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Page No. 01 16 April, 2023 Sunday

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भारतीय माशर्ल आटर्

िसलं बम को सं गम युगीन
कला भी माना जाता है।
इसका मूल स्थान तिमलनाडु
सं दभर्- द िहदं ू में छपे लेख के अनुसार आज भी तिमलनाडु में पारंपिरक माशर्ल आटर् है।
िसलं बम का प्रिशक्षण िदया जाता है। िसिवल सिर्वस परीक्षा के दृिष्टकोण से माशर्ल इस कला मे के रल के
आटर् भारतीय इितहास, कला व सं स्कृ ित का एक महत्वपूणर् िवषय है। कलारीपयट्टु व श्रीलं का के
अंगमपोरा के गुण िमलते हैं।
माशर्ल आटर् माना जाता है। भारत में माशर्ल आटर् की कई मलेिशया में इस कला का
माशर्ल आटर्, युद्ध की एक ऐसी कला है शैिलयो ं का िवकास हुआ, जो यहाँ की प्रयोग आत्मरक्षा के साथ एक
िजसका उद्देश्य िकसी भी शारीिरक सं स्कृ ित का अंग है। यह इण्डोनेिशया व खेल के रूप में िकया जाता
खतरे से रक्षा है। कम्बोिडया के िहदं ू मं िदरो ं में बोरोबुदरु व है।
यह अभ्यास आधािरत कला है अथार्त अंकोरवाट में अंिकत राजाओ ं की िस्थित इस िसलं बम में फु टवकर् का
यह िवज्ञान भी है। िजसमें अभ्यास के कला के साथ सुमेिलत हैं। प्रयोग अिधक िकया जाता
माध्यम से उत्कृ ष्ट पिरणाम प्राप्त िकए है।
जा सकते हैं। कलारीपयट्टु आत्मरक्षा के िलए हिथयार
यह युद्ध अभ्यास के साथ साथ नृत्य सबसे प्राचीन माशर्ल आटर् कला, कलारीपयट्टु के रूप में डण्डे का प्रयोग
कला के रूप में भी प्रयोग िकया जाता को माना जाता है। िजसे भारतीय राज्य के रल िकया जाता है।
है। के मूल का माना जाता है।
माशर्ल आटर् शब्द यूरोपीयो ं द्वारा रचा भारत में यह के रल, कनार्टक व तिमलनाडु में मलयथम
गया जो एशइयाई युद्ध पद्धित को विर्णत और िवदेशो ं में यह श्रीलं का व मलेिशया के मलयथम या मल्लयुद्ध
करता था। भारतीय समुदायो ं में प्रचिलत है। पारंपिरक भारतीय युद्ध कला
माशर्ल आटर् का िवकास चीन में हुआ। कलारीपयट्टु का अथर् व्यायामशाला या है। इसके चार प्रकार हैं-
िकंतु भारतीय इितहास में माशर्ल कला प्रिशक्षण स्थल है। इसी स्थान पर यह कला हनुमंती, जाम्बुवंती,
के साक्ष्य िमलते हैं जो इसे भारतीय मूल का प्रशइक्षण गुरु द्वारा िदया जाता था। जरासं धई, भीमसेनी।
की कला के रूप में सं दिर्भत करते हैं। कलारीपट्टु का आिदगुरु अगस्त्य मुिन को प्रितद्वं दी को तकनीिक श्रेष्ठता
माना जाता है िजन्होनं े प्राचीनकाल में इस होल्स व लॉक्स का प्रयोग
भारतीय माशर्ल आटर् कला का प्रिशक्षण जं गली जानवरो ं के हमले कराने व आत्मसमपर्ण करने मिणपुर की िमशेई जनजाित के बीच थांगटा भारतीय युद्ध कला
माशर्ल आटर् में गुण अनुशासन, से बचने के िलए िदया था। की एक तकनीक है। जो है। िजसमें शस्त्रो ं का प्रयोग िकया जाता है।
िवनम्रता, सं यम व सम्मान होने प्रिशक्षण को चार चरणो ं में िदया जाता है- पिश्चमी कु श्ती के समान है। थांग टा शब्द दो शब्दो ं से िमलकर बना है। थांग का अथर् है-
आवश्यक हैं जो एक दंत कथा के िमथारी, कोल्थारी, अन्कथारी और वेरुम्कई। मल्ल युद्ध का उल्लेख
अनुसार पल्लव राजकु मार बोिधधमार् इस कला के िलए सं यम व शांतिचत्त दे प्रमुख
को चीन में जेन बौद्ध धमर् स्थािपत करने
का श्रेय िदया जाता है। और इन्ही ं को
गुण अिनवायर् माने जाते हैं।
रामायण में बािल व सुग्रीव के
युद्ध प्रसं ग में भी है। Read More
माशर्ल आटर् के इन गुणो ं का प्रितपादक
िसलम्बम थांग टा GUNJAN JOSHI
Page No. 02 16 April, 2023 Sunday

