, whereas in 2018 the most amount of money was spent on leisure, housing and transport.

229 words

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