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2 23 博鳌亚洲论坛年会会刊

2023 Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference Jounral

An Uncertain World:
Solidarity and Cooperation for Development amid Challenges

2023年3月28-31日 March 28-31, 2023

中国博鳌 Boao, China

P2 欢迎辞/Welcoming Remarks P15 治理与安全 Governance and Security

不确定的世界 不确定的未来 P19 区域与全球 Regional and Global
Uncertain World  Uncertain Future P22 当下与未来 The Present and the Future
s Power in a World of Uncertainty P26 嘉宾问答/Guest Q&A
团结合作迎挑战,开放包容促发展 P27 专家观点 Expert Insights
Solidarity and Cooperation for Development amid P34 业界声音 Industry Voices
P60 全球及亚太经济信心调查/Global and Asia
P8 2023年年会议题设置/Annual Conference Pacific Economic Confidence Survey
2023 Agenda Setting
P82 数字看年会/Numbers about BFA AC2023
P10 年会热词/Buzzwords
P11 发展与普惠 Development and Inclusiveness P84 鸣谢/Acknowledgements

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 1
不确定的世界 不确定的未来
Uncertain World Uncertain Future

BAN Ki-moon
Chairman, Boao Forum for Asia

欢迎来到2023年博鳌亚洲论坛。每年春季,来自于亚洲和全球各地 共同发展目标也在经历类似的遭遇。地缘政治会导致地缘经济碎片
的领导者都会汇聚于此,回顾过往,规划未来,并付诸思考、讨论和行动。 化。长期以来有关经济与科技脱钩的论调已经转化为政策和行动。全球供
虽然这是一年一度的盛会,但我们的关注点和挑战每年都会发生变化。在 应链和贸易流则按照友好和敌对关系而被重定秩序,其效率也因安全和
经历了三年的疫情、冲突和通胀之后,如果我们能够在规划和执行方面有 安保顾虑而受到了影响。全球化的世界经济可能会按照地缘政治界限分
所建树,那么2023年有望成为世界向好的关键转折点。 化为贸易阵营。
不确定性依然是今年的年度热词。整体通胀正在减轻,但核心通胀依 地缘经济分化是有成本的,而且可能十分高昂。国际货币基金组织估
然处于高位。经济增长似乎开始触底反弹,但前路依然坎坷。欧洲在能源 计该成本将占到全球GDP的7%,差不多是德国和日本的经济总量之和。
危机应对方面要好于预期,但俄乌冲突依然在持续,而且很有可能升级为 如果再加上科技脱钩,整个世界可能会损失高达12%的GDP。再者,真
更大的危机。全球贸易顶住了去全球化和保护主义浪潮,创下了历史新高, 正受到冲击的是那些弱势和最为脆弱的群体。发达经济体的低收入消费
但后劲不足,可能会在2023年陷入停滞。总的来说,这是一个喜忧参半的 者将再也无法享受到价格低廉的进口商品。大多数亚洲国家可能都会因
格局,我们有充分理由满怀希望和信心,但需要担心和解决的问题也不在 其对自由贸易的严重依赖而受到影响。新兴和发展中经济体可能也就无
少数。 法受益于发达经济体的“科技溢出”效应。

充满不确定性的世界,扑朔迷离的经济未来 团结与合作,打造开放、包容和可持续的世界
在过去三年中,新冠病毒、冲突和通胀轮番踏上舞台中心,成为了不 “一荣俱荣一损俱损”并非是空谈。我们都居住在同一个星球上,而且
确定性的罪魁祸首。虽然它们性质各不相同,但其影响却都是灾难性的。 有着众多相似之处,仅靠自身单打独斗是不现实的。就在全世界关注新冠
虽然新冠疫情是一种公共卫生危机,但却在全球金融危机之后给经济带来 病毒、战争、通胀和衰退的同时,全球温度依然在持续上升。对于全球可持
了最为严重的破坏。俄乌冲突具有地缘政治特征,但却将能源和食品价格 续发展议程来说,过去的三年不仅造成了时间窗口的丢失,也出现了重大
推升至令人咋舌的高位。在大多数人看来,通胀是一个货币现象,但它却 退步,因为越来越多的民众陷入了贫困,而不是越来越少。
成为了2022年的首要经济问题。不管是单独出现还是同时发生,上述因素 信任、团结与合作并非是什么陈词滥调。它们都是人类数个世代和世
将经济拉入了不确定性的泥沼,而且至今依然深陷其中。在这个“黑天鹤” 纪中经过时间检验的智慧。在保障世界和平、推动世界繁荣方面,联合国
与“灰犀牛”事件频现的时代,任何经济体都无法幸免于难,未来无确定性 的核心多边体系以及国际货币基金组织、世界银行、世贸组织和世界卫生
可言。 组织等国际机构都是久经考验的机制。充满不确定性的新常态亦没有改变
2023年依然如此。新冠病毒并未消亡,它依然与我们相伴而且随时可 这一点。
能会暴发新的疫情,给已然堆积如山的经济问题带来更多麻烦。俄乌冲突 进入2023年之后,新冠病毒和通胀带来的压力似乎有所减轻。这对
已经进入了第二个年头,目前还没有结束的迹象,而且不排除未来某个时 世界经济来说是一个关键的转折点。它也是一个宝贵的时间窗口,可供各
候会升级。整体通胀终于见顶,而且随着央行采取果决的降温措施,有望 国考虑本国顾虑以外的领域,并重新关注全球挑战。气候变化、贫困、不公
进一步下滑,但核心通胀依然在高位徘徊。已有人在批评说,过度紧缩会 平性、公共卫生和可持续发展放在首要议程上。希望一系列会议和动议将
导致全球经济衰退以及低收入国家的债务危机。然而,如果通胀因犹豫和 为气候行动和2030年议程注入活力,该议程在过去三年一直处于停滞不
观望失去控制,同样可能会带来灾难性的后果。 前的状态,亦或出现了倒退。有关这些已承诺目标的兑现以及后续行动都
受此影响,人们如今很难进行预测。经济学家之间也出现了分歧。国 具有重要意义,包括《格拉斯哥气候公约》和“损失与损害”基金。
分点。该机构称,有鉴于经济增长开始触底反弹而且通胀见顶,2023年可 向绿色和数字化发展
能会成为向好的转折点。然而,世界银行却警告说,全球经济衰退正在逼 这些阴霾中也存在超常发挥和引领前行的“亮点” :绿色经济和数字
近,并称2023年的经济增速将是史上最为羸弱的经济增速之一,而且“已 经济。好消息在于,私营领域如今成为了绿色转型和数字化背后最为积极
经来到了经济衰退的危险边缘” 。 的推手。政府或政治领袖可能会将气候行动更多地看作是政治压力或道
可以肯定的是,即便不发生出乎意料或令人震惊的事情,相比变故频 德义务,也就是必须要做的事情。然而,商业领袖看到了“绿色发展”的机
发的2022年,2023年的形势将更加严峻。所有经济体,不管是发达国家、 会和未来,它是增长、营收和利润的重要来源,这也是他们热衷于做的事
新兴经济体还是发展中国家,都必须做好准备,在2023年再度迎接各种难 情。
关和挑战。在不确定性大行其道的“新常态”下, “喘息”成为了一种奢求。 可再生能源和电动汽车便是绿色发展的好案例,而且具有商业可行
不过,希望还是有的。好消息在于,新兴经济体和发展中的亚洲依然 性。这两个行业在过去三年取得了长足的进步,不断蚕食其化石燃料对手
是全球增长最大的希望和首要生力军。二者加起来将贡献全球四分之三的 的空间和利润率。早期行动者已经开始赚钱,而且占据了巨大的市场份额,
经济增长,仅中国和印度就将贡献半数的经济增长。 而传统能源和汽车制造商也在快速迎头赶上。整个行业格局正在进行绿色
地缘政治裂缝加上地缘经济分化 持续性。
整个世界面临的问题不仅仅是不确定性,它在意识形态和地缘政治方 绿色与数字科技,再加上生物科技、新材料、无人机、无人驾驶、航空
面正变得四分五裂。地缘政治对抗的苗头在数年前便已显现,如今其发展 和人工智能(例如ChapGPT)
速度已经超过了人们的预期。随着各国重新站队以及力量重新结盟,我们 幸运的是,科技进步并没有因疫情、冲突和通胀而止步不前。过去三年,其
将看到地缘政治裂缝会不断扩大。过去30年得来不易的和平红利可能会 研发和商业化取得了巨大的进步,这一现象强化了我们对全球经济东山再
提前结束。在全球范围内,各国2022年的国防开支超过以往。作为人类一 起的希望和信心。最后,正是因为有了科技和创新的引领,我们才能走出
直追求的两个目标之一,世界和平的延续再次遭到了质疑。 衰退和新常态,并向新一轮的全球繁荣迈进。■
2 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Welcome to the Annual Conference 2023 of the Boao Forum for its economic consequences: geo-economic fragmentation. The long-
Asia. Each year, each spring, we are gathered here, with leaders from time rhetoric of economic and technological decoupling has translated
Asia and around the world, to look back and plan ahead, to think, debate into policies and actions. Global supply chain and trade flow are being
and act. The conference is annual, but our focus and challenges vary re-ordered on a friend-or-foe basis, compromising efficiency for safety
from year to year. The year 2023, after three long years of the pandemic, and security. A globalized world economy risks fragmenting into trade
conflict and inflation, promises to be a critical turning point for the bet- blocks along geo-political lines.
ter, if we could do a good job in planning and execution. Geo-economic fragmentation comes at a cost, and the cost could
Uncertainty remains word of the year. Headline inflation is moderat- be hefty. One estimate by IMF puts it at 7% of global GDP, roughly the
ing, but core inflation remains high. Growth seems to be bottoming out, combined output of Germany and Japan. If technological decoupling
but the way ahead is still bumpy. Europe is coping with the energy shock sets in, the world could lose up to 12% of its GDP. Again, it is the disad-
better than expected, but the conflict in Ukraine drags on and may well vantaged and most vulnerable that bears the brunt. Lower-income con-
escalate into a much bigger crisis. Global trade has defied deglobalization sumers in advanced economies would no longer have access to cheaper
and protectionism to hit an all-time high, but is losing momentum and may imported goods. Most of Asia would suffer due to its heavy reliance on
stagnate into 2023. In a word, it is a mixed picture, with good reasons for open trade. Emerging and developing economies would also cease to
hope & confidence and much to worry about & work on. benefit from “technology spillovers” from more advanced economies.

The Uncertain Future of Economy in an Uncertain World Solidarity & Cooperation for an Open, Inclusive &
Coronavirus, conflict and inflation have taken turns to take centre Sustainable World
stage as the source of uncertainty during the past three years. They are “We are in the same boat” is no empty talk. We live on one same
of different nature, but to the same devastating effect. COVID-19 is a planet and share too much in common to go it alone. As the world’s at-
public health emergency, but wreaked the greatest havoc to economy tention is preoccupied with virus, war, inflation and recession, global
after the global financial crisis. The conflict in Ukraine is geopolitical, temperature continues to rise unabated. The past three years is a lost
but sent energy and food prices soaring to unexpected highs. Inflation, window of time and major setback for the global sustainable develop-
mostly seen as a monetary phenomenon, rose abruptly to be the over- ment agenda, as more people fall back into poverty, not less.
arching economic concern in 2022. Single-handedly or in parallel, they Trust, solidarity and cooperation is no cliché. They are time-hon-
have dragged down the economy into the muddy waters of uncertainty ored wisdom of mankind for generations and centuries. The multilateral
to this day. In a world of “black swans” and “grey horns”, no economy system with UN at the core and international institutions such as the
can escape unscathed and no future is guaranteed. IMF, the World Bank, the WTO and the WHO are proven mechanisms
This will still be the case into the year 2023. The coronavirus is in safeguarding world peace and promoting prosperity. The New Nor-
not behind us. It is with us, and may pop up anytime soon, adding to the mal of Uncertainty has not changed that.
piles of economic headaches we have. The conflict in Ukraine continues Pressures of virus and inflation have eased somehow into the year
into its second year. There is no end in sight and no ruling out escalation 2023. This is a critical turning point for world economy. It is also a valu-
sometime in the future. Headline inflation peaked finally, is expected to able window of time for countries to look beyond domestic concerns and
fall further as central banks take decisive actions to cool it, but core in- re-focus on global challenges. On top of the agenda are climate change,
flation still persists at a high level. There are already criticisms on over- poverty, inequality, public health and sustainable development. Hope-
tightening that threatens a global recession and debt distress for low-in- fully, a number of conferences and initiatives will bring momentum to
come countries. The risk of complacency, however, is equally disastrous the climate action and 2030 Agenda, which has stalled or backtracked
if inflation spirals out of control due to hesitancy or inaction. during the past three years. Delivery and follow-up action on the pledges
This makes forecast and prediction difficult nowadays. Economists already made are equally important, including the Glasgow Climate Pact
disagree among themselves. The IMF sounded a cautiously optimistic and the Loss & Damage Fund.
note, revising global growth up to 2.9% by 0.2 percentage point. The
year 2023 could be a turning point for the better, it said, with growth bot- Going Green, Going Digital
toming out and inflation peaking. Its sister institution the World Bank,
however, warned of a looming global recession, citing one of the weakest Amid the gloom, there are “bright spots” which outperform and
paces of growth on record “perilously close to falling into recession”. lead the way forward: the green economy & the digital economy. The
good news is, the private sector is now the most enthusiastic driver be-
One thing is for sure – the year 2023 will be a tougher year than the hind green transition and digitalization. Governments or political leaders
eventful 2022, even without further surprises and shocks down the road. may look at climate action more as a political pressure or moral obliga-
All economies, developed, emerging or developing, must be prepared tion – something they have to do. Business leaders, however, see oppor-
for yet another year of hardships and challenges. There is no “taking a tunities and the future from “going green” as a vital source of growth,
break” under this “New Normal” of uncertainty. revenues and profits – something they love to do.
Every cloud has a silver lining. The good news is, emerging and devel- Renewables and electric vehicles are good examples of going green
oping Asia remains the best hope and chief driver of global growth. Com- in a commercially viable way. They have made great strides during the
bined, they would contribute 3/4 to global growth. China and India alone are past three years, eroding space and profit margin of their fossil fuel coun-
expected to contribute half of it. terparts. Early-movers are already making good money and taking lion’s
share of the market while traditional energies and auto makers catch up
Geo-Political Rift coupled with Geo-Economic fast. The entire industrial landscape is having a green “facelift”. This face-
Fragmentation lift is market-driven, bottom-up, profitable, and therefore sustainable.
The world is not just uncertain. It is falling apart down ideological Green and digital technologies, together with biotech, new materi-
and geopolitical lines. There were signs of geo-political rivalry years als, drones, pilotless driving, aerospace and AI (ChatGPT, for instance),
ago. It is gathering pace faster than expected today. We are seeing a are the most encouraging news for the world economic outlook. Fortu-
widening geo-political rift as countries re-group and forces re-align. The nately, technological advances have not been daunted by either the pan-
hard-won Peace Dividend in the past 3 decades is at risk of premature demic, the conflict or inflation. The past three years have seen remarkable
ending. Across the globe, countries spent more on defense in 2022 than progress in R&D and commercialization, which reinforce our hope and
ever before. Sustained world peace, one of the twin goals mankind has confidence in the world economy turning around. In the final analysis, it
pursued, is again thrown into question. is technology and innovation that will lead us out of the shadow of reces-
So it is with the goal of common development. Geopolitics has sion and the New Mediocre into the next wave of global prosperity. ■
博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 3
Asia’s Power in a World of Uncertainty

ZHOU Xiaochuan
Vice Chairman,Boao Forum for Asia

“久久不见久久见”,欢迎各位博鳌亚洲论坛的新老 全球增长与稳定作出重要贡献。IMF预计,中国和印度
朋友齐聚博鳌,出席论坛 2023年年会,共同为不确定的 将贡献全球一半以上的增长,亚洲其他地区的贡献度将
世界贡献思想、寻找答案。当前,世界百年未有之大变局 达到四分之一。
加速演进,世界进入新的动荡变革期,地缘政治冲突、全 由贸易协定稳步落实,将带来更大的制度开放红利,助
球分化极度考验各方的耐心与智慧。亚洲是世界和平稳 力疫后复苏。绿色发展和数字经济将为亚洲增长提供强
定繁荣的重要砝码,博鳌亚洲论坛致力于为亚洲内外各 有力的新动能。随着中国疫情呈现局部零星散发状态和
界人士提供对话沟通、凝聚共识的重要平台。 进入常态化防控阶段,生产、消费和对外经贸活动回归
2022年,全球经历了乌克兰危机、粮食危机、能源 常态,中国将成为亚洲乃至世界经济增长的重要驱动
危机、气候危机和疫情延宕,世界已严重偏离可持续发 力。据 IMF测算,中国经济增速每提高 1个百分点,将带
展的轨道。美欧等发达经济体陷入抑制通胀和稳定增长 动亚洲其他地区产出提升0.3个百分点。
两难,激进加息造成国际资本流动大幅波动,许多新兴 2022年10月,中国成功召开了中国共产党第二十
市场和发展中国家遭受巨大外部冲击,债务压力加剧。 次全国代表大会,对中国全面建设社会主义现代化国家
世界经济碎片化,国际经贸失序。发达国家贸易保 作出战略部署。习近平总书记指出,中国式现代化是人
“友 口规模巨大的现代化,是全体人民共同富裕的现代化,
岸外包”被重新塑造。IMF估计,全球贸易分裂可能带来 是物质文明和精神文明相协调的现代化,是人与自然和
1.4万亿美元的损失,造成全球产出降低 1.5个百分点。 谐共生的现代化,是走和平发展道路的现代化。刚刚结
世界贸易组织预计 2023年全球货物贸易仅增长 1%。 束的全国“两会”传递了中国政府全面深化改革开放,大
气候变化已带来巨大现实灾害,高温、干旱、暴雨、 力提振市场信心,实施扩大内需战略和深化供给侧结构
洪涝等极端天气此起彼伏。各国面临着统筹绿色低碳发 性改革的重要信号。加快数字化转型与发展数字经济、
《联合国气候变化 完善国有企业治理和鼓励支持民营经济发展、扩大市场
框架公约》第 27次缔约方大会在建立“损失与损害”基 准入及稳步扩大制度型开放、推动发展方式绿色转型都
金方面取得了重大进展,但发达国家对低收入国家每年 排在今年工作的优先级。2023年是中国“一带一路”倡
1000亿美元气候资金支持的承诺仍未兑现。 议提出十周年,是全球发展倡议推进落实之年。中国将
2023年,世界经济前景不容乐观,全球分化风险继 致力于通过经贸合作、互联互通合作、绿色合作、数字合
续加大,传统和非传统挑战不断加剧。冷战思维、冲突战 作、发展合作,与亚洲其他国家一起以合作促发展,在坚
争、经济制裁、贸易脱钩、科技脱钩不是问题解决之道, 持多边主义、维护世界经济稳定上彰显亚洲力量,给不
只会把世界带向更加危险的境地。在如此不确定的世界 确定的世界带来确定性。
中,唯有依靠团结合作才能共同应对挑战,唯有践行开 再次感谢各位嘉宾对博鳌亚洲论坛的大力支持。希
放包容才能共促发展。 望各位嘉宾在本次年会上,就关乎世界和亚洲发展与普
亚洲是世界经济增长和可持续发展的关键动力。尽 惠、治理与安全、当下与未来的重大前沿问题提出真知
管国际形势持续动荡,全球需求减弱,2023年亚洲将为 灼见,共议合作之道。■

4 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
I would like to welcome all friends old and new of the important contribution to global growth and stability in 2023,
Boao Forum for Asia to the 2023 Annual Conference, where despite persistent international turmoil and weakening global
we will share our insights about the uncertainties facing the demand. The IMF expects China and India to contribute
world today and try to find solutions. At present, the world is more than half of global growth, and the rest of Asia to chip
facing a once-in-a-century transformation and is entering a in another 25%. The steady implementation of regional free
new age of turbulence and change, with geopolitical conflicts trade agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive Eco-
and global fragmentation posing a serious test to the wisdom nomic Partnership will bring greater dividends of institutional
of all countries. Asia is an important force for world peace, opening and boost the post-pandemic recovery. Green devel-
stability and prosperity. The Boao Forum for Asia is commit- opment and the digital economy will inject fresh momentum
ted to providing an important platform for dialogue, commu- into economic growth in Asia. Thus far, with sporadic cases
nication and consensus-building among people from all walks reported in parts of the country and normalized COVID-19
of life in Asia and beyond. control and prevention put into force, China’s production, con-
Having undergone the Ukrainian, food, energy and sumption, and economic and trade exchanges with the outside
climate crises in 2022, as well as continuing to battle the CO- world have resumed, making it an important driving force for
VID-19 pandemic, the world has been seriously derailed from economic growth in Asia and the world as a whole. According
the path of sustainable development. Developed economies to IMF estimates, every percentage point increase in China’s
such as the US and Europe are confronted with the double economic growth may generate a 0.3 percentage point growth
challenge of restraining inflation and maintaining stable in production output in other Asian regions.
growth. Aggressive interest rate hikes have caused substantial During the 20th National Congress of the Communist
fluctuations in international capital flows, bringing enormous Party of China held in October 2022, the authorities laid
external shocks to many emerging markets and developing down strategic arrangements on how to build the country into
countries, exacerbating their debt pressures. a modern socialist country in all respects. Chinese President
The world economy has become increasingly fragment- Xi Jinping pointed out that Chinese modernization is the
ed, and international trade is in a state of disorder. Trade pro- modernization of a huge population, the modernization of
tectionism is on the rise in developed nations, and the global common prosperity for all, material and cultural-ethical ad-
industrial and supply chain landscapes are being reshaped by vancement, the modernization of harmony between humanity
“on-shoring” and “friend-shoring.” The IMF estimates that and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development.
global trade fragmentation could lead to a loss of $1.4 trillion The recent Two Sessions send out signals that the Chinese
and push global output down by 1.5 percentage points. The government will deepen reforms and expand opening up on
World Trade Organization forecasts that global trade in goods a comprehensive scale, vigorously boost market confidence,
may grow by merely 1% in 2023. and pursue the strategy of expanding domestic demand and
deepening supply-side structural reforms. Accelerating digital
Climate change has brought huge disasters, with ex- transformation,developing the digital economy, and improv-
treme events such as heatwaves, droughts, heavy rain and ing governance of state-owned enterprises, while encourag-
floods occurring at alarming frequency. Countries are facing ing and supporting the development of the private economy,
the daunting task of balancing green low-carbon development easing market access controls, steadily expanding institu-
and energy security, while maintaining just transition. The tional opening up, and driving the green transformation of the
UNFCCC COP27 made key breakthrough by establishing the growth model are all on top of this year’s agenda. 2023 marks
Loss and Damage Fund. However, developed economies have the 10th anniversary of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
yet to fulfill their commitment to provide $100 billion annu- and witnesses the start of the implementation of the Global
ally in financial assistance to low-income countries. Development Initiative. China is committed to promoting
The 2023 global economic outlook is less than optimis- development through cooperation with other Asian countries
tic, and the risk of global divergence will increase further by furthering economic and trade partnerships, interconnec-
amid intensifying challenges in both traditional and non-tra- tion, green cooperation, digital cooperation and development-
ditional industries. Cold-War mentalities, conflicts and wars, oriented cooperation. We will showcase Asia as a force to up-
economic sanctions, and trade and technology decoupling do hold multilateralism and maintain global economic stability,
not provide solutions to these problems yet will only lead the thereby bringing certainty to a world of uncertainty.
world into a more dangerous situation. In such a world of un- Thank you all again for your strong support for the Boao
certainties, only by relying on unity and cooperation can we Forum for Asia! I hope, during this year’s annual conference,
jointly cope with challenges, and only by practicing openness all participants can share their insights on the issues concern-
and inclusiveness can we promote shared development. ing development and inclusiveness, governance and security,
Asia is a major powerhouse of world economic growth and the present and the future in the world and in Asia, and
and sustainable development. The continent will make an explore new roads for cooperation. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 5
Solidarity and Cooperation for Development
amid Challenges
LI Baodong
Secretary General, Boao Forum for Asia

春和景明,万象更新。值此阳春三月,论坛再次迎来 界:团结合作迎挑战,开放包容促发展”。我们希望通过
一年一度的年会盛宴、热烈欢迎大家再次汇聚博鳌,在 年会的交流探讨,在不确定的世界中探寻确定性,在变
这欣欣向荣的美好时节,共赏春光,畅叙发展。 中求进,在乱中求治。我们要弘扬真正的多边主义和开
博鳌亚洲论坛 2023年年会定于 3月 28日至 31日召 放的地区主义,加强团结合作,更好地迎接挑战;坚持
开。这是自新冠疫情暴发以来,论坛年会首次完全恢复 开放包容,更好地促进发展。
线下会议。年会将汇集来自政府、企业和民间社会的领 在年会的议题板块设计上,今年我们没有按领域来
导人,分析亚洲和世界发展形势,探讨未来一年的优先 划分,而是从几组关系入手,设置了四个板块:
事项和重要议题。 普惠”“治理与安全”“区域与全球”“当下与未来”。主
回首过去三年,席卷全球的新冠疫情,不仅对人类 要考虑是,可以更好地推动各方理性探讨自身利益和共
身心健康造成重大伤害 ,也对全球化和世界经济产生了 同利益、短期利益和长远利益的关系,从而促进国际合
严重冲击。一系列传统和非传统安全挑战凸显。各国发 作与交流,凝聚各方关于发展和安全的共识。
展不平衡的问题更加突出。世界之变、时代之变、历史之 “发展与普惠”板块包括世界经济展望、通胀滞涨与加
变正以前所未有的方式展开,当今世界充满了各种不确 息、重塑全球化、终结新冠大流行、极端天气与气候变化、
定性。突出表现在: 新能源新基建新产业、ESG投资、企业ESG测定等议题。
世界动荡与变革两种趋势交织演进。从战争地区的 “治理与安全”板块包括统筹发展与安全、产业链供
动荡到国际市场的动荡,从社会变革到科技革命,世界 应链新格局、科技竞争与合作、碳中和、加强数据安全、
乱中有变、变中有乱,发展与安全两大赤字更加凸显。不 绿色能源与绿氢供应链、打造现代企业等议题。
同国家采取了不同政策,致使各自发展进程和相互间关 “区域与全球”板块包括世界能源大变局、亚洲区域
系都出现了新变化。世界正站在历史演进的重要关头。 合作、一带一路、全球地缘政治展望、中国式现代化、全
世界各国正面临一系列重大挑战。乌克兰危机仍在 球自贸港发展、南海(区域与全球)等议题。
持续,阵营对立、分裂对抗趋势加剧;疫情阴霾仍未完 “当下与未来”板块包括清洁能源的未来、推进数字
全散去,病毒还在不断变异;世界经济艰难复苏,全球 经济、下一代互联网、人工智能、下一代教育、知识产权
能源结构和产业链供应链格局面临重组风险;气候变化 应用、生物医药创新等议题。
已不再是潜在的风险,而是实实在在的危害。 此外,年会当中还设置了青年、女性、文化、金融等
国际社会对于促进共同发展的呼声强烈。要发展, 圆桌会以及企业家双边对话会等一系列活动。
就需要和平安宁的国际环境,就要求各国团结互助,合 参与年会讨论的嘉宾都是来自政商学界的精英和各
作共赢。搞军事对抗和经济脱钩不符合任何一方的根本 行业佼佼者。我们非常高兴为大家提供一个畅所欲言的
利益。应对疫情和复苏经济更加需要各国加强宏观政策 平台,与各方共享智慧、共话发展。道虽远,行则将至,
协调。面对气候变化等全球性挑战,没有一个国家能够 事虽难,做则必成。我们坚信亚洲和世界的发展前景是
独自应对或独善其身。 光明的。让我们携起手来,为加强国际社会的团结合作,
在上述背景下,今年年会的主题定为“不确定的世 建设更开放包容的亚洲与世界作出积极贡献!■