असद अहमद के स में स्पेशल टास्क फोसर् की भूिमका

सं दभर्- कई वषोर्ं से आपरािधक गितिविधयो ं में सं िलप्त अतीक अहमद का पुत्र असद अहमद एसटीएफ
के साथ मुठभेड़ में मारा गया। असद अहमद के िखलाफ उमेश पाल की हत्या करने का मुकदमा चल रहा
था। हत्या जैसे गं भीर अपराधो ं के साथ समस्त पिरवार पर मुकदमा चल रहा है।
अतीक अहमद- अतीक अहमद उत्तर प्रमुख गवाह था िजसे अपहरण के बाद डरा जाता है।
प्रदेश में एक आपरािधक गितिविधयो ं धमका कर झठू ी गवाही के हलफनामे में भारत में प्रत्येक राज्य को एसटीएफ
के समूह को प्रचािलत करता था। हस्ताक्षर करवाए गए। अदालत में अपना पक्ष गिठत करने का अिधकार है।
िजसके िखलाफ 100 से अिधक के स रखने के िलए जा रहे उमेश पाल की शूटसर् सवर्प्रथम 1980 में एसटीएफ गिठत
दजर् हैं। प्रयागराज के अिभयोजना द्वारा हत्या कर दी गई। उमेश पाल के हत्यारो ं करने वाले राज्य,तिमलनाडु व कनार्टक
अिधकािरयो ं के अनुसार अतीक अहमद को पकड़ने के िलए स्पेशल टास्क फोसर् का हैं।
के िखलाफ 50 से अिधक मामलो ं पर प्रयोग िकया जा रहा है, िजससे मुठभेड़ में उत्तर प्रदेश में प्रयुक्त एसटीएफ का
मुकदमा चल रहा है, उसके द्वारा एक असद अहमद मारा गया। गठन 4 मई 1998 को िकया गया था।
एमएलए की हत्या, राजूपाल की हत्या, स्पेशल टास्क फोसर्-
राजू पाल के गवाह उमेश पाल की हत्या एसटीएफ, पुिलस िवभाग की एक िवशेष
का आरोप है। वतर्मान में अतीक यूिनट है। िजसे कु छ िवशेष समस्याओ ं से Read More
साबरमती जेल में कै द है। िनपटने के िलए गिठत िकया जाता है। GUNJAN JOSHI
िकसी िवशेष में के स में पुिलस बल के कम होने
उमेश पाल, राजूपाल हत्याकांड का एक की िस्थित में भी इस फोसर् को सिम्मिलत िकया

