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Even Weak Hurricanes Are Getting Stronger as the Climate Warms


This article discusses the danger of climate change and how it is affecting the

severity of tropical storms such as hurricanes. As our world changes drastically, the

weather changes drastically with it. With the wide variety of temperatures changing

each week and going back and forth between hot or cold, this increases the chance of

tropical storms. These storms aren’t just increasing magnitude, the weaker ones are

now as strong as the mid-strength ones used to be. This is a trend and will most likely

keep growing.

This knowledge is very important because there are many things’ people can do

to slow this down or halt it. We know global warming is a problem, but a lot of people

don’t care enough to try and help the cause. They may think they don’t need to because

they’re only one person, so they don’t have an impact, but when you have millions of

people thinking that there becomes a problem. This topic is important to me because

the area I would ideally want to live in has lots of trouble with storms. I try my best to be

environmentally friendly, but I know I can only do so much. I don’t want to have to worry

about my house flooding or blowing away, I want to live in a world where everyone

cares about it, and everyone puts in effort to make a change. I think that as our younger

generation comes into power and has the ability to make bigger change, we will be

okay; but is that too far out? There is so much more we can do now, and all it takes is a

little effort.

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