6 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Spring, a season of growth and renewal, has arrived in to better meet challenges. We must stay committed to openness
Boao. There is no better time to talk about development, the and inclusiveness to further promote development.
theme for the 2023 Annual Conference of the Boao Forum for
Asia, which will be held from March 28 to 31. In designing the topic discussion modules for this year’s
annual conference according to sets of relationships rather than
I am delighted that the conference will be held face-to- by area, culminating in four sections: “Development and Inclu-
face this year for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. siveness”, “Governance and Security”, “Regional and Global”,
This annual conference convenes leaders from government, and “The Present and the Future”. The main consideration for
corporate and civil society to analyze the state of development this setup is to facilitate an exploration of the relationship be-
in Asia and the world, and discuss priorities and important is- tween self-interest and collective interest, and between short-
sues for the coming year. term and long-term interests, thereby promoting international
cooperation and exchange, and building consensus on develop-
The COVID-19 pandemic, which raged around the
ment and security.
world over the past three years, has not only seriously harmed
people’s physical and mental health, it has also dealt a major The section of “Development and Inclusiveness” in-
blow to globalization and the world economy. A series of tra- cludes topics such as “Global Economic Outlook”, “Inflation,
ditional and non-traditional security challenges have emerged, Stagflation and Rate Hikes”, “Re-Globalization vs. Deglo-
and developmental imbalances among countries have become balization”, “Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic”, “Extreme
more prominent. The world and the times we live in are un- Weather Events and Climate Change”, “New Energy, New
dergoing unprecedented changes. Uncertainties abound, and Infrastructure, New Industry”, “ESG Investment” and “Mea-
are conspicuously reflected in turmoil and change: suring Sustainability in the ESG Era”.
We see turmoil in regional conflict and international mar- The section of “Governance and Security” includes “En-
kets, and are witnessing social change and technological revolu- suring Both Development and Security”, “New Landscape
tion. Chaos amid change has made the world’s development and of Industrial and Supply Chain”, “Technological Competition
security deficits all the more pronounced. Different countries and Cooperation”, “Carbon Neutrality”, “Strengthening Data
have adopted different policies, resulting in fresh changes in Security”, “Global Green Energy and Green Hydrogen Supply
their respective development and relations with other countries. Chains” and “Building a Dynamic Modern Enterprise”.
The world now stands at a critical historical juncture.
The section of “Regional and Global” covers “Global En-
Every country is confronted with major challenges. The ergy Supply Shock”, “Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation”, “The
ongoing Ukraine crisis has seen the stances of opposing camps Belt and Road”, “Global Geopolitical Outlook”, “The Chinese
intensify. The shadow of COVID-19 is still present, and the Path to Modernization”, “Global Free Trade Ports Development
virus has continued to mutate. Meanwhile, the path toward eco- Forum” and “Building an Order of Cooperation and Security in
nomic recovery appears to be arduous, and the global energy the South China Sea”.
structure, as well as industrial and supply chain landscapes,
face being restructured. Climate change is no longer a potential Meanwhile, the section of “The Present and the Future”
risk, but a real and present danger. includes “The Future of Clean Energy”, “Promoting the Digi-
tal Economy”, “Next Generation Internet”, “A Better Life Em-
The international community has made strong calls for powered by AI”, “A Better Education for the Next Generation”,
mutual development, but development requires a peaceful and “Intellectual Property” and “Biopharmaceutical Innovation”.
stable international environment, as well as solidarity, mutual
assistance and cooperation among countries. Military confron- In addition, the annual conference will also feature round-
tation and economic decoupling are not in the fundamental in- tables for youth, women, culture and finance, among others, as
terest of any party. Responding to the pandemic and economic well as a series of events such as bilateral dialogues for entre-
recovery requires further policy coordination around the world. preneurs.
Confronted with global challenges such as climate change, no
The participants at the annual conference are elites from
country can go it alone or stay immune.
the political, business and academic fields, and outstanding fig-
Given the above context, the theme for this year’s annual ures from various industries. We are happy to be able to provide
conference is “An Uncertain World: Solidarity and Coopera- a platform for all to speak their minds, share wisdom and dis-
tion for Development amid Challenges.” We hope that the ex- cuss development together. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
changes and discussions during the conference can help us find We firmly believe that the development of Asia and the world is
certainty amid an uncertain world, progress amid change, and bright and full of prospects. Let us work together to bolster soli-
governance amid chaos. We want to promote true multilateral- darity and cooperation within the international community, and
ism and open regionalism, and boost solidarity and cooperation build a more open and inclusive Asia and world! ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 7
Annual Conference 2023
Agenda Setting

板块一 板块二 板块三

发展与普惠 治理与安全 区域与全球

Development and Inclusiveness Governance and Security Regional and Global

世界经济展望 统筹发展与安全 世界能源大变局

Global Economic Outlook Ensuring Both Development and Global Energy Supply Shock
通胀、滞胀与加息:钢丝上的舞蹈 亚洲区域合作:新机遇,新挑战
Inflation, Stagflation and Rate 产业链供应链新格局 Asia-Pacific Regional
Hikes: Dancing on a Tightrope New Landscape of Industrial and Cooperation: New Opportunities
Supply Chain and Challenges
Re-Globalization vs. 科技竞争与合作 一带一路:共享发展机遇
Deglobalization Technological Competition and The Belt and Road: Sharing the
Cooperation Opportunities of Development
Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic 碳中和:困局与破局 全球地缘政治展望
Carbon Neutrality: Dilemma and Global Geopolitical Outlook
极端天气与气候变化 Way out
Extreme Weather Events and 中国式现代化
Climate Change 加强数据安全 The Chinese Path to
Strengthening Data Security Modernization
新能源 新基建 新产业
New Energy, New Infrastructure, 全球绿色能源与绿氢供应链 全球自由贸易港发展论坛:
New Industry Global Green Energy and Green 制度型开放与自由贸易
Hydrogen Supply Chains Global Free Trade Ports
ESG投资如何行稳致远 Development Forum
How Can ESG Investment 打造充满活力的现代企业
Advance Forward Building a Dynamic Modern 构建合作与安全的南海秩序(区域与
Enterprise 全球)
企业的ESG成果测定 Building an Order of Cooperation
Measuring Sustainability in the and Security in the South China
ESG Era Sea

8 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊

当下与未来 圆桌会议 对话会

The Present and the Future Roundtable Dialogue

清洁能源的未来 金融圆桌 中美企业家对话会

The Future of Clean Energy Financial Roundtable China-US CEO Dialogue

推进数字经济 女性圆桌 中澳企业家对话会

Promoting the Digital Economy Women Leadership Roundtable China-Australia Senior Business
Leaders Forum
下一代互联网 青年圆桌
Next Generation Internet Youth Roundtable “对话海南”:中国(海南)
—— 东盟热带农业合作及展望
人工智能赋能美好生活 华商圆桌 Dialogue in Hainan: Tropical
A Better Life Empowered by AI Overseas Chinese Roundtable Agricultural Cooperation between
China (Hainan) and ASEAN and
给下一代更好的教育 民营企业家圆桌 Its Prospects
A Better Education for the Next Private Entrepreneurs
Generation Roundtable 中欧企业家对话
China-Europe CEO Dialogue
知识产权在数字经济 宗教圆桌
和全虚拟世界中的前景 Religious Dialogue
The Future of IP in the Digital
Economy and a Fully Virtual 跨国公司中国区CEO圆桌
World Multinational Corporation (MNC)
CEO Roundtable
Biopharmaceutical Innovation 文化圆桌
& the New Path of International Cultural Roundtable


博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 9
年会热词  Buzzwords

10 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Cooperation and Development and Inclusiveness

Leif JOHANSSON: It is only when we collaborate with partners 阿斯利康董事长
around the world that we can achieve our critical aims of more
equal global development and inclusiveness. During the pandemic, Member of Council of Advisors
of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA),
we experienced how powerful partnerships can save lives. The Chair of AstraZeneca
coordinated response from the start of COVID-19 was absolutely
remarkable in the way that scientists, governments, academia, and
public and private sectors came together to develop, manufacture
and distribute vaccines on a scale never seen before.

陈江和 人民的根本利益,也是未来全世界经济能够继续快速发展、人民生活水平继续
中国环境与发展国际合作委员会委员 不断提高的重要保障。

Sukanto Tanoto
Chairman of RGE, Member of China Council for Sukanto Tanoto:Cooperation and development are significant
International Cooperation on Environment and
Development (CCICED) reasons for global social prosperity in recent decades and have
caused people’s living standards to rise worldwide. The world today,
however, is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Sino-
US competition is becoming more acute, geopolitical tension is rising,
while de-globalization and protectionism are growing day by day. But
I always believe that at this time, whether regional or global, the more
changes we are facing, the more important it is to discard differences
and prejudices, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, and strive for
win-win development among countries, regions, and people. This
is not only in line with the fundamental interests of people all over
the world, but also an important guarantee for the continued rapid
development of the world economy and the continuous improvement
of people's living standards in the future.

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 11
Climate Change

陈文琦: 随着气候变化越来越明显,应对气候变化和推动可持续发展将会得
到更多的关注。 “绿色能源”“碳足迹”

CHEN Wenqi: As the effects of climate change become more

evident, there will be increased focus on addressing the issue and 陈文琦
promoting sustainable practices. Terms like "green energy" , "carbon
footprint" , "renewable energy" and "sustainable development" CHEN Wenqi
Chairman & CEO of VIA Technologies, Inc.
are likely to be hot topics in 2023.


ZHANG Yue: Ecological benefit is one of the factors that industry

张跃 need to pay attention in the future development. If our development
focuses only on economic benefits, and the ecological environment
ZHANG Yue is damaged, the air, food, water and soil are polluted, then the
Chairman and President of BROAD Group
development is meaningless.


医养与健康 疗卫生系统,我们看到了推动跨行业和跨国界持续合作的迫切需求。经历疫
Medical Care and

12 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Leif JOHANSSON: Over the past three years, health systems have
been pushed to their limits and change is needed to ensure they
are strong enough to deal with potential future shocks. We saw an
urgent need to drive continued collaboration across sectors and
borders, to build sustainable health systems that are resilient and
future ready. As the world returns to normal after the pandemic, we 雷夫·约翰森
also seek out new partnerships that ensure patients, especially in 阿斯利康董事长
underserved communities, get the care they need. This includes
partnering with to screen five million patients for lung Member of Council of Advisors
of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA),
cancer by 2025 using AI-based technology, as part of the EDISON Chair of AstraZeneca
Alliance's 1 Billion Lives Challenge. Working with local and global
partners, Our Healthy Heart Africa programme has also committed
to reducing hypertension and the burden of cardiovascular disease
by reaching 10 million people with elevated blood pressure across
Africa by 2025.


张剑秋 ZHANG Jianqiu:“Innovation”and“health”will become keywords

in the context of a general rise in public health awareness. Use
ZHANG Jianqiu creative products to satisfy the various health needs of consumers;
CEO of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group
Co., Ltd. Take advantage of growing opportunities for collaboration across the
health business; Achieve the digital transformation of the healthcare
sector by establishing an innovative, smart supply chain.

是目前新冠肺炎疫情尚未在世界得到完全控制的情况下,2023年, “疫苗研
“病株变异”“防疫系统” “饮食健康”等依旧会是热点。

CHEN Wenqi: People in the world became aware of public health 陈文琦
events along with the outbreak of the COVID-19. And they are
paying more attention to the areas like health, fitness and medical CHEN Wenqi
Chairman & CEO of VIA Technologies, Inc.
treatment, especially given that the COVID-19 has not been
completely under control around the world. "Vaccine Research
and Development" , "Disease Strain Variation" , "Pandemic Control
Policy" and "Healthy Diet" will still be keywords in 2023.

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 13
Common Prosperity

XU Yiding: Under the leadership of Communist Party of China (CPC),
XU Yiding Chinese people have, through painstaking efforts, accomplished the
Executive Vice President of Agricultural
Development Bank of China (ADBC) historic feat of eliminating absolute poverty as 98.99 million people
have been lifted out of poverty, and built a moderately prosperous
society in all respects. Looking ahead, promoting and realizing
common prosperity for all has become an important part and core
goal of building China into a modern socialist country in all respects
and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which will
play a dominant and over-arching role in pursuing“Development
and Inclusiveness”.

ZHAI Jingli: APP China is indeed one of the key players in creating
high-quality growth and promoting common prosperity. APP China ZHAI Jingli
Deputy CEO of Sinar Mas APP-China
is a patriotic overseas enterprise that has developed its business
in China for many years. Over these years of development, we
have likewise strengthened our resilience in dealing with difficulties
through digitalization, smart production, and green transformation.
The integrated plantation-pulp-paper model has guaranteed the
virtuous cycle of our sustainability, driven industrial growth and
benefitted the whole industry.

14 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Chinese Path to Governance and Security


ZHU Min: The Chinese path to modernization is redefining the 朱民

concept of modernization that was established following the 国际货币基金组织前副总裁
Industrial Revolution, not just learning from and keeping up with
Western modernization. The Chinese path to modernization marks Vice Chairman of the China Center for International
Economic Exchanges, Former Deputy Managing
a profound reflection on the ends and means of development in Director of the International Monetary Fund
China, and emphasizes that the purpose of development is to
meet people’s needs for a“good life.”Hence, the Chinese path
to modernization will also bring new historical opportunities for
common prosperity across the world.

Economic Resilience

翟京丽 血液中最重要的民族性格之一,也是中国体现出来的一种国家精神。金光集
ZHAI Jingli
Deputy CEO of Sinar Mas APP-China
ZHAI Jingli: In the past year, despite the turbulent environment
and various uncertainties, China stood the test of the pandemic.
Also, at the beginning of 2023, China made further adjustments,
strengthening macro-control to stabilize the market, and thus has
witnessed a good start to the year. While effectively responding

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 15
to the impact of unexpected factors on high-quality development,
China has still actively promoted regional balancing to boost
common prosperity. From these respects, we have seen the
resilience of China’s social and economic development. Therefore,
“resilience”is one of the most important national characteristics
rooted in the blood of today’s Chinese people, and is also a national
characteristic of China. APP China will exert our strength to jointly
promote a more comprehensive, inclusive and resilient form of global

Carbon Neutrality and

标,即力争2030年前实现碳达峰,2060年前实现碳中和。 “双碳”战略倡导
高纪凡 技部认定的光伏企业国家重点实验室之一。至今,天合光能“光伏科学与技术
GAO Jifan 刷新世界纪录。
Chairman and CEO of Trina Solar Co., Ltd.

GAO Jifan: In September 2020, China stated explicitly that it would

achieve the goal of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and reaching
carbon neutrality by 2060. The“dual carbon”strategy advocates a
green, eco-friendly and low-carbon lifestyle, which benefits green
technological innovation and upgrading. Based on an innovation-
led development strategy, Trina Solar has built a leading system
of scientific innovation. The State Key Laboratory of PV Science
and Technology at Trina Solar is one of China’s first State Key
Laboratories of a photovoltaic (PV) enterprise designated by the
Ministry of Science and Technology, and has, to date, broken 25
world records for solar cell efficiency and module power.

16 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
场有利于充分调动全社会力量共同参与应对气候变化工作,也为社会和企业 王乃祥
WANG Naixiang
Chairman of China Beijing Green Exchange
WANG Naixiang: Promoting carbon emission reduction is an
important part of achieving the carbon peak by 2030. China's
14th Five-Year Plan and the Long-Range Objectives Through the
Year 2035 outline the binding target of reducing carbon dioxide
emissions per unit of GDP by 18% in 2025 compared to 2020, and
achieving this target will lay a solid foundation for achieving the
carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. In October 2022, offical
of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the PRC, pointed out
that the voluntary greenhouse gas emissions reduction market is a
useful supplement to the national carbon emissions trading market,
and that the launch of the voluntary emissions reduction market is
conducive to mobilizing the whole society to participate in the work
of responding to climate change, and provides a new platform for
the society and enterprises to participate in this work, helping to
promote achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 17
Global Supply Chain

这一系列问题将成为当下和未来5年-10年全球经济最热门的话题。 陈江和
Sukanto Tanoto:The global supply chain that has emerged in
Sukanto Tanoto
recent decades has become an indispensable part and an important Chairman of RGE, Member of China Council for
International Cooperation on Environment and
symbol of global economic integration, contributing significantly Development (CCICED)
to the world economy’s prosperity and development. However,
geopolitical tension is rising. As a result of COVID-19, the Russia-
Ukraine conflict, and Sino-US competition, regional cooperation
and trade agreements are becoming more and more popular. Is it
necessary to restructure the global supply chain in this context?
How can we reconstruct it? How can we ensure global supply
chains’stability and security? These problems, in my opinion, will be
the most hotly debated in global economic discourse both today and
in the ensuing 5 to 10 years.

18 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Regional and Global



Kent C. CALDER: Order is what we need in both regional and global 肯特·加尔德
cases to stabilize common rules or parameters for public and private
action. Kent C. CALDER
Director of Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies,
Johns Hopkins University SAIS

TANG Xiuguo:VUCA, a military term widely used in the 1990s, is
TANG Xiuguo an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and
President of Sany Group Co. Ltd.
ambiguity. Crises such as the great power competition, regional
conflicts, exchange rate fluctuations, and supply chain reconstruction
not only worsen the international economic environment, but also
add uncertainty to the overall business environment. Overcoming
the challenges in international operations in the macro-environment
of the VUCA era, and seeking out deterministic development
opportunities will be the focus of 2023.

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 19
Openness and

曾从钦 推进自由贸易试验区建设等,均贯穿着开放包容的理念,致力于打造更高水
五粮液集团(股份)公司党委书记、董事长 平的开放格局。在企业微观落实层面,五粮液集团始终立足中华优秀传统文
ZENG Congqin
Corporate Member of the Boao Forum for Asia 络;开展多领域的产业互助、技术交流、标准认定和金融投资等合作接洽,践
(BFA),Secretary of the CPC Committee and
Chairman of Wuliangye Group Co., 行全球发展理念;引领推动中外酒企友好互动,构建世界酒业命运共同体;积
Ltd and Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

ZENG Congqin: Openness and inclusiveness are the basic

requirements for the prosperity and progress of human beings.
The world is entering a new era of turbulence and change, but
economic globalization remains being the historical trend. Amid
huge differences among regions and countries in terms of economic
systems, development stages and scale, we need to uphold the
spirit of openness, share development resources, promote win-
win cooperation, seek more inclusive, more accessible and more
sustainable development, and build a community with a shared
future for mankind. As been outlined in macro framework, advocating
the joint construction of the Belt and Road, promoting RCEP and
CPTPP, and facilitating the construction of the pilot free trade zones,
all reflect the concept of openness and inclusiveness, and are
committed to building a higher level of openness. At the micro level
of company implementation, Wuliangye Group is always rooted
in Chinese traditional culture, advocating the common value of
"harmony" while "going global" and improving its overseas marketing
network. Wuliangye carries out cooperation and communication
in many fields, such as mutual assistance, technology exchange,
standard accreditation and financial investment, to practice the
concept of global development. The group leads and facilitates
friendly interaction among Chinese and foreign liquor enterprises to
build a community with a shared future for the world liquor industry. It
also actively participates in major international events and platforms
to promote mutual learning and exchanges between Chinese and
foreign civilizations, which is a positive response to the national
policy, and also a firm choice for the company to tell the Chinese
story to the world and push forward people-to-people exchanges.

20 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Peace and Security

ZHANG Yue: Safety has to be ensured by disruptive innovation. All
the traditional industries, all the issues related to quality of life such ZHANG Yue
Chairman and President of BROAD Group
as housing, foods, transportation, etc. May be harmful to the quality
of life if we don't use innovative methods. For example, in the event
of an earthquake, the house must not fall down in any way, and then
the steel structure should be used instead of the concrete structure.
The foods must be safe. The old efficient agricultural methods that
are harmful to health, including the use of carcinogenic additives,
pesticides and fertilizers, cannot be used.


CHEN Wenqi: There were multiple areas of local unrest or war

陈文琦 in the world in 2022, and they exerted an important impact on
many countries and regions, whether in terms of regional security,
CHEN Wenqi economic development, or human survival. Therefore, the hope for
Chairman & CEO of VIA Technologies, Inc.
world peace will remain a key focus in 2023.

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 21
The Present and the Future
Circular Economy


Abdulrahman AI-Fageeh:By deepening and broadening this 阿卜杜拉哈曼·阿尔-法季

collaboration, the chemical industry can build the circular economy 沙特基础工业公司执行CEO
that is essential for true sustainability. Circularizing the value chain—
Abdulrahman AI-Fageeh
that is, linking a product’s end of life with a new beginning—helps Board Member of Boao Forum for Asia
to tackle the current planetary crises related to a changing climate,
loss of biodiversity, and plastic pollution.

Artificial Intelligence


ZHANG Ya-Qin: Artificial intelligence (AI) is an empowerment

张亚勤 technology that can help upgrade the IT industry, change existing
中国工程院院士 industries and create new industries. Empowered by AI technology,
intelligent transportation systems, the industrial internet and the
Chair Professor of Tsinghua University, Dean of medical industry will usher in brand new opportunities.
Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR) of Tsinghua
University, Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy
of Engineering (CAE)

22 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
CHEN Wenqi: With ChatGPT garnering great attention at the onset
of 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) and AI robots have ushered in a CHEN Wenqi
Chairman & CEO of VIA Technologies, Inc.
golden period of rapid development. Major countries regard AI as
a disruptive technology that changes the rules of the game and are
actively competing for a vantage point in the field. AI application
scenarios have also come to involve all aspects of production
and life, covering many important fields such as manufacturing,
ecological agriculture, medical health, finance, transportation, urban
management, culture, tourism, education, public safety, and energy.

Energy Revolution

天光合能有限公司董事长兼总经理 贡献力量。

GAO Jifan
Chairman and CEO of Trina Solar Co., Ltd. GAO Jifan: The International Energy Agency estimates that
approximately 70% of the world’s electricity will be generated by
PV and wind. Based on the current pace of development, China is
expected to be the first in the world to complete the construction of a
clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient power system by 2035. Desert
accounts for 1.28 million square kilometers of China’s land area. If

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 23
solar panels were to be installed over just 5% of the desert, China will
achieve energy self-sufficiency by 2060. Trina Solar is committed
to contribute to China’s efforts to transform its industry and energy
mix and to develop renewable energy.


TANG Xiuguo:Human society is experiencing a third energy 唐修国

revolution. Compared with the coal used in the first energy revolution
and the oil and natural gas used in the second energy revolution, TANG Xiuguo
President of Sany Group Co. Ltd.
the world is currently developing and utilizing new forms of energy,
including solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear power. These new energy
sources are often low-carbon or carbon-free, and also have
the attributes of renewable energy. Therefore, accelerating the
construction of a new energy system is an important measure to
promote sustainable development.


“数字孪生” “加密技
威盛电子股份有限公司董事长兼执行长 随着企业和组织都持续向数字化世界靠拢,
CHEN Wenqi 安全”
Chairman & CEO of VIA Technologies, Inc.

24 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
CHEN Wenqi: The tremendous development of augmented reality
and virtual reality technology enables immersive interactive devices
to provide users with a completely real, enduring, and smooth
interactive experience in the metaverse. In 2023, the metaverse will
continue to attract the attention of the industry, but unlike before,
the market will develop more rationally, and more advanced avatar
technologies may emerge. Vocabulary related to the metaverse,
including "metaverse" , "blockchain" , "digital twin" , and "encryption
technology" , will still be the focus of industry discussions.

As businesses and organizations continue to shift towards a more

digital landscape, there will be increased focus on topics such as
"digital transformation" , "e-commerce," "cybersecurity ", and "cloud

老龄化社会、 人口老龄化最终将推动智能制造和工业4.0时代的全面到来。应对老龄化是

未来的就业 人类社会的共同课题,我们要把创新作为积极应对人口老龄化的强大动力和
Aging Society、
Future Work 由于技术的革新、远程办公以及对工作-生活平衡的态度变化,人们的工作方
式正在迅速发生变化。 “远程办公”

CHEN Wenqi: It is true that an aging population poses major

challenges to national budgets, economic development, labor
market and old-age care, but it also brings opportunities to
industries. Ultimately, population aging will promote intelligent
manufacturing and the arrival of industry 4.0 era comprehensively.
威盛电子股份有限公司董事长兼执行长 We should take innovation as a strong driving force and strategic
CHEN Wenqi
support to actively cope with the aging population, turn challenges
Chairman & CEO of VIA Technologies, Inc. into oppor tunities, and embark on the development path of
sustainable economic and social growth through innovation.

The way people work is changing rapidly due to technological

advancements, remote work, and changing attitudes towards
work-life balance. Terms like "remote work" , "gig economy" ,
"flexible work" , "and "work-life balance" are likely to be hot topics
in 2023.