जोिजला सुरंग पिरयोजना

सं दभर् – हाल ही में कें द्रीय सड़क पिरवहन व राजमागर् मं त्री िनितन गडकरी ने जोिजला सुरंग का िनरीक्षण है।
िकया। जो कें द्र शािसत प्रदेशो ं लद्दाख व जम्मू कश्मीर के बीच पिरवहन सं पकर् स्थािपत करेगी। जोिजला सुरंग यहां का तापमान अत्यं त कम है जो यहाँ िकसी
पिरयोजना की शुरुआत कें द्रीय सरकार द्वारा 2018 में की गई थी। भी वनस्पित के िलए अनुकूल नही ं है।
यह क्षेत्र पयर्टको ं के िलए कु छ समय के िलए
जोिजला सुरंग पिरयोजना का महत्व िनयं त्रण रेखा के समीप होने के कारण जाने पर यह िसधं ु घाटी से जुड़ जाता है। आबाद रहता है।
इस सुरंग के माध्यम से मागर् की दूरी व भारतीय सैिनक गितिविधयो ं के िलए कारिगल िजले में िस्थत यह दरार्, सोनमागर्,
समय दोनो ं कम हो जाएं गे। वतर्मान में, सहायक होगा। द्रास व सुरु घाटी के मध्य िस्थत है। जोिजला सुरंग-
जोिजला दरेर् को पार करने में औसत जोिजला दरार् पािकस्तान व चीन का प्रवेश जोिजला सुरंग पिरयोजना एिशया व भारत की
यात्रा समय तीन घं टे से अिधक लगता जोिजला दरार् द्वार भी है। सबसे लं बी िद्विदशीय सुरंग पिरयोजना है। जो
है, जो इस सुरंग के पूरा होने के बाद 20 जोिजला दरार्, िहमालय का एक उच्च 14.15 िकलोमीटर की होगी।
िमनट तक कम होने की उम्मीद है। पवर्तीय दरार् है।(दरार् पवर्तो ं अथवा पहाड़ो ं के इस दरेर् को जीरो प्वाइंट भी कहा जाता है। पिरयोजना सोनमगर् व द्रास के बीच NH-1
भारी बफर् बारी के कारण जोिजला दरार् मध्य आवागमन के िलए प्राकृ ितक मागर् को जीरो प्वाइंट- मागर् के बीच िनिर्मत की जा रही है।
लगभग 6-7 महीने तक बं द रहता था। कहा जाता है) इसकी समुद्र तल से ऊँ चाई जोिजला दरेर् का कें द्रीय स्थल िजसे जीरो एक 7.57 मीटर ऊंची घोड़े की नाल के आकार
िकंतु सुरंग के माध्यम से बारह मास इस 3528 मीटर है। प्वाइं ट भी कहा जाता है। की िसगं ल-ट्यूब, टू -लेन सुरंग, जो कश्मीर में
मागर् में आवागमन सुचारु रूप से चल जो लद्दाख के कारिगल िजले में िस्थत है। जो जीरो प्वाइं ट में कोई भी प्राकृ ितक आवास गांदरबल िजले और लद्दाख के कारिगल िजले
सके गा। कश्मीर को लेह से जोड़ता है। पूवर् की ओर नही ं है, अथार्त यहाँ कोई भी वनस्पित नही ं के द्रास शहर के बीच जोिजला दरेर् के नीचे से
इस पिरयोजना में एक स्माटर् टनल
(SCADA) िसस्टम शािमल है, िजसका
िनमार्ण नई ऑिस्ट्रयन टनिलगं पद्धित का
उपयोग करके िकया गया है।

सुरंग के सं भािवत नकारात्मक प्रभाव-

सीमा सुरक्षा – इस प्रकार की पहािड़याँ सीमा के
तौर पर देश की रक्षक होती हैं िकंतु आवागमन
सुलभ होने पर यह देश के सैिनको ं के साथ
घसपैिठयो ं के िलए भी देश में घुसपैठ करने का
आसान मागर् हो जाएगा। जो सुरक्षा की दृिष्ट से
एक चुनौती हो सकता है।

आपदा- पवर्तीय क्षेत्रो ं में सुरंग िनमार्ण, अवश्य

ही स्थानीय िनवािसयो ं को सुगम बनाने में मदद

Read More
Page No. 03 16 April, 2023 Sunday
RUPEE TRADE The need for Rupee
Trade was felt because
of the following rea-
For Prelims: What is Rupee Trade? sons:
For Mains: Currently, they trade in other Geopolitical tensions
GS 3: Economy currencies like the dollar and and global economic
What are the benefits of euro majorly.
Rupee Trade? currents: The US has
What is the significance been putting sanctions
What is Rupee Trade? on the use of the dollar
of the Rupee Trade? Rupee Trade means that the for transactions with its
What are the challenges in international transactions for hostile nations like Iran
Rupee Trade? imports and exports are to be and Russia. This makes
What is the way forward? done in Rupee and not in other the case for ‘indepen-
currencies. Rupee Trade will dence’ and getting out
Why in the news? also include financial transac- of currency restric-
Recently RBI and the tions on stock exchanges to be tions.
Ministry of Finance have done in Rupees instead of a Weakening of the
urged the industry to more prevalent currency like Indian Rupee: The
make the transactions in the dollar.
Rupee. Rupee Trade will weakening of the
make aid in making the What is the need for Rupee
transaction cost lower. Trade? Read More
Mohit Pratap Singh


For Prelims: Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) as trade in goods and services,
For Mains: GS-3, Economics remittances, etc.) and capital
account transactions (such as
Why in news: The Enforce- (FERA) that was enacted in foreign investments, borrow-
The Foreign Exchange
ment Directorate (ED) has 1973. ing, lending, etc.). FEMA also
Management Act (FEMA)
registered a case against the FEMA aims to regulate and governs the acquisition, hold-
is a law enacted by the
British Broadcasting Corpo- manage foreign exchange ing, transfer, and disposal of
Government of India in
ration (BBC) India under transactions in India and immovable properties by
1999 to consolidate and
the Foreign Exchange Man- facilitate external trade and non-residents in India.
agement Act (FEMA) for amend the laws relating to payments. It provides Under FEMA, the Reserve
foreign exchange transac-
alleged foreign exchange guidelines and regulations Bank of India (RBI) is the
violation. tions, external trade, and for various types of foreign primary regulatory authority
payments in India. FEMA exchange transactions, such responsible for administering
About Foreign Exchange replaced the Foreign as those related to current and enforcing the foreign
Management Act Exchange Regulation Act account transactions (such exchange regulations in India.
FEMA empowers the RBI to
issue regulations, notifications,
and guidelines to regulate
foreign exchange transactions,
and violators can face penalties,
fines, and even imprisonment
for non-compliance.
FEMA has been periodically
amended to reflect changing
economic and financial condi-
tions in India, and it plays a cru-
cial role in regulating and man-
aging India’s foreign exchange
transactions and external trade.
It is essential for individuals,

Read More
saurabh kaushik
Page No. 04 16 April, 2023 Sunday
Page No. 05 EDITORIAL ANALYSIS 16 April, 2023 Sunday
Let us fund Civil Society Myriad woes: The only solution More funds are needed for the
organizations for the Long for Myanmar’s troubles is the adaptation of farming to
haul restoration of democracy climate change
GS II– The Role of
NGOs, SHGs, GS II – International GS-III: Economic Devel-
various groups and Relations opment, Biodiversity, and
associations, donors, charities, insti- Context: • Myanmar’s military, notori- Environment,
tutional and other stakeholders. ous for its attacks on civilians, recently Context :
Context: carried out air strikes on an opposition gath- • Climate change is one of the most press-
• In India, most donors’ horizons of ering in the rebel- held Sagaing region, kill- ing issues facing humanity today. The
time and their roles have narrowed ing over 100, including women and chil- effects of climate change are already
over the past two three decades, dren. The Myanmar military grabbed power being felt around the world, and India is
with some notable exceptions. in a coup last year– the third time in the no exception.
This has had a multiplicative weak- nation’s history since its independence from
ening effect on Indian civil society British rule in 1948. Key Highlights:
because the CSO landscape is pro- India-Myanmar • Erratic rainfall, heatwaves, and other
foundly shaped by what donors do • Myanmar is one of India’s strategic climate-induced phenomena are not only
or don’t do. neighbours and shares a 1640 km long a threat to India’s food security but also to
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs): border with north-eastern states of the livelihood of the 45 per cent of the
• It includes non-governmental Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram country’s population that depend on
organizations (NGOs), communi- and Manipur. farming.
ty-based organizations (CBOs) and • India has “historical ties and traditional • In Punjab, for example, at least 40
other kinds of not-for- profit organi- bonds of friendship and cooperation” with percent of the 35
zations working Myanmar Five Bs are the base of lakh hectares of wheat sown has

India’s dairy sector needs a A reminder about unfettered con- When a state celebrates police
structural shift stitutional posts killing in cold blood, it thumbs
c) GS III – Indian GS II– Polity and Governance its nose at the court and corrodes
Economy Context: justice
• India is faced with a milk shortage • Two recent comments of the Supreme GS II – Governance Con-
& the Centre has reportedly been Court of India will have direct bearing on text:
considering the import of butter and the concept of the independence of various
ghee. • Coming up next on the watch of the
constitutional authorities in India: six-year-old Yogi Adityanath government
• In a hearing of the ‘Sena versus in UP: Encounter No
India’s dairy sector Sena’ case, the Court expressed its “serious
• India's success story in milk pro- 184. Asad Ahmed, son of gangster-politi-
concern” over the active role being played cian Atiq Ahmed, and an aide, were killed
duction was scripted by Dr Verghese by Governors in State politics, observing
Kurien, known as the "Father of the in Encounter No 183 in Jhansi on Thurs-
that Governors becoming part of political day, which was also the third encounter in
White Revolution'' in India processes is disconcerting.
• Dairy: It is the single largest agri- the Umesh Pal murder case, and third in
• And, earlier, taking an important step in the first 13 days of April.
cultural commodity contributing 5 ensuring independence of the Election
percent of the national economy and Police encounter killings in India
Commission of India (ECI), the Court • As per the National Human Rights
employing more than 8 crore farm- divested the executive of its sole discretion
ers directly. Commission’s (NHRC) annual report for
in appointing the Chief Election Commis- 2018-19, there were 164 deaths due to
o India is ranked 1st in milk produc- sioner (CEC) and Election Commissioners
tion contributing 23 percent of police encounters that year. In the five
(ECs) by forming a committee to suggest years from 2013-14 to 2018-19, the
global milk production. suitable names to man these constitutional
o Milk production in the country has number of yearly encounter deaths were
posts. 137, 188, 179, 169
grown at a compound annual growth
rate of about 6.2 percent to reach and 164 respectively.
Constitutional bodies of India • As per the report, the highest number of
209.96 million tonnes in 2020-21 • A Constitutional body is a body or insti- police encounter deaths were reported in
from 146.31 million tute established by the Constitution of Uttar Pradesh (23), followed by Assam
(23), Maharashtra (11), Meghalaya (7),
Read More
More and Manipur (5). While 158 cases were
By By M S Shashank
Sameer Singhal
Page No. 06 Did You Know ? 16 April, 2023 Sunday
Q1. Consider the following state- group price indices, weighted with ment from farmers/wholesale Q5. With reference to
ments with regards to the low the average export shares of each of mandis, import may also be under- Ayushman Sahakar
credit score: the groups. Thus, statement 1 is not taken with support from the Fund. Scheme, consider the
1. It decreases the borrowing costs correct. Thus, statement 3 is not correct. following statements:
for the government. It measures monthly change in the Q4. With reference to National 1. It aims to assist the coop-
2. If the credit rating is lowered, the prices of a basket of food commod- Medical Commission Act, 2019, eratives and helps in the
bond price declines. ities in the international market. It consider the following state- creation of healthcare infra-
3. It would adversely impact the measures changes for a basket of ments: structure in the country.
FDI inflows into the economy. cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, 1. The Act provided for setting up 2. The National Cooperative
Which of the statements given meat and sugar. Thus, statement 2 of a National Medical Commission Development Corporation
above is/are correct? is correct. replacing Medical Council of (NCDC) is the apex autono-
(a) 1 only It is released by The Food and India. mous finance institution
(b) 2 and 3 only Agricultural Organisation of the 2. NMC does have regulation over under the Ministry of Agri-
(c) 1 and 3 only United Nations and was introduced fees in private colleges and culture and Farmers Welfare.
(d) 1, 2 and 3 in 1996. Thus, statement 3 is deemed universities. Which of the following
ANSWER: B correct. 3. The Act proposes a common statements given above
EXPLANATION: Q3 Consider the following state- final year undergraduate examina- is/are correct?
A ratings upgrade or downgrade ments with regards to the Price tion to obtain a license for practice (a) 1 only
has a direct impact on fixed income Stabilization Fund: and it also serves as the basis for (b) 2 only
yields, and therefore directly 1. It was set up in 2014-15 under the admission into postgraduate cours- (c) Both 1 and 2
affects bond prices. When ratings Department of Consumer Affairs es. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
agencies cut a country’s rating, it (DOCA). Which of the statements given
should prompt a sell-off in their 2. It helped regulate the price vola- is/are correct? ANSWER: C
sovereign bonds and drive up tility of important agri-horticultural (a) 1 and 2 only EXPLANATION:
borrowing costs for the govern- commodities like onion, potatoes (b) 2 and 3 only ● Ayushman Sahakar
ment. Thus, statement 1 is not and pulses. (c) 1 only Scheme is a unique scheme
correct. 3. The PSF scheme was transferred (d) 1, 2 and 3 to assist cooperatives and
A ratings downgrade implies that from the Department of Consumer plays a crucial role in the
the borrower's credit risk profile Affairs (DOCA) to the Department ANSWER: D creation of healthcare infra-
has deteriorated, which would of Agriculture, Cooperation & EXPLANATION: structure in the country. The
increase the required rate of return Farmers Welfare (DAC & FW) in ● The Union government has scheme aligns itself with the
on its debt, thereby decreasing its 2016. set up the National Medical Com- focus of the National Health
price. Thus, statement 2 is correct. Which of the statements given mission (NMC) along with four Policy, 2017, covering the
Global investors prefer investing in above is/are correct? other autonomous boards while health systems in all their
countries which have received a (a) 1 only abolishing the MCI. The Under- dimensions- investments in
Sovereign Credit Rating (SCR) as (b) 2 only graduate and Postgraduate Medi- health, organization of
they perceive it as a good measure (c) 1 and 3 only cal Education Boards, Medical healthcare services, access
of risk allocation. Low credit score (d) 1, 2 and 3 Assessment and Rating Board, and to technologies, develop-
would adversely impact the FDI ANSWER: B Ethics and Medical Registration ment of human resources,
inflows into the economy. Thus, EXPLANATION: Board have been constituted to encouragement of medical
statement 3 is correct. It was set up in 2014-15 under the help the NMC in day-to-day func- pluralism, affordable health
Department of Agriculture, Cooper- tioning. The National Medical care to farmers etc. So, state-
Q2. Consider the following state- Commission Bill was passed by ment 1 is correct.
ments with regards to the World ation & Farmers Welfare (DAC &
FW). The PSF is utilized for grant- both houses of Parliament last year ● NCDC was set up under an
Food Price Index: after facing stiff resistance from Act of Parliament in 1963
1. It measures annual change in the ing interest free advance of working
capital to Central Agencies, doctors. Apart from the Chairman, for promotion and develop-
prices of a basket of food commod- the NMC will consist of 10 ex ment of cooperatives. It
ities in the international market. State/UT Governments/Agencies to
undertake market intervention oper- officio members and 22 part-time functions under the Ministry
2. It helps in monitoring develop- members appointed by the Central of Agriculture and Farmers
ments in the global agricultural ations. Thus, statement 1 is not
correct. government. So, statement 1 is Welfare. The NCDC fund
commodity markets. correct. would give a boost to the
3. It is released by the Food and It helped regulate the price volatili-
ty of important agri-horticultural ● The Act proposes a common provision of healthcare
Agricultural Organisation of the final year undergraduate examina- services by cooperatives.
United Nations. commodities like onion, potatoes
and pulses. The scheme provides tion, the National Exit Test, for the The NCDC would extend
Which of the statements given students graduating from medical term loans of Rs 10,000
above is/are correct? for maintaining a strategic buffer of
aforementioned commodities for institutions to obtain the license for crore to prospective inves-
(a) 1 only the practice. So, statement 2 is tors in the coming years
(b) 2 and 3 only subsequent calibrated release to
moderate price volatility and correct. under the scheme, which
(c) 1 and 3 only ● In private colleges and deemed would revolutionize the way
(d) 1, 2 and 3 discourage hoarding and unscrupu-
lous speculation. Thus, statement 2 universities, NMC will have regu- healthcare delivery takes
ANSWER: B lation over the fees and all other place in rural areas. So,
EXPLANATION: is correct.
The PSF scheme was transferred charges for 50% of the seats. The statement 2 is correct.
It helps in monitoring develop- Act provides that there should be
ments in the global agricultural from DAC & FW to the Department
of Consumer Affairs (DOCA) in an upper limit restriction for the
commodity markets. It consists of fee charged by unaided medical
the average of five commodity 2016. Apart from domestic procure-
colleges. So, statement 3 is correct.
Page No. 07 16 April, 2023 Sunday

Q1. Prakash started walking towards south from the point A,
walked 20 m and reached a point B. Again, he turned left and
walked 20 m and reached a point C. Now he turned 45° anticlock-
wise, walked a distance of m and reached a point D. What approxi-
mately is the shortest distance between the points A and D?

(a) Can’t say (b) None of these (c) 50 m

2. A man saves a certain part of his monthly income so that he

can purchase a car in 16 months. Find the % increase in his sav-
ings so that he can purchase the same car in 14 months only
(a) 12.5% (b) 13.33% (c) 16.66% (d) 14.28%
Spot the error part.
(a) The introduction of tea, coffee (b) and such other beverages
(c) have not been without some effect (d) No error

Q.4 . If M is the mid-point of the side BC of ∆ABCand the area

of ∆ABM is 18 cm2 , then the area of ∆ABC is :
(a) 30 cm2 (b) 34 cm2 (c) 36 cm2 (d) 32 cm2

Q. 5 Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been

left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for
the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Job performance is ______ by a number of factors. Motivation alone.

(a) Affected (b) Effected (c) Influenced (d) Measured

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