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Pasig Catholic College


School Year 2022 – 2023

Name: Mika Adrienne A. Ruel

Grade and section: 12 – Saint Pope Gregory I

Self- Paced- Individual learning activity #4 – A look at One’s Personality

Identify your dominant personality traits, fill out the spaces provided below give specific
situation when you best exemplify these traits. 



- Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Openness, and Stress Tolerance are my

dominant personal traits.

1. Why is it important to know and understand your personality style when looking for a
possible career/workplace? Explain your answer.
- It is important to know and understand your personality style when looking for a
possible career/workplace because it can help you identify your strengths, weaknesses,
preferences, and tendencies. By understanding your personality, you can identify the
work environments, tasks, and roles that are most likely to be a good fit for you. For
example, if you have a high level of stress tolerance, you may be better suited to high-
pressure jobs or fast-paced environments. On the other hand, if you have a high level of
agreeableness, you may prefer jobs that involve teamwork, collaboration, and
interpersonal communication.
Pasig Catholic College
School Year 2022 – 2023

2. What are the possible implications of these personality styles to employers/ companies?
- The possible implications of these personality styles to employers and companies
include the potential for greater job satisfaction and engagement among employees who
are in roles that align with their personality styles. Employers may also be able to
leverage the strengths and preferences of their employees to improve team dynamics,
collaboration, and overall productivity. However, personality styles can also lead to
challenges in team dynamics and communication, and employers may need to be aware of
potential conflicts or issues that could arise as a result of different personality styles.


1. Looking at your dominant personality, does it match your target career/s in the future or
not? Explain your answer
- Based on my dominant personality traits, it is possible that certain careers or workplaces
that may be more suitable for me. For example, high levels of conscientiousness may
make me well-suited to roles in project management, finance, or administration, where
attention to detail and organizational skills are critical. Similarly, high levels of
agreeableness may make me well-suited to roles in counseling, social work, or teaching,
where empathy, communication, and interpersonal skills are important.

2. What can we do to further enhance /strength then your personality style? Cite specific
- To further enhance and strengthen your personality style, you can take steps such as
practicing self-awareness and reflection, seeking feedback from others, and engaging in
professional development opportunities that align with your strengths and preferences.
For example, if you have a high level of openness, you may benefit from pursuing
opportunities to learn new skills, explore new ideas, or engage in creative pursuits. If you
have a high level of stress tolerance, you may benefit from practicing mindfulness or
other stress management techniques to help you cope with challenging situations.
Additionally, seeking out mentors or networking with professionals who share similar
personality traits can help you learn from their experiences and insights.
Pasig Catholic College
School Year 2022 – 2023

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