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 25
嘉宾问答  Guest Q&A

26 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Expert Insights


Vice Chairman of the China Center for International
Economic Exchanges, Former Deputy Managing Director
of the International Monetary Fund

问:中国式现代化的重要特征是什么? 成为最重要的发展动力。中国的研发投入迎来进一步的
答:中国式现代化是既有各国现代化的共同特征,更 上升,强化国家战略科技力量,集聚力量进行原创性引
是基于自己国情的中国特色,是人口规模巨大的现代化, 领性科技攻关。中国的研发强度需要从2020的2.4%进
是全体人民共同富裕的现代化,是物质文明和精神文明 一步上升,十四五期间全社会研发经费投入年均增长7%
相协调的现代化,是人与自然和谐共生的现代化,是走和 以上。
平发展道路的现代化。 由于创新具有较大的外部性,必须依靠政府投入,财
中国已经实现人均GDP1.2万美元,正在向中等高收 政和金融都要加强对科技创新的支持力度。财政的直接支
入国家迈进。要实现中国式现代化,就需要跨过中等收入 持规模可能继续上升,政策性金融的作用也将继续扩大。
陷阱,本质上要摆脱粗放型发展,提升全要素生产率。中国 在逆全球化下继续加大全球合作,中国发挥市场规模优
正在逐渐退出“投资+房地产+出口”的旧增长模式,转而 势,吸引外资外商合作。深入实施科教兴国和人才强国战
“消费+制造+绿色+创新”的新增长模式。中国有全球最 略,要加快建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地。北京、上
大的中产阶级群体,4亿中产阶级,对美好生活的追求是促 海、粤港澳大湾区已启动高水平人才高地建设试点,一些
进消费的根源,是巨大的内需市场。中国坚持市场对外开 中心城市已开始建设人才平台的“3+N”空间战略布局。
政府消费,叠加制造业投资将替代房地产,拉动经济增长。 二、推动绿色发展,人与自然和谐共生
同时,中国提出碳中和目标,将以“人与自然和谐共 2020年9月22日,习近平主席在第七十五届联合国
生”的绿色发展范式实现自身的现代化。这种新的发展范 大会上宣布,中国力争2030年前实现碳达峰,2060年前
式,基于环境与发展之间的相互促进。这种相互促进,为 实现碳中和。中国的“双碳”承诺,既是中国应对全球气候
国与国之间的合作共赢奠定了新的基础。 变化的大国担当,也是中国以碳中和推动经济绿色转型和
问:进入新发展阶段实现中国式现代化的首要任务 和“中国式现代化”
是什么? 能够纳入内生化自然资本收益、基于福祉的新发展范式,
答:高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的 将不仅造福中国,也对世界其他地区至关重要。
, 虽然挑战巨大,但碳中和更将成为中国经济“换道超
着力点是实体经济,市场在配置资源上仍起决定性作用, 车”和高质量发展的新动力。碳中和并不意味着以高昂的
更好发挥政府作用,坚持对非公有制经济的鼓励、支持、 代价来牺牲经济增长。相反,它可以在诸多方面促进经济
引导。 增长,尤其是在就业、效率提升和经济转型升级等重要方
一、创新是第一动力 碳中和对促进增长的作用在能源和交通运输领域尤为明
中国40年的改革开放,受益于人口红利与城镇化发 显。2021年,中国光伏装机比上年增长20.9%,风电增
展对经济发展的推动作用。在进入新发展阶段后,创新 长16.7%。到2022年6月,中国新能源汽车产销量连续7

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 27
年居世界第一。全球近40%的可再生能源工作岗位在中 Q:What are the important characteristics of the
、数字 Chinese path to modernization?

A:Chinese path to modernization contains elements
优势。这些新技术为中国提供了潜在的巨大出口机会。毫 that are common to all the modernization processes, but
无疑问,碳中和将为中国提供发展尖端零碳技术、零碳制 is more characterized by China’s unique development
造和零碳服务体系的巨大机遇,并重塑整个经济系统和 context. It is the modernization of a huge population, of
common prosperity for all, of material and cultural-ethical
advancement, of harmony between humanity and nature,
and of peaceful development.
三、区域协调发展 China’s per capita GDP has reached $12,000 and
协调和平衡是中国是现代化实现的关键。区域协调 is becoming wealthier. Realizing Chinese path to mod-
ernization means escaping the middle-income trap. It is
necessary to move away from the extensive growth mod-
el and to improve total factor productivity. China is transi-
合理要求,比如通过优化生产力布局以避免区域无序竞 tioning from the old development model of“investment +
争,促进制造业梯度转移有序开展和承接等。近年来我国 real estate + export”to the new model of“consumption +
在电子信息、高端装备、新能源车、石化、船舶等方面正 manufacturing + green + innovation”. It has the world’s
largest middle-class population, numbering 400 million,
and is committed to opening its market. Household con-
善处理就业、产业、地方财政、社会保障、生态环境、金 sumption, government spending, and investment in the
融市场等方面的重大结构性变化。公平问题,既是特定地 manufacturing industry will replace the real estate indus-
区、行业和群体公平分担发展的结构性成本的问题,也是 try to drive economic growth. China’s carbon neutrality
goal indicates that its modernization includes adopting a
green development paradigm of“harmony between hu-
manity and nature.”The reciprocal promotion of develop-
四、完善分配制度,健全公共服务体系 ment and the environment is the foundation of this new
鼓励勤劳致富、促进机会公平。我国劳动报酬占GDP paradigm, which has set a new basis for win-win global
比重虽然在2011年后持续上升,但国际对比看仍有提升 cooperation.

Q: What is the prime task for achieving the Chinese
支付较少、区域和城乡发展不平衡等问题需要解决,需要 path to modernization at the new stage of development?
教育、卫生、医疗、等公共卫生体系,加强重大疫情防控 A: High-quality development is the prime task of
building a modern socialist country in all respects. De-
velopment remains as the“top priority” , the focus is on
the real economy, and the market plays a decisive role in
五、推进制度型开放 resource allocation. The government should further op-
中国进出口金额占GDP比重由2006年的64%下降 timize its role and functions while promoting, supporting,
and guiding the development of the private sector.
1. Innovation is the primary driving force
The demographic dividend and urbanization have
际循环质量和水平要求稳步扩大规则、规制、管理、标准 fueled China’s economic development in the past
等制度型开放。中国正在推进RCEP等自贸协议的签署 40 years of reform and opening-up. Innovation has
和落实,积极研究加入CPTPP,外商投资准入负面清单 emerged as the most important driver as China enters
the new stage of development. China will further in-
crease investments in technology R&D, consolidate its
快营造稳定公平透明可预期的营商环境、进一步降低市 strategic strength in science and technology, and nurture
场交易成本、促进科技创新和产业升级、培育参与国际竞 original and cutting-edge scientific research ability. Dur-
争合作新优势。■ ing the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China’s R&D invest-

28 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
ments need to be raised further from 2.4% in 2020 at an ity, regional coordination and comprehensive develop-
annual growth rate of more than 7%. ment are to be encouraged. Also, it is a reasonable move
Science, technology, and innovation require more for China’s industrial transformation and upgradation,
fiscal and financial support. Both the amount of direct by optimizing the layout of productive forces to support
fiscal support and the significance of policy financing are the orderly development of manufacturing sectors, while
expected to keep growing. In the face of deglobalization, avoiding regional chaotic competition. China continues to
China has continued to broaden international collabora- improve its industrial cluster layouts in electronic informa-
tion, leverage the scale of its market, and attract foreign tion, high-end equipment, new-energy vehicles, petro-
investments. To implement the strategy of rejuvenat- chemicals, and ship-building industries in recent years.
ing the country through science and education and the To achieve Chinese path to modernization, significant
strategy of strengthening the nation with trained person- structural changes in employment, industry, local finance,
nel, a pilot project for high-level talents development has social security, ecological environment, and financial
been initiated in Beijing, Shanghai, and the Guangdong- markets must be adequately handled. Equity involves not
Hong Kong-Macao-Great Bay Area. only the equitable sharing of the structural costs of devel-
2. Harmony between humanity and nature driv- opment among different regions, industries and groups,
en by green development but also the equitable sharing of the“benefits”that mod-
On September 22, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jin- ernization brings.
ping announced China’s“30·60”decarbonization goal 4. Improving the income distribution and public
at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assem- service system
bly, which is not only China’s responsibility as a major We should encourage hard work to achieve prosper-
country to cope with climate change, but also a strategic ity and promote equality of opportunity. Although the share
decision to promote the green transition of China’s econ- of labor income to China’s GDP kept increasing from
omy. The pursuit of Chinese modernization, together with 2011, there is still large gap compared with the globe. Re-
the goal of carbon neutrality, implies a profound transfor- distribution needs to be optimized, including the high share
mation in the development paradigm. It will benefit China of turnover taxes, insufficient transfer payments to low-
and the rest of the world in adopting a new development income households, and uneven regional and urban-rural
paradigm that embraces the advantages of endogenous growth. Thus, greater efforts are called to intensify the re-
natural capital and is centered on social well-being. form of government transfers and taxation, to improve the
Carbon neutrality will drive China’s economy to public service system, enhance education, health, medical
change its lane and expand in a high-quality model. care, and other public health systems, and to strengthen
Carbon neutrality doesn’t mean sacrificing economic the prevention, control and treatment system, and emer-
growth at a high cost, instead, it will support economic gency response capacity for major epidemics.
growth in various ways, particularly in increasing em- 5. Further institutional opening-up
ployment, improving efficiency, and accelerating eco- The share of China’s imports and exports of GDP
nomic transformation and upgradation. For instance, decreased from 64% in 2006 to 34% in 2021, and the
carbon neutrality has brought remarkable change in the trade surplus remained at a relative equilibrium level in
energy and transportation sectors. China’s installed proportion to GDP. Improving the quality and level of in-
photovoltaic (PV) capacity increased by 20.9% in 2021, ternational circulation requires a steadier expansion of
and wind power increased by 16.7%. For seven years institutional opening-up, such as rules, regulations, man-
running, China has ranked top 1 in new-energy vehicle agement, and standards. China is advancing the imple-
production and sales. Nearly 40% of renewable energy mentation of free trade agreements like the RCEP, active-
jobs are in China.China is also acquiring new competi- ly considering joining the CPTPP, and further reducing the
tive advantages in a series of low-carbon technology negative list of foreign investment in China. It continues to
fields. Carbon neutrality will undoubtedly give China a encourage the efficient and smooth operation and growth
great opportunity to develop cutting-edge zero-carbon of the domestic market, accelerate the development of a
manufacturing, technology, and service system as well predictable, fair, and transparent business environment,
as to reshape the entire economic systems and sectors. lower the costs of market transactions, support scientific
3. Coordinating development across regions and technological advancement and industrial upgrading,
Coordination and balance are the key to realizing and cultivate new competitive and cooperative advan-
Chinese modernization. To achieve common prosper- tages on the global stage. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 29

Director of Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies,
Johns Hopkins University SAIS

“一带一路”倡议是中国的全球化倡议,2023年是 规模。尽管这一合作在能源领域变得更加紧密,在电子
倡议提出十周年。中国与“一带一路”沿线国家高质量共 和人工智能方面也是如此,但该合作在很多领域依然存
建了中欧班列、中老铁路等一系列重大互联互通项目,硕 在诸多商业摩擦,这些摩擦往往会被政治化。例如,互联
果累累。2022年七国集团提出了6000亿美元的全球基础 网法规和税收便是欧洲监管机构与美国高科技公司经常
设施伙伴倡议。国际社会如何推动全球互联互通建设在规 交锋的领域。
划、资金、技术等方面的有机合作,防止阵营化? 在欧洲内部,跨大西洋合作的紧密度亦存在地域差
答:为了提升国际互联项目的协同性,我觉得应系 异。尤为值得一提的是,英美合作有所加强,部分原因在
统性地认真考虑扩大亚投行与其他主要全球和区域机构 于结构相似的监管系统以及经济互补性。然而,美国与
之间的联合融资,例如和世界银行和亚洲开发银行的联 德国、法国之间的合作则更慢一些,而且遇到了更多的
合融资。欧亚以及全球南方国家基础设施的需求是巨大 当地监管阻力,尤其是电信领域。
的,而且很多重点项目的规模十分庞大。然而不幸的是, 更紧密的跨大西洋合作对全球的影响是复杂的。说
有鉴于当前各国利率的波动以及大量的地缘政治摩擦, 到跨大西洋合作对全球技术进步和增长的加速作用,以
潜在风险异常之高,因此,联合融资对于任何一家机构 及全球可交易商品的供应,其全球影响将是积极的。然
来说都将是重要的风险规避举措,同时还能满足扩大受 而在某些场景中,这一现象的危险之处在于,它会滋生
众面的目标。此举还将再次敦促各机构共同构建稳定的 带有政治色彩的排他主义,后者会加速通胀,尤其是商
相互依存关系,同时分享技术专长,并向设立统一的评 品领域,以及技术领域的地缘经济对抗。■


30 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q:The year 2023 is the 10th anniversary of the Q: As Europe accelerates its break from de-
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a China-proposed pendence on Russian energy, the European energy
global initiative. China and the countries along the BRI transition will increase significantly, and the portion of
have built a series of significant interconnection proj- energy imported to Europe from the U.S. will increase
ects, such as the China-Europe Railway Express and substantially in 2023. Besides, the U.S. and Europe
the China-Laos Railway, with fruitful results. In 2022, have been working on mutual investment in high-tech
the G-7 launched a $600 billion Partnership for Global companies and AI data sharing. How would this closer
Infrastructure and Investment. What can the interna- alliance between the U.S. and Europe in“energy +
tional community do to promote synergy in planning, trade + industry”affect the world?
financing, and technology application in building global
interconnection while preventing fragmentation? A:At the margins, it is indeed true that transat-
lantic political-economic relations are indeed growing
A: To enhance synergy in international intercon- closer, driven by the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its
nection projects, I feel that expanded co-financing broader economic effects, including energy shortages
among the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the desire to disengage from Russia. US LNG
and other major global and regional institutions, such exports to Europe, for example, have doubled over
as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the past year. Transatlantic defense cooperation has
should be systematically and seriously considered. also intensified to some degree, especially in sectors
The need for transnational infrastructure across Eur- relating to the Ukraine conflict itself. AI and high-tech
asia, and across the Global South also, is huge, and are also areas of growing collaboration, as mentioned.
many of the key projects are large scale. The potential Semiconductor capital equipment is clearly one such
risk, in a world of fluctuating interest rates and sub- sector.
stantial geopolitical tensions, is unfortunately high, so One should not, however, overgeneralize the
co-financing could be an important means of reduc- scale of this cooperation. While it is growing in energy
ing risk for any one institution, while serving broader and possibly in electronics and AI, commercial ten-
human goals. It would also be a means of reaffirming sions remain across the Atlantic in many sectors, and
shared commitment to stable interdependence, while those often become politicized as well. Internet regu-
sharing technical expertise and moving toward uniform lation and taxation, for example, is an area where Eu-
evaluation standards. ropean regulatory authorities and American high-tech
firms have frequently clashed.
There are also geographical differences within
Europe in the degree of transatlantic cooperation.
Anglo-American cooperation, in particular, has in-
tensified, in part due to structurally similar regulatory
systems and economic complementarities. Yet coop-
eration with Germany and France has developed more
slowly, and with more local regulatory resistance, es-
pecially in sectors like telecommunications.
Implications for the broader world are probably
mixed. To the extent that transatlantic cooperation ac-
celerates the pace of global technological advance-
ment and growth, and the supply of globally tradeable
goods, the results could be internationally positive. The
danger, however, in some cases is politically tinged
exclusivism, that accelerates inflation, especially in
the area of commodities, and geoeconomic rivalries in
technology. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 31

Chair Professor of Tsinghua University, Dean of
Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR) of Tsinghua
University, Member of the Chinese Academy of
Engineering (CAE)

问:ChatGPT让世人对AI的认知进入新阶段。AI在 则——理解技术本身的意义及其可能带来的结果。在做
下一时期可能会在哪些产业得到快速运用?对就业的冲 科研时,人们通常专注于“如何”
击有多大? 人工智能时代,研究人员必须明白技术的使用情况和潜
答:根据麦卡锡发布的报告预测,到2030年AI带来 在的滥用情况,并将伦理问题和价值观置于技术之上。
AI技术与产业的融合。这意味着AI带来的GDP将超过 问:疫情是数字化发展的催化剂。在疫情之中,远程
中国的GDP。这是一个非常震撼的数字,这也将是人类 办公、电子商务、大数据等都对维持社会和经济的基本
历史上前所未有的产业革命规模。 运转起到关键作用。但疫情演变三年,数字化进程让生
我认为我们已经开启了第四次工业革命的序章。以 产率激增的证据还有待观察。从您所在的行业看,数字
人工智能技术为核心驱动力,在不久的将来,从整个世 化到底可以解决怎样的行业痛点?如何能够在提升生产
界到每个人的生存状态,都会变得更加智能。 率方面起到真实推动?
值得关注的一点是,我认为研究AI技术,推动AI技 答:IT技术的发展有三个大的趋势,数字内容从1.0
术产业落地时,需要尽可能地秉持3R原则,即Respon- 时代逐步迈入3.0时代;人工智能从符号推理、深度学习,
、Responsible(坚 走向知识+数据驱动的3.0;产业从信息化、互联网+,走
。特别是最近以ChatGPT为代表的生成式AI给 向智能+3.0时代。
我们带来更多的责任和要求。 现在,我们进入了数字化3.0时期,一是物理世界的
首先,第一原则是积极响应。在AI技术的快速发展 数字化,我也把它叫做“互联网的物理化”——汽车、公
中,研究者应致力于研究回应社会和行业需求的技术, 路、交通、工厂、电网、机器,乃至所有移动设备、家庭、
例如,用来预测和防范疫情的数据分析模型,推动药物 城市都在数字化。数据指数增长,比如一辆无人车每天
发明进程的深度学习算法,提升个人健康水平的应用开 产生的数据量大约5T;相比于数据主要提供给人员辅助
发,以及能够挽救生命、减少交通事故、改善环境的自动 决策的1.0和2.0时代,数字化3.0时期99%以上数据是
驾驶和智慧交通等技术。 M2M和机器决策。
第二原则是适应发展。AI技术的发展与突破并非单 二是生物世界的数字化,我们的大脑、器官、DNA、
向度的,并不仅仅以模型的精度和鲁棒性判断一切。我们 蛋白质、细胞、分子……都在数字化。生物芯片、组学技
在推进技术发展过程中,要使其更透明,更具解释说服 术和高通量实验产生了天文级的数据。从虚拟、宏观到
力。同时减少数据偏差及泄露、模型漏洞、算法攻击情况 微观,整个数字信息世界、物理世界和生物世界正在走
的出现,解决存在的安全风险,另外还要开发新的算法, 向融合。
不仅要包含大数据及计算功能,还要包含因果关系和逻 产业从互联网+走向智能+3.0时代。数字经济3.0带
辑关系的相关知识和推理能力。 来了新行业的出现,尤其是无人的自动化行业,如无人
第三原则是坚守价值。在研究理论、算法,尤其是 车、无人机、无人商店和无人车间,这既是挑战,也是机
适用于不同行业的应用模型时,必须牢记一个重要的原 遇。■

32 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q: ChatGPT has brought the world’s awareness mind a key principle — understanding the meaning of the
of AI to a new stage. In which industries will AI be rapidly technology itself, and the results it could produce. When
applied in the coming years? How deep will the impact be conducting scientific research, people often focus on the
on employment? “how”and neglect the“why.”In the AI era, it is impera-
tive that researchers understand the uses and potential
A: McKinsey’s report estimates that AI could add abuses of technology, and regard moral issues and val-
more than $15 trillion to GDP, in aggregate, by 2030, with ues as priorities over technology.
most of the value derived from integrating AI and indus-
try. This implies that GDP generated by AI may exceed Q: The pandemic has been a catalyst for digital de-
China’s GDP, an extraordinary figure. This is an indus- velopment. Telecommuting, e-commerce, and big data
trial revolution of unprecedented scale in human history. played a key role in maintaining the basic operation of
I believe that the prelude to the Fourth Industrial society and the economy during this period. However,
Revolution has already begun. With AI technology as the evidence that the digitalization process has allowed pro-
core driver, the living conditions of every person on earth ductivity to surge remains to be seen three years into the
will become more intelligent in the near future. pandemic. From the perspective of your industry, what
It is worth highlighting that I believe that we should kind of industry pain points can digitalization address?
do our best to uphold the 3Rs principle, i.e., to be Re- How can it play a role in improving productivity?
sponsive, Resilient and Responsible when conducting
research into AI technology and promoting the implemen- A: There are three major development trends in IT
tation of such technology. In particular, generative AI has technology: digital content moving gradually from the 1.0
placed more responsibility and demands on us. era to the 3.0 era; AI moving from symbolic reasoning and
The first principle is“Responsive”. Given the rapid deep learning to knowledge + digital driven 3.0; and in-
development in AI technology, researchers must be dustry moving from information and internet+ to the intel-
committed to researching technologies that respond to ligent+ 3.0 era.
societal and industry requirements and demands. Ex- We have now entered the digitalization 3.0 era. This
amples of such technologies would include data analysis includes, first, the digitization of the physical world, or
models that predict and prevent pandemics, deep learn- what I would like to refer to as the“physicalization of the
ing algorithms that advance the process of pharmaceu- internet”— i.e., digitization carried out in cars, roads, traf-
tical inventions, development of applications that improve fic, factories, power grids, machines and even all mobile
personal health, as well as autonomous vehicles and devices, homes and cities. Data will grow exponentially.
intelligent transport systems that can save lives, reduce For example, an autonomous vehicle generates approxi-
traffic accidents, and improve the environment. mately 5 terabytes of data each day. Compared to the 1.0
The second principle is“Resilient”. Developments and 2.0 eras when data was primarily provided to assist
and breakthroughs in AI technology are neither one- people in making decisions, more than 99% of data in the
dimensional nor do they determine everything based on digitalization 3.0 era will be for M2M purposes and ma-
a model’s precision and robustness. In the process of chine decision-making.
developing technology, we must make it more transparent Second, digitization of the biological world. Our brain,
and more persuasive in terms of interpretability. Reduc- organs, DNA, protein, cells and molecules, among others,
ing data bias and leakage, model vulnerability and algo- are being digitized too. Biochips, omics technology, and
rithm attacks, while resolving existing risks, and having high-throughput experimentation have generated an as-
to develop new algorithms all at the same time not only tronomical amount of data. From the virtual and macro to
requires big data and computing capabilities but also rel- the micro level, the entire digital information, physical and
evant knowledge and reasoning capabilities on cause- biological worlds are moving toward integration.
and-effect relationships as well as logical relationships. Industry has moved from the internet+ to the intel-
The third principle is“Responsible”. When studying ligent+ 3.0 era. Digital economy 3.0 will introduce new
theories and algorithms, particularly application mod- industries, particularly unmanned automated industries,
els applicable to different industries, we must bear in This is both a challenge and an opportunity. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 33
阿卜杜拉哈曼·阿尔 -法季

Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh
Board Member of the Boao Forum for Asia,

接转化为化工产品,我们能简化甚至省略一些能源消耗 链伙伴、品牌商、零售商和业界同仁都建立起了长期的
量较大的炼油流程,从而降低成本并提升运营效率。因 合作伙伴关系。与此同时,我们在化工价值链中的优势
此,可以说原油制化工品技术正在推动化工行业向更低 地位使我们能够与上下游企业紧密协作,进而推进化工
的碳排放强度和更高的资本效率迈进,并在同时提高化 行业内外的可持续商业实践。面对关键市场中资产和基
工产品的附加值。 础设施潜在的变革趋势,我们必须构建一个健康的企业
在此前提下,未来十年,SABIC将结合低碳工艺 生态系统,促进能源、化工和废弃物管理等产业里所有
技术,持续探索碳氢化合物制化工品更直接和优化的 相关方的协作。
路径。事实上,我们日前已经宣布开始研究在沙特 Ras SABIC相信,通过深化和扩大合作,化工行业能够
Al-Khair建立一座将石油及其他液体原料转化为化工 进一步赋能循环经济的发展,在未来实现真正的可持续
产品的大型联合体,预计每天可以将 40万桶石油转化为 增长。通过价值链的循环,也就是将废弃物进行回收再
化工产品。 利用,可以有效应对气候变化、生物多样性丧失和塑料
我们相信,原油制化工品技术将有效降低化工产品 污染等问题。
的生产成本,同时减少与石油和天然气生产相关的碳足 在过去几年中,SABIC通过TRUCIRCLE™可持续
迹。作为行业领导者,SABIC将一如既往致力于通过创 解决方案深化对循环经济的承诺,并重新思考和制定了
新的技术和工艺设备,在可持续发展道路上全力支持全 我们开展业务的准则。如今,TRUCIRCLE™可持续解
球能源转型,持续助力实现我们在循环经济和净零碳排 决方案已经广泛应用于鼠标、汽车内饰、玩具、食品包装
放方面的目标。 等多个领域,赋予废弃塑料新的生命。
问:应对全球气候变暖和实现低碳绿色发展,需要 吨TRUCIRCLE™可持续材料的目标。结合此前公司公
推动社会组织、经济生产和生活方式变革。从您所在行 布的2050年前(在自身运营可控范畴内)实现碳中和的
业的角度来看,怎样的改变是必要的?行业还需要在哪 目标,我们将继续加大在创新上的投资,推进跨行业及
些技术上寻求突破? 行业间的协作,力求扩大我们在可持续发展方面的影响
答:SABIC坚信协作的力量,我们也与客户、供应 力。■

34 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Industry Voices
rels per day of oil into chemicals.
We believe LtC processing can lead the world to
chemicals that are less expensive to produce while at the
same time reducing the carbon footprint associated with
oil and gas production. SABIC is committed to leading the
way with technological innovation and new processing
facilities to support the global energy transition and our
circular and net zero carbon ambitions.

Q: Coping with global warming and realizing low-

carbon and green development requires changes in social
organization, economic production, and lifestyle. From the
perspective of your industry, what changes should be made,
and what major technological breakthroughs are needed?

A: At SABIC, we believe in the power of collabora-

tion. That is why we have established long-term relation-
ships with our customers, supply-chain partners, brand
owners, retailers, and industry peers. We think our strong
position in the chemicals value chain enables us to col-
laborate with partners upstream and downstream to ad-
Q:What will be the most important technological
vance sustainable business practices inside and outside
breakthrough in your industry over the next decade? In
the chemical industry. With so much potential change
what ways will the resulting economic and social progress
in assets and infrastructure in so many key markets, we
be reflected?
have to foster a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem that
facilitates the orchestration of all relevant actors in the
A:In SABIC’s view, the most important technological
energy, chemical and waste-management industries.
development in the chemicals industry over the next decade By deepening and broadening this collaboration,
will be the increased processing of unrefined liquids from oil SABIC believes that the chemical industry can build the
and gas fields directly into chemicals while in parallel deliver- circular economy that is essential for true sustainability.
ing innovation to enable the industries commitment to carbo Circularizing the value chain—that is, linking a product’s
neutrality. Such low carbon intensive Liquids-to-Chemicals end of life with a new beginning—helps to tackle the cur-
(LtC) processing will enable oil and gas producers to contin- rent planetary crises related to a changing climate, loss of
ue to create value in the global economy even as the world biodiversity, and plastic pollution.
moves further along in its energy transition. By converting During past few years, through our TRUCIRCLE™
hydrocarbon liquids directly to chemicals, the industry can portfolio of solutions, SABIC has deepened our commit-
help streamline or even eliminate energy-intensive refining ment to the circular economy and developed a framework
processes, taking advantage of cost and operational ef- through which we rethink how we conduct our business.
ficiencies. LtC is thus driving the industry toward lower car- TRUCIRCLE™ solutions have already been giving a new
bon intensity and higher capital efficiency while adding more lease of life to plastic waste in applications including com-
value to its products. puter mouses, automotive interiors, toys, food packaging,
So, for the next decade, SABIC will be exploring the and many more.
optimal pathways to derive chemicals more directly from SABIC recently unveiled its ambition to process one
hydrocarbons coupled with low carbon intensive process million metric tons of TRUCIRCLE™ solutions annually by
solutions. In fact, we have announced the start to study 2030. With our prior pledge to become carbon neutral by
the establishment of a complex to convert oil and liquids 2050 also in mind, we will continue to invest in innovation
into petrochemicals in Ras Al-Khair in the Kingdom of and promote collaboration across the industry and be-
Saudi Arabia, which is expected to convert 400,000 bar- tween industries to accelerate this impact. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 35

ZENG Congqin
Corporate Member of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA),
Secretary of the CPC Committee and Chairman of Wuliangye
Group Co., Ltd and Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

问:根据世界数据实验室(World Data Lab)的数据显 问:

示,中产阶级——人均日支出在11美元至110美元之间 是倡议提出十周年。中国与“一带一路”沿线国家高质量
的家庭,目前全球约有40亿人。预计到2030年,亚洲将有 共建了中欧班列、中老铁路等一系列重大互联互通项目,
10亿人加入中产阶级。这一变化可能会带来消费市场和 硕果累累。2022年七国集团提出了6000亿美元的全球基
竞争力的剧变,你如何理解亚洲中产阶级崛起带来的机 础设施伙伴倡议。国际社会如何推动全球互联互通建设
遇? 在规划、资金、技术等方面的有机合作,防止阵营化?
答:2030年,亚洲中产阶级将成为规模庞大的消费 答:促进互联互通,坚持开放包容,可以联络感情、
群体,中产崛起带来的消费支出扩大,将成为刺激区域 增进理解、交流技术,实现全球范围内利益共享、责任共
内消费需求的直接动力,对实现亚洲经济贸易的快速修 担,是应对全球化危机和实现长远发展的必由之路。中
复与发展起到重要作用。 国一直以来都是阵营化对抗和结盟的坚定反对者,坚定
亚洲中产阶级主要是80后、90后,互联网和社交媒 维护和践行多边主义。自2013年“一带一路”倡议提出,
体对其产生了深刻影响,消费偏好更加多元化,在追求 十年来,战略合作对接持续扩容,基础设施项目有序落
实用性的同时,也更注重个性化、智能化体验和自我表 地,多个高峰论坛有效举办,
达。消费习惯的改变将带动即时零售、直播带货、在线文 人文交流、民心相通不断深入,让系列建设成果惠泽各
娱等为代表的新消费模式,驱动新品牌崛起,重塑消费 方。
场景,缩短消费链条。 立足“一带一路”建设的成功经验,推动全球互联互
对白酒而言,将迎来三大机遇: 通建议在以下三个方面重点发力:
一是需求侧转型升级,进入品质消费时代。消费是 一是凝聚发展新共识。全球互联互通是跨越国界、
拉动中国经济增长的主要动力,中产阶级崛起将延续“不 超越时间、呈系统性的庞大工程,要秉持开放、包容、普
缺酒但长期缺好酒”状态,更高品质、更有个性、更有特 惠、平衡、共赢的全球伙伴理念,坚持共商共建共享原则,
色的产品将更受欢迎。 让全球互联互通超越大国博弈。
二是供给侧改革深化,推动行业转型升级。消费观 二是推动战略新合作。积极推动多边化机制,实现
念的改变将促使白酒企业在品质品牌、科技创新、价值 更多领域、更多区域、更多技术的合作,积极签署双边、
表达等方面持续发力,市场也将逐渐淘汰落后产能、低 多边贸易协定,破除贸易壁垒,让更多人享受全球市场
效产能,推动行业加快转型升级。 发展福祉。
三是提升国际影响力,助力走向世界。摩根士丹利 三是构建互联新体系。资金融通是全球互联互通的
发布的《2023全球宏观经济展望》认为,亚洲将成为全 支撑和保证,建议推动构建多层次的金融服务体系,积
球经济增长动力。中产阶级是白酒的主要消费群体,随 极开展金融合作。同时构建优势互补、包容发展的产业
着亚洲国际影响力的持续提升,将带动中国白酒加速国 链分工体系,促进区域产业链融合升级和经济协同发
际化进程,让更多国际友人爱上中国白酒。 展。■

36 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q:According to World Data Lab, the middle class — internationalization process and make more international
households with per-capita spending of between $11 and friends fall in love with Chinese Baijiu.
$110 per day — now number about 4 billion worldwide.
One billion people in Asia are expected to join the middle Q:The year 2023 is the 10th anniversary of the Belt
class by 2030. This change may bring drastic changes to and Road Initiative (BRI), a China-proposed global initiative.
the consumer market and competitiveness. What is your China and the countries along the BRI have built a series
understanding of the opportunities brought by the rise of of significant interconnection projects, such as the China-
the Asian middle class? Europe Railway Express and the China-Laos Railway, with
fruitful results. In 2022, the G7 launched the $600 billion
A: By 2030, Asia’s middle class will become a Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. What
massive consumer group. The expansion of consumer can the international community do to promote synergy in
spending brought about by the rise of the middle class planning, financing, and technology application in building
will directly stimulate consumer demand in the region and global interconnection while preventing fragmentation?
play an important role for Asian economy and trade repair
and development. A: Promoting connectivity and upholding openness
The Asian middle class, mainly the post-80s and and inclusiveness can help to build relationships, improve
post-90s, has been profoundly influenced by the internet understanding, exchange technologies, and achieve
and social media. Their consumption preferences are shared benefits and responsibilities on a global scale,
thus more diversified, and while they seek practicality, which is the necessary way to cope with global crisis and
they also place greater emphasis on personalized, intel- achieve long-term development. China has always been
ligent experiences and self-expression. The change in a staunch opponent of bloc confrontation and alliance and
consumption habits will lead to new consumption modes has firmly upheld and practiced multilateralism.
represented by instant retail, live-streaming sales and Based on the successful experience of the Belt and
online entertainment, driving the rise of new brands, re- Road construction, efforts should be focused on the fol-
shaping the consumption scenarios and shortening the lowing three areas to promote global connectivity:
consumption chain. First, forge new consensus on development. Global
For Baijiu, there will be three major opportunities. connectivity is a huge and systemic project that tran-
First, demand-side transformation and quality con- scends borders and time. It is a global partnership that is
sumption. Consumption is the main driver of China’s open, inclusive,balanced and beneficial for all. It adheres
economic growth. The market is not short of liquor, but to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribu-
lacks high-quality liquor, a trend that would continue with tion, and shared benefits,pushing forward global connec-
the rise of the middle class. Therefore, products featur- tivity rather than great power competition.
ing higher quality, personality and characteristics will be Second, advance new strategic cooperation. We
more popular. should actively promote multilateral mechanisms and re-
Second, supply-side reform and industry transfor- alize cooperation in more fields, more regions and more
mation and upgrades. Changes in consumer concepts technologies, actively sign bilateral and multilateral trade
will prompt Baijiu companies to continue to make efforts in agreements, break down trade barriers, and let more
quality, branding, technological innovation and presenta- people enjoy the benefits of global market development.
tion, and the market will gradually eliminate backward and Third, build a new system of connectivity. Financial
inefficient production capacity to accelerate the transfor- integration is the support and guarantee of global con-
mation and upgrading of the industry. nectivity, and it is recommended to promote the con-
Third, international influence and global presence. struction of a multi-level financial service system and
The 2023 Global Macro Outlook released by Morgan actively carry out financial cooperation. At the same time,
Stanley believes that Asia will become the driving force we should build an industrial chain division system that is
of global economic growth. The middle class is the main complementary and inclusive, and promote the integra-
consumer group of Baijiu, and as Asia’s international in- tion and upgrading of regional industrial chains and col-
fluence continues to rise,Chinese Baijiu will accelerate its laborative economic development. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 37

CHEY Tae-won
Corporate Member of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA),
Chairman and CEO of SK Group

问:在不确定性的世界中企业最重视什么?绿色发 companies. Today, we are facing various challenges

展是一种生产方式的变革,也带来商业模式的革新,对 such as Russia-Ukraine war, climate change, pan-
于企业来说,需要什么样的行动? demic, digital divide, et cetera. These challenges are
“关系”对企业来说至关重要。现如 unprecedented, where different generations, classes
今,我们面临着俄乌冲突、气候变化、流行性疾病、数字 and factions conflict each other. It is hard to resolve

Q:What does an enterprise value the most in

an uncertain world? Green development is changing
production methods and creating innovative business
models. How can enterprises make the most of this

A:Nowadays,“Relationship”greatly matters to

38 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
these problems solely relying on individual efforts. It thermore, SK set a challenging goal of reducing 200
requires diverse people to work together, gather ideas million tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030,
and come up with effective solutions through their re- which is 1% of the global gas emission reduction tar-
lationships. In the future, the very edge of a company get. Additionally, SK is committed to building a“Volun-
will be the scale and depth of the“Relationship”as tary Carbon Market”
, stimulating businesses and so-
well as trust of its stakeholders who support its sincere cial groups to actively participate in carbon reduction,
devotion on relationship. leading the acceleration of transition to a low-carbon/
One of the severe problems the whole world decarbonized society.
experiences these days is the environmental issue, SK works hard to solve global problems through
which is the relationship between the earth and hu- various kinds of relationships, motivate participation of
manity. The earth does not wait for humanity, and now outside communities, and construct deep trust from
it’s the time for companies to engage in a constructive stakeholders, which will finally be concluded in provid-
dialogue with the earth. In this respect, SK became ing appropriate and sustainable solutions to global is-
the first Korean company to join“RE100”in 2020. Fur- sues. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 39

ZHANG Jianqiu
CEO of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd.

问:绿色发展是一种生产方式的变革,也带来商业 济将陷入衰退,争议在于衰退的深浅和长短。您如何评
模式的革新,对于企业来说,需要什么样的行动? 估2023年全球经济的主要风险?你所在的行业将面临哪
答:早在 2007年,伊利潘刚董事长就率先提出“绿 些机遇与挑战?
色领导力”,并在2009年进一步升级为伊利的“绿色产 答:当前,我们正身处百年未有之大变局中,在消
业链战略”,倡导“绿色生产、绿色消费、绿色发展”三位 费者偏好及零售市场不断变化发展的背景下,挑战与机
一体的发展理念。 遇并存。对于伊利而言,一方面,后疫情时代,消费市场
多年以来,伊利始终积极践行绿色发展理念,实施 逐渐回暖,消费者的健康意识和消费需求进一步提升,
全生命周期绿色行动,从源头控制能耗,降低温室气体 乳制品作为补充人体所需优质蛋白的重要来源,人均消
排放量和引导全产业链等各环节上,最大限度减少对环 费量还有很大增长空间;另一方面,消费者对品质更好、
境的影响;伊利自 2010年起就开展企业内的全面碳盘 成分更健康的产品的需求增加,市场竞争更为激烈。在
查,是行业内第一家开展碳盘查的企业。 积极应对挑战的同时,抓住新的发展机遇,惟有精准洞
2022年,伊利发布《伊利集团零碳未来计划》和《伊 察消费趋势,专注聚焦、不断进行针对性的创新,加速新
利集团零碳未来计划路线图》,成为中国食品行业第一 渠道的布局、深耕市场,才是跑赢未来的关键。
家发布双碳目标及路线图的企业,以实际行动助力国家 伊利以消费者为中心,倾听消费者声音,满足消费
“双碳”目标的实现;截至目前,伊利成功提交了科学碳 者需求,伊利从全球视角布设一张涵盖全球领先研发机
,取得全国首张电碳市场双认证的“绿 构的全球创新网络。
电交易凭证”,发布 5款“零碳产品”,打造5个“零碳工 伊利大洋洲生产基地是全球最大的一体化乳业基
厂”,建立行业首个“零碳联盟”,31家分子公司获得国 地,覆盖科研、生产、深加工、包装等多个领域;伊利与
家级“绿色工厂”的认证,总数位居行业第一。 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学联手打造伊利欧洲创新中心,这是中
可持续的能力,代表了企业的未来领导力。伊利通 国规格最高的海外研发中心。在产业链上游,伊利建设
过实施全生命周期减碳行动,在寻求企业高质量发展的 智慧牧场,运用人工智能识别技术,提升奶源质量管理
同时,推动产业链共赢。在上游,伊利积极探索种养一体 流程识别的精度和广度;在产业链中游,伊利打造智能
化的模式,将数字化、智能化的技术与传统的养殖业相 工厂,通过自动化生产线与机器人的紧密配合,优化生
结合。在下游,伊利倡导绿色生活方式,持续研发低碳 产管理;在产业链下游,伊利应用数字化技术在社区新
包装,生产从原料包装到废弃物全程净零排放的零碳产 零售、消费市场发展态势等方面深入研究,指导经营实
品。 践。
伊利承诺,将在2050年前实现全产业链碳中和目 伊利信心十足、干劲倍增,瞄准机遇、积蓄动能,将
标。我们愿与各方加强合作,凝聚产业力量,共同打造更 依托充满韧性的中国经济和极具活力的市场,立足健康
加绿色、可持续的乳业,持续创造更大价值。 产业,在继续做实产业、做稳底盘、做优布局的同时,加
问:经济学家和企业家们都倾向于预测明年全球经 成就伟大的健康事业。■

40 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q:Green development is changing production Q:Many economists and entrepreneurs predict
methods and creating innovative business models. How that the global economy may fall into a recession next
can enterprises make the most of this trend? year. What do you see as the main risks to the global
economy in 2023? What opportunities and challenges
A:In 2007, Yili’s Chairman Pan Gang was the first will your industry face?
to put forward the concept of“green leadership, ”which
was subsequently upgraded to Yili’s“green industry A:The world today is undergoing profound changes
chain strategy”in 2009, integrating“green production, unseen in a century. Challenges and opportunities
green consumption and green development.” coexist in the context of changing consumer prefer-
The concept of green development has been ac- ences and evolving retail markets. For Yili, on the one
tively practiced by Yili over the years, and the company hand, the consumer market has steadily recovered in
has implemented lifecycle green initiatives, managed en- the post-pandemic era, and consumer demand and
ergy consumption at the source, decreased greenhouse health awareness have been further enhanced. Dairy
gas emissions, and directed the entire industrial chain to consumption per capita still has a lot of space to expand
minimize environmental impact. Since 2010, Yili has been because it is a significant source of high-quality protein.
conducting corporate carbon inventory assessment, On the other hand, the market is experiencing increas-
making it the first company in the sector to do so. ingly intense competition as consumers want items with
“Plan for a Net Zero Carbon Future”and“Roadmap higher standards of quality and a healthier composition.
to a Net Zero Carbon Future”were launched in 2022 by We should seize fresh development opportunities while
Yili, making it the first company in China’s food indus- actively addressing difficulties. We can only succeed by
try to do so. By taking concrete steps, Yili is helping the clearly identifying consumption trends, concentrating on
country achieve its carbon peaking and carbon neutral- and consistently developing focused innovations, expe-
ity targets. Yili has so far been successful in submitting diting the design of new channels, and expanding market
science-based targets (SBTi), obtaining the first“green research.
electricity exchange certificate”with dual certification in Yili puts customers first, pays attention to their
China’s electricity-carbon market, releasing five“net- voices, and satisfies their needs. And Yili has estab-
zero products, ”constructing five“net-zero factories, ” lished a global innovation network that includes top
founding the first“net zero carbon alliance”in the sec- R&D organizations worldwide. covering scientific re-
tor, and obtaining national“green factory”certification search, production, deep processing, packaging, and
for 31 subsidiaries, the largest number in the field. other fields. Yili also constructed a smart farm at the top
The enterprise’s future is represented by sustain- of the supply chain, utilizing artificial intelligence to in-
ability. Yili seeks to establish high-quality businesses crease the precision and scope of milk quality manage-
while promoting a win-win situation for the industrial ment. In the middle of the chain, Yili has constructed an
chain by adopting a full lifecycle carbon reduction ap- intelligent factory, introducing close collaboration be-
proach. Yili is actively investigating the integrated farm- tween automated production lines and robots to opti-
ing and breeding model upstream, fusing modern, mize production management. At the downstream seg-
intelligent technologies with conventional agriculture. In ment, Yili employs digital technology in new community
the downstream, Yili promotes living sustainably, cre- retail, consumer market development, and other areas
ates low-carbon packaging, and develops net-zero of in-depth research to guide its business practices.
products with net-zero emissions from raw material Self-assured and vibrant, Yili pursues oppor-
packaging to disposal. tunities and gains traction. Yili is fervently produc-
Yili has committed to pursuing carbon neutrality ing healthy milk for consumers and achieving a great
across the entire industrial chain by 2050. We stand health business by relying on the robust Chinese
ready to carry out cooperation with all other parties to economy and highly dynamic market. Yili will continue
create a mighty industrial force, jointly build a greener to solidify the industry, lay a sound foundation, and
and more sustainable dairy industry, and continue to optimize the layout while speeding up digital transfor-
create more value. mation and upgrading. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 41

Member of Council of Advisors of the Boao
Forum for Asia (BFA), Chair of AstraZeneca

问:世卫组织1月30日声明指出,尽管新冠大流行可 问:绿色发展是一种生产方式的变革,也带来商业
能正接近转折点,但目前仍构成“国际关注的突发公共 模式的革新,对于企业来说,需要什么样的行动?
。疫情带给全球经济的疤痕有多大?会有哪些 答:据悉,全球温室气体排放中,大约4%-5%来自
持续影响?新冠给人类社会带来了怎样的思考和教训? 医疗健康行业,因此,我们共同肩负着巨大的责任,不仅
在国际协调与合作,如何共同应对下一次大流行? 要改善我们的生产和供应链,还要改善我们为患者提供
答:尽管疫情仍旧牵动着民心,但我们必须立刻从 的医疗服务,助力解决社会所面临的巨大挑战。
中吸取教训并采取积极行动去应对。过往我们在疫苗生 阿斯利康致力于通过诊断和治疗为生命带来改善。
产和使用方面取得了巨大的进展,现在我们需要的是建 然而,我们没有治愈气候变化的药物,科学告诉我们,确
立一个“时刻准备着”的医疗卫生系统来应对未来可能的 保我们子孙后代所生活的星球保持可持续是非常急迫
挑战,这就需要来自公共和企业等多方通力合作以及坚 的。
实的合作伙伴关系来实现。 作为一家全球化企业,我们推出了“零碳雄心”计划,
这场疫情充分证实了,全球范围内的持续合作不仅 致力于塑造可持续的医疗服务,确保我们的整个价值链
有可能拯救数百万人的生命,还能降低数十亿至数百亿 在2030年实现负碳排放,将脱碳计划进程提前十余年。
美元的经济影响和医疗费用。 此前,我们已经见证了规模化的政企合作关系是如
世界卫生组织正在通过谈判致力于实施一项关于卫 何推动创新和拯救生命的,我们应该利用这种合作模式
生应急准备的国际协议,来避免新冠疫情在全球造成的 来加速脱碳进程。为此,阿斯利康正在积极推动“可持续
重大影响再次发生。这些努力至关重要,它将确保在危 市场倡议”
机发生时采取迅速和及时的应对行动,包括平等地获得 实现净零、可持续的医疗卫生发展,以改善个人、社会和
医疗服务和医疗用品、全面的信息共享、强化的法律体 整个地球的健康。该工作组汇集了来自全球生命科学、
系,以及增加对发展中国家的经济支持。 卫生保健系统、多边和政策机构以及学术界的13位行业
此外,我们也需要转变“医疗卫生服务需要严控成 领袖及专家。我们也很高兴看到SMI在中国启动,并很
本”的观点。投资于医疗就是投资于社会和经济的长期发 荣幸参加了去年在中国举行的首届会议。
展,健康是一切发展的基础。因此,我们应当优先通过教 同时,我们还发起了“阿斯利康森林”全球倡议,与
育和宣传来预防疾病的发生。这也是阿斯利康自2010年 地方政府和专注于全球再造林的非营利组织合作,计划
以来,在包括中国、印度、印度尼西亚、泰国等30个国家 在2025年底前在全球范围内种植和维护5000万棵树木。
和地区积极推广青少年健康关爱项目的初衷。 我们非常自豪能够与具有前瞻性的社会各界开展合
新冠疫情给我们创造了一个很好的机会来吸取经验 作,包括其他医疗机构和全球非政府组织机构等,以加
教训,重新审视基层和社区机构的作用并开展合作。我 速这一转变。科学告诉我们,阻止气候变化危害地球刻
们必须通过与一系列合作伙伴的合作,持续探索突破科 不容缓,我们每个人都应当行动起来,我相信,全球合作
学、大数据和新技术的疆域,进一步改善医疗卫生服务, 对确保安全的未来发挥着关键作用。没有任何一个组织、
。 政府或机构可以单独做到这一点。■

42 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q:The World Health Organization (WHO) an- methods and creating innovative business models. How
nounced on January 30th that the COVID-19 pandemic can enterprises make the most of this trend?
still constitutes a“Public Health Emergency of Interna-
tional Concern (PHEIC), ”although the pandemic may be A: Approximately 4%-5% of global greenhouse
approaching an inflection point. How large an economic gas emissions come from the healthcare sector, so col-
scar has the pandemic left? What are its ongoing im- lectively we have an immense responsibility, not only to
pacts? What lessons human society has learned from it, improve our production and supply chains but also the
including how to deal with the next pandemic coordina- delivery of patient care to tackle one of society’s greatest
tively and cooperatively? challenges.
At AstraZeneca we are committed to transforming
A:While the pandemic is an ongoing concern, we lives through diagnostics and treatment. However, there
must act now on the lessons learned from it. We made is no pill for climate change, and science tells us that we
huge strides in vaccine manufacturing and rollout capac- are running out of time to ensure the sustainability of our
ity so now we need to ensure an‘always ready’system planet for future generations.
for any future crisis. This will take committed collaboration As a global business, we launched Ambition Carbon
across the public-private sector and solid partnerships to Zero, a bold programme to transform sustainable health-
achieve pandemic preparedness. care delivery which will ensure our entire value chain is
The pandemic demonstrated that ongoing collabo- carbon negative by 2030, bringing forward decarbonisa-
ration on a global scale has the potential to not only save tion plans by more than a decade.
millions of lives, but also to save billions of dollars in eco- We have witnessed how public-private partner-
nomic impact and healthcare costs. ships delivered at scale can drive innovation and save
The World Health Organisation is working to negoti- lives, and we should use this model of cooperation to ac-
ate and commit to implementing an international agree- celerate efforts to decarbonise. AstraZeneca champions
ment on health emergency preparedness, to avoid a the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) Health Systems
repeat of the significant impact COVID-19 had across Taskforce, bringing together 13 leaders including CEOs or
the globe. It is crucial that these efforts are supported to equivalents from global life sciences, healthcare systems,
ensure swift and coordinated action in times of crises, multilateral and policy institutions and academia, whose
including equal access to healthcare and medical sup- goal is to accelerate the delivery of net zero, sustainable
plies, comprehensive information sharing, enhanced legal healthcare to improve individual, societal and planetary
frameworks, and increased financial support for develop- health. We are excited to see the SMI launch in China and
ing countries. were pleased to be part of the inaugural meeting here last
It’s also time we transform our view of healthcare as year.
a cost to be contained. To invest in healthcare is to invest We also launched AZ Forest, a global initiative to
in the long-term well-being of society and the economy, plant and maintain 50-million trees worldwide by the end
the foundation upon which everything else is built. of 2025, in partnership with local governments and non-
Working to prevent diseases through education profit organisations focused on global reforestation. Since
and awareness must therefore be a priority. That is why 2020, working with local governments and NGOs, we
since 2010, AstraZeneca has rolled out the Youth Health have planted over 10.5 million trees including in Australia,
Programme in 30 countries including in India, Indonesia, Indonesia, and Ghana. We expect growth of AZ Forest to
Thailand, and right here in China. accelerate now our projects and partnerships are estab-
We have a tremendous opportunity to take the les- lished.
sons from the pandemic and transform access for indi- We’re proud to be working with other forward-
viduals and communities who have been left behind. By thinking parties, including other healthcare organisations
working in collaboration with a range of partners, we must and global NGOs, to accelerate this transformation. Sci-
continue to push the boundaries of science, data, and ence tells us it’s time for everyone to do their part to limit
technology to improve how healthcare is delivered, with the impacts of the climate crisis on our planet and global
equitable access at the heart of everything we do. partnership-driven initiatives play a crucial role in ensur-
ing a secure future. No organisation, government, or in-
Q: Green development is changing production stitution can do it alone. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 43

Sukanto Tanoto
Chairman of RGE, Member of China Council for
International Cooperation on Environment and
Development (CCICED)

问:RCEP成员国覆盖全球近三分之一人口及GDP, 较于普通消费者,中产阶级不仅对消费品品质具有更高
是迄今为止涵盖范围最广、人口最多的一项自贸协定。 要求,还更关心产品是不是使用环保可持续的原材料,
RCEP给亚洲的企业带来哪些新机遇?RCEP是否会进 是否通过“负责任的生产过程”生产出来。这些要求将为
一步扩员? 企业提升品质和服务水平,追求可持续发展提供重要动
答:作为一家跨国的资源型制造企业,金鹰集团总 力。第三,中产阶级的崛起也意味着更多高素质人才的
部就位于RCEP成员国新加坡,同时在RCEP成员国中 涌现。而这些人力资源将成为推动企业发展壮大的重要
的印度尼西亚和中国都有大规模投资和布局,也与其他 力量。
RCEP成员国几乎都有生意往来。根据RCEP“原产地 正是看好亚洲中产阶级崛起带来的各种机遇,金鹰
,只要产品在加工过程中实现的增值部分属于 集团正在加大对亚洲,特别是对中国市场的投资力度。
15个成员国,且累计增值超过40%即可享受相应关税优 接下来,我们将在中国的江苏、广东等地新增投资数百
惠。这些RCEP特有的关税和投资优惠条款给像金鹰这 亿元人民币,在立足本地化人才战略的基础上,紧紧围
样的企业提供了前所未有的机遇和发展机会。因此,我 绕中国快速增长的中等收入群体需求,发展生产,延伸
们认为,RCEP无疑将为在这个区域内经营的企业带来 产业链,打造一批涵盖B端到C端的品牌产品。同时,金
更加开放和便利的贸易和投资环境,为企业发展提供更 鹰集团产业链从种植每一棵能够吸收二氧化碳、净化阳
多竞争优势。 光和水源的树木开始,通过绿色、负责任的可持续生产
我一直坚信,合作与发展始终是世界经济能够持续 方式,生产最具市场竞争力的高质量产品,这也将极大
繁荣、全球人们生活水平不断提高的关键。所以,对金鹰 满足中产阶级对消费品质和产品绿色可持续的要求。■

问:世界数据实验室(World Data Lab)的数据显示,中


44 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q:With member countries covering nearly one-third the largest economy and trade, and the greatest develop-
of the world’s population and GDP, the Regional Com- ment potential, can quickly become the most dynamic re-
prehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is the most gion in the entire world and contribute more to the growth
extensive and populous free trade agreement. What new of the Asian and global economies.
opportunities does the RCEP bring to Asian companies?
How do the RCEP and CPTPP work together? Will the Q:According to World Data Lab, the middle class —
RCEP expand further? households with per-capita spending of between $11 and
$110 per day — now number about 4 billion worldwide.
A: Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) is a transnational One billion people in Asia are expected to join the middle
resource-based manufacturing company with its head- class by 2030. This change may bring drastic changes to
quarters in Singapore, an RCEP member nation. It also the consumer market and competitiveness. What is your
conducts business with nearly all other RCEP members understanding of the opportunities brought by the rise of
in addition to making significant investments and building the Asian middle class?
infrastructure in China and Indonesia. The“Cumulation
of Origin Rule”of the RCEP states that a product qualifies A:Businesses with a strong focus on the Asian
for appropriate tariff preferences if the value-added por- market can benefit from a variety of opportunities brought
tion of its processing originates from one of the 15 mem- on by the emergence of the middle class in Asia. First, the
ber nations and the cumulative value added is greater growth of the middle class will inevitably result in higher
than 40%. Companies like RGE have access to unprec- consumer demand and a larger market. Undoubtedly, this
edented opportunities and room to grow thanks to these presents fantastic growth potential for businesses, par-
RCEP-specific tariff and investment preferences. As a ticularly those with a competitive market position. Second,
result, the RCEP will give businesses operating in the compared to average customers, the middle class has
area a more open and convenient environment for trade higher expectations for the quality of consumer goods and
and investment, as well as more advantages over their is more concerned with the use of environmentally friendly
competitors in terms of business growth. materials and“responsible production processes”in their
I have always believed that cooperation and devel- manufacture. These rules will give businesses significant
opment are critical to the world economy’s long-term motivation to raise quality and service standards and pur-
prosperity and the continuous improvement of people’s sue sustainable development. Finally, the expansion of
living standards around the world. As a result, we at RGE the middle class coincides with an increase in the number
sincerely hope that RCEP can be further expanded so of talented individuals. And these human resources will
that this free trade zone, which has the largest population, evolve into a significant force that propels the expansion
and development of businesses.
The prospects presented by the expansion of the
Asian middle class are precisely why the RGE is increas-
ing its investment in Asia, particularly in China. We plan
to make tens of billions of yuan in investments in Jiangsu,
Guangdong, and other regions of China. We will concen-
trate on the requirements of China’s rapidly increasing
middle-income groups, expand production, lengthen the
industrial chain, and build a variety of brand items from B-
end to C-end based on the talent localization approach.
In the meantime, RGE’s industrial chain begins with the
planting of trees that can absorb carbon dioxide and purify
water, and it then uses green, responsible, and sustain-
able production practices to create the most competitive,
high-quality products on the market. This will significantly
satisfy the middle class’s demand for high-quality, envi-
ronmentally friendly products. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 45

CHEN Wenqi
Chairman & CEO of VIA Technologies, Inc.

问:ChatGPT让世人对AI的认知进入新阶段。AI在 总体而言,人工智能对就业的影响可能是混合的,既有
下一时期可能会在哪些产业得到快速运用?对就业的冲 机遇,也有挑战。
答:目前,人工智能(AI)其实已经在很多行业中得 问:科技创新已成为国家发展的核心竞争力,多个
以应用,并预计将在未来十年保持这一趋势。以下是AI 国家大力推出针对关键技术以及未来新兴战略产业的国
在一些行业中应用的显著影响: 家产业政策。政府举措如何切实帮助加速创新?如果政
1.医疗行业:AI可以用于医疗诊断、药物发现和个 府想要在这方面有所作为,发力点应该是什么?
性化治疗计划,并帮助医生做出更准确的诊断和治疗计 答:政府可以通过提供资金支持、创造有利的政策
划,以减少医疗事故并改善患者治疗结果。 环境和促进不同利益相关者间的合作来加速创新。以下
2.制造业:AI可以用于优化生产流程、减少资源浪 是政府助力加速创新的举措的具体方式:
费、提高产品质量并用于预测性维护以减少停机时间和 1.提供资金支持:政府可以为科学研究和发展提供
提高效率。 资金和投资,包括基础研究、应用研究和技术转让。通过
3.金融业:AI可以用于欺诈检测、风险管理、个性化 支持创新思想、创新项目和创业公司,政府可以鼓励新
金融建议、算法交易和投资组合管理。 技术和新产业的发展。
4.零售业:AI可以用于个性化推荐、库存管理、优化 2.知识产权保护:政府可以提供知识产权保护,以
供应链,并为客户提供聊天机器人和虚拟助手的服务。 鼓励创新。这包括专利保护、商标和版权。通过保护知识
5.交通业:AI可以用于自动驾驶汽车、交通管理以 产权,政府可以创造一个鼓励创新投资和支持新技术发
及车辆和基础设施的预测性维护。 展的环境。
AI和智能聊天机器人等技术的发展和普及可以带来 3.监管框架:政府可以建立一个监管框架,鼓励创
更高效和有效的生产方式,确实会给我们的就业市场带 新,同时确保新技术对消费者和环境是安全的。通过简
来一定的冲击,尤其对一些简单且重复的工作会首先造 化法规,消除不必要的进入壁垒,政府可以帮助企业开
成威胁,AI技术可以帮助这类企业和组织更有效地完成 发新技术并将其商业化。
任务,从而减少人力成本。但是,AI对就业的影响是复杂 4.合作与伙伴关系:政府可以促进工业界、学术界
的,其净影响将取决于包括行业类别、工作性质、AI技术 和政府组织之间的合作与伙伴关系,以支持创新。通过
的应用程度等多个因素。虽然一些工作可能会被自动化, 将不同的利益相关者聚集在一起,政府可以创建一个鼓
AI的发展也将带来新的就业机会,例如AI技术工程师, 励思想、知识和资源交流的生态系统。
数据工程师、AI分析师、机器学习工程师等,这些技术的 5.教育和培训:政府可以投资于教育和培训项目,
发展需要更多的高技能工作人员来研发和维护。此外, 培养能够支持创新的熟练劳动力。通过提供科学、技术、
人工智能可以增强人类的能力,让员工专注于更复杂和 工程和数学(STEM, 即 Science, Technology, Engi-
创造性的任务。然而,可能会有一个过渡时期,工人需要 neering and Mathematics)方面的培训,政府可以帮
接受再培训或重新技能,以适应不断变化的劳动力市场。 助培养下一代创新者和企业家。■

46 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q:ChatGPT has brought the world’s awareness there may be a transitional period where workers need
of AI to a new stage. In which industries will AI be rapidly to be retrained or reskilled to adapt to the changing labor
applied in the coming years? How deep will the impact be market.
on employment?
Q: Technological innovation has become the core
A: AI is already being rapidly applied in many indus- competitiveness of national development, and many
tries, and it is expected that this trend will continue in the countries have vigorously launched industrial policies
next period. Here are some industries where AI is ex- targeting key technologies and emerging strategic indus-
pected to have a significant impact: tries. How can governments’policies help accelerate in-
1. Healthcare: AI can be used in medical diagnosis, novation? What are the pivotal points?
drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans. It can
help doctors make more accurate diagnoses and treat- A:Government initiatives can play a significant role
ments, reducing medical errors and improving patient in accelerating innovation by providing financial support,
outcomes. creating a favorable policy environment, and fostering
2. Manufacturing: AI can be used to optimize pro- collaboration between different stakeholders.
duction processes, reduce waste, and improve product 1. Funding and Investment: Governments can pro-
quality. It can also be used for predictive maintenance to vide funding and investment for scientific research and
reduce downtime and increase efficiency. development, including basic research, applied research,
3. Finance: AI can be used for fraud detection, risk and technology transfer. By supporting innovative ideas,
management, and personalized financial advice. It can projects, and startups, governments can encourage the
also be used for algorithmic trading and portfolio man- development of new technologies and industries.
agement. 2. Intellectual Property Protection: Governments can
4. Retail: AI can be used for personalized recom- provide intellectual property protection to encourage in-
mendations, inventory management, and supply chain novation. This can include patent protection, trademarks,
optimization. It can also be used for chatbots and virtual and copyrights. By protecting intellectual property, gov-
assistants to provide customer service. ernments can create an environment that encourages
5. Transportation: AI can be used for autonomous investment in innovation and supports the development of
vehicles, traffic management, and predictive maintenance new technologies.
for vehicles and infrastructure. 3. Regulatory Framework: Governments can create
The development and popularization of the technol- a regulatory framework that encourages innovation while
ogy of AI and chatbots can bring more efficient and ef- also ensuring that new technologies are safe for consum-
fective way of production, which will indeed bring certain ers and the environment. By streamlining regulations and
impact on the job market, especially for some simple and eliminating unnecessary barriers to entry, governments
repetitive work. AI technology can help such enterprises can help businesses to develop and commercialize new
and organizations complete tasks more effectively, thus technologies.
reducing labor costs. The impact of AI on employment 4. Collaboration and Partnerships: Governments can
is a complex issue, and the net impact will depend on a foster collaboration and partnerships between industry,
variety of factors, including the specific industry, the na- academia, and government organizations to support in-
ture of the work, and the degree to which AI technologies novation. By bringing together different stakeholders,
are adopted. While some jobs may be automated, the governments can create an ecosystem that encourages
development of AI will also bring new employment op- the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and resources.
portunities, such as AI technical engineers, data engi- 5. Education and Training: Governments can invest
neers, AI analysts, machine learning engineers, etc., the in education and training programs to develop a skilled
development of these technologies requires more highly workforce that can support innovation. By providing train-
skilled workers to develop and maintain. Additionally, AI ing in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
can augment human capabilities and allow workers to (STEM), governments can help to develop the next gen-
focus on more complex and creative tasks. However, eration of innovators and entrepreneurs. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 47

TANG Xiuguo
President of Sany Group Co. Ltd.

问:传统的国际贸易规则强调的是关境上的贸易规 答:RCEP协议的签订,不仅扩大了亚太15国的自
则,但美欧等发达经济体开始更多地强调关境内规则, 由贸易、产业合作,加速了亚太区域经济一体化进程,还
例如产品是否符合环保、劳工等特定标准,这将给WTO 将为企业的国际业务注入活力,为全球经济复苏提供正
改革和全球贸易规则带来哪些挑战? 能量。尤其在国际环境风高浪急、美国对华“脱钩断链”
答:近年来,美国、欧洲等发达经济体更加强调关境 的2023年,意义重大。
内规则,这种趋势给WTO改革和全球贸易规则带来了 该协定涵盖的人口和经济规模非常庞大,将为亚洲
以下双重挑战: 企业带来许多新机遇,包括减少贸易壁垒、降低贸易成
1.新的贸易壁垒:发达经济体通过加强政策引导, 本、促进跨境投资、增强知识产权保护与合作等。从国家
联合盟友、利用国际协定和倡议等多种渠道重构多边框 合作共赢的角度来看,一方面,中国有世界最大单一市
,力图释放发达经济体本土企业活力及 场、最强的供给能力和最快的进步速度,可为亚洲企业提
市场潜力。它们通过针对进口产品环保、劳工等特定标准 供巨大的消费市场、产品创新机遇和供应链机遇;另一
以及针对特定国家的税务政策实现新一轮政策性收紧。 方面,不少RCEP国家处在快速城镇化阶段,为中国工
这可能对发展中国家的产品进入发达经济体市场构成障 程机械企业、建筑企业带来了新的增长空间,例如,500
碍,增加了产品成本,导致贸易壁垒增加。 台三一设备参与建设的印尼雅万铁路,成为了发展中国
2.WTO协商困难:发展中国家和发达国家在诸如环 家互利共赢的典范。
保、劳工等核心规则上诉求差异明显,过于分散的利益 具体到三一集团,三一与RCEP成员国普遍开展贸
诉求使“全体一致”的共识难以形成。这不仅有悖于规则 易活动,2022年全年,三一集团对RCEP国家(不含中
建立时的相通性及利好性,也不利于贸易的持续性发展, 国)贸易额超过100亿元人民币,同比增长31%。RCEP
由此可能进一步引发、激化贸易争端。这是新态势下对 国家(不含中国)的销售额占公司全部海外业务销售额的
WTO建立适用于全球贸易规则制定的挑战。 25%。其中,三一在印尼、泰国、菲律宾等国家的业务体
三一的主要做法包括:在发达经济体实施“本土经 量较大,占有重要的市场地位。特别是,三一印尼“灯塔
营”策略,在美国和德国设有工厂,雇佣本地员工、签订 工厂”于2022年8月正式投产,成为中国工程机械行业
本地合同;将传统工厂改造成灯塔工厂从而更加环保, 第一座完全按照工业4.0标准建设的海外制造基地。
控制相关的环保风险;未来,我们还将依托在相关区域 与CPTPP(跨太平洋伙伴关系协定)相比,RCEP
的贸易影响力带动金融、基建等领域的多边合作,推动 的成员国更多、覆盖面更广,但其贸易自由化的程度可
中国制造发展的认同度及市占率。 能不如CPTPP。CPTPP与RCEP具有相似的目标,都
问:RCEP成员国覆盖全球近三分之一人口及GDP, 进自由贸易和投资自由化。
是迄今为止涵盖范围最广、人口最多的一项自贸协定。 至于RCEP是否会进一步扩员(比如印度)
RCEP给亚洲的企业带来哪些新机遇?RCEP与CPTPP 国家之间的谈判进程。作为企业,我们希望RCEP能够
如何协同?RCEP是否会进一步扩员? 进一步壮大和发展,能够实现更高水平的互利互惠。■

48 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q: Traditional international trade rules have empha- prehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is the most
sized trade across borders, but developed economies like extensive and populous free trade agreement. What new
the US and Europe are increasingly emphasizing rules opportunities does the RCEP bring to Asian companies?
within borders, such as whether products conform to How do the RCEP and CPTPP work together? Will the
specific standards for environmental protection and labor. RCEP expand further?
What challenges will this bring to the reform of the WTO
and global trade rules? A:The RCEP will not only expand free trade and
industrial cooperation among 15 Asian-Pacific countries,
A: This trend poses two challenges to WTO reform and accelerate the economic integration of the Asia-
and global rules of trade: Pacific region, but also inject dynamism into international
1. New trade barriers: Developed economies have businesses, facilitating global economic recovery. It is
reconstructed“leadership”under multilateral frameworks particularly significant in 2023, given the harsh external
by strengthening policy guidance, teaming up with allies, environment and Washington’s attempt to“decouple or
leveraging international agreements and initiatives, and sever supply chains”from China.
tapping many other channels to attempt to boost business This agreement is massive both in terms of popula-
dynamism and release the potential of their local econo- tion and economic size, and will provide many new op-
mies. They aim to achieve a new round of policy tightening portunities to Asian enterprises, including reducing trade
by targeting specific standards for goods such as those barriers, lowering the cost of trade, promoting cross-bor-
related to environmental protection and labor, as well as der investment, and enhancing intellectual property rights
the tax policies of specific countries. This may block the protection and cooperation. From the perspective of win-
goods of developing countries from entering the markets win cooperation between countries, China boasts the
of developed economies, increasing the cost of goods, largest single market in the world, as well as the strongest
and thus, trade barriers. supply capability and fastest rate of progress. It is able to
2. WTO negotiations will become more challenging: offer Asian enterprises a huge market, as well as product
Developing and developed countries differ significantly in innovation and supply chain opportunities. Elsewhere,
their demands for core rules pertaining to environmen- many RCEP countries are at a phase of rapid urban-
tal protection and labor, among others, and such highly ization. This will provide room for growth for Chinese
fragmented interests will make reaching a consensus dif- construction machinery enterprises and construction
ficult. Not only is this contrary to the interconnectedness enterprises. For example, 500 sets of Sany equipment
and positivity of the WTO’s original rules, but it also does are involved in the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung
not help promote sustainable trade development. It could High-Speed Railway in Indonesia.
even trigger or intensify trade disputes. The WTO is con- Sany company trades widely with RCEP countries.
fronted with the challenges posed by these new circum- For the whole of 2022, trade between Sany and RCEP
stances when formulating rules applicable to global trade. countries (excluding China) rose by 31% year-on-year
The main approaches we have adopted include: (1) to more than 10 billion yuan. Sales derived from RCEP
implementing localization strategy in developed econo- countries (excluding China) account for 25% of the com-
mies, and in this regard, we have set up factories in the pany’s overseas business.
US and Germany, employed local workers, and entered Compared to the CPTPP (Comprehensive and Pro-
into local contracts; (2) transforming traditional factories gressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership), the
into“lighthouse”factories so that we are more environ- RCEP has more member countries and wider coverage,
mentally friendly and are able to control relevant risks but may have less trade freedom. Both the CPTTP and
associated with environmental protection; and (3) go- RCEP have similar goals, and aim to promote freedom of
ing forward, we will also leverage our trade influence in cross-border trade and investment. Therefore, the two
the relevant regions to foster multilateral cooperation in can work together to advance free trade and freedom of
finance, infrastructure and other sectors, as well as pro- investment.
moting the recognition and market share of goods manu- Whether the RCEP will further expand its member-
factured and developed by China. ship (to include India, for instance) will depend on nego-
tiations between countries. As an enterprise, we hope
Q:With member countries covering nearly one-third that the RCEP will grow bigger and develop further, and
of the world’s population and GDP, the Regional Com- achieve mutual benefits at a higher level! ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 49

GAO Jifan
Chairman and CEO of Trina Solar Co., Ltd.

问:应对全球变暖,实现低碳绿色发展,需要人类 同时,我也倡导全球各个国家和企业之间应在新能
的社会组织方式、经济生产方式以及生活方式做出改 源领域要加强合作,利用各自的技术、资源、市场、人
变。从您所在的行业思考,应该做哪些改变,需要哪些重 才和资金等优势,进行优势互补长板合作,加速推进向
大的技术突破? 以光伏为主的低碳清洁能源转型,共同应对全球气候变
答:光伏能源、储能、氢能、智能电网上是构建新型 化。因此,我们联合99家企业,凝聚产业链伙伴的力量
电力系统、实现低碳绿色发展的关键。光伏行业应在这 建立 600W+光伏开放创新生态联盟,其对推动光伏产
四个方面实现重大的技术突破: 业高质量发展有着至关重要的作用。
率、高功率、高可靠性、高发电量四大核心优势,以及低 问:您如何看待未来十年,您所在的行业中最重要
成本是未来光伏技术发展方向。过去25年时间,我国光 的技术突破?由此带来的经济与社会进步可以体现在哪
伏发电技术发展迅速,发电成本降到了原来的 1/25。未 些方面?
来10年-30年,光伏发电成本还会持续下降,一度电 答:高效率、高功率、高可靠性、高发电量四大核心
降至一毛钱甚至五分钱,这是科技进步驱动的根本性改 优势,以及低成本是未来光伏技术发展方向。N型电池
变。 技术产业化也是天合光能这些年来深耕的方向。
二是大力发展储能。随着产业规模不断扩大,光伏 由此带来的经济与社会进步影响是巨大的。技术的
等可再生能源发电的间歇性,给原有电网体系带来巨大 不断突破,使得未来光伏行业的市场空间越来越大。在
挑战。构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统,储能必须 “双碳”目标的引领下,光伏已成为我国未来新能源产业
加速发展,尤其是新型储能系统。 发展的生力军和主力军。
三是创新引领发展高性能、高品质、模块化和智能 据国际可再生能源机构(IRENA)预测,到2050年,
化氢能,实现光伏、储能、氢能有机结合共同引领未来行 在1.5°
业发展。储能承担削峰填谷、改善电能质量、提升运行稳 万GW以上。据国家发改委能源研究所预测,到2050年,
定性的作用。绿氢既可提供季度级别的长时储能,又可 光伏将成为中国的第一大电源,光伏发电总装机规模达
解决可再生能源消纳难题;在难以通过电气化实现深度 到 50亿 KW,占全国总装机的 59%。如果有 5%的中国
脱碳的钢铁、化工等工业领域,绿氢甚至是目前唯一可 戈壁沙漠荒漠铺上太阳能板,就能满足中国人到 2060
行的绿色技术。 年的全部能源需求。
四是推动智能电网发展。大力发展智能光伏产品和 技术的不断突破,使得光伏行业能够更加助力“双
系统,打造源网荷储一体化、分布式智能电网新业态。同 碳”目标的实现,助力全球节能减排和可持续发展。以天
时,基于新能源领域的研发和产品优势,前瞻性布局数 合为例,截至2022年三季度,天合光能累计全球组件出
字能源,以零碳建筑、智能园区、公共及商业项目为目标 货量120GW,生产清洁能源电力超 1620亿度,相当于
和突破口,共同推进碳交易、绿电交易和新型电力系统 5.3个三峡水电站的装机量,约等于在全球种了 88.8亿
建设。 棵树。■

50 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q: Fighting global warming and achieving low-car- energy layout should be implemented. With net-zero
bon green development require changes in the way so- building intelligent parks as well as public and commercial
cieties are organized, in modes of production, and in our projects as the goals and points of breakthrough, we
lifestyles. From your industry’s standpoint, what changes should jointly promote carbon trading, green power trading,
should you make, and what major technological break- and the construction of new power systems.
throughs are required? Last but not least, I also advocate stronger
cooperation in the new energy sector between countries
A: PV energy, energy storage, hydrogen power and and enterprises around the world. By leveraging our own
smart grids are key to the construction of a new power advantages in technology, resource, market, talent and
system and achieving low-carbon green development. capital, let us collaborate and complement one another
The PV industry should achieve major technological to accelerate the process of transformation toward PV-
breakthroughs in these four areas. based low-carbon and clean energy so that we can jointly
First, the future direction of developing PV technology respond to global climate change.
is to achieve technological breakthroughs in core areas,
namely high efficiency, high-rated power, high reliability Q: In the next decade, what do you believe is the
and high power generation, as well as lowering costs. most important technological breakthrough in your indus-
China’s PV power generation technology has developed try? In what areas will the economic and social progress
rapidly over the past 25 years, and the cost of generating resulting from such breakthroughs be manifested?
power has fallen to 1/25 of the original. In the next 10 to
20, or even 30 years, the cost of PV power generation A: The core advantages, namely high efficiency,
will decline further with per kWh cost falling to 0.1 yuan high-rated power, high reliability, and high power
or even 0.05 yuan. This fundamental change is driven by generation, as well as lowering costs will be the future
technological advancement. direction of PV technology development. In recent years,
Second, energy storage should be actively developed. Trina Solar has been deeply involved in the industrialization
As the industry continues to expand, the intermittency of PV of N-type solar cell technology.
and other renewable energy will pose significant challenges The impact on economic and social progress resulting
to existing grid systems. It is imperative that the development from such breakthroughs will be manifold. Continued
of energy storage for new power systems be accelerated, technological breakthroughs have increased the market
particularly new models of energy storage systems. potential of the PV industry. Guided by the carbon peaking
Third, innovation-driven high-performance, high- and carbon neutrality goals, PV has already played a
quality, modular and smart hydrogen power should be key role in the development of the new energy industry
developed, so that an integrated PV, energy storage in China. Under the 1.5° C pathway, the IRENA estimates
and hydrogen power system can lead future industry that the installed capacity of PV will increase to more than
development. Energy storage plays a role in load shifting, 14,000 GW by 2050. The Energy Research Institute of the
improving the quality of power supply and enhancing National Development and Reform Commission forecasts
operational stability. Green hydrogen can provide that by 2050, PV will become the largest source of power
quarterly long-term energy storage as well as resolve in China, with installed capacity of solar PV at 5,000 GW,
renewable energy consumption challenges. Currently, accounting for 59% of China’s installed capacity.
in the steel, chemical, and other industries that find deep Continuous technological breakthroughs have
decarbonization by way of electrification a challenge, green enabled the PV industry to contribute more to carbon
hydrogen is probably the only feasible green technology. peaking and carbon neutrality goals and contribute to
Fourth, smart grid development should be promoted. global energy savings and sustainable development. By
Smart PV products and systems should be actively the third quarter of 2022, its cumulative shipments of PV
developed, and a new industry comprising integrated modules had exceeded 120GW and produced more than
source-grid-load-storage and distributed smart power 162 billion kWh of clean energy, close to the installed
grids should be created. Meanwhile, based on new energy capacity of 5.3 Three Gorges Dam power stations and
R&D and product advantages, a forward-looking digital equivalent to planting 8.88 billion trees worldwide. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 51

Chairman and President of BROAD Group

问:时代的演变、技术的精进带来了就业形式的改 耳,但可以看到全球化的进程并没有戛然而止,更多呈现
变,这些变化是否必然对劳动力市场产生负面影响?国 的是一种变道发展,如诸多企业开始重新布局“以区域网
家和企业如何做出应对,培育面向未来的人力资源? 络为中心的全球化”
答:科技的进步表面上是减少了人工的需求,但实际 应带来哪些挑战与机遇?
上人类的需求不仅仅是对工业和农业产品的需求。当科 答:全球化在衰退、在减弱,这是很显然的现象,但
技进步达到极高水平,劳动力大幅度得到解放以后,事实 是以往的全球化其实未见得是真正给全球各国都带来福
上这个时候人类的非物质需求,比如教育、文化、家政服 利的。各个国家可以利用目前的反全球化的这种思潮来
务、旅游等这类生活需求对劳动力市场其实是有巨大改 改善自身的产业。没有一个国家会拒绝真正有竞争力的、
善的。一方面可以使劳动者能够从事更优雅的、更符合人 真正稀缺的科技进入自己国家的。所以,事实上这反而
性的工作,而不是在机械的流水线上面工作。另一方面也 可以倒逼全球甚至第三世界国家的科技进步,倒逼产生
使劳动者的素质可以通过工作得到提升,而不是一辈子 更多的以创新为载体的全球化。由于以往的全球化是简
在流水线上得不到任何技能、素质上的提升。所以,科技 单的以制造业、供应链和以简单、重复的物质供应为主
的进步、人类生产效率的提高并不损害就业市场,相反还 要内容的全球化,接下来如果说是以创新为载体的全球
能提高就业市场的质量,提升人类整体的福祉。 化,对全球很多国家来说并不一定是坏事。它将是一次


52 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q: The evolution of time and technological advance- Emergency of International Concern, ”although the pan-
ment have brought about changes in employment. Will demic may be approaching an inflection point. How large
these changes necessarily harm the labor market? How an economic scar has the pandemic left? What are its
should countries and enterprises respond to cultivate ongoing impacts? What lessons human society has
future-oriented human resources? learned from it, including how to deal with the next pan-
demic coordinatively and cooperatively?
A:The progress of technology has ostensibly re-
duced the demand for labor. But in fact, human needs A:It is particularly important to consider what kind
are not only for industrial and agricultural products. of thinking and lessons COVID-19 has taught us. His-
When technological progress reaches an extremely high torically, people have never learned from the past. When
level, the labor force will be substantially liberated. At this an earthquake comes, everyone thinks that houses
time, human’s non-material needs, such as education, must be earthquake resistant and safe with steel struc-
culture, domestic services, tourism and other such life tures. After it has passed, the same concrete structure
needs will increase the demand for labor market. On the is used as usual, and it is easy to forget what the earth-
one hand, it will enable workers to do more elegant and quake told us about common sense. It was the same
humane work, instead of working on the mechanical as- with the COVID-19 epidemic, when so many people
sembly line. On the other hand, it also enables workers died, countries were closed and separated, and people
to improve their skills and abilities through their work, were not even allowed to leave their homes, and people
instead of doing repetitive actions on the assembly line were impressed at the time. But human forgetfulness
during the life. Therefore, the progress of technology will cause us to be less vigilant about infectious diseases
and the increase of human productivity do not harm the once the virus has passed. In fact the issue of epidemic
job market, instead, they can improve the quality of the and infectious disease vigilance should be the subject
job market and enhance the overall well-being of human of continuous and extensive global research, discussion
beings. and action after this outbreak.

Q:The WHO announced on January 30th that the Q:While there is talk of“over globalization peak”
COVID-19 pandemic still constitutes a“Public Health and even“the end of globalization”, the globalization pro-
cess has not stopped abruptly. What can be observed is
more of lane-changing. Many companies have begun
to pivot toward“globalization centered on regional net-
works”. What is your view on next phase of globalization?
What are the challenges and opportunities?

A:It is obvious that globalization is declining and

slowing down. But in the past it has not really brought
benefits to all countries of the world. Each country can
use this current anti-globalization trend to improve its own
industry. No one in the world would deny truly competi-
tive and scarce technologies to their own countries. So,
in fact, this can force the global and even the third world
countries to advance in science and technology, and
force more innovation-based globalization. As the previ-
ous globalization was simply based on manufacturing,
supply chain and simple, repetitive material supply. Next,
if it is innovation-based globalization, it will not be a bad
thing for many countries around the world. It will be a new
opportunity in history. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 53

XU Yiding
Executive Vice President of Agricultural Development
Bank of China (ADBC)

问:绿色发展是一种生产方式的变革,也带来商业 民风雨同舟、荣辱与共。构建人类命运共同体,是推动经
模式的革新,对于企业来说,需要采取什么样的行动? 济社会发展,缩小“包容性发展赤字”的根本所在、关键
答:绿色发展立足于人类永续发展,在环境污染严 所在,应重点在以下三个方面采取行动:
重、资源约束趋紧的当下,是一种影响深远、客观科学的 第一,确保粮食和能源供给安全,着力解决人类生
发展方式。 存的基础性问题。粮食问题是决定人类生存的根本性问
近年来,农发行积极发展绿色金融,全力服务生态 题,能源是工业的“粮食”
文明建设,2018年-2022年累放绿色贷款1.46万亿元, 能否存在和正常运行。目前,全球还有超过8亿人处于饥
2022年末绿色贷款余额 1.73万亿元,占全行贷款的 饿状态,粮食生产受自然灾害、气候变化的影响还比较
22.32%。 大,能源生产供应稳定性也存在较大不确定性,价格持
下一步,将从三个方面持续发力:一是完善绿色金 续高位波动。要进一步完善全球粮食和能源生产供应治
融治理体系。践行推广以可持续发展为核心的ESG理 理机制,畅通贸易渠道,建立供应绿色通道,提升生产供
念,开展绿色金融前瞻性研究,健全绿色金融政策制度, 给能力,确保全球产业链、供应链稳定安全。
完善组织架构和科学决策体系,加强专业队伍建设,不 第二,携手应对全球挑战,着力解决影响人类生存
断提升绿色金融治理水平。 的重大安全问题。当前,人类社会面临挑战层出不穷,气
二是优化绿色金融服务。资源优先向绿色企业和项 候危机、环境变化、重大传染性疾病持续蔓延,地缘冲突
目配置,政策优先向绿色领域倾斜。在资产端,加快产品 时有发生,保护主义抬头回潮,对全球发展造成严重冲
模式创新,推动绿色信贷扩面、增量、提质,积极发展绿 击,对弱势群体的影响更加深刻。以新冠肺炎疫情为例,
色基金,加大对国家储备林、生态环保、清洁能源等领域 疫情持续三年,对全球经济社会发展造成重大冲击,给
支持力度。在负债端,积极请领央行碳减排支持工具,加 人类生存带来巨大挑战,有超过600万人失去生命。面对
大绿色债券筹资力度,强化绿色负债端与资产端的协同 世纪疫情,全球携手应对,加强合作互助,形成了一些好
联动。 的治理范例。今后,对于具有全球性影响的重大挑战和
三是稳步推进绿色运营。将绿色环保理念融入日常 危机,世界各国应携起手来、团结互助,在各方面加强合
运行管理,积极倡导绿色办公、绿色采购、绿色出行,对 作共享,齐心协力应对危机、战胜挑战。
基础设施进行绿色建设、绿色改造,全方位推动节能降 第三,推动全球发展合作,着力解决差距问题。追求
耗,降低自身碳排放。 幸福,是所有国家所有人民的共同愿望。当前,不同国家、
问:疫情、能源和粮食危机使全球极端贫困人口和 忽视甚至无视。要秉持对全球发展负责的态度,直面贫
难民数量大幅增长,实现包容性发展的任务更为艰巨。 富差距、发展鸿沟、难民等重大问题,加强减贫和发展等
您认为2023年在国际和国家层面缩小“包容性发展赤字” 领域合作,加大技术、资金、项目等方面的援助力度。各
最重要的三项行动是什么? 国在治理中也应重视发展的公平性协同性,采取有效举
答:宇宙只有一个地球,人类共有一个家园,各国人 措解决贫富差距问题。■

54 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q: Green development is changing production national and national levels in 2023?
methods and creating innovative business models. How
can enterprises make the most of this trend? A: There is only one Earth in the universe which
is shared by all mankind. Building a community with a
A: Aiming to achieve sustainable development for shared future for mankind is key to promoting economic
mankind, green development represents a far-reaching and social development and narrowing the“inclusive de-
and science-based approach of development at a time of velopment deficit”. Therefore, actions need to be taken in
serious environmental pollution and tight resource con- the following three areas:
straints. First, we need to ensure food and energy security and
In recent years, Agricultural Development Bank of address the basic problem of human survival. Food is a
China (ADBC) actively developed green finance business, fundamental issue that determines the survival of mankind.
and made every effort to serve the cause of pursuing Energy is the“food”of industry. Food and energy are
ecological progress. From 2018 to 2022, ADBC offered an indispensable to the existence and normal operation of
accumulative amount of 1.46 trillion yuan in green loans, economy and society. At present, more than 800 million
with the balance of such loans standing at 1.73 trillion people worldwide are still hungry. Food production is still
yuan, or 22.32% of the total balance of the bank by the greatly affected by natural disasters and climate change,
end of 2022. Going forward, ADBC will continue to make and energy production and supply are also subject to a great
efforts in three areas. First, the green finance governance number of uncertainties, which render commodity prices
system will be improved. We will better integrate the more volatile. In response, we should further improve global
ESG concept into operations, carry out forward-looking governance mechanisms for food and energy production
research on green finance, improve green finance policies and supply, unblock trade channels, establish green supply
and institutions, enhance organizational structure and channels, boost production and supply capacity, and ensure
sound decision-making, build a professional team, and stability and security of global industrial and supply chains.
constantly improve green finance governance outcomes. Second, we need to work together to meet global
Second, we will improve green financial services. Priority challenges and address major security issues that affect
will be given to allocating resources to support green the survival of mankind. At present, human society is
enterprises and projects, and favorable policies will be tilted faced with numerous challenges, such as climate change,
to green sectors as well. On the asset end, we will speed environmental damage, spread of major infectious
up innovation in product models, improve the coverage, diseases, occasional outbreak of geopolitical conflicts,
quantity and quality of green credit, actively develop green and resurging protectionism, which threaten global
funds, and increase support for national reserve forests, development and particularly vulnerable groups. In the
ecological protection and clean energy. On the liabilities future, should major challenges and crises with global
end, we will actively apply for and utilize PBOC’s carbon implications arise, all countries should respond by working
reduction supporting tool, boost green bond financing, and together and pooling resources in all respects, so as to
strengthen the synergy between the liabilities and asset cope with crises and overcome challenges.
ends. Third, we will steadily promote green operations. Third, we need to promote global cooperation to
Green concepts will be integrated into daily operations and address development gaps. Pursuit of happiness is an
management; green workplace, green procurement and aspiration shared by all mankind. At present, the gap
green travel will be encouraged; green construction and between the rich and the poor still exists and is widening
green upgrade will be applied to bank infrastructure, which among different countries and regions. This should not
will comprehensively promote energy conservation and be neglected or ignored. We should take a responsible
consumption reduction, and reduce carbon emissions. attitude towards global development, face up to major
issues such as wealth gap, development gap and
Q: The pandemic, energy, and food crises have in- refugees, step up cooperation in poverty reduction and
creased the number of extreme-poverty populations and development, and boost assistance in technology, funds
refugees around the world, making the task of achieving and projects. Countries should also govern in ways that
inclusive development even more difficult. What do you promote fairness and coordination of development and
see as the three most important actions to achieve re- take effective measures to address the gap between the
duction in the "inclusive development deficit" at the inter- rich and the poor. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 55

ZHAI Jingli
Deputy CEO of Sinar Mas APP-China

问:绿色发展是一种生产方式的变革,也带来商业 济将陷入衰退,争议在于衰退的深浅和长短。您如何评
模式的革新,对于企业来说,需要什么样的行动? 估2023年全球经济的主要风险?你所在的行业将面临哪
答:2020年中国正式提出双碳目标,再到2022年 些机遇与挑战?
习近平总书记在中共二十大报告中提出的推动绿色发 答:随着2023年的到来,虽然全球已进入疫情大流
展,促进人与自然和谐共生,绿色可持续发展理念在中 行后“新常态”的进程,但也正面临着一系列全新的不确
国逐步成熟。可以预见绿色发展必将带来一场影响社会 定因素。
经济环境的重大变革。 一方面,从外部大环境来看,全球市场的波动影响
金光集团APP作为拥有林浆纸一体化的数智产业 着企业的抗风险能力。作为典型的顺周期行业,原材料
链,涵盖上下游产业的集团企业,我们将绿色发展的特 市场以及疫情反复,对企业的供应链韧性提出了挑战。
性转化为产业发展优势,形成全周期、科学合理的循环 另一方面,从行业内部来看,绿色节能环保门槛的
经济体系。 愈发提高。自2020年“双碳”政策提出,政府各部门陆续
首先,我们进行系统性战略构画,梳理集团资源并 出台了关于废纸加工、水效提升和低碳低能的各项环保
设定目标,披露关键议题的相关内容,设置相关管理架 政策。
构。 当前,大环境正向制造业供应链、产业链提出更高
第二,我们推动源头价值化,增加价值链上的绿色 的要求,我们应当有“攻城不怕艰,攻书莫畏难”的精神。
生产、产品以及服务投入的环境和社会价值。在全面掌 在供应链问题上,我们应当把握疫后经济回暖的好
握超过27万公顷林地蕴含的林业碳汇价值外,也加速生 时机,与上下游企业充分合作,创造共赢局面。近期的中
物质能源的应用。 央经济工作会议已经强调2023年将把扩大内需战略摆
第三,实现全产业链数智化覆盖。目前我们已实现 在优先地位。
数字化的1.0平台搭建,实现端到端的打通,从生产到销 在产业链问题上,中国政府提出的高质量发展方针
售、物流,最终到客户的全流程线上化。接下来的2.0时 在督促着我们不断向更高一层进取。近年来,金光集团
代,则要在工厂自动化、管理可视化等领域持续下功夫。 APP不断加大创新投入,深化林浆纸一体化的数智产业
第四,实现跨领域深入融入。与价值链各命运共同 链。我们认为,这种数字化技术的创新所带来的经济效
体伙伴们合作,既可以扩大绿色发展相关举措的覆盖面、 益绝不是仅限于一个工厂或者一个企业的,它能够辐射
丰富度并从中受益,又能在新的领域发现、创建新的商 到整个集团乃至于整个行业,形成互惠、共筑未来。
业模式中获取价值。 总体而言,我们认为,全球经济的不确定性风险确
最后,达成广域品牌价值的赋能。以创新的方式将 实存在,但依托于中国强大的贸易合作关系网和前瞻性
环境与社会解决方案中的绿色价值进行平台化、商业化 的政策导向,我们定能乘势而上,出乎其类、拔乎其萃。
的推广与传播,有效提升社会参与度。 造纸行业作为国民经济的支柱行业之一,在百年变局前
问:经济学家和企业家们都倾向于预测明年全球经 中国式现代化道路增砖添瓦。■

56 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q:Green development is changing production What do you see as the main risks to the global economy
methods and creating innovative business models. How in 2023? What opportunities and challenges will your in-
can enterprises make the most of this trend? dustry face?

A:The concept of green and sustainable develop- A:With the arrival of 2023, although the world has
ment has been formed since China formally proposed stepped into the“new normal”after the pandemic, we still
the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals in 2020. face a new set of uncertainties.
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of For one thing, from the perspective of the general
China (CPC) Central Committee, in 2022 proposed in the environment, the volatile global market affects the risk
report of the 20th Communist Party Congress that the control capacity of enterprises. For such a typical pro-
country should promote green development and har- cyclical industry as the paper industry, the limitations of
mony between humanity and nature. Therefore, we can the raw material industry and the recurring pandemic
predict that green development will for sure bring revolu- challenges the resilience of our supply chains.
tionary changes to society and the economy. For another, within the industry, it is more and more
With a digital and intelligent“plantation-pulp-paper difficult to meet the requirements of energy conservation
integration”industrial chain and businesses covering and environmental protection. Since the initiative of carbon
upstream and downstream firms, APP China has trans- peaking and carbon neutrality goals began in 2020, the
formed the key elements of green development into in- government has enacted numerous environmental pro-
dustrial development advantages to form a full-cycle and tection policies regarding waste paper processing, water
scientific circular economic system. efficiency, low carbon emission, and energy conservation.
First, we have mapped out systematic strategies, The general environment demands higher require-
sorted the group’s resources, set goals, disclosed key ments for the manufacturing supply chain and industrial
issues, and constructed management structures. chain, so we should have a tough spirit like“attacking the
Second, we are pushing forward the concept of city despite the hardship, and digging into books despite
“Value from the Source ”by adding the environmental the difficulties.”
and social value of green production, products, and ser- As for the supply chain, we should grasp the eco-
vice inputs along the value chain. nomic rebound after the pandemic, and cooperate with
Third, our whole industrial chain has realized the full upstream and downstream firms for mutual benefit.
coverage of digital intelligence. We have already estab- On the issue of industrial chains, the high-quality
lished the 1.0 platform for digitalization, which has helped development guidelines proposed by the Chinese gov-
to realize the entire online process from production, sales, ernment urge us to do better. In recent years, APP has
and logistics to customers. In the coming 2.0 era, we will undertaken more investment in innovation and deepened
put unremitting efforts into factory automation and man- the development of our integrated plantation-pulp-paper
agement visibility. digital and intelligent industrial chain. We believe that
Fourth, we have explored and integrated into other the economic benefits of this digital innovation are by no
sectors. Cooperation with partners from each com- means limited to a factory, or an enterprise, but can influ-
munity of shared future along the value chain can not ence the whole group, even the whole industry to create a
only expand the coverage and diversity of sustainability prosperous future.
measures and produce benefits, but also make a profit In conclusion, we admit that the risks of global eco-
through discovering and creating new business models in nomic uncertainties do exist, but due to China’s power-
new sectors. ful trade cooperation and proactive policies, we are sure
Finally, we have empowered our brand value in a wide to catch momentum and withstand impacts. The paper
area. We have advertised and disseminated green values industry is one of the pillar industries of the national
in environmental and social solutions in innovative ways. economy. Despite changes unseen in a century, we will all
rise to the challenge and promote high-quality social and
Q:Many economists and entrepreneurs predict that economic development to contribute to the advancement
the global economy may fall into a recession next year. of Chinese modernization. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 57

WANG Naixiang
Chairman of China Beijing Green Exchange

中国一贯高度重视应对气候变化工作。2022年 11月,
步核算,2021年,中国碳排放强度比 2005年累计下降
50.8%,清洁能源消费占比提升至 25.5%。这一系列成 答:
绩是中国扎实推进相关工作,以实现“30·60”国家自 时期是为力争实现“30·60”双碳目标打好基础的关键
主贡献目标的鲜明体现。长期来看,只要世界各国、社会 时期,必须协同推进能源低碳转型与供给保障,加快能
各方能够切实履行应对气候变化的责任,不懈努力,我 源系统调整以适应新能源大规模发展。基于此,中国提
们一定会离 1.5摄氏度的全球温控目标越来越近。 出“到2025年,国内能源年综合生产能力达到46亿吨
在全球加大减排力度、适应气候变化的浪潮中,碳 标准煤以上,原油年产量回升并稳定在2亿吨水平,天然
市场作为利用市场机制控制和减少温室气体排放、推动 气年产量达到 2300亿立方米以上,发电装机总容量达
绿色低碳发展的一项重大制度创新,有着非凡的意义。 到约30亿千瓦,非化石能源消费比重提高到20%左右”
要想发挥好碳市场在价格发现和资源配置上的作用,可 的目标。
以从三个方面入手:第一,提升碳市场的流动性。通过 同时,在增强能源供应链稳定性和安全性方面,规
碳资产开发,不断充实碳市场交易品种,同时积极开发 划提出,要增强油气供应能力、加强安全战略技术储备、
各类碳交易产品与衍生品。第二,完善环境信息披露。积 加强煤炭安全托底保障、发挥煤电支撑性调节性作用、
极建设环境信息披露体系,让市场更为有效,帮助碳交 提升天然气储备和调节能力以及维护能源基础设施安
易参与者更好地识别风险与价值。第三,培育碳市场参 全,以强化战略安全保障和提升运行安全水平。
与者的专业能力。开展双碳能力建设,推动碳市场参与 能源是经济社会发展的基础支撑,对新冠疫情后
者成熟度整体提升。 的经济复苏至关重要。因此,能源行业绿色发展不仅是
问:在全球各国及产业界积极向新能源转型的大趋 擎,更是化解能源危机、保障能源安全的重要抓手。北
势下,俄乌冲突以及随之而来的能源供应中断,为能源 京绿色交易所将与业内企业共同建设能源行业绿色项目
安全问题敲响警钟。发展新能源是必然趋势,同时目前 库,为能源行业企业和项目开展碳核算、绿色评价和环
的新能源技术还不足以稳定填补传统能源的缺口。如何 境信息披露,在此基础上打通与绿色信贷和绿色债券的
在新能源创新与能源安全之间取得平衡? 对接渠道,服务能源行业绿色投融资。■

58 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Q:Is the world getting farther and farther away from tively transit to new energy, the Russia-Ukraine conflict
its goal of limiting the earth’s warming to 1.5 degrees and the ensuing interruption of the energy supply have
Celsius? What can be done to make good use of the car- sounded the alarm for energy security. The development
bon market’s role in pricing and effective allocation of of new energy is an inevitable trend, but technology to-
resources? day is not enough to replace traditional energy at a stable
pace. What should be done to strike a balance between
A:1.5 degrees is a very challenging target, re- new energy innovation and energy security?
quiring countries and parties to resist various short-
term pressures and make long-term unremitting ef- A:The 14th Five-Year Plan for Modern Energy
forts. China has always attached great importance to System points out that the 14th Five-Year Plan period is
address climate change. In November 2022, China critical to lay a good foundation for achieving the“30·60”
submitted to the United Nations Framework Conven- goal, and must promote energy low-carbon transforma-
tion on Climate Change Secretariat the“Progress on tion and supply security, accelerate the adjustment of the
the Implementation of China’s Nationally Determined energy system to adapt to the large-scale development of
Contributions (2022) , which states that, according to new energy. Thus, China proposes that“by 2025, the an-
preliminary accounting, in 2021, China’s carbon emis- nual comprehensive domestic energy production capac-
sion intensity drops by 50.8% compared to 2005, and ity will reach more than 4.6 billion tons of standard coal,
the proportion of clean energy consumption increases the annual crude oil production will rebound and stabilize
to 25.5%. These achievements fully reflects China’s at 200 million tons, the annual natural gas production will
solid promotion of relevant work to achieve the“30·60” reach more than 230 billion cubic meters, the total in-
nationally determined contribution target. In the long stalled capacity of power generation will reach about 3
term, I believe that as long as all countries and all sec- billion kilowatts, and the proportion of non-fossil energy
tors of society in the world can effectively fulfill their consumption will increase to about 20%”.
responsibilities to address climate change and make At the same time, in enhancing the stability and
unremitting efforts, we will get closer to the global tem- security of the energy supply chain, the plan proposes
perature control target of 1.5 degrees. to enhance oil and gas supply capacity, strengthen the
In the wave of global emission reduction and ad- security of strategic technology reserves, strengthen
aptation to climate change, the carbon market is of great the security of coal backing security, play a supportive
significance as a major institutional innovation to control regulating role of coal power, enhance the natural gas re-
and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote serves and regulating capacity and maintain the security
green and low-carbon development using market mech- of energy infrastructure, in order to strengthen strategic
anisms. To give full play to the role of the carbon market security and enhance operational safety.
in price discovery and resource allocation, we can start Energy is the basic support for economic and social
from four aspects: First, improve the liquidity of the carbon development and is crucial to economic recovery after the
market. Through the development of carbon assets, we COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the green development
could enrich the varieties of carbon market transactions of the energy industry is not only the issue to achieve the
and actively develop various products and derivatives. goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, the engine
Second, improve environmental information disclosure. for the green economic recovery, but also the grasp to re-
Build an environmental information disclosure system to solve the energy crisis and ensure energy security. China
make the market more effective and help participants in Beijing Green Exchange will work with enterprises in the
carbon trading identify risks and values more efficiently. industry to build a green project database for the energy
Third, cultivate the professional capacity of carbon market industry, carry out carbon accounting, green evaluation
participants. Improve capacity of participants on carbon and environmental information disclosure for enterprises
peaking and carbon neutrality and promote the overall and projects in the energy industry, and on this basis
improvement of their maturity in the carbon market. open up the docking channels with green credit and green
bonds to serve green investment and financing in the en-
Q:As countries and industries all over the world ac- ergy industry. ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 59
全球及亚太经济信心调查 1

2022年,俄乌冲突引发全球能源粮食危机、影响 新兴市场债务危机、突发事件也是受访者比较担心的
供应链稳定,全球通胀水平达到40年以来的最高水 干扰全球经济复苏的风险。
平,全球经济复苏动力转弱。然而,亚洲整体仍体现 关于亚洲经济前景和企业家信心,企业家们对
出较强的经济韧性,为世界经济从疫情冲击中复苏注 亚洲经济前景总体持乐观态度。受访企业大多计划于
入了稳定力量。2023年是全球主要经济体度过疫情后 2023年重点在中国及东盟布局,人工智能、大数据等
调整期、全球产业链供应链渐趋正常的第一年,乌克 核心信息通信技术行业、新能源领域以及智能制造行
兰危机、高通胀和全球化撕裂持续,世界经济面临重 业是投资热点。地缘政治冲突干扰全球产业链、中美
大挑战。全球政商学界对于全球和亚洲经济的增长前 经贸和科技脱钩风险加大、通货膨胀持续、监管政策
景信心如何?全球经济主要面临哪些重大不确定性因 变化以及全球性传染病是企业家们选出的影响经营和
素?主要有哪些因素影响亚洲企业经营和发展?企业 发展的五大因素。营商环境、产业集群水平、地缘政
家们最青睐亚洲哪些国家和地区以及哪些产业?全球 治局势以及贴近大市场是企业在供应链布局时考虑的
产业链供应链将如何调整,绿色转型进展如何?走出 主要因素。超过七成的受访企业家认为RCEP等经贸
疫情影响后的中国增长前景如何,有哪些重要动力? 伙伴关系的构建将拉动签约国5%-15%的贸易和投资
带着这些问题,博鳌亚洲论坛研究院与《财经》杂志 增长。企业家们积极响应碳中和目标,过半企业在“实
及其合作伙伴对共计850多位专家学者、企业家、国 现净零排放”目标下作出了战略部署;获得绿色技术、
际机构相关负责人发出调查问卷。在此过程中,博鳌 从碳配额或碳信用市场获利、获得绿色产业补贴以及
全球经济增长仍抱有很强信心,有超过一半的受访者 持平:10.24%

小幅放缓:23.72% 小幅加快:52.18%

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 61

俄乌冲突持续,对全球经济冲击扩大 65.29%

欧美持续高通胀导致经济衰退 54.93%

逆全球化进一步引发全球产业链重组和调整 54.56%

美元升值利率上升带来新兴市场国家债务危机 38.83%

突发事件或其他 20.97%

全球新冠疫情出现致命新变异或后遗症显现 16.35%

能源危机 12.11%

大宗商品价格大幅波动 11.24%

极端气候事件 6.62%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

信息披露与监管机制是企业家们认为推动企业绿色转 10.24%认为基本持平,8.74%认为会大幅加快,5.12%
型最重要的四个外部因素。 认为会大幅放缓。不过,世界银行于2023年初发布的
关于中国经济前景,70%左右的受访者对全年经 报告预计今年全球经济增长将大幅减速至1.7%,是近
济持乐观或相对乐观预期,认为随着2023年疫情防控 30年来全球第三低的增长速度,仅次于新冠肺炎大流
政策优化调整,经济复苏带动就业增加、消费回暖,中 行和全球金融危机期间的经济衰退。2023年全球贸易
国的市场规模以及在绿色低碳等产业上的先发优势, 可能会显著下调,跨境投资预计将低位徘徊。OECD、
将支撑实体经济恢复发展。但是,美国对中国高技术 IMF和世界银行对 2023年全球贸易量增速的最新预
产业的持续围追堵截,国内地方政府债务等风险和压 测分别为2.9%、2.4%、1.6%,分别较2022年下滑2.5、
力不可小觑。受访者认为,2023年中国经济回升需要 3.0、2.4个百分点。
着力提振民营经济和外资企业信心,积极促进消费增 乌克兰危机、高通胀和全球产业链重组是2023
长,促进房地产市场稳步回升,着力化解地方政府债 年全球经济的三大风险源
务问题,防范金融风险。 当前,俄乌冲突仍在持续,能否在2023年找到和

险源 悲观1.9%

超过半数的受访者认为全球经济增长将小幅加快 中性16.7%

乐观 27.8%

62 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
表1:亚洲前 20大经济体2023年宏观经济预测数据一览表
GDP增长率 通胀率 失业率
(2023年 1月更新) (2023年 1月更新) (2022年 9月更新) (2022年 11月更新) (2022年 10月更新) (2022年 9月更新) (2022年 10月更新)
中国 5.2 4.3 4.5 4.6 2.2 2.5 4.1
日本 1.8 1.0 1.6 1.8 1.3* - 2.4
印度 6.1 6.9 7.2 5.7 5.1 5.8 -
韩国 1.7 - 2.3 1.8 3.8 3.0 3.4
印度尼西亚 4.8 4.8 5.0 4.7 5.5 5.1 5.3
伊朗 2.0 2.2 - - 40.0 - 9.6
土耳其 3.0 2.7 - 3.0 51.2 - 10.5
沙特阿拉伯 2.6 3.7 - 5.0 2.2 - -
泰国 3.7 3.6 4.2 - 2.8 2.7 1.0
以色列 3.0* - - 2.8 3.6 - 3.8
孟加拉国 6.0* 5.2 6.6 - 9.1 6.7 -
菲律宾 5.0 5.4 6.3 - 4.3 4.3 5.4
阿联酋 4.2* 4.1 - - 3.6 - -
新加坡 2.3* - 3.0 - 3.0 2.3 2.1
越南 6.2* 6.3 6.7 - 3.9 4.0 2.3
马来西亚 4.4 4.0 4.7 - 2.8 2.5 4.3
巴基斯坦 2.0 2.0 3.5 - 19.9 18.0 6.4
哈萨克斯坦 4.3 3.5 3.7 - 11.3 7.5 4.8
伊拉克 4.0* 4.0 - - 4.5 - -
卡塔尔 2.4* 3.4 - - 3.3 - -


平解决方案仍具有极大的不确定性。同时,发达国家 压力。受访者对全球经济主要风险点的判断反映了上
的通胀水平稍有缓解,但压力仍然沉重。2023年1月, 述挑战。65.3%的受访者认为,2023年全球经济的主
美国的CPI同比增长幅度为6.4%,法国、德国、英国、 要风险是俄乌冲突继续,对全球经济的冲击进一步扩
韩国分别为 6.0%、8.7%、10.1%和 5.2%。为应对通胀 大,有超过一半(54.9%)的受访者担心全球高通胀现
压力,主要发达经济体大概率将继续提高利率,可能 象持续较长时间,并进一步引发发达经济体货币政策
给新兴经济体和发展中国家将带来沉重的资本外流 收缩和经济衰退。54.6%的受访者担心逆全球化导致

图4:当前您所在企业的业务规模多大程度上集中在亚洲? 图5:您2023年在亚洲准备重点拓展业务的地区是?
50% 100%

42.59% 83.33%
40% 80%

30% 60%

20% 18.52% 40%


10% 9.26% 9.26% 20% 14.81%

5.56% 11.11%
3.7% 1.85%
0% 0%
0-10% 10-20% 20-40% 40-60% 60-80% 80-100% 中国 东盟 日、韩 南亚 中亚 西亚

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 63
图 6:您认为2023年在亚洲以下哪些行业会最受投资者青睐?

人工智能、大数据等核心ICT行业 61.11%

太阳能、光能、氢能和储能等新能源领域 57.41%

智能制造 55.56%

基础设施建设 25.93%

大宗产品生产与施工 22.22%

传统能源转型 22.22%

金融、咨询、电商等服务业 20.37%

交通与物流 9.26%

其他、请列明 3.7%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%


营商环境 70.37%

产业集群水平 44.44%

地缘政治局势 40.74%

贴近大市场 40.74%

吸引外资的产业政策 35.19%

实现智能制造的人力资源与科技水平 29.63%

其他、请注明 1.85%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

全球产业链被迫重组和调整。此外,受访者对新兴市 政策,亚洲部分经济体的债务压力值得重视,这些都
场债务危机、突发事件等担心显著,对全球新冠疫情 可能影响到亚洲的产出水平。
反复或变异风险、能源危机、大宗商品价格波动和极 根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的最新预测,2023
。 年亚洲增长幅度将由2022年的4.3%上升至5.3%2。南
二、亚洲经贸合作、数字转型和绿色低碳发展, 亚洲前20大经济体的2023年主要宏观经济指标预测
为世界经济复苏注入稳定力量 如表1所示。
多数受访者对亚洲经济增长持乐观或相对乐观态度 中国和东盟是受访企业的重点业务拓展地区,数
约八成的受访企业家对2023年亚洲经济增长持 字经济和绿色低碳发展领域最受投资者亲睐
乐观或相对乐观的态度,持相对悲观态度的仅占1.9%, 70.37%博鳌亚洲论坛研究院问卷调查的受访企
相较于2022年整体预期有明显改善。这体现出企业家 业表示将40%以上的业务集中在亚洲,83.33%的企业
。但是,笼罩全球的 计划在2023年将中国列为重点业务拓展地区,50%企
高通胀阴云仍未彻底消散,主要经济体仍在采取紧缩 业计划在东盟地区布局,14.81%的企业表示将在日韩

64 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
2.注:IMF:《World Economic Outlook Update:Inflation Peaking Amid Low Growth2023》
图 8:2023年您最担心影响亚洲企业经营和发展的因素是?

地缘政治冲突干扰全球产业链 72.22%

中美经贸和科技脱钩的风险加大 72.22%

通货膨胀持续 51.85%

监管政策的变化 24.07%

全球性传染病 22.22%

研发能力不足 9.26%

能源危机 7.41%

市场融资困难 7.41%

劳动力市场的变化 3.7%

气候变化导致自然灾害频发 1.85%

其他、请列明 0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

拓展业务,11.11%的企业准备在南亚拓展业务。由此 受受访企业家们青睐的行业。人工智能、大数据等核
可见,中国和东盟是世界工厂的重要组成部分。当前, 心信息通信技术(Information and Communications
东盟制造业正在快速复苏,金融信息分析公司IHS Technology,ICT)行业得到了超六成企业家的支
Markit于2023年2月1日披露的报告显示,东盟制造 持,过半数的企业家看好新能源及智能制造领域。这
业2023年1月的采购经理指数(PMI)从2022年12月 说明,数字经济以及绿色低碳发展在亚洲具有较好的
的50.8升至51.4的水平 。中国制造业也在稳健回升。 投资吸引力。在数字经济方面,2022年7月,中国信息
中国国家统计局服务业调查中心、中国物流与采购联 通信研究院发布的《全球数字经济白皮书(2022年)

合会于2023年1月31日发布数据称,中国制造业采购 显示,中国、日本、韩国和印度已跻身全球数字经济
经理指数(PMI)为50.1%,比上月上升3.1个百分点 。 规模前10位。当前,亚洲国家也在为绿色低碳发展积
核心信息通信技术、新能源以及智能制造是最 极提供金融支持。按照气候债券倡议(Climate Bonds


20%以上:4% 7.4%


0-5%: 0-5% 5-10%

10-15% 15-20% 33.3%


5%-10%:47.82% 40.7%

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 65

60 57.41%

50 46.3%



20 18.52%

10 9.26%
5.56% 3.7% 3.7%
1.85% 1.85% 1.85% 0% 0% 0%
为 ,

元 用

欧 使


、 未


Initiative, CBI)统计标准,截至2022年三季度,在全 2022年1月1日,RCEP正式实施,在2023年2月21

球绿色债券发行前20经济体中,中国、日本、韩国、新 日菲律宾正式批准《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》核
加坡、中国香港、印度均来自亚洲。 准书后,RCEP15个成员国已全部批准该协议。RCEP
营商环境改善与产业集群水平提升有助于吸引企 协议覆盖世界近一半人口和近三分之一贸易量,是世
业进行供应链布局,地缘政治冲突与中美经贸科技脱 界上涵盖人口最多、成员构成最多元、发展最具活力
钩为企业家担心的首要风险 的自由贸易区,其生效实施对推动构建更紧密的区域
、产 产业链、供应链,全面提升区域贸易投资自由化、便
、地缘政治局势(40.74%)以及 利化水平有着更大作用。47.8%的受访者认为未来5年
贴近大市场(40.74%)是受访企业的重点关注因素。地 RCEP将带来签约国之间5%-10%的贸易增长,21.2%
缘政治局势与大市场吸引力的重要程度接近,体现出 的受访者认为 RCEP有可能带来 10%-15%的贸易增
企业家对地缘政治紧张态势破坏亚洲产业链、供应链 长,还有11.5%的人认为贸易增长量将在15%以上(图
安全。美国出台的《2022芯片与科学法案》意在推动 图12:您所在的企业是否设立了“实现净碳排放”的目标和
芯片制造产业“回流”美国。复杂的地缘政治与外部经 时间表?
科技脱钩风险加大,超过70%的企业家对此忧心忡忡。 目标和时间表
通货膨胀持续(51.85%)、政策变化(24.07%)以及全 设定了其他环保目标
球性传染病(22.22%)是影响受访企业决策的重要因 其他目标
素。 相关计划

RCEP持续为区域经济注入活力,有望提振经济 22.20%

贸易复苏信心 14.80%

66 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
图13:您认为目前推动企业绿色转型最重要的三个外部要素是? 数 6,RCEP对区域内各国间贸易起到了拉动作用。
获得绿色技术 66.67%
市场获利 中国、日本、印度等经济体的中央银行均与区内其他
获得绿色产业补贴 53.7% 对促进亚洲经济体间贸易、投资使用本币计价、结算
信息披露与监管机制 53.7% 贸易和投资中使用人民币进行计价和结算,人民币、
获得绿色融资 42.59% 算使用的前三大亚洲货币(图11)
0 20 40 60 80
。单独从博鳌亚洲论坛企业家会员反馈看,40.7%的 年 1月全球支付货币前 20名中,人民币(3.20%)、日
受访企业家认为,实施RCEP将在未来五年带给签约 元(2.79%)
国10%-15%的贸易和投资增长,33.3%的受访企业家 (0.75%)
认为能带来 5 %-10%的贸易增长,18.6%的企业家认 等亚洲货币上榜,分别位列第4、5、8、9、10、16、18位。
为这一比例将超过15%。7.4%的企业家对RCEP的预 超过半数的受访企业积极响应净零排放目标,认
。整体 为绿色技术、从碳市场获利、获得绿色产业补贴以及
而言,亚洲企业家对于RCEP的实施效果持相对乐观 信息披露与监管机制是促进企业绿色转型的关键要素
的态度。从现实情况看,根据中国海关总署统计数据 亚洲的碳排放量约占全球的一半,同时亚洲也深
显示,2022年,中国对RCEP其他14个成员国进出口 受气候变化的影响。在过去20年中,全球约40%的自
12.95万亿元,增长7.5%,占中国外贸进出口总值的 然灾害(包括暴风雨、洪水和山体滑坡等)发生在亚洲,
30.8%,与其中8个RCEP成员国进出口增速超过两位 亚洲区域的温度攀升幅度是全球最快的,目前温度比

悲观:0.87% 悲观:3.70%




相对乐观:53.56% 相对乐观:40.70%

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 67
图16:对2023年中美关系走向的看法 图17:对2023年中美经贸走向的看法
乐观:1.62% 70

悲观:7.24% 60 59.26%




10 9.26%
5.56% 5.56%

中性:37.95% 相对悲观:40.82% 0
乐观 相对乐观 中性 相对悲观 悲观

图18 对2023年中国居民消费增长的看法 图19:对2023年中国民间投资的信心展望




中性:27.97% 相对乐观:46.07%
中性:29.09% 相对乐观:43.20%

1981年至2010年平均水平高0.86摄氏度,远高于全球 碳信用市场建设、提供阶段性的绿色产业补贴以及建
增幅0.42摄氏度。可见,对于亚洲而言,绿色低碳转型 立健全转型相关(尤其是转型融资领域)的信息披露
以实现净零排放已经迫在眉睫。在本次调查中,我们 与监管机制可以为绿色低碳转型提供重要激励。
其中,53.7%的受访企业已经或者正在制定净零排放    三、疫情防控政策优化调整经济秩序回归常
目标和时间表,31.5%的企业设定了与环境保护或气 态,2023年中国经济稳定回升可期
候相关的目标。仅15%左右的企业没有采取任何措施 半数左右的受访者对2023年中国经济增长前景
。 相对乐观
本次调查结果中,67%的受访企业认为获得绿色 新冠病毒防控措施的优化调整很大程度上提升了
技术是绿色转型的重要因素,该因素受重视程度居于 受访者对2023年宏观经济的预期。14.0%的受访者对
首位。从碳配额或碳信用市场获利、获得绿色产业补 今年中国经济增长持乐观态度,超过一半(53.6%)的
,均获 受访者认为相对乐观,还有约22.1%的受访者保持中
。这说明,推进企业 性态度,认为今年经济相对悲观或悲观的比重合计只
绿色转型时,培育绿色技术开发环境、推动碳配额与 有10.4%。总体上,受访者对中国经济的前瞻处于乐观

68 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
图20:对2023年中国民营经济信心的展望 图21:对2023年中国制造业发展态势的信心
大幅下滑:3.12% 悲观:1.5%

大幅提升:8.99% 相对悲观:7.49%


大致持平:23.60% 小幅提升:52.56% 中性:27.22% 相对乐观:52.93%

。单独从博鳌亚洲论坛企业家会员反馈看, 的重要方面。虽然扩大消费面临不少的障碍,受访者
46.3%的企业家对中国经济增长持乐观态度,40.7% 对2023年居民消费增长的看法总体较为乐观,共有
。 56.2%的受访者对2023年消费增长感到“乐观”或“相
多数受访者对中美关系存在不小的担忧 对乐观”
中美关系对中国发展的外部环境有着重要影响。 的只有14.8%(图18)
继2018年美国大幅度加征关税,拜登政府通过“芯片 重偏低。2021年,中国居民消费占GDP比重为38.5%,
、“通胀法案”在集成电路、信息等诸多高技术领 比2020年提高了0.7个百分点,但仍低于国际一般比重
,试图全面扼制中国高技术 (2016年全球中等偏下收入国家、中等偏上收入国家和
产业的发展。不过,2022年,中美之间进出口贸易总额 高收入国家这一比重分别为 64.9%、51.4%和59.8%)

达5.05万亿元,相较于2021年增长3.7% ,但2023年 总体来看,居民手中的财富水平,以及对未来收入的
前两个月中国对美出口增速下滑10.6%。2022年中美 预期是影响消费增长的最重要因素。
元首巴厘岛会晤为管控和稳定中美关系定下基调,但 受访者对投资增长总体乐观,民营经济信心提升
如何把两国元首重要共识落到实处仍需要克服重重阻 是扩大有效投资的最重要支撑
碍。受访者中,只有14.0%的人对2023年中美关系走 投资是宏观经济的快变量,是影响短期经济增长
向持“乐观”或“相对乐观”的态度,38.0%的受访者持 的关键因素。受访者对2023年中国投资增长抱有较强
“中性”态度,高达48.1%的受访者对中美关系表示“相 的信心,共有接近60%的受访者对今年的投资增长感
,说明受访者对中美关系看法总体 到乐观或相对乐观,有28%的受访者持中性态度,认
。单独从博鳌亚洲论坛企业家会员反 为“相对悲观”或“悲观”的只有12.4%。
馈看,59.26%的企业家对未来中美经贸关系持中性态 在房地产投资不太乐观、基础设施投资潜力也有
度,25.93%的企业家表示乐观或相对乐观,14.82%的 限的情况下,2023年中国投资增长态势更多取决于民
。 营经济的发展信心。受访者对2023年中国民营经济的
虽然面临收入增长约束,经济恢复有望扩大就业 信心较为乐观。其中有61.6%的受访者认为民营经济
并助力消费增长 的信心将“大幅提升”或“小幅提升”
扩大消费,特别是扩大居民消费是促进经济稳定 认为将与2022年大致持平,认为民营经济信心将“小
增长的重中之重,也是提升人民群众经济发展获得感 幅下滑”或“大幅下滑”的比重两者合计只有14.9%,民

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 69

可再生能源的生产和规模化应用 52.93%

新能源汽车发展 38.83%

绿色供应链、低碳零碳工业流程再造 33.46%

储能技术不断发展 32.96%

化石能源清洁低碳利用技术不断成熟 27.84%

能源效率提升 27.59%

废弃物处理和循环利用业加快发展 22.60%

绿色金融提供资金支持 11.11%

CCUS(碳捕获、利用与封存)成本不断降低 9.74%

绿色化工技术发展 7.49%

其他 1.75%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

营经济信心提升,将不仅能够扩大民间投资,支撑中 数字经济和信息技术产业等技术变革较快产业获得较
国高效率投资更快增长,还可以带动整个社会经济发 好的发展机会。三是中国处于新一轮科技革命快速发
。 展期,近年来蓬勃发展的数字化智能化改造技术,使
受访者对中国制造业总体发展抱有乐观态度 中国规模巨大的纺织服装等轻工业和钢铁化工等重工
全球制造业仍将经受新冠肺炎后遗症影响的情 业具有了大幅度提高生产效率和重新焕发生机的机
况下,受访者对中国制造业总体发展仍然抱有相对乐 会,传统产业的先进性改造也具有很大的空间,中国
观的态度。10.9%和52.9%的受访者对2023年中国制 的纺织服装、家电、机械、钢铁等产业都可以在较长的
造业发展态势表示“乐观”或“相对乐观”,合计比重 时间内保持较高的国际竞争力,整个产业生命周期预
达到了63.8%,另有27.2%的受访者持“中性”态度,只 计都将显著长于其他国家。
有9.0%的受访者表示“相对悲观”或“悲观”的态度。 绿色低碳转型是中国制造业可持续发展的最重要
在当前中国制造业发展面临“前有发达国家打 机遇
压,后有发展中国家低成本竞争”的态势下,受访者对 受访者对当前中国制造业可持续发展主要机遇的
中国制造业的信心来自于多个方面,一是中国已经建 看法,一定程度上支撑了对制造业总体态度的判断。
立了系统、全面和坚实的产业基础,具备了与发达国 52.9%的受访者认为,可再生能源,特别是风、光等
家同步发展新兴产业的基础条件,例如节能环保、新 新能源的生产和规模化应用是2023年中国制造业的
能源汽车和新能源产业在较短时间内就具有了较强的 最大机遇,另外分别有38.8%和33.5%的受访者认为
全球竞争优势。二是中国具有超大规模经济体优势, 新能源汽车发展、绿色供应链和低碳零碳工业流程再
巨大的生产规模有利于摊销巨大的研发成本,特别是 造,以及储能技术是最具成长前景的行业。这体现了
对一些技术发展方向不确定的产业,可以同时在多个 受访者对新能源产业这一发展新机遇的重要认可。为
技术方向上进行实验和突破。例如,在新能源汽车发 了支撑新能源产业发展,受访者对储能技术发展、化
展方面,中国不仅有电动汽车技术,在氢能等其他技 石能源清洁低碳利用技术和能源效率提升的潜力都较
术路线上也有不少地方、不少企业在跟进和研发创 为看好,此外,废弃物处理和循环利用业加快发展也
新。这一优势还有利于中国在诸如生物科技、新材料、 被认为是中国制造业发展的重要机遇(图22)

70 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Global and Asia Pacific Economic Confidence

In 2022, the Russia-Ukraine conflict triggered a global energy high levels of global inflation could trigger monetary policy
and food crisis and affected supply chain stability. Global tightening and economic recession in developed economies;
inflation climbed to the highest level in 40 years, and the global and deglobalization could bring about the restructuring
economic recovery started to lose steam. However, Asia as a and adaptation of the global industrial chain. In addition,
whole has shown strong economic resilience, injecting stability respondents are also concerned about debt crises and
into the recovery from the pandemic. The year 2023 is the first unexpected incidents in emerging markets, which could get in
year after all the world’s major economies completed their post the way of the global economic recovery.
Covid adjustments and the global industrial and supply chain As regards Asia’s economic prospects and economic
gradually stabilized. The ongoing Ukraine crisis, high inflation confidence in the continent, the business community in general
and deglobalization are the major challenges facing the world is optimistic about economic growth prospects in Asia. Most
economy today. How confident are political and business companies interviewed plan to roll out busissnesses in China
communities around the world about the growth prospects and ASEAN in 2023, and key information and communication
of the global and Asian economies? What are the major technology businesses such as artificial intelligence (AI), big
uncertainties facing the global economy? What are the main data, new energy, and intelligent manufacturing rank among
factors affecting the operation and development of companies the most popular industries. Geopolitical conflicts, disruptions
in Asia? What are business leaders’ favorite investment in global supply chains, increased risks of decoupling between
destination and industries? How will global industrial and China and the United States in trade and technology, as well
supply chains be adapted? What is the progress in the green as sustained inflation and global pandemics are the top five
transformation? What are China’s growth prospects after factors the business community expect will have the most
emerging from the Covid pandemic? What are the key driving significant impact on their operations and development.
forces? With these questions in mind, the Boao Forum for The business environment, standards of industry clusters
Asia Research Institute, Caijing Magazine and its partners geopolitical development, and proximity to major markets are
sent out questionnaires to more than 850 specialists, scholars,
business leaders and senior representatives of international
organizations. The partner and member institutions of the BFA Figure 1: Respondents’ expectations for global economic growth in 2023
have provided great support and assistance. Decelerate significantly:5.12%
Accelerate significantly:
Judging by the results of the survey, some regions including 8.74%

Asia are expected to sustain recovery momentum, despite Remain

major developed countries confronted with mounting

inflationary pressure. Respondents have strong confidence
in sustained global economic growth in 2023, with over
half (52.2%) expecting global economic growth to slightly
accelerate. As to the main cause of concern, respondents
believe that a hard-to-achieve peaceful solution to the Russia-
Decelerate moderately: moderately:
Ukraine conflict will further hit the global economy; prolonged 23.72% 52.18%

1. This report is formulated based on a survey conducted by Boao Forum for Asia Research Institute among the forum’s partners and member units in January
博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 71
and February 2023, and is part of the Global Economic Confidence Index Survey Report jointly compiled by Caijing Think Tank, Caijing Magazine and Saudi
Basic Industries Corp. in March 2023.
Figure 2: Views of the main risks to the global economy in 2023

Prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict leading to

an expanded impact on the global economy

Continued high inflation in Europe and the

United States causing an economic recession

Anti-globalization further triggering relocation

and adjustments in global industrial chains

Appreciation of the US dollar and rising interest rates 38.83%

leading to a debt crisis in emerging market countries

Unexpected events or other risks 20.97%

Emergence of new deadly mutations of

COVID-19 or the effect of“long COVID”

Energy crisis 12.11%

Sharp fluctuations of commodity prices 11.24%

Extreme weather events 6.62%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

the main considerations for companies to layout their supply of the real estate market, resolve local government debt issues
chains. Over 70% of surveyed business leaders believe that and guard against financial risks.
the establishment of economic and trade partnerships such as
RCEP would translate into 5% to 15% growth in trade and Ⅰ. The global economy is still undergoing a cycle of recovery
investment among the signatory countries. They are making and adjustments, and high inflation, the Ukraine crisis
positive responses to the carbon neutrality campaign with more and the global industrial chain restructuring are the major
than half of the companies having made plans to achieve net- sources of risk in 2023
zero emissions. Acquiring green technology, benefiting from More than half of respondents expect global economic
carbon allowance or the carbon credit markets, gaining access growth to slightly accelerate
to green industry subsidies, and information disclosure and The year 2023 is the first year after all the world’s major
regulatory mechanisms are the four most important external economies completed their post-Covid adjustments amid the
factors to drive enterprises to transform for green. restoration of global industrial and supply chains. Some regions
Regarding the economic outlook in China, about 70% of worldwide, including Asia, are expected to sustain recovery
the respondents hold optimistic or moderately optimistic momentum, despite major developed countries are facing
expectations for economic development in 2023. They
believe that with the optimization and relaxation of pandemic Figure 3: Attitudes toward Asia's growth prospects in 2023
prevention and control policies, the country will see
employment growth and a rebound in consumer spending in Pessimistic:1.9%

the year, and that the sheer size of the Chinese market and its Neutral:16.7%

first-mover advantages in the green and low-carbon industries Optimistic:27.8%

will support the recovery and development. On the other hand,
the U.S. continuous containment and blockade of China’s
high-tech industry, and domestic local government debt risk
and pressure should not be underestimated. The respondents
believe efforts should be made to boost the confidence of 53.7%

private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, actively

stimulate consumption growth, promote the steady recovery

72 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Table 1: List of macroeconomic forecasts for top-20 Asian economies in 2023
GDP growth Inflation Unemployment


(updated in Jan. (updated in Jan. (updated in Sept. (updated in Nov. (updated in Oct. (updated in Sept. (updated in Oct.
2023) 2023) 2022) 2022) 2022) 2022) 2022)
China 5.2 4.3 4.5 4.6 2.2 2.5 4.1
Japan 1.8 1.0 1.6 1.8 1.3* - 2.4
India 6.1 6.9 7.2 5.7 5.1 5.8 -
1.7 - 2.3 1.8 3.8 3.0 3.4
Republic of
Indonesia 4.8 4.8 5.0 4.7 5.5 5.1 5.3
Iran 2.0 2.2 - - 40.0 - 9.6
Turkey 3.0 2.7 - 3.0 51.2 - 10.5
Saudi Arabia 2.6 3.7 - 5.0 2.2 - -
Thailand 3.7 3.6 4.2 - 2.8 2.7 1.0
Israel 3.0* - - 2.8 3.6 - 3.8
Bangladesh 6.0* 5.2 6.6 - 9.1 6.7 -
5.0 5.4 6.3 - 4.3 4.3 5.4
UAE 4.2* 4.1 - - 3.6 - -
Singapore 2.3* - 3.0 - 3.0 2.3 2.1
Vietnam 6.2* 6.3 6.7 - 3.9 4.0 2.3
Malaysia 4.4 4.0 4.7 - 2.8 2.5 4.3
Pakistan 2.0 2.0 3.5 - 19.9 18.0 6.4
Kazakhstan 4.3 3.5 3.7 - 11.3 7.5 4.8
Iraq 4.0* 4.0 - - 4.5 - -
Qatar 2.4* 3.4 - - 3.3 - -

*Updated in Dec. 2022

Note: Data compiled by Boao Forum for Asia Research Institute

mounting inflationary pressure. In the survey, more than half predicts that global economic growth will decelerate steeply
of the respondents (52.18%) expect global economic growth to to 1.7% this year, which is the third-lowest growth rate over
slightly accelerate, while 23.72% believe that global economic the past three decades, after the lowest growth speed seen in
growth will moderately decelerate, 10.24% believe it will the economic recessions during the Covid-19 pandemic and
remain relatively stable, 8.74% anticipate substantial growth the global financial crisis. Global trade in 2023 may see major
acceleration, versus 5.12% foreseeing a significant slowdown. declines, and cross-border investment is expected to remain
However, a report released by the World Bank in early 2023 low. The latest forecasts by the OECD, IMF and World Bank

Figure 4: What percentage of your current business is focused on Asia? Figure 5: In 2023, which of the region in Asia do you plan to focus on?

50% 100%

42.59% 83.33%
40% 80%

30% 50%

20% 18.52%
20% 14.81%
9.26% 9.26% 11.11%
5.56% 3.7% 1.85%
lic o r

ub d/





ep an




0-10% 10-20% 20-40% 40-60% 60-80% 80-100%

t ra

R n

a, pa

re Ja


博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 73
Figure 6: Which of the following industries in Asia do you think will be the most popular among investors in 2023?

Core ICT industries such as AI and big data 61.11%

New energy filed such as solar energy, light

energy, hydrogen energy and energy storage 57.41%

Intelligent manufacturing 55.56%

Infrastructure construction 25.93%

Commodities production and processing 22.22%

Traditional energy transformation 22.22%

Finance, consulting, e-commerce and other services 20.37%

Transportation and logistics 9.26%

Others 3.7%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Figure 7: What are the main factors to consider in the supply chain layout for your business?

Business environment 70.37%

Industrial cluster level 44.44%

Geopolitical situation 40.74%

Close to big market 40.74%

Industrial policies to attract foreign investment 35.19%

Human resources and technological capability

in achieving intelligent manufacturing

Others 1.85%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

project global trade volume growth in 2023 to be 2.9%, 2.4%, emerging economies and developing countries. The main risks
and 1.6%, respectively, which are down by 2.5, 3.0, and 2.4 to the world economy identified by respondents reflect these
percentage points from 2022. challenges. Some 65.3% of the respondents rate the drawn-out
The Ukraine crisis, high inflation, and the restructuring of Russia-Ukraine conflict as the main cause of concern for the
global supply chains are the three major sources of risk for global economy in 2023. It will lead to further repercussions;
the global economy in 2023 more than half (54.9%) of the respondents think that sustained
The Russia-Ukraine conflict is still ongoing, and there is high global inflation could trigger monetary policy tightening
considerable uncertainty as to whether a peaceful solution and economic recession in developed economies. About 54.6%
can be achieved in 2023. Meanwhile, inflation in developed of the respondents are worried that anti-globalization will
countries has abated slightly, but inflationary pressure remains lead to the forced reorganization and restructuring of global
at high levels. In January 2023, the year-on-year increase in industrial chains. Furthermore, the respondents are seriously
CPI in the United States was 6.4%, and 6.0%, 8.7%, 10.1% concerned about the debt crises and unexpected incidents in
and 5.2% in France, Germany, the UK and the Republic of emerging markets, and are less worried about the resurgence
Korea, respectively. In a bid to address inflationary pressure, of the Covid pandemic and the occurrence of new mutations,
major developed economies are likely to hike interest rates energy crises, volatility of commodity prices, and extreme
further, which may lead to substantial capital outflows from weather events (Figure 2).

74 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Figure 8: The factors affecting business and development that you are most concerned about in 2023

Disruption on global industrial chains

caused by geopolitical conflicts 72.22%
Increasing risks of China-U.S. decoupling
in economic and technologic sectors 72.22%

Continued inflation 51.85%

Changes in regulatory policies 24.07%

Global pandemic 22.22%

Insufficient research and

development capability

Energy crisis 7.41%

Difficulty in obtaining finance 7.41%

Changes in labor market 3.7%

Frequent natural disasters caused

by climate change

Others 0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Ⅱ. Economic and trade cooperation in Asia, digital About 70.37% of the surveyed companies stated that they
transformation, and green and low-carbon development would concentrate more than 40% of their business in Asia;
will inject stability into global economic recovery 83.33% plan to focus on expanding their business in China
Most respondents are optimistic or moderately optimistic in 2023, and 50% are interested in ASEAN; 14.81% want
about economic growth in Asia to grow their footprint in Japan and the Republic of Korea,
Some 80% of the surveyed entrepreneurs are optimistic while 11.11% are preparing to expand their business in South
or moderately optimistic towards economic growth in Asia. This shows that China and ASEAN have a large share
Asia in 2023, while only 1.9% are moderately pessimistic, of the world factory. The ASEAN manufacturing industry
indicating a significant improvement in overall expectations is recovering at a fast pace. According to a report released
compared to 2022. This reflects the high level of confidence by financial information analysis company IHS Markit on
among entrepreneurs in Asia’s growth prospects (Figure 3). February 1, 2023, the ASEAN Manufacturing Purchasing
However, the high inflation that clouds the world has not yet Managers’ Index (PMI) rose from 50.8 in December 2022 to
completely dissipated, and major economies are still rolling 51.4 in January 2023.3 The Chinese manufacturing industry
out contractionary policies. The debt pressure in some Asian is also recovering steadily. Data released by the Service
economies also merits particular attention. These factors may Survey Center of the National Bureau of Statistics and the
affect the continent’s overall production output. China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing on January 31,
According to the latest IMF forecast, the economic growth rate 2023, the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the Chinese
in Asia in 2023 is expected to rise from 4.3% in 2022 to 5.3%,2 manufacturing industry came in at 50.1%, an increase of 3.1
with South Asia (5.6%) and Southeast Asia (4.6%) estimated to percentage points month-on-month.4
outperform the continental average growth rate. Table 1 shows Core information and communication technology (ICT), new
the major macroeconomic indicators forecast for the top 20 energy, and intelligent manufacturing are the most favored
economies in Asia in 2023. industries among the entrepreneurs surveyed. Over 60% of
The companies surveyed regard China and ASEAN as them give priority to core ICT businesses such as AI and
high-priority markets for business expansion, and the big data, while more than half are optimistic about the new
digital economy and green and low-carbon development energy and intelligent manufacturing sectors, meaning that
are the most popular areas for investors the digital economy and green and low-carbon development

2. IMF: World Economic Outlook Update: Inflation Peaking amid Low Growth 2023
博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 75
have a strong appeal to investors in Asia. As regards the industrial and supply chains. The survey shows that
digital economy, the “Global Digital Economy White Paper geopolitical conflicts have disrupted global supply chains, and
(2022)” released by the China Academy of Information and the risk of decoupling between China and the US in economy,
Communications Technology in July 2022 showed that China, trade and technology is on the rise, hence more than 70% of
Japan, the Republic of Korea and India now rank among the the respondents expressed concerns about these matters. The
top 10 largest digital economies in the world. Asian countries companies surveyed named sustained inflation (51.85%),
are currently acting proactively in providing financial support policy changes (24.07%) and global infectious diseases
for green and low-carbon development. As of the third quarter (22.22%) as important considerations affecting their business
of 2022, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Hong decision-making.
Kong SAR and India, all from Asia, are among the world’s RCEP continues to inject vitality into the regional economy
top 20 issuers of green bond issuance, calculated based on the and is expected to boost confidence in economic and trade
statistical criteria of the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI). recovery
The improving business environment and industrial RCEP officially came into effect on January 1, 2022.
clusters of a higher standard will help attract enterprises Following the Philippines' formal ratification of the Regional
to build supply chains. Geopolitical conflicts and the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP)
economic, trade and technology decoupling are the Endorsement on February 21, 2023, all 15 RCEP member
primary causes of concern for entrepreneurs countries have ratified the agreement. The RCEP agreement
When asked about their supply chain distribution, the covers nearly half of the world’s population and nearly one-
surveyed companies rate the business environment (70.37%), third of the total global trade volume, making it the most
industry cluster standards (44.44%), the geopolitical situation populous, diverse and dynamic free trade area in the world.
(40.74%) and proximity to major markets (40.74%) as the Its implementation has significant implications in terms of
primary considerations. Respondents assign similar levels of promoting the establishment of closer regional industrial and
importance to the geopolitical situation and the appeal of major supply chains, and enhancing regional trade and investment
markets, a sign that they are concerned about geopolitical liberalization and facilitation on a comprehensive scale. Some
tensions disrupting the stability of Asia’s industrial and supply 47.8% of the respondents believe that in the next five years,
chains. Companies need to draw up contingency plans to RCEP will bring 5% to 10% growth in trade between the
ensure consistent operation. 15 signatory countries, 21.2% of them estimate that RCEP
In 2022, the Russia-Ukraine conflict led to a global energy could bring 10% to 15% trade growth, and 11.5% project
crisis that threatened food security. The US enacted the “2022 trade growth to exceed 15% (Figure 9). Judging by feedback
CHIPS and Science Act” to bring the chip manufacturing received from member entrepreneurs of the Boao Forum for
industry “back” to the US. These complex geopolitical Asia, 40.7% believe that RCEP will contribute 10% to 15%
economic factors have had a significant impact on related trade and investment growth for the signatory countries over

Figure 9-10: How much do you think RCEP will boost trade and investment among signatory countries in the next five years?5

More than 20%:4% 7.4%



0-5%: 0-5% 5-10%

19.48% 5%-10%:
47.82% 10-15% 15-20%

20% and above


76 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
5. The chart on the left shows the results of a survey of politicians, businessmen and scholars conducted by Caijing Magazine and its partners. The right one
shows the results of a survey conducted by Boao Forum for Asia its member entrepreneurs.
Figure 11: What are the three Asian economies most frequently used by your company for foreign trade and investment pricing and settlement purposes?


60 57.41%

50 46.3%



20 18.52%

10 9.26%
5.56% 3.7% 3.7%
1.85% 1.85% 1.85% 0% 0% 0%


rE S

/o s U











nd se
ra u
lla inly
do a M

the next five years, 33% predict that it will bring 5% to 10% also head the list. Of the top 20 global payment currencies in
trade growth, and 18.6% expect it to exceed 15%. Some 7.4% January 2023 announced by Society for Worldwide Interbank
of the entrepreneurs have relatively low expectations for RCEP, Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) on February 16,
projecting that it will drive growth by less than 5% (Figure 10). 2023, Asian currencies including the Chinese yuan (3.20%),
Overall, Asian entrepreneurs are moderately optimistic about Japanese yen (2.79%), Hong Kong dollar (1.13%), Singapore
the rollout of RCEP. Statistics from the General Administration dollar (0.93%), Thai baht (0.75%), Malaysian ringgit (0.36%)
of Customs show that in 2022, China’s imports and exports to and New Zealand dollar (0.25%) ranked fourth, fifth, eighth,
14 other RCEP members rose by 7.5% to 12.95 trillion yuan, ninth, 10th, 16th and 18th, respectively.
accounting for 30.8% of national total imports and exports.6 In More than half of the companies surveyed responded
particular, double-digit growth was recorded for bilateral trade positively to the net-zero emissions campaign, stating
between China and eight other RCEP member states, attesting that the key to successful green transformation is green
to RCEP’s contribution to regional trade. technology, access to carbon markets, access to green
Asian local currency cooperation continues to advance industry subsidies, and information disclosure and
After the international financial crisis, Asian economies have regulatory mechanisms
intensified monetary cooperation, resulting in an increase Asia generates approximately half of the world’s total carbon
in the number of local currency swap deals between central emissions and is also suffering the effects of climate change.
banks. The central banks of Asian nations such as China, Over the past two decades, about 40% of the world’s natural
Japan and India have signed swap agreements with central
banks of other economies in the region. The currency swaps
Figure 12: Has your organization set net carbon emission targets and
have played a positive role in promoting the use of local timeline
currencies for pricing and settlement of trade and investment 38.90%
transactions among Asian economies. Nearly 60% of the Have set net zero
emissions goals and
companies surveyed use the Chinese yuan as the pricing and timelines
Are in the process of
settlement currency in foreign trade and investment activities. 9.30%
setting up net zero
emissions goals and
The yuan, Hong Kong dollar and Japanese yen are the three timeline

Asian currencies most frequently used by the surveyed Have set up other
environmental goals
companies for pricing and settlement purposes in foreign Have set up other

trade and investment transactions (Figure 11). The Singapore

climate-related goals
Do not know or have
dollar, Australian dollar, Indonesian rupiah and UAE dirham 14.80%
any relevant plans

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 77
Figure 13: The three most important external factors to promote the important factor and the primary consideration in driving
green enterprises transformation
green transformation. The ability to benefit from carbon
allowance or carbon credit markets, gaining access to green
Accessing to
green technology 66.67% industry subsidies and information disclosure and regulatory
mechanisms tie for second place (53.7%), all considered by
more than half of the companies to be worth close attention
Profiting from the
carbon quota or 53.7%
carbon credit market
(Figure 13). This means creating a favorable environment for
Accessing green
green technology development, facilitating the establishment
industry subsidies
of carbon quotas and a carbon credit market, providing phased
Information disclosure green industry subsidies and establishing sound information
and supervision 53.7%
mechanism disclosure and regulatory mechanisms related to transition
Accessing to green
(especially in the area of transition financing) can provide
important incentives for companies.

0 20 40 60 80
Ⅲ. The pandemic prevention and control policy has been
optimized and adjusted, and the economic order has
disasters, including storms, floods and landslides, occurred in gradually returned to normalcy, with a stable rebound in
Asia, and the region has seen the fastest temperature rise in China's economy expected in 2023
the world — the average temperature in Asia today is 0.86 °C About half of the respondents are moderately optimistic
above the 1981 to 2010 average, well above the global average about China’s economic growth prospects in 2023
increase of 0.42 °C. It thus becomes clear that it is imperative The optimization and relaxation of Covid-19 prevention
for Asian countries to achieve net-zero emissions through and control measures has greatly bolstered the respondents’
the green low-carbon transition. We found in the survey that macroeconomic expectations for 2023. Some 14.0% of the
Asian companies have already put net-zero emissions on the respondents are optimistic about China’s economic growth this
agenda. About 53.7% of them have set, or are currently setting, year, more than half (53.6%) are moderately optimistic, and
net zero emission targets and timetables, and 31.5% have set about 22.1% maintain a neutral attitude, with those moderately
targets related to environmental protection or climate solutions. pessimistic or pessimistic on the accounting for merely 10.4%.
Companies that have not taken any actions (Figure 12) account In general, respondents’ outlook for China’s economy is
for merely 15%. on the optimistic side (Figure 14). Looking at the feedback
According to the results of the survey, 67% of the surveyed from the forum’s member entrepreneurs alone, 46.3% of the
companies think that acquisition of green technology is an entrepreneurs are optimistic about China’s economic growth,

Figure 14-15: China’s projected economic growth in 20237

Moderately Pessimistic:0.87% Pessimistic:3.70%




Moderately optimistic:
Neutral:22.10% optimistic: 40.70%

78 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
7. The chart on the left shows the results of a survey of politicians, businessmen and scholars conducted by Caijing Magazine and its partners. The right one
shows the results of a survey conducted by Boao Forum for Asia its member entrepreneurs.
Figure 16: Views on the direction of Sino-US relations in 2023 Figure 17: Opinions on the trend of Sino-U.S. bilateral trade in 2023

60 59.26%
optimistic: 40


10 9.26%
5.56% 5.56%
pessimistic: 0
Neutral:37.95% 40.82% Optimistic Relatively Neutral Relatively Pessimistic
Optimistic Pessimistic

Figure 18: Views on China’s household consumption growth in 2023 Figure 19: Views on investment growth in China in 2023

Pessimistic:1.37% Moderately
Optimistic: Pessimistic:1.87%
12.98% 10.49%

Moderately Optimistic:
pessimistic: 13.61%
Moderately Moderately
optimistic: optimistic:
43.20% 46.07%


and 40.7% remain moderately optimistic (Figure 15). an “optimistic” or “moderately optimistic” attitude towards
Most of the respondents have serious concerns about China-US relations in 2023, 38.0% are “neutral”, and 48.1%
China-US relations held a “moderately pessimistic” or “pessimistic” attitude
China-US relations directly affect the external environment towards bilateral relations, indicating that the respondents are
for China’s development. After the US imposed tariffs in generally pessimistic on this matter (Figure 16). Looking at
2018, the Biden administration enacted the “CHIPS Act” the feedback from the forum’s member entrepreneurs alone,
and the “Inflation Act” to enable “decoupling” from China 59.26% of the entrepreneurs hold a neutral attitude about the
in many high-tech businesses such as integrated circuits and future of China-US economic and trade relations, 25.93% of
information, in an attempt to contain the Chinese high-tech them are optimistic or moderately optimistic, and 14.82% are
industry on a comprehensive scale. However, in 2022, the pessimistic or moderately pessimistic (Figure 17).
total imports and exports between China and the US reached While facing income growth constraints, economic
5.05 trillion yuan, up 3.7% from 2021.8 On the other hand, recovery is expected to expand employment and fuel
growth in China’s exports to the US decelerated by 10.6% consumption growth
in the first two months of 2023. The 2022 China-US summit Expansion of consumption, especially expansion of household
in Bali set the tone for managing and stabilizing the bilateral consumption, is a top priority in promoting stable economic
relations. However, numerous obstacles must be removed growth. It is also an important aspect of enhancing the
before the important consensus reached by the two presidents people’s sense of gain from economic development. Although
can be implemented. Among the respondents, only 14.0% held the expansion of consumption faces many obstacles, the

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 79
Figure 20: Confidence outlook for China’s private economy in 2023 Figure 21: Confidence in the development of China’s manufacturing
industry in 2023

Improve significantly: Decrease significantly: 3.12% Moderately pessimistic: Pessimistic:1.5%

8.99% 7.49%
Decrease 10.86%

Remain Improve Moderately

unchanged: moderately: Neutral:27.22% optimistic:
23.60% 52.56% 52.93%

respondents are generally optimistic about the growth of “moderately improved,” and 23.6% believe that it will be
household consumption in 2023. A total of 56.2% of the roughly the same as in 2022. Only 14.9% believe that it will
respondents are optimistic or moderately optimistic about the “moderately deteriorate” or “significantly deteriorate.” Greater
growth of consumption in 2023. Nearly 30% are neutral, and only confidence in the private economy will not only expand private
14.8% are pessimistic or moderately pessimistic (Figure 18). investment and support the faster growth of China’s high-
However, China’s current household consumption as a efficiency investment, but also boost confidence in social and
proportion of its GDP is low. In 2021, China’s household economic development (Figure 20).
consumption accounted for 38.5% of its GDP, an increase of The respondents are optimistic about the overall
0.7 percentage points compared to 2020, but still lower than development of China’s manufacturing industry
the general proportion globally (in 2016, the proportion was While the global manufacturing industry will continue to be
64.9%, 51.4%, and 59.8% for lower-middle-income countries, affected by the aftermath of the pandemic, the respondents
upper-middle-income countries, and high-income countries, remain moderately optimistic about the overall development
respectively). Overall, the level of wealth in hand and the of China’s manufacturing industry. 10.9% and 52.9% of
expectation of future income are the most important factors them are “optimistic” or “moderately optimistic” about the
affecting consumption growth. development of China’s manufacturing industry in 2023,
The respondents are generally optimistic about the representing a combined proportion of 63.8%. Another 27.2%
investment growth, and greater confidence in the private are “neutral” and only 9.0% are “moderately pessimistic” or
economy will be the most important support for expanding “pessimistic”.
effective investment As the development of China’s manufacturing industry is
Investment is a fast variable of the macroeconomy and a facing the dual challenges of suppression by developed
volatile, key factor affecting short-term economic growth. countries and low-cost competition from developing countries,
Nearly 60% are optimistic or moderately optimistic about the respondents’ confidence in China’s manufacturing industry
growth of investment in China, while 28% are neutral, and comes from many aspects. Firstly, China has established a
only 12.4% are moderately pessimistic or pessimistic. systematic, comprehensive, and solid industrial foundation, and
Against the backdrop of a gloomy outlook for real estate possesses the basic conditions to develop emerging industries
investment and limited potential in infrastructure investment, in tandem with developed countries. For example, the country’s
the growth trend of investment in China in 2023 will depend energy conservation and environmental protection industry,
more on broader confidence in the development of the private new-energy vehicle industry, and new energy industry have
economy. 61.6% of the respondents believe that the confidence gained strong global competitive advantages in a relatively
in the private economy will be “significantly improved” or short period of time. Secondly, China has the advantage of a

80 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Figure 22: The main opportunities for the sustainable development of China’s manufacturing industry

Production and large-scale application of

renewable energy

New-energy vehicle development 38.83%

Reengineering of green supply chain and low-

carbon and zero-carbon industrial processes 33.46%

Continued development of
energy storage technology 32.96%

Continuous maturity of technology which allows for the

relatively clean and low-carbon utilization of fossil energy

Energy efficiency improvements 27.59%

Accelerated development of the waste treatment and

recycling industry

Financial support from green finance 11.11%

Continuous decrease of carbon capture,

utilization, and storage costs

Green chemical technology development 7.49%

Others 1.75%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

super-large economy. A vast production scale is conducive Green and low-carbon transition presents the most
to amortizing huge research and development costs, and for important opportunity for the sustainable development of
industries with uncertain technological development directions, China’s manufacturing industry
in particular, this means that experiments and breakthroughs The respondents’ views on the main opportunities for the
can be conducted and achieved in multiple technological sustainable development of China’s manufacturing industry
directions at the same time. For example, in terms of the support the judgment of the overall attitude towards the
development of new-energy vehicles, China not only possesses manufacturing industry to a certain extent. 52.9% of the
electric vehicle technology, but also has follow-up and R&D respondents believe that the production and large-scale
innovation in hydrogen energy and other technical routes in application of renewable energy, especially new energy
various fields and by various companies. This advantage is also such as wind power and photovoltaics, represent the biggest
conducive to China’s development opportunities in industries opportunities for China’s manufacturing industry in 2023.
with rapid technological changes, such as biotechnology, 38.8% and 33.5% of the respondents respectively believe that
new materials, digital economy, and information technology. the development of new-energy vehicles, green supply chains,
Thirdly, China is in a new round of rapid scientific and low-carbon and zero-carbon industrial process reengineering,
technological revolution. The vigorous development of digital and energy storage technology are the industries with the
and intelligent transformation technology in recent years brightest growth prospects. This reflects the important
has allowed China’s large-scale light industries such as the recognition among the respondents of the new development
textile and apparel industry and heavy industries such as steel opportunities of the new energy industry. To support the
and chemical industries to greatly improve their production development of the new energy industry, the respondents are
efficiency and rejuvenate themselves. There is also significant more optimistic about the development of energy storage
headroom for the advanced transformation of the country’s technology, the clean and low-carbon utilization technology
traditional industries. China’s textile and apparel, home of fossil energy and the potential of energy efficiency
appliances, machinery, steel, and other industries can maintain improvement. The accelerated development of waste treatment
strong global competitiveness for a relatively long period and recycling industries is also considered to be an important
of time, and the entire industry life cycle is expected to be opportunity for the development of China’s manufacturing
significantly longer than that of other countries. industry (Figure 22). ■

博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 81
31+ 组织负责人
Heads of States
部长级官员 and International 国家和地区
Ministerial-Level Organizations States and Territories

2000+ 22+
参会代表 驻华使节和驻华国
Delegates 际组织代表
Diplomatic Envoys
and Representatives
24+ Participants
of International
Organizations in
Board of Directors &
Council of Advisors
90+ 记者

16 135+
21 媒体机构
Supporting Media

82 博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊
Numbers about BFA AC2023

大会 40+
Opening Plenary 分会
BFA Board of Directors Sessions

论坛咨委会 欢迎晚宴
Meeting of BFA Advisory Welcome Dinner
Council Members

会员大会 Events 午餐会
General Meeting of Luncheon Meeting

2 双边会晤
旗舰报告 Bilateral Meetings
BFA Flagship

n 3
专访 新闻发布会
Exclusive Interviews Press Conferences


博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会特刊 83

Acknowledgements 鸣谢

Honorary Strategic Partners 荣誉战略合作伙伴

Strategic Partners 战略合作伙伴

Diamond Partners 钻石合作伙伴

Gold Partners 金牌合作伙伴


Silver Partners 银牌合作伙伴

SME Partners SME发展伙伴 Designated Costume Provider 指定服饰

Supporting Media 媒体支持机构

ChineseC ultural Figures

以艺术之光铸时代之魂 以生
命镜像为濠江增 彩

Special Acknowledgements 特别鸣谢

The People's Government of Hainan Province
Boao Forum for Asia Diamond & Platinum Members
2 23 博鳌亚洲论坛年会会刊
2023 Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference Jounral